'AHI 1WO THE DAILY NEWS. PHXN'Ct BCPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA -. Published Every Afternoon, Except Bunday. by Prince Rupert . Daily Neva, Limited, Third Avenue t a t. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor Contract rafes onappUcatton. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ef Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION TAKE THE HARD WORK Out of House-Cleaning 8 98 Tuesday. Aaguk 1. lm AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS Fifteen years ago the present management took charge of the Daily News. Since that time the paper has tried to Jtipport every eood move. It has brought the news to the peepie impartially ami nas given mem me oesi po?iwe service with the support it ha received. It was to be expected that this paper like all others Would suffer from the depression but Canadian Press and all other necessary services have been retained and there has been very little falling off inirculation. Today the out of town circulation is just as large as ever and the percentage of subscribers to the population in the city is as large as it has ever been. There has been no weakening. I We are making plans for improvements as business pjcks up in the fall because we want to give our reader tpe' best possible newspaper. - On this our anniversary day, we wish to express our appreciation of the support given us. There never has been time when the paper has oeen so well known, and appreciated throughout the district and when we have found the people so anxious to cany on as readers and subscribers. All this is naturally very pleasing tons and it is good f&r Prince Rupert because it keeps the city and country districts in touch with each other. FOR THE FUTURE The management of the Daily News is just as optimistic as to the future of Prince Rupert as ever. While there laVe been many setbacks, the country around is being '.gradually developed and with that development the city will grow and the business of the port will steadily im-proye. Industries will be secured because of the strategic -position of the city and the valuable power reserve which ran be used. ; Now that we are on the move once more, we suggest rat all citizens unite in pressing for anything apderAvr tiJtng-that will benefit the city. We may he divided' noli, .tically, but that is a trifle. It is unimportant. Even in that ,$he division is not serious. 1 w,th? ,ynited Stat taky there is Kttle division along .political lines. All are behind the president in his endeavor tp Improve conditions and we must act as a unit here if flVSI" UQ OM in mnT'n ...... With a PREMIER DUPLEX VACUUM CLEANER Dtoeard your old-fashioned, dtist-ratslag broom Sweep the dean, easy modern way . . eksctrtcally . . . with a Premier Deptex that does the job so thorough? and so aalckh and wt4h so MUlc eIert. A smal cash payment puts one ta your heme. The balance arranged orfWjr eaey jmvn of deferred payments. Decide now. to make House cleaning easy. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited i Mlaa E. M. Karl is visiting WU- Ontario 8TeTsWes Bres. for Waripaper. bus. Paint and Mureseo. Marfan Dspote ml Haysport armed to the any yesterday afternoon m tbe train. H. B. Rochester returned en tb tgnta yesterday afternoon tram a week end spent In Twraw. Special It days oeMy inn cleaned and ptesatd 1 daflar Canadian & Pieaaer Laandcy Ltd. Jack Sargent came In on tfcr .rain yesterday en root la Van- oarer onavfeig a visit to hfc home at Haaelton. AantteaUoa Is botag saade by tfce Kmyaress Social Cinb to have than raatored to the Ma of Jot.