IV I. The K vail Sl-r- 1933 Jasmine and Gardenia Toilet Articles. r inir If f!fl ara Taraaia. Oat. Manufacture in Canada htiiu; & (JloaiiBing 50c COc & 65c A.tor... $1.25 & SI. 50 r fcr Persistent Headaches and Sleeplessness Tell of Thin Blood and Exhausted Nerves ' 'td Yau do rtol anioy ' 'nerulindwntiblt. ' th nmti tit ttirvcd 1 K ' bfadnhtt nd . ' 1 (, wtntd Complexion Powder m four shades $1.00 Skin Softener '. 5Qc Talcum Powder 35c Porfume fn bottleB, from. 25c recommend thew products for both quality an,d value Ormes IM, 'JJir. Pioneer Druqgists Eczema On Hands For Rve Years Mr A ad raw Voik, Burdrtu, AlU. write:--" I m very murk iKttb'rvd, (or jwn, with t'-zo-ma ow mj asad u4 wriat. t triad all kiada of olafasts sad aaltaa, but taer did mot kelp BW. A friead loU w afaaat Baiwatt Blood MMt, aad after I a4 ukta two bottlos I (ttsd I tad rr.rid eoaplaU rwlicf fraaa r tro.Ua." MtilvuM lar tta paat SI rtn. aafy rilt t iis(lLIl)ATKI) MIMMi & KLT - - in. .. . COMPANY OF CANADA, LliWTKI! TKtlt -IUItTlKll lOLIMItIA ..via ui 1 iiiiiik.ittii tf f . ELEPHANT II HIII.II K v iuiiier of TADANAC ri:l Mir KIXI'JIATK OF AMMONIA Titin.r: si'i'i:iti'iiosi'iiATi: LHM)-ZINC DEPRESSION PRICES E,2(.a!s. per ton $11.00 & 11J0 (Not Nut Coal) lump Coal, per Ion 12.i0 I.oo.sc Coal, $1.00 per (on less AlKoaJs arc in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coal HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 1X1' IMON STKAMS1IIIS L1MITK1) ' -ner. tet Him Ropm tor Tawemiw t i vrt. I.VHUY TlUjSlLW. I: rM. . and Way Pv1t Due VnDUrr Ttindjr p jb. T iMllll. I.VtKY FKHIAY MIDMUIIT. ' t. Ki I '.MT MoidAy u sjt. r. ttimpan AUc- (trdt ttlRVfV. Arra Anyu. nr. anil A irnar. rtMHir sc m Jgwstataalkt. No wdi' l liMlment can bt of 1 JgsVsH nuth '' h,,p 10 v.u o ,. not entlch ht Oiooo. p"" dott potilivcly " W1 rich and ftd, Df Chat. Ntnrt food wlorti lh vijof of tht ntrvout tytm 'n1 i""" " Mint ol that tymplomi tfdm which you r iuBttinj. Good, ttillul ltP. hPJftd dijttlion and lidom Irom htid-achat will on convince you lh this tiaatmn-i n ttloin rt health and m "" Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Kcflorct tireu, Icii nerves STOI Phones SI and 82 Popular Girl Is Earewelled FOR GAS ON TO.MACH Much soda disturbs digestion For Kn or fur stomach Adlerika Is much better. Qhe dose rltts you of bowel rfoiaons that aua gas and ' bad sleep. Ormes Ltd.. Drugs. Announcements in ru. i.'i-i . . "Li' Moose Dance March 31. j gagtee Dance April 7. rTestejterian apring Sale AprU 12 1 Rehekah hard Ajortl 12 Quern Mary dattcr April 17. tits dance 85c.. Daffodil Catholic Spring Sakt ftbd Socis: April 18th. j Analiran i.tnril It. Spring Sale and uw. United Church Easter Sale April -nulla n. r. Good Spreads I'ayrnlls" H fir ial tVAPuaUt tVlMialTM ' II Ha Ha a a I ! iljlll Extra vitghlines spread Improvement throtigti the mltk, improvement through 'Ui6 food. An extra dlffrreliee ap lcaL News notes I fogs, day and niht Taxi ter. ee Phone 32, U Coffee MAftdlh.fc d ?7Pert8 do nlchl hj II XI U It' shown W( the nanuLu - tfreri 'of Ilatxfy cflfee. Co 0j$ tooms r- returnea w w ens en wilfaday altetnoon "a torte w2b' Vacatfcn n ut . i. . iy ..v . to aaB at 1 :3Q in. for trie south. Amont naswhem coming nortt on tWe Canfeha were Alteon n' enjoloyees for the dranljy Oo. S Anyox. si ) Cewrg Y. Old China ae ECZEMA REMEDY Mltl.. Mr. kW4 ftmt Im ffm; ll.h. Timr. FMrU.la, laKP rflM. BW It Mm. .kS) I l, .t.l (.., A(-! a4 VI -4m It l ato.ilif. Ha '..I . . k.H trW4 a4 r.U4. al.a a trial. Twa Wm. 1 1 II prapaU UtRSIULl M. r.o. iu. n:i vMi.M, ic JONES' rami Iv Mo)l Market T-Uoiic. honed &z rolled. 