I PAGE FOUR SUMMER SHOES for Summer Weather We have a large stock of summer shoes including ladies,' misses,' men's, boys' and children's running shoes, beach shoes, tennis shoes and oxfords. We are offering these at 35V lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. This is made possible by the fact that we bought at such low Prices when footwear was at it lnvrst and manufartnrri-x wr r,.,t... i i Smith Block Your Boat Needs a Hadio Have us InoUU uae of our nw .set.f ui your boat. No B or C Batteries requir ed, operates directly off any six volt lighting or ignition system. A demonstration at our shop will convince you of the simplicity and economical operation of this set. Superior 333 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 131 A. O. BARTLETT C. H. INSULA KDER Phone 3 i Radio Service M Oet quick result with a want ad HOUSES F. W. Hart. t! FOR RENT clean furnished apartment Phone Red 444. GOOD LaUon lor small business in centre of the new business district. Third Avenue. Will ren-ovete to suit tenant. Rent only $30 a month. McClymont. ' t! vr.ur.u notice : TAKX WOTOCK Ut J B. WoaSwoitll. ' Mdrcw 3S57 Mat Orey RomL VaoeaH-i ver. BC. will applf (or ltesasr tetdt Ana u 300 eu ft per mooM. iU tore 100400 acre ft out of Cum Lake into Surf Inlet Thta Mag the rmndltvantng of conditional wfr li-oenae 1TS-S Tkls watM- will be uaMfc powr purpoata. ThU notice a wtd on th irmuKI on the Uilrtanth day , . -. n u una mom , tloe and an anptlcatton pursuant ther-to and to tne War Aot" wui be fUad In ta ornee of the vsvr rworder at Prlnea Rupert. Obtoottone to the ao-piloatton may be tliad wsth the aaM water rfoordee or with the OooaptraOer Water Rlattta. PartlaaMnt BuadtofA Vlotorla. BC. wMbln thtrty dava aStar ; the flivt appewraare of this notice In a x?Lnf"p'"T The date of the flm; PUbUoatton or thtt noUoe la July 17. 3 B. WOOOWORTH. AppUoao The AUCTIONEER Packlng-CratlngWrapplng & Oeneral Furniture Repairs Lbt your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 - Avwa IU UUI1MU Men's Tennis or Running Women's or Growing Boys' and Youths' Run-Shoes, Boