FMIE TWO. THE DAILY NEWS. I'ltlNCE llUi'KUT - mil'llSH COLUMHIA ' Published Every Alternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert' Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Editor, Daily News:- Editor, Daily News: Saturday, April 8, 1931 Mrmber ol Audit Bureau of Circulations THE LETTER BOX DID HIM GOOD a private, relayed report via Rome of Lincoln Stelfem' Vancouver lee. I wish to expraw xas hearty ao-, en' Union asked for an explana cordanee with the sentiments of Uon on his attitude regarding the payment ol a railroad onlpg Its Mr. Ooldbloom and Mr. Oumer on Anyox strikers. His Worship's re- eqUjpment to a eojsjpeUtor's round the subject of Fascism. It is high Iteration of has stauneh patriotism house or ahoos for reoasr and tnal time the average eitizen considered Is unaeetaaaiy because that bad not . 0 ihU resolution be sent to the true nature of this terror that been queaUoned. If the major dis- lhf honorable, the Prime Minister masquerades under the high- Ukea "The Red Flag" he should not e Minister of Hallways, the Act sounding name of the "Corporative be reierrng to it in his letters so of- mg president of the Canadian Na-State," especially since, as we have ten. Uonai Railways, and CXof Hanson, been Informed by its solitary local The belMerenev and resentment Mp '" advocate, t Is to supplant deeadent of the unemoloyed are explained by Speakers Democracy as the Twentieth Cen- toe continual attempts to discredit t opening the meeting. Mayor tury social order. A very informs- them and their officers. Does he ex- Stephens referred to the fact that tlve book. and. one that follows the nect a freedom lottos oeoole to tUaerM of Prtnee Rupert, who had benign Duee through his verlgated live ouietlv on relief all their Uvea had many disappointments during career from an anarchist and syn- to stand by watching tb author!- the oast twenty years as far a' dieanst to a Nletaschean Super- ties dotoe ahotateiv nothlne in the ragway company promises were Man k that written by John Bond a one rent deluton that If there Is concerned, appeared to be united entitled. "Mussolini, the Wild Man no money neonle must naturally die how in the belief that the Canadian " '"f ot '" '"'" n National steamsnips-owneo ar After reading this book one Is in- found symwifhv i reeioreeated we dock here should be used for the dined to agree that if the torch of are wen"hv in Uiat remect benefit of the company in repair-liberty and democracy that has been nl Information ther were j-,. lu ghios The mayor re- held aloft for centuries by the Brt- ovr two hundred reelnlents of city viewed the telegrams that had beer tlsh people Is to be extinguished by reneI 81 aeraonsiraiion. already exchanged in retard to the lasciun. then G-od help humanity. W. A. HOGO Seeretary. taking of the repair Job on the Mr. Basso-Bert must have received Unemployed Councils, steamer Prtnee Rupert from Prince Rupert to Vancouver. In view of th rr GOD HELP, HUMANITY POLICY No. U.ilJ ISSUED IN 1S4 HMO 20 Psymtnt Life This Policyholder paid The Mutuil Lift 20 Annus! Premiums of S2S.20 ... ISO J.O0 The Mutual L4f has paid hun in dividnds SI0U6 The total cost of J 1.000 iniurintt r-rotectlon for 49 vesrs was only . (An average of only )2.01 yearly) IN ADDITION The value of bis polity io sh today is $!07.32 It wiU be seen tkst for $99. $ he now has s credit ol $807.12. The cash value will increase year by year aad he will receive a cheque annually for his share of the earnings of the company. i If he had taken a similar policy on aunon-partkipatixi(-ln-profiti" pfn at the lowest known rate it would have cost Mm S21.4S yearly for twenty years, a total of $429.00 as compared with a total of $99.54 vndtr the. Mutual Life of Canada "pirtlelpstlnr-ia-profiti" pian. ' You. too, ctn Wcohii MtcrtMer l UiU ivcctttfjl l"4 teunt CtntSlte Cttnptar. Mil th Chm kl lr (urtbu iirtwmtiicm utt'ift tk Mutatl U( iu PotUJfl. L (. . b Kwiatnt ni ui d At f CiMiU, V prMiM M tti im mini mm-if 1 tk Ctrnftn. li UNU 'Tk Maim Ui u ttfnf lM r. i ' f iVlMSn Lift l'fut ewyon UmJ kM ffth mutmml Mwfnil i' k t i itnMt I kwfiu 4 Hi imwwu t.