4 lbs. 6wtlt's Bacon, 1 lb ITltne lUb Roiled, 4 lbs. Bacon. 1 lb. Btrloin Tipper lb. Bound Sk, lb. IHiUtoea, 10 lbs. lg of Umhr-pet. flb.".: Loin of Lamb per lb. Sl.gJ4ex Utu 5..UJ. rim i un I Fresh Kltkt PovfU- peared In tne flavor t! Welllo"a, iiH. ..... U ' . l V urns auri ii wn .v. "',1- ftawsas vacuum can. More wamlnes, it. ulvon U any food now. where, 'I:' .' Pacific is scrvpd. tot oih1 Kpread.t. ! Pacific Milk '100 It. C. Owneil and CnnlroUyd," VI 'VNT AT AimoTsomi VUcon. 1 lb. rotlt Chops ' 3 lbs. Leg of Vork--'r)er lb. 957 Phone 9.77 SI 50c 20c 20c ?5c 22c 35c 2c 25c 25c 15c Seasoned Box-ends, $1.00 load. Albert & McCaffcry. I I per tf. E. dtroravl t, a passn-! SPECIAL Until April 1st. Clean- vWi!tfiorsd: A. Patrick, l Pxlncess Homh torilgl ejui enf route 16 AlTlh. ed and prevsea. Ladles' CoaU. $1. Men's Overcoats $1.00. Carpets SOc. I per square yard. Canadian and on tt.eloney liuB.' 73 for Cstr- est Golds Rub Wen dyer throat and chest The reatilar meftinv rf thi Mlv eouhiftt wfflbe held tonight fe tljt council chanilier at 8 o'clock, i Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hunter and Another njoyWe dance wa daughter, Audrey, returne.l to the neia wturaay niatit by the cana-city on the Carrfqna ywterday af- dian Lot Defence League in tta. tPrtionh frnm VartAur foflowlfle hall in the Exchange Block thefj an absence of tv- month In the Tas td-stoed cwwd. fa aUen- OMth. Party Held Saturday Nliht Tor MK., PtlacU oonMie A. Welteu Marfaret (lilkrr A very enjoyable party was held In the parlors of the DapUrt Church :tMnlferrBd t fa on Saturday night by tne neipmt lpetl foree Hands Club for tne members ana their friends, the occasion being a farewell party for Miss Margaret Ollker. who l shortly leaving for and Mrs. W'eUehd arriTed in me city from the Integer hi Saturday night. Ooastab VVeileflffha ben n to tne Walter p. I3ro4, Canad&a cua toms officer at SWrt. was a pas sepger aboard, rhe Ouxfna lastev Kanlo. Everyone expreraed regret entng, returning the Portland at lodnc rach a valuable member , Canal town fonovdng a three and th.it the beat wishes of her! week vaeatioti tdftto Vlansiwver numerous ftierras will go Kn her to her new home in the south. Dor-inv the evening a trresentatton was made to Miss Ollker by MIsa Vivian Wrahall the (wethtent of the ebb. O imes and contests were played throuvhout the evenlne. The prtse winners were Manraret Ollker. Edith Wilkinson and PranrJ Slewvle. Defk'ious refreshments brouaht the evening to a close. Hotel Arrivals J T. Harvey of the local law firm 01 Williams Minion. Bown and Harvev Is tta vine tMs evenlne fm Mr an& Mrs D. ZareUl are sail-iftjmihm to defeVkd two charm of tng on the Princess Norah tonight, Arsoa brbaAit abist 710 ikw-for i trip to Juneau 'Mm fn eonfactMm with TV burn pnLcr. RtrrtRT ing of his dwerimg and also In con Aeetton wttfc a flee at a store la " year . i 3. 