ru The Ilexnll fore ral s JTK m Pprat! Fr A P Thl. rl Mr n 3D 18W Ave. TESTED ;RfpC,PPps OF TEMPTING INT ERE ST GRILL XK Very Hot Uung up the (cfl-fiytis it reel mejot of tunMiL. .l. r i UidVet, HiiM 1 'P 'ly dJble left over dith. cmv to prepje rJ very economic lmily of five THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Costs bout 10c tervine 50c (or a Cut slices of cold mest 1 inch thick, then mix 2 level tepoons Colmn'iMutrJ,4 tcespoonvplite oil, 2 teetpoons vinesr,,tyefwe touile. Scofethemetlkeijdipe4dtKenlofeintfcewcioB. bioil over s hot foe. PUce on nested ptetter tnd sestoo with salt pepper snd butter. Serve it very hot ' Delicious! Surprije Grill will be t credit to your coot .03 ingenuity; the lund of dish your family wil tt you to prepare 9.n nd tm. but in the intereit of fine fU vow. and real success don't fotoei the 2 teetpoons ol Colmtn'i MutUid. lol ONE CENT man's; D.S.F. V J 1 AIDS DIGESTION SALE IMON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED March 30 March 31 - April 1 Ormes Ltd, Pioneer Dmqrpists TSS. ( ATAI.A i:TUV TlIllt?!)AY. 1:30 P.M. ' Kills and WaylMinU Due Vancnum Thursday p.m. S. K Vl'NTURE 1 1 . e. r.yp.ily n:uAv .miiinioiit. 1 "vrr Monday am. it w rnrt BlmfMMt. Alter Ann. Anjro. aiwft KM rniktu.n rtVMdUW U UUiSCI M ' t Kt'l'V.KT All:i:V: -nd A If Vhoi,e 77ft Couch tn dnytlmc "VawsaaBaMBsaMSBSsaaB tlokvU at I'lMtnr SM "ri DL- Memeucy i ica U'ty parlor sutiiirund 1 Ic rnnciflfifPfi the Uirt Shelton "icnolr on Sifam ermanent Waving Machine '"nicnt phone 49 MACKENZIE FURNITURE Catholic Priest Intercedes on Behalf of Murderer OTTAWA. March 30 Hon. Hugh Outhrle. federal minister of Justice, j-te constdertnu the plea for clemency I made by Father F A. McKenna. on behalf of Michael T. Kaeh. sen tenced to hanB for the murder of a New Toronto woman PRINTING Offiqe Supplies IR(jset (ioyan Hattn Phone 931 ..35. ONE GENT This Week For Three Days Only Phones SJ and 82 OFFICERS ELECTED lUtarr Club CIionm John pibluvn as President !r Next year The Rotary Club, at It luncheon meeting taday in the CotnModorr Cafe, MutaWted a list Of offieera I and,' aa there was no opposition, the nominees were elected by acclamation as follows: President. John Dybhavn. Treasurer, Alex Meeme. Secretary, Olen Oullek. Executive Dr. W. T. Kergln. y. M Blackstoek and Very Rev. Qeen J B Oibson. Anglican Young -People Meeting (i);nanIc Night Follows lltilprss BeeflowRefrrhnient Seryed The Anglican Young Peoples' -Association held its renuUr meeting In the Cathedral Hall last night. j After a short business meeting, the group participated In a gymanstta ! night under the leadership of Pre-sMerit Orme Stewart. Delleieua refreshments were served at the lOlose of Uie evening. April 12. fMri nnfi Qmlwatra. Queen Mary dance A aril 15 1 Phenc 95 n T LOCAL NEWS NOTES C.L.D.L. danee Thur., March 30. MQOe'DacFrVl.ay. ?.'30, Ad. 2$c.! Mr. J. Anslow Is Heaving on the ' : Prince Rupert tonight for thp . soutfc Father Lank)ls left on thp; Prince Ritrxwt yanterrfay' afternoon , for Anyox Mm. a. II. Johrutoh U a booted lor Vancouver tenlgfy on inrfPnnee'Rtipert. uejong Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials i. i'' per tj-lb. cake Quick Qu.tker Oats Lynn Valley Peaches 2 tins for Ayimer Tomato Juice 3 tins for Malkin s Best II BAKING POWTJER per tin 21c J3klst Honey per 2'i-lb. paU 39 c Rowntrrc's Pure Milk Buds r27c berry Jam Rr 4-lb. pall .35c ;?5c 'Seasoned Box-ends, $4.00 load. Albert St "McCaffery. ' t n 'For rlav imi niseis t.i per tt. Prince Rupert tonlghtf'for Vancou-rprice Rupert tonurht for a tnpi ver i to Vancouver. re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on a. m m C'l.Mf.'.IIIIM'Pl.lri.lUJ.L-ill.X'S j ylcp Phone 32. tt Bdward Upseit --will arrive tn the j raty oc the Princes Adelaide to- 8- C. Thomson was the speaker; morrow aiternoen 'from Vancouver t we regular weekly luncheon of to pay one Of Ms reiuTftr " vWU fo l Pnnre Rupert Rotary dub in hi local business. the Commodore Cafe, giving an in-' . tersetlng talk op Lhe fruit nack- Ipf jaduatry Jfonunntions ol offic- " j rs tor the year IfOi-U were also Announcements L"1"1 at pi- -.uHi!!vHp dent. Q. A Woodtand. was in the-; Msose pane March 31. Rgral Apt" 4. Purple btWgc-whlat .r'l chair. aatJea' Dane April 7. PresbyterwMr Spring Safe AprU 12 hard Mme dsnce 35c . WE OPEN Ap ril 1st "No Foolin' ' illavlnt No Overhead Our Prices, Chapter Daffodil J U'ill Always fte Rirht Catholic KjHFlrm Kale and Roclai AprU tlilj. j 'Specials ForSaturday i & fpnday Red Arrow Sodas in bulk. lb. Anglican flprinc 6Jf and t. ! Peaunt Butter In bujk. Ib 'MWU W" ?l"Pd Rolled Chocolates, lb. ; United Chweh Easter Sale April !Slowapore PPPle. per Un 1 M Roeella Peaches. . per tin I rr OoW Cross Pears. 2's. per tip . Recreation Club : Scotch dance, I AorU 21 Quaker BectovTapesM 1 Smyrna Big- pec 15c lie 30c I 10c! -25c ; lie isi EasnRdlBlu9w. tm Jto 10c 7cj X.-...85e,l ; Little CWp,MarraaaMe&iSXfj spoon .. ... . lcaroni. 8-os. pkas.. $ fvr JOe .Ripe Paas. per tin i0c! 19c! 19c sal W Gold cross BAnlfU Pears OQp a Una far M 'V V r w - Crlaco- ,f per Mb. tin 26 c Sjulrrfl prand Peanut .. fSn Butter In bulk. 2 IbvfprHWV flest Foods or 'Dutch Maid Ma)pnnti, per qt. Jar BMhllghf Soap-.- per carton, Boop phjps 2 lbs. for Vtilenela Shewed, A, Imonds pm b. .'i ... r PJark's Tomato Dntsup-yi rr bottle ?J9c 23c 37c Alberta Buttet 34ba. tor Burns Si BwUt Baepn. per lb. Veal Steak 1 2 lbs. Market iPrlme RlbiRoefed, 4 lbs. Scotch Crews ql Birley Malt I Baeon. 1 H) Syrup, while It lasts' Qn0 Sirloin Tipper lb. OUP per lb -r. : I Round Steak, 3 lbs 43osU's Freeh Pullet Bxtrif v A fj p potitoes. 0 lbs. t doaen for -ntiay (Le , Preeh Ew-iSeeands , 'Qn ner lb. 3 dozen for Macaroni, Spaghetti and Vermicelli. 3 pkgs for fMalkflVBest Pure Rasp. - " ; Loin of Lamb OCp1 per lb 54c Shoulder Lamb. 5 lbs Peas, l tin Fresh Killed Fowl per lb. Lard 3 lbs. Pork Sausage 2 lbs Uver. 1 lb. Bacon. 