-JJ IIUTUAL LIFE ! " ,,r.Jii,M Auurincc Couipany I OF CANADA (htmrd if rtJIcyluJJrri Ihod Offlcet WATEItLOO, ONT. Ft Lit Pl(tr lor iMH Htm, J. J. T. Collart, Representative Prince Kupert, B.C. its own ships, and "Whereas the Canadian National, as owners of the dry dock, are re-sponble for the policies governing Its operation; "Therefore be it resolved that this meeting rigorously protest The invitation to the mayor was affa1n,t th action of the company not issued by the C. L. D. L. but by m ndlni iU teamsWp Prince Rathe Unemptayed Council, which or any other oX Its ships la has a membership of seven hun- British Columbia ta any other dry dred. The Unemployed Councils dock for repairs or omhaul, pri-asked him to explain hU attitude on owned or operated by oompe- rellef matters, and the Mine Work- Mtors bellevtna it to be aa Inexcus Little Stories of Big Results THE entire earnings of the Mutual Life of Canada are owned by the, policyholders. The following actual result ia proof that it pays to own a "fjanidrxiting'in'profiu" policy in this company. able as wouM be the operating de unsatisfactory nature of rephe which had been received from officials, tt had been deckled to holt thte mass meeting of citlaens In pro test at the action. Whether tt would be possible U get the Prtnee Rupert repair Job back here was uncertain but prab ably some success might be at tatned In bating an establlshw. policy regarding the use of the loca dry dock announced by the company so that the dtiaens might have seme idea of what kind of treatmen they might expect In the future. The mayor thanked the Moose Lodge for donating the hall for the purpose of the meeting and the press of the city tor giving publicity to th meeting and editorials which had been written in retard to the Prince Rupert repair job O. W. Nickerson stated that it was seventeen years stnee the last public meeting had been held hen to protest at treatment being sc. corded the city by the railway company. That meeting had had good results for It had been Instrumental In hating the then Orand Trunk Pacific Railway Co. establish an aa-stetant superintendent of steamships and local audit office here. Since then, however, these offices had been gradually moved back to Vancouver until Prince Rupert was now but a "point of call." Mr. Nickerson did not think that polities had had anything to do with the moving of the Prtnee Rupert repair Job and he had absolute confidence in Vice-President ljun-Kerford whom he believed had been deceived in conneaUon with the matter as etideneed by the fact that. In a message to the Chamber of Pomerce. he 'Mr Hungerfordt had explained that there would be the expense of bringing the steam-tr prince Rupert and crew from Varer i V, Rupi i M as a matter of fact, the teasel was already here. The time, Mr Nickerson believed. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. April g 19S3 Public Resolution on Prince Rupert Repair Job is Ordered Sent M ontinuen from Daire one) company's ships are overhauled 1 of flcial In whom the speaker had therein or not. and absolute confidence, here to Inves- " Whereas overhead, or fixed tlgate the rlrcuiu.$tance of the charge are already established at Prlnc Itupert affair, this dry dock, the cost of work on Mr. Nickerson believed that the the company's ships aftA ecpilpiuent Canadian National might wll emu, should only slightly Increase the late in respect to Prince Rupert tly cost of labor and material and example of the Canadian Paeitu, "Wuereaa the people of Prince hish made Victorto rather than Rupert have at all time -opera- Vsneouyer the headquarters foi ted to the general benefit of the its coastal fleet. He believed that comnanv in favorable tax agree- the Canadian National failed to menu, patronage and other matters realise 1U Investment and resnon ture. The writings of Steffens rave mtwUy afffClUng tnterattfc flbttity in regard to Prince Rupert I am glad tj read a letter Ii your ' Den 100 reaa vnis P1 7 and. and the necessity, In hs own mter- paper from my brother-in-law at for an'ne 10 misconstrue his Wherea te tne opbaloa of this, est, of Increasing bu4uess and 1-Anvn vfhtn I mod his utter I ' attitude on the question Of Social- ,. mp.iin a ik. cittaene of miUtion here. He ventured ta lav know that the strike has done him am rcUm' wncn uemomcy Prince Rupert that the compam ithat, even should a private yard In good for when I leave Anyox in u VJ""'""' has not always In the past, and ccr- Vancouver have tendered lower o tifthmarv h iM nni ppart or writ ana becomes, instead, a menace,, f ,hlll im. niaVwt fan , the prince Ruoert inh the uliimatt English at aU. I am glad to hear tnen Dnocfacv mua' glveJce 10 with people of Canada, citiawu of h. including extra, etc would be that the board and beds are good " Pftoce Rupert, or with the dry dock i higher Such had been the exper- now for before the strike they sure ln machine-gan and bayenet. the ttseJ( ,n overhauling and repairing lenoe in the past needed a lot of fixing And I am glad to hear he is saving few dollars now for he worked six years in Anyox and never saved one cent before. If strike last two more months he can get ob in school teaching to write Bnglish. MILAN STOYAKOVICH. Fascist State. A. HERTtARDSON. REPLY TO MAYOR W'tor, Dally Jlew:- Mr Nickerson cited other in stances of alleged failure of th Canadian National Steamships tc give this port IU due. While the cit should bo prepared to finish any fight it started, be urged that no hasty or Ui-niMcred aetlon be taken but that efforts be made to thresh the whose ouster out In m amicable wy. After aja, the su rases, of the city waa lejuehr wrapped Hp yrtth the goodwill ef lee Oandi National- . .