3arfciaton, Vancouver; A. P . - union steamer uiraeaai utpv a HiUft. lagtile Uka: Mr. KeneUe iB. Ikoo. arrived In pert, at. 5 -4s UaaeJten A. Shenon. ttoustoo; j dVloU lat evening fom the south Mr and Mrs WeUen llaselton. oh reiBla scheduft add sailed at s ' !8'Vin: for Anjo. jtewart and . n'.i.ix " 1 . lull I rAtAm tMStaaWrMU hutmlni. danee. Mr. W. M. Qlarkstock. who hi bee en to Portland. Oregon, for ttttl pmsy i wo myat " accoupt 01 ismt serieiM Waesi of her mbiher. returned to the city from the 0U on the Cardena yesterday a! ' ' noon. While riding a bicycle. Miss She Ha Dtedcstock. daughter of Mr. and Mo. W. M. Bla;kstok. had ?e niafortune to break her right vrlat In a fall at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Dnnsmuir Street nekaved n her tovh na the I Saturday afternoon. It was her coast. C. P. R- at. Ertoeeas Norah.jtnUl Dlrtndy. uapc wiiyam raaner. h ewe m mrt at 5:30 this ' afternoon from Vancouver and will sail an hoar or o later for skagway and other Alaska paints on regular scbeoule. introductory Orrca rrtmm Ik.t ..Mn mm4 ",' lk K.. T .U. . sa. i-m.I4. tu .Iia4n. .WM tV H,. J W iJc. pntpaM rtf. fa. Kit r.ARsnu.1, i:o. rj. Sn IITI Vnmrmm. OUKtKllBtKISL.aiB2grJBUiaV FURS Wanted HAVE A RIG OHDER EOtt MARTIN And vri rwy; 30r. higher for these skins. Send them in at once. G0LDBL00M Tbr Old Reliable ri JK BUt ii ainai i EDI ni ELITE REALTY PARLOR ; Mrs. SuthrrUnd Operating the latest Shelton j Croqiittnole Oil Steam j Permanent Waving Machine For Apiiolntment Phone 499 MACKENZIE FURNITURE K7 Tlilrd Ave RENT Thoiic m !JKl) I.oUNC.KS Coiu li in daytime ;lll(i Hl.ik.v .1 full Slr tX-d C'l C SiMci.il. with pillow A Radio, Seving Machine, Typewriter McRAE RROS., LTD. iVeu; Sfj'e Wash Frocks In a pleasing assortment of Tub-Fast Fabrics Full range of sizes 79c and $1.25 each WALLACES - FOB SAL1V-3 I ojoaWe plete: dining, W 2 dressers, f 1 kitchen iahfe. Phone 9 Third and Fulton I Clarified Ads FOUND beas, com- FOUND on Third AveQhe pair of a nfl' chairs: ladies' I!n k'd gloves. Apply s, range; i uauy News tm&. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan, & Latta Phone 234 T2 cvtn mkti iM i FOR RENT. illWLY Renovated modern flat. Rand Block Max Heilbroner t EXCHANGE Nelson's Beauty Sljoppe. PIANO TUNING lAS'Oa Tuned $3J. Walkers Ml- j He Store U PAINTERS AINTINO and Paperhanglng Mailer. Phone Rcq 8$2 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Rep&lrs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES rhone Black ISO ro TRANSFERS AMKRON'S Transfer Wood. Coal moving, chairs for rent. tt CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasoname Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally Newa. mmm., H Tt.K NOTIfl TAX HOTICF !tat J B Wubo worth, mdmt S8&7 Point Ore; Road. VMWMM-ver. C will apply tor a llcwoaa totak . na un loo cu. . per Moano. ana JVOULD trade sewing light up- rUTTbt botstery for stores or floor eov-: ne-onttttic.nm tt rcrvditicnai water n erlng. Phnn. ni.u. M7 einm iTS-s to wm; wui m "ww HAIRDRESSER jxwer purp ,i Tbia iu41o was pcwtd at Prlmiary. 1W A copr oT thta a-Uca and an application punuaat tlMV- t4 -d t v wjiff Act" win se aitd m th of!x t th wt r crthf PERMANENT WAVINQ JlS tt UP ; Kuprr-. OKctWn. to the a. wwr rtc a:r or ith tlw of Wa'r ?...;'.i-s Prrliinnt BuOaing. V'jt.zr B . ' . :.:: thirty days after tha nm appoararc of this notlos ta a Icaai nrwspaatr Tii dt of , ptibilcation 1 ISS3 l of h'j notice Is J B woaowpKTH, Apcairaat Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 For Your Health Chlrwpraetie Ultra Vtalet Rays Intra Red Kays Massage All at Reasonable Price W. C. ASPIXALL D.C. Chiropractor ) Green 241 Phwtirs Grren 549 I Esehance Black Adverav in the Doily Hti for tliese spring inornins tlicre' uttlli,!ng belter th.au cyisp KyllQgg's Corn Fluko$ and milk or cream, ennnod fruits or honey. Good? Just try and matoli it for flavor . EE! corn COUN FLAKES Ataj irrm-fmh In lfc Inner tmj iriuli ttrmpptt i Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results IA1 aa hi