1 lb,. Pork Chops 2 lbs Lep of Tork per lb 937 - Phone 957 SiC; 19c Pree Sample of Tea and Bakint i Powder io Every Purrtiaser I Candy for the Children and Phillips1 Gash Grocery Pniers Oyrr MIQ Ieljvered Free Same Old Stand Eifbtl Ave. ilcltride Phone 250 j JONES' ; IFamilyMeal' 35c SI 15c 50c ;20c 20c 75c 22c 35c 25c 25c 25c 15c Advertise in the Dally News 1 Annettes Clock 8 Only Leatherette Jackets Clock Sale Special FOR SALE I Telephone No 74. TOR SALE TIKES, tor cash only at old list prior Your opportaa-i(y to save money. The acvanee to cover the recent 6r Excite will be charged on and atte' Menday. April 3rd. Buy on or before Saturday to save the 5t. S. E. PARKER LTD.. For Oarage 7 PIANO TUNING S tfAQE THREE a FRIDAY, 2 TILL t 12 Only Dresses in flat crepe and rough crepes Clock Sale Special 10 OnlfjStlrts In tweed and serge Clock Sale Special 6 Only Gills Coat, sues 6 to l4,reg. values to $15.00; Clock Sale Special to clear 12 Only Satin Brassieres, sizes 32-26 , Clock Sale Special, to clear at 12 Only Conteiettes, sizes 30-32 Clock Sale Special 12 Only Coniettf. sizes 32-38, a) us to $2715 Clock Sale Special Chamotsette Gloves, reg. values to $1.00 Clock Sale Special, to clear 12 Only Silk Blouses, sites 16-20. reg. value U'$3.95 Clock Sale Special FRIDAY, 2 TILL 4 le S4.00 S1.50 S2.95 39c 85c $1.25 S2.95 49c SI .49 WALLACE'S Viyella Yarn Special 15c. a Ball Sec Our Windows For Weck-End Specials Classified Ads TRANSFERS FOR SALE Chrysler Coach. 1MB POTTING Earth. SOc. sack. New $6040; National Cash Register, j laid Eggs. Cameron's Transfer, $76.00; Toledo Counter Scales, j Phone 177 SUM. Official Administrator. , SS? PAINTERS I'ALNTLN'O and Papefhanzlng. MoHer. Phone Red 802. CLEANING & PRESSINq PRICES reason oie Benkendqrl, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. UATMt Mllirt , TVUCE NOTTCfc Out J. B. WothraHh, addrSk teat PoXnt Dm Sted. Vanroa- rivrtvi t, i im iv1vr tn C. wUl asplr fee a item tot ""'" aad uee 100 eu ft. per aaooad, ae Sic Store. tt I atcat lOeeeo acre Met mmt t CUSS j Lak into Surf IaM Thla baanf HAIRDRESSER PER.MANKNT WAVING! "Oil- .5P "Itlnfktte" iS.00. Nelson's Kcaulv Shoppe 'KJPbssjsssj Auction Sale SATl'UOAY. AritlL 1st 715 p.m. at Auction Rooms next Itulkley ' Market Consisting of Oak Dining Room Spjte. Standard Lamp. Washinr Machine. Dresser. Chiffonier, t Ranees. Oilcloth. Kitchen Table and Chairs. Sinter Sewinr. Machine, Leather Arm Chair, lied. Chjld's Crib. - llraterv and other articles. I.'st yrur goods for this Sale before Saturday noon. Child's definition: An adult is one who has stopped growing except lt the middle. Lite ruty Digest SKlostlag M BSUSteml watar II-Tbte watar wUl be uaad r Tkia boUo was unew 1 cm m rrwiaa an aa isiwaanin oar n FMwesry. lses. A assv of MUa ao-ttoa and a apetlraHl iwirnwaS , u and la Use "water Act" will be rtll In th oRIm H tbr water rourM . at PMaoe Rupart Qejecuona to Um ao-pllca'.lrn may be liUct with the ask water iwc.-aier or wtta the CoraMraUrr of Water WaMa. raHMit BuUdlaaa. Victoria, aa. wttkip tWrty daya after the first seMraivo oC thU notice In a 1 1.tI majfaoir Tin tatc of to nm publloKtiao of thia ndtiot to Search H, J B vcoowxMrra. Assume The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES rhone Black 120 G.J, Dawes Forw Health THE AUCTIONEER rhone Black 120 Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prises W. C, ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones (Irecn SI) Exchanre. Block