- Fight to tUh George Hill eald the' Retail Mar chants' Assoc lattgej wis favor of carrying the flfht to the floor ol the Heme of dommens aad hate the local tnembet dssnsnd return of the tender ttnfree and the fina coat of the work; If the present pol icy of discrimination against Prince Rupert in favor 4 Vancouver con tinued, the only redress might ul umately be retaliation. 8. D. Macdoaald referred to the act that many of the unemployed had been able to obtaioai teas a tew hours work, in cennecuou will, .ne repair ot the steumer Prnu- eotge and they had beta ruihtlullj j 40 expect that there would bt-.iJre wuik foiuicunung 011 iin tTlnce Rupert overhaul lob. Prince Hupert citizens had bei-i .ery geuerous in Uieur treatmcn .. uie Cdnaoian National in tit -utt although they had taken on. siap on the face after another 1. .a now time to demand a aqua n .eal from the company and. If net -sary, be prepared u Uike dirtxi action. John Dybhavn then presented the Lsolutioa to the meeting for iu approval. Aid. O. B. Casey thought it might be adeimble to add to Uu eaolutkm a clause asking the government to Institute an inquiry 11 to the continuous disertminatten .hich was carried on against Ut try dock. At the laggestlon of vfayor Stephens, however. It wai lecided to reserve such a requeat uitll toter In osder that any per-0n.1l Investigation that Acting President Hungcrfor4 might be naking of the Prince Rupert east, .tight not be embarrassed. Mr Nickerson urged that the present oommiltee continue to function and follow up tu work by teqii eating Mr. Hungerford to send Mr. Warren here to investigate the Prince Rupert case as well as the advisability in the interests of economy, of re-uoving haadquarter of the eoasUI steamships from Vancouver to Prince Rupert. Mayor Stephens expressed the belief that the committee would be '.lad to carry on to conclusion the work it had commenced. Tom Scully, in speaking briefly urged that the dry dock should follow the policy of using local men 'patead of bringing men from Van-ouver when work was to be done it the local yard Drake Hotel of Chicago is in Receivership CHICAGO. April 8 the Drake Hotel, last of Chicago s pajor hos-telries lo weather the depression without financial dlfleulUea. has had srrited for a definite under, j Cor Vsnteuveip. standing between Uie steamship' Tuesday Cardena 1:30 nm companjr arid the city and he urged that Mr. Hungerford be asked to send A. E Warren, tlce-pretfdent In charge of western lines, another Steamship Sailings I Thurs.-as Prince OOfge 10 p.m Friday-. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.n. Ss. Venture ... eHimldnlght April 14-ss. Prln Norah .... pjn. SPORT CHAT Arrangement havi tk".-n tuni- ;leted whereby a visltlnK bakct MUl team froai ruvvUtt Indlur. lllage will play the local Orott i quintette in the AudltoMum nxi Tuesday ulabt. It Is well rt-mc :n bered by those who lyowed t.t keCball a few years avo wlv.i thi .inwli h baf.'.ftbll t am pti.vcil n c ity lcarae that they arr 1 Uasfey group 01 placi'! arid alway av the lo?al r.oop boys iUi ih aamtltlQB that they naked lor i: npt mm. Roth (be (irtto and uh Klncollth teams are rangy play-ars dtpendinff much on their checking so. without a doubt, this tussle wttl be well worth watching. Old Country Soccer Canadian Press lJ(iMll LK.UilK VlHt DivMon Aston Villa 1. Mam hosier City 1 Bolton Wanderers 2. Evert on 4 Chelsea 0, Leeds United 0. Hudderalield Town 4. Sheffield Wednesday 0. Leicester City 1 Derby County 0 Liverpool 4. Blackpool 3 Middlesbrough 3. Arsenal 4 Newcastle United 0. Sunderland 1 PorUmouth t, Blackburn Rovers ). Sheffield United 1. West Bram-vteh Ajfeton 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Bjrmlngtuyi e. scoaTisii iLAnui; llfst Uivtsten Airdrieonians t, last SMdmf-ihire 1. Ayr United , Dundee 0. cowdenheath 0. Partstk Thistle Hamilton Academicals Queen's Park un played. Hearts 1, Clyde 1. Morton a. Kilmarnock 2. Motherwell 3. 