-.t stock C. O Minns. awoorwAor ct Wl ac's Store. Mt by Use stoanm Ratals this after aon far a bnel- aesa visit to Vancoover. ttss Ctredvyn Morgan, dwagtster of Mr. and Mn. Bert Mccgan. re tarptd yesterday tttmoun after sperdtng a hatMny at Lalato? Lake. NOTICE Oar prices tor nan's overcoat from now o ind pressed, iljgf. Idfal deanets and Dyers, Phone US. tt. Col J w. Mebons spent ttte nek-end at his snouaer bonse at lakeiae Lake, lnavtec the city on sdntany night ami retarning ys-terday afternoon. Mrs. MkhoDs a :d fantfiy are at Lakdse. Father E M. Leray OJJi. who n ah sat to leave tor Dewaon to wUanfednt te-nltwn:trnnsfsf red from Stewart, jvtarned to the ctty on yesterday afternoon's trnto after spend trig the week-end at Terrace. The yacht Fsjidagn. belonging to Mr and Mrs. Hoffntan of Pasa- una. left here yesterday tehnrety cxBjalng. aroend Port atmion a-d district and wffl be back hi a day or two to pick ap a party for a errnse to Alaska. Miss Mary Meftee of the Prince Rapert Oeneral Hoapttal staff, ar rived In the ettr yeaterdey after-1 inoon after spending two weeks holidaying with her aa rents. Mr and Mn D C. McfUe at Lakeiae I ad Mr. ant Mrs John MrRae at i Terrace i Mrs. Cormier left on the steamer I Prince Rapert yesterday afternoon for Vansoaver e -rente to Kunkooa toking home Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ritchie's children who hove bean tspendiaa a hehday vMH thear laTandaarenU. lit. and Mn. J. BM ichle. Poerth Ave a. i ine ctty rrre denartoMiEt tt- 'nyonded to bat three atorais dar-'tag the month of Jor opnfader aMe damage was done at the An dttortwri! and W. Jeaea rrafctenej an Third Aveme. The other wa a cbha-ey fire. Compared with tto year there hid befl mfre ; caua bet leu damage. 7 jf r- ! Announcements j i Orand Drawing Boys' Iftnd Bridge. Whist and Dance Aagast 11 Refreshments Me. Catholic BaaaarOctorxx IP Presbyterian Fall Baaaar Nov. t Angnun W A. Bazaar. Nov. 18. MI LADY BEAUTY SIIOI'PE SPECIALS FOIt AUGUST Steam Oil Permanent Wave $5.00 and $3.00 Marcelle & Curl with Hair Cut $1.00 Shampoe and Finger Wave 75c rilONE 5 THE DAILY NEWS .LOCAL NEWS NOTES ; Bits' meeting Wednesday night. Important. For day and fire fiiaitr 22. Alexander emith night Tail rr . Miss Jean JUch!e is burnt t 'Ternet whete'sh.- had he.s b loafing. ru.. holl Shift your wash day labor u an Easy Washer. $76 5 p bu terms at McRae Bros. Word w, received yesterday from Rema that the strawberries are almost all over at that point. The yaehl Oaftalt that was here last wee going to A'asfca wttb a party af tea jeoats ua board called m port yeaierdav on hex was smith. i &Hss lean Vtttrit! rl ht mm Miss Jean Hood of Vancouver arrived home msterdar astemoo: ! from a vmft to CarvV and Port, Esstngtoa. Pate Blmte ml Smltberi name in Satardn afaiuV to rut bis sister who was naassng ti.roogh en root? to Dawson. He returned home last lei Jety this year totaUed SOD fbibfine; the total for the year ta fit. which la ken than the fine in the of the We ate pleased to congratulate the wtohar. Mrs Robert Woad. M9 Seventh Avenee Bast, on being the nearest to the correct number of strands of wool hi the tease! shown in oar window. The correct number was Sit. Mrs Woods' estimate was Sit tlx others were fairly close, bat estimates ranged Iter to SjBea. Hotel Arrivals Sarey Mr. a-d Mrs R E. Kogan. Tyee B. C. noyal P. Hanson w J. Sellg and U M. Oaatap. KethBmn; VOseJean IMeLeed and Marlon McLeed. New York; P. M. Aestad. Terrace Prince Rupert Mr. anc Mn W. tMnsnwe. Ta-ceata: O MoLare., Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs R P. Clark and daughter. Washington. DC M Dahl-qulst: Oedarvtle L. r. Chapman. Spokane: E L perrtn. etty; Mr laifd Mrs A E Lnwaon. Dehnoral Phf7 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. ZareUi Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates ll.ee np 50 Rooms. Hot St CoM Water Prince Rvpert. D C Phone Ml pjrj Box 1M OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger. Miner