0w?b& Eastman Byjqg.Boat I . )lr for ppengcr and Charter sorvice throughout -this district, ii Write jtr .WJre J. AIucConnachiQ.J'jlat Anyo. B.C. ELEGANTJE PAPE3SR1ES Special .at 49; Jonteel Face Powjle and Beauty Mirxor 55c Jprgcns iBAJrJ S0APS 10c per Gakc Something New Lemonkist or Pjnekist Tullct Soaps 4 Bars for 20c Ormes ltd. Jut Jionccr Hr.uJigiats The Itrtall Stare rhonea. II tc It Trips... to all I'oluiN Fas! j 22 to Sept. 6 l'rl Arthur nml 'i-Pav .frn m,u( AruiNf roni4 Oil!. toot) S cutri IKS ItfwUiHint ia, CITY TICKCT OrTICE l a- ".g JM, 3r.l AVE.. rmCE RITERT aiuulia ii jali ojui J ; - mm CANADIAN PACIFIC 1 liwr, ussc rfnw UujMirt.,nr vMncouvr vU Ocean lalb.and . . . Way Porta: r, vlv "s Ad'We. Fridays 10:00 p,m. ANcoi vijit ; direct: irt!?"' Uu,,r- Au- Hlh.4t.Ui. Sept. :th. R-TCU1KAN. WIUVNOCIX, JUNIiD ami SKAOWW. Princess LouUe. Aug.iltth. XUt. Sept. 2nd. lor IIh..II... ...J Infnrmltlfln W t r o,Ti:s. C.cne ral Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. I ti r UC I'NION STEAMSHIPS .LIMITED Tg B!'Mti A( Prims Rupfttijor Vanaaat- Dud i) vaqi , -....wr A (TUKSIAY.ilt30,PJ. Thursday p,m. iCv.S,liN KvwtY MiuAv auDNUuir. HWiaiuT s wuday am. h.'"J',tn"' iaardln iardn( .all ,tt Alleerm. Aniu. Jltaar ii (aai)ini .fial MM frlAMnv: 'Second Avenue. .tlione i tlU8e.ypewtpw.tP advertise ppor pcqducti, wm pay jiuy .thQau .aai.cnlni Bi l$&)t Rjy .8porU, Acropolis HU1, Monday. r F?r J7 jnd nitht Taxi ser vice F,bone,K. tt ' 1 OatfcpHe Tea arid Sale qfllamev cooking at home of Mm. R.Rlffou. Thursday, Aug. 31, 3to 8. Rev. P. W. fearer, Arutfrcarr-j wbiw mmtenanr. to a visitor In ftbe rtty. having arrived from Wis1 taaa River on tfce Catala yester- oay afternoon. ; M" W O -Clark f Ban Kaan-jfiteo returned wi Uie-Cataia yeav tieraay to Port tmaaMi. where ab..' U M5dlni -the twuM wMh lWrfrtiMe Rupaet iFlsberiet parent. Mr. fd -Mrs. 'Oeerge P fMfSoli. following a .brief visit U5 Anyax I A D Mstfceaen. manager of ttH "i - Catala yestcr&ay afternoon foi lowing a week's trip irto the Naas ViLry op official buttoeaa. He was -ompai)iel .by Jq(u A. AnrVarrnn. road JuperlntrpdeDt for AUln district, vrbo will procoed U bis quarters At Anyox on the a, .prince Otorge to"ifht vfack Batt. who had the ailafor-pe to JilpjiBd loll item Mm roof of Dean ORnon'a reside-ce. w4ich he 9aa sjmUnj on Satuaay. fracturing four rttM and being gen-Ki aker .p. is nparted (rom the Prince Rupett .General Hajapl-tal. where he' is a patient, to be dr'ng ai well as can ! expected. His re.U was broken when he land-id on the vera-Htalv thus avoidtnt aat nvitl)l easily have been much more serious injuries Grade IXllass Probability of oonttnuattop of O rede 1 clem Phone at ptti nam f ahlUren ready to enter toMlasiMarieAluaaal-lem. 348 Fourth Avenue West. Phone Blue 801 'MisssDjHogan ; ' Will Reopen PIANO .GLASSES and PRIVATE LESSONS ' Tuesday, September "5 PJhque Black 232 MiNdlielawrfiace (Tfarler f -VJOUNanJ.TE(W il'honcan ,3.15 cond AeM VtM mental Station, returned to the city on the Prince Oeerge hit morning JronnVaooouvrr vrterehe a Handed the recent meetings of he 'Pacific aubtexerutive commit- luanaaian namac Go v aannery atltee.of the analogical Board of Ca Carlisle, returned .to the .filceena nada Ittver by gasfeoat jwttiriajr Jelkoav-. Htc a frrief .twalataa vtett .ta town Ue bad come in by train en iloi- c aveoiac. fled KertiB arrived ta t city n kV Calais yesterday aKarnoqa rtropi Arunx where Jve i in the ieawta f ibe Qraeby Od. o gpend aaetk ar ao MWayt f ta town. frje h the aan of Mr.ajMaAIrMIJV tifftetsiri of Alu Awn ! 4w uajwo. manager of oaa- tar cannery Ad vMr. Lstsa left, the Skrena River on the Qatala! Uaatetday altarfteo- f or .AaaAcoqver ! 'what Uvay wMl apend the winter. .Tartar -caiM- fcai yw been, rioted aean Ur ft nxma. Moose Lodge .meets tonight. Dig danee In Moose Hall Labor Pay evening. Hvewldes -Brps.-for Wallpaper. Olay, 'Pjilqt and Muresco. The beat sporU program the Trades Labor -Opundl htM'Srft kof- fered on -Labor 'Day. Uht sed. Olof Hanson. 'MP. for 8 keep a. arrived in -the city on knt ereji-ing's train from Srnlthera and.wUl be retuminf -to the Interior tfcis awenlac. D. B. 'tton. dife-lor FaBBBVaBBBBBBBH saTsaValTawP ye'terday afternoon. of tihei Bnri - - - . . . - SUMMER XOMRLAWT CAUSES MANY DEATHS JtMONG 'INFANTjl Ck&IMU LTS UMU durisc the put 88 yean It hx Uea oa the market, od uir child's lil ,rxolmUy alLy its Unelvoue. l'Tke COc. alUfe Atjinxfiits .of detJen ; put up ouiy by .TSe T. Mr and Mrs William J. Rteree Mabura Go., Lumted, Taroato, Qat nf AniMv Mm m m -" 1 a hnlldav at Tartar a-llarf Iw t arrwerf in umTE h. tr.'i f-.rana. w iMfcac adJoiimed lor Ithe mtartar tsie ed of Wf PW1 P "ctty J C Bradjr dHtt?t wwia r for Mass Helen A)rn. daughter Ernest Louth. .Indian, for d;u?k-nness. mi firmed .110. iwttfi option of seven days imprisonment, by Mtfllet tapijrmett In eJty po- Uoe aaurt this morning. Rufos Major Albert E. DaraW. chief of fioar of Salvation A pry work lnr Irltlsh Columbia, win sail by the Prince George tomorrow night on ; his return to VvnrouYer after hav ing came north to aUesd the De cent Northern British ' Columbia "rMve eoaeress here. Today hefls vlerUng Port Simpson, accompanied by Stntf Oaptafe Joseph Acton of Wrangell. divisional commander for Northern British Columbia and Alaska. School Notice lltoh School puniUt.must register Lat the High School on or before September 1st from 9 to 11 ajti.. Land from 1 to 3 p.pi. .The feea for children sixteen years or. ovrwtll be per annum,, or $2a.00 at the beginning of each term.jwyable at the City Hall. For those unable to pay a full term tle $3.00 on or before the 1st day pt each month to take Senior Matriculation please report at once. (208) Announcements ; i Sons of Norway dance -Sept. 1. iPrcsbytirlan tea September 7. 51h Annlveraary Supr tUplted Church 6entember il. Lmheran Church (Bazaar. .October 12 Cath,oMc Batttt PiVJki Women's and Children's field and novelty events at Jbor .Day Sports. Last nighfttaiin, tfhe first ,tq arrive under fall schedule, arrived on time at 8 o'clock. teqfU3dI team .Pott vlnrpson on Saturday. Tbrtse ,wthJis iq play, communicate wttfa-W. p.Me-Intoah, Secrejy." Judge and .Mrs. F. MeB. purjg will sall ;on.Jbe'PrJncetQto9ge to-i morrow night for VawottrerVhere' W js ibelr Jateottoa to talce .up ta. ture residence. IIm Erma raklne R2t. returned to ncou jfr Jasper Park on MiJ!afcVi&uf teuswtiin& a vacation here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert -Er- ilclne, Dlgbyliland. who l ave been visiting with refa ed .to jhe lly Jrooi the south on tbePrInce George this xorBir. ; Mr. Oart'Orafstrcm. wife of the' mamger or Butedale cannery, andj family sailed by the Catala last nsftji rom Butedale to Vancouver. They hare bee ? jpendtpc the summer vacation at ibeoanperj. iJr-tBll.rwbo has twn.on ai buyteg 4rip tcrV4iMuver and-Wln- Prinze George this morning, she is ti e piapajar f WJHiajn OoW-bloom's retail far department. ,R JI MtatmUon. marine department .engineer ftatn Victoria, who wi Dimness, aauea on tne catasa yesterday afternoon for Sointula yfaeoee be drill return -to Vieoria. NftMand Transportation Oo.'a Unetoriip Northland, -Oapt. 'Lea rWmanv. arrived In port at 7 4'eaaak tills .moraine 4rom .KeteM w -T- . onr liu rani 4t n v. tleoal Ralsways, sailed far Seattle iQeerge teoteht. Msg. D. ,11. Yelt and son and idauahter, who .have beep spending tbe Hmar at TJU. Queen Ohar- pkU I Hand, arrived in the city ..r,;.TJr,iri i(Uf frm toe Islands and ,., u v -sr 111 aU by -the Ptinee .Oeorge to- LWO"0 "MM their dome in nnin. Opening o-lnv. the wpa'.y a faU .nuii saH- varu.ru.vr ., v-i i. f.-,-. ing Mtiedule. CH.JI. steamer Prince j .-.i-. Qf r., ..Bmr( anH .,. Qeorte. Oapt. H E. Kedderi. arri- pi-in-" h-. -...n,. ved In port at 12J soon today, !oftal frUinris from Vancouver. Poyrell River and Ocean Fall with a .falwlzed list 1 - of jwfscnnrs ano Kt)l sajl at 10 nap Vclock tonight for APXPJC Kbencel the will return here Wtnorrow ev-) eni'g southbound. Jones' Family xir it i i nirrrr I!Ione 957 Rump Roast fit; Beef -r 4 lbs Round. Steak per "lb. Boneless Stew Beef- 3 lbs Car rota, 2 bunches PfttiRoast of Beet . 4 lbs. grjovulder Veal. A lbs. 1-tlnsPiiaa Stew Veal 2 lbs. 1-UivPeas . Veal Chops 3 lbs Leg of Veal per lb Hamberger Steak 3 lbs. will be accepted. Anyone desiring ! Tomato Sausage- per lb. SOc 15c MI LADY BEAUTY SHOPPY S.PJSCIALS il'Olt AV.qVST Steam Oil vPsrrrutnent Wave $5.00 find $3.00 Marcelle d Curl w(lh Hair Cut $L00 h,amPfo and Finger Wave 75 c At Kitwanga labor J)a .Mpjiday, 3.ept. 4 'FOOTBALL, tBASRBALL and BASKETBALL QOT:KAGBS AiD ALL;OTiiEUtFJBLO):SP,QBTS Cah4riestollU'iiinrs.'Danc IptEvening.in'Community Ha(l JitsaJsAr xcomt- Ajv& .llme-turantftd. Event commences with big parade led by band at 10 a.m. Kitwanga Sports Committee Robert SmurtfiwaJte of Premier 8. J. 'Jabour returned to thedty Larrived In the city on the Catala on the Catala yesterciay afternoon i tttves In Vancouver. Hew West-! , minster . ai)d Poj;eil.fllver. rehxrn-j yesterday afternoon from the from a trip to Anyox on irourance Mrs. -H. A. Breei and son, Jak. Uwitfc for a brief visit to tova. business. iHOR SALE CHRYSLER Sedan, good condition Walker Music Store. LaM- tetur&ed to the alty o" the i FOR -SALE English baby carriage. almost new. Phone 77. 222 VEWLY Renovated modern flat' Ra.idtBlock. Max HeUbroncr. i HOUSE. S rooms with bath, near school, rent. SfiO- Phone .Oreeq 698. FOR-RENT HOUSES F. W. Hart. FOR RENT-rSi-rpom house, tally modern, close In. $20jOO mott Apply Oollart A- MrCaffery Ltd the provincial departtnent of pwb-.lwI ' TT ,k..M3 -W osKharalng one carload, jbone JI I woOs Htumad to the city 1,' " fof ored yOman for tnhp- tf. 297 BUSINESS girl has room to rent ov suite to share. Central loeaUon. Phone Preen 414 after 6 pjn. AVrlte Pjp. Box 95. OOOp Location tor small business In centre of -the new business district. Third Avenue. Will ren ovate to suit tenant. Rent only S20 a month. .McClymant: JIAIR DRESSER "Tt rtKALNEXT WAVING! XQiT ,$3JC. "JtirtKlefte" 45,0. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe PAINTERS PAINTINO and Haperhanging -tioller. Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS AMERON'S TRANSFER. Furni ture moving, wood, coal; chairs tor. rent tf rr,TEK .oTirj! TAXF. NOTICE I hi I J a WbOdvorth. ddran sect PMat Drey Boad. vaacoa-rcr. B C, BI apply for a MoHiae toUk and us 3t0 1 ft. per aeeood. aol tort 100.0QO acre feet out or Cunr Uk into Curt tniet. TJUa bdee u jtaondiUojUti of oanaiUooal water U- rnue in-i, tui water wui oe uteqior lwer panoso. Thk totlet waa poated un :be around an :be tMrteentB day or Jane, 1$3 A cfcpy of this -no-tire and aa annlkaUan purruaat there- t and U it IVater Aet" wfH be riled In th office T tbe water recofdtr M Prtace Rupert- ObJeAlcna to tfc 9- t , piicaUoa may be MMd wUA the aaid warr 'rirder or with tha OocnptroDer ... water ltunia. ryruameat aaaauwa, FOR RENT .flve-room cottage on Victoria bc wimbi thirty day rur Third Avenue. Good location for nni aapaetaoec of una potic m a . . . . , 1 .ocal newapver. The date of the Unt 1 anyone wishing to reside close wtuMili uiu oaatte U it, IP or -for a tea room. hoe repair . J a woor,.OR. bQP. .ctethes prettta arQther. WOODWOAieMrt small business. Phone 98. HELP WANTED NOTICK ciURixt smith .iir.mtsEn NrnCE IS H8RBBY otvtrr that all WAVTTD ftANitu Laundress uaurtaress to to take, Lattraftt narna dauna aaaluit the Estate ; home lady's laundry Apply 'Box 1 ewfil anith tormarif of Prrmir ' Dally News. & I -SS TT - t-, are rrquirft on or before the 3Sfh flay W.tTWt ilTIQK I af secgeatber W3S. to OeUser or at ad 1 ... ' ay prepaid leoter tun partMalari wf llrrlin and l"e Je)r clalaw dulv wifted to nil BO- . ! VAt, TBUKT COUttANY. Adaatnhttntor , TAKE NOTICE that "SUe Ue ro-i4f the Brtat of the aaVl Chartea 8nh 1 honC nm SMI dtcate Ltd iMlatof whrrr addmi lleceawid. at tu office 6M Wrrt efadr applv for a lireaoe to take aaa u AND TMKE XOTICS that after b Tan i to l cuUc jV jatf ct fra-!:t ianttgtied date the lUmlalatraiar tw oiirf SSwiaSt (Rl'C 3 pwee tkrU2 tbe aota of Ncrtherty and diaiaa nffc Tide X khe Deoved ooiOBg Ux persona; en-Pasta 'TiV. U mUas -North yf Bin tils- 'Utd theraao. hartBf retard dalr to kuti Mice , '.he oWms of which It shall ta hare .The water vUI be iMvexted at a Dot at had aotlO OS A 'about 1300 ttwttte hundred i feet b-1 D.ttD at VanooMver. RC. .ih 36th .or, forr entertnc Ttde Lake and win be ay aiy laaa 4Cn 'Joining aiauns. 1 OuLi This notace was posted on thegrawflct I 50 c 25 c JOc 15c 85c 10c A copy fit tbh nacicc nd .an apaUea-ion j)4ruM -thrrato M4 to the "''. ' ter Aet" Jtlll be fUed la the affloe of i the Water Recorder at kP,C this notice la August 36. I9S1 RQ&SHTSON DOUOLAS : BTMX3 i)Pn upon toe oMOe aaacribM M Tide Late W0 Pender 8tre Waat. Vaaoouvtr.B.O. aWVV srno'oate OMnin ciauna. oaww w. 1 SS3 and Ptooeer ainioa oUlms iM ,s4 TAKS KOTteC that I. W H. Utaon. Prtoee RitoerL , iree nucer a uat Solicitors for Tbe Royal trust oorapaav LlT ,CIANCf: tLSEIlL CUtni Cectif(rale of improtrfnegt oertinoau No. 4787. ta.tnd rod days nam the date barrar to apply Obleotlou to tbe aaoatoaUaa. Bkar ,Le i to th Utalaa Beeocder tor a omifl Wed wtUi the said Water ReoJHfft or!eXe af tntyrovetneat far the parpose lh (he Ooaiptrollar of Vter Rihu, of obtaining a crown grant of he Parllameut Biittdlaea. VVeoorta BJ.. 1 abqte ajalm. within thirty days aftar tbe fjrat ap AJiQ tvrther tae notice that action pearance of thk notice In a toeaTnews- under Sectton SS of the Mineral fitt paper ' must .bs commenced before tbe Issuance TIDE LAKE SYNDICATE LTD . of such certtftaaM of bnproTemenla. AppllcaM. Date 23rd July. 1933. Per W J Jancowtki. Axent. ' . The date of the flret publication of rust UiaerUon of sdrartlsetstat Au 7 iw. mm CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Best JIrdc Np.ll x, per thousand $-1.35 Nq.lI Qx, per thousand $3.85 Green Shingles, Air Dried Retaining All the Cedar Oil Wim TrUNSFER-PHONE 580