8t Mlrren 0. Rr.nvrm 5 Falkirk 1 8t Johnstone 3. Aberdeen 2. AiTurucy juU u- -,'bilon .in iuti a r 1 1 v t (I at by autuwoiit. ' r new testing tquip-aeni enables u to eltmhukte gueasr work from servicing. We would like to have vou visit our shop and see the meihouM Also, we bate afluippumt to repair any electrical appliances. Out of town work solicited Superior Radio Service 3tC Second Avenue I'hone Illue 330 P. O. IWu ISt A O BAHTLETT C II INHUI.ANUEK Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total rapacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Sleel and Wood Vessels Iron and Hrass Canting. , flee trie and Arettlene Welding SO-(on Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mlnlnf Machinery Itepnlred and Overhauled FAMILY SHOE STORE Ltd. Shoes! our Phone 357 Pre -Easter Sale I'lfsentH Many Aoiey-Stiving AUieUnnH For the Fainily TAKE Advantage of this event. Sflect your "Faster Footwear" while sale is in progress. KVKUY I'AUi OF SHQlvS Uf(w are constructed to give emrifort nml wear, wmtprisinir "HAHTT," UNYX," "MUUIAY" ami otlui svUverior msde quality footwear. Select Yours Now WATCH OUft WINDOWS FOU VALVES Iiox i:.Hi l A SATURDAY SERRJ0N j " In Quest of Greatness By Rev C D Clarke. First Vntted Church) j On th last jwirney tkat Jesus made to Jerusalem two of his dtsciptes, James and John, made the request that in the Kingdom tbey sit one on the right hand aitd the other I on the left hand (Mark 10: 35-45). Ttey ware thinking of a kingdom like that of David in whtcfi they would rule with the king. They had in mind a worldly kingdom. Jeu, orcouase, was of a dilfereat mind .. , ; , He iiiought of a spiritual frtngdnm ui winch Ood's will would he done . i, e.irth as In heaven . Ai first thought we crt Urate J.iin and John for their atlfiafi-rv but we an very much of the me nind with them although we I,--. 40Vitnced io other respecU. enrlpe rendered by the rompriliac jowef of brotherhood leading to the will of Odd. 'In the Hall of Fame we used tc njeee the men "mighty in battle AJesander the Oreal. Cafar Hi-ppleoo men of power, of wealth 'he IfiigjIroiM of Industry but 'i Mi,- togueats wat for a place of 'slowly we are changing t the 1.' i uuthouty so that Utey standArdf of iegua and we Uud it u)n rak lord t over" the ath- great the Klghtbualet the Pjv Tfiey ased tor uosiUosi next to, tears, the Cecils the peol. mho 'ii ruler The greatest thins in the serve mankind- the drvoted vml mind uf many of us is that we get who are making Oil wtici "vr near to the powers that be." to rhnglnj U from "omlordshii tHe party in power. We call it pat- ,co-operajUap and fellowship 'h-ronaae It Is a gnat thine to sit soever will he chief among y let near to the seau of Uie mighty be- hm be the servant of all T'.r rauke tt means so mash apt only of Son of Man came not to tx tr -honor but of power and authority, ternl unto hut o mini - r It is a in the smajlar elides In give tua life a ransom fu n.n. the relations between ampoye end employee To be near the boss or manager is a great thins In minds of many people The Is found in society and organisations. To sit Picked Up Tank near nrSTUS aamg rom Vessel of authority has heea and ta the great IhhM in the saind of man-to AImaWi Oefllalner Ileeovered '4 be in a poaHioji to load tt eter lJ Akr Wmk others, to feel one's fingers tingle with ppwer. to hate an assurance WAAHIMpTOlf, April 8 - that i am." uert )wa been received her- ' Jesus changed UUngs The only nwttftf ot an aluminum unk place in the kinasWim is that of ear. fl'l StW tram the acen of the vice to mankind. Itie only power duter to the airship Akron la the power to serve Place in the ' 1 kingdom depends upon the service n mcr airtved m thr rain one renders to humanity not set- front the Interior yesterdu :n.irn- vlee rendered with a bit stick. Im- in and wiled on thr r . . posing one's will upon others, but Aiclnidr la; night .or V.i . CHURCH NOTICES F!$ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MJplstrr. Key. V. I), (jntnt llolliiigwnrtli. ILA. Uranm, JqIhi ; Darry PALM SUfipAV 1! AM, termoo (subject: SERVICE, AJp MAfifKt U. 14 Sunday 11:30, West view Sunday School 7:M PM., "VICTOR OR VANQUlSHfflyr "The friendships of the world afe oft aoo(adjniejm lp Tlce or leafjies of Mleeaure" Evening Muptf Chorus: "Oo to Dark Oethaenutne" Witty I Chorua: 'TU Mttjtilght" ( Witty i Chorus: "Near the Oram Her VTfH" iPropi the Itln' DarHone Solo: "O Sacred Head rfcw Wounded" W qutrtetto: "AU lh qn April "Tlie way home la the way of the croat"