ROOMS 111 per month, ft per week, tte per night SHOULD IJAT1IS Third Avenue phone 048 JIMMIE CICCONE man in to Va week tor McAaley. CITY New HeaeKon Hash Behoef to Van- wl er be win take aa week to Ids w Iff be be amrrtVY saarrtVY drifeamaclty ori!eamc1ty ta steam Shovel oaater. who u Aagust 10 to Man Ingledew of for the Canodfaa Vancouver j wars. Cushion Contest At Wallace's Store C X. engtfeer ?eaManal Rail- fore- R. yards. went soatb on the Priree Rapert He eiheato to be away aooat , ten days. Mheta Dotoihy and Oertrade Oosae aaned the steamer Prince Rapert yeeteroay afternoon for Vancouver after spending a ten-day bonday ;th their tixter and OTother-ln la Or and M? H L Alexander 3X Pjfth Avrnue Eat FOOTBALL! TONIGHT CANADIAN LCOION vs. HCniMENT AcrsIis ( 3fl pM. Adra, Ue Transfer Phone 950 llemloek and Sprsee per rord. delivered $6 COAL FOR SALE furniture and Piano Moving Summer Train Service (i.o h jm iak Psuencer trains Irate Print Kupert r rry antnrxla an4 Friday al 9J0 p.m rvan-tlnn at pee for U pntff t and Sulh. During the iimairr araMtai train from th Ka(t will arrli Maaday end Saturday at 2.11 f.tnn anaklng eonnrrtlon llh tirnmm for aouthrrn port vhlrli Ira ta Prlnrr Rupert n tandy at 4.00 p.m. and .aturd at 1M a.m. l Summer Turn SOVt t IVr"tbm. mHm ar Si u j cm TKtn nitH.r. CANADIAN NATIONAL Continuing Annette's AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE We Dress You From Head to Foot For $4.98 TAMS Latest Novelty Fet Tarns in all eotorB 5 0 C Extraordinary value DIfESSES Angel Silk, Crepe V&k, Etc. SI SfcitnUle for afternoon wear VAHU HOSE Mereerhed Silk, latest shades, all sizes, ff Q p all infect; 2 pain for uuv SHOES Intents, CnH and KM, High and Cuban Heel CJ all fifes TOTAL $4.98 Don't Forget. We Are Nat Selling Old CoJt.'All (hir jlerehandlir ,w an1 Mvdetn at Modru Prke. Aririsof frpQ - Federal Block Thc Store of the Hcltcr Dressed For Icss" 'for the first rven months of last ftdf. ; Man E. DobMe and Miss E OU Word 1 nnght frnra Wait Canal j ker, nartes at the loeal hosou: ( jts nuu onji uaryasafe. wno leftjlect yeaaesnay an toe Prince ku-Ihare xecentto to his fine yacht 'part for a trip to Vancouver '"Infanta. seoi some time flsnfntl -I at Lewton Lake but with not very W H Tobey. CNH Jvwao.- latent aantaaa the water Mw ka admt Mt an jtotMHtev Ingh. The M. M. BtephenT party night's train for a trto over the dM beMey thin he famoas sctor.jhne as tar as iaaner Park on of-lariefy becaase of Mr Armstrong's Metal daUes. SkfD In ftltlftng Che wily trowt J P. Hogaa. locosnotive foreman WflHnai Saasth maaaeer of the at Padfic arrived on the train Jortharn nrtygh Cots nana power yesterday after oon from the In- Bsany at ffewart Is passing terior and eohtinaed on Lp) way 'hrasga the ctfty today on the Ca- sooth aboard the Prince Rupert tela inroaU to 'Vsaoeaver to at-, tend the viddtoa of fcis brother, Robert t McCarthy McCarthy left at the end Something New! ewNemwnfOtftEHmmsTs Ginger Fruit Toffee, 39c lb. Filbert Nut Clusters, 49c lb. SHAVING CREAM snd AFTER SHAVE LOTION Special at 50c SNAPSHOT ALBUMS From 60c and up Ormes Ltd. it Pioneer Druqcistx The Itesall Store Phones It A R Fishing Rods and Lines Enjoy the fine weather while it last. Take a h-' and go fishing. We can supply you with the including an Anglers Licence. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIP LIMITED Btesawr. It rnao Kuprt tee VtDnirr CATALA ETEHY TUESDAY, ItJO pJL Due Vaneouvr Tharsday pjn TJJI. CARDENA EVEflT FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. WfUy $OiBf to Port BUajMoo. Mic Arm. Anjet, Stewart rurtbw tntormatiae rrait HI MUing mmI UckaU at - rnnce nuperi Agency: second Avenue. Phons H Hecausc it doesn't pay to advertise poor product, It does pay to buy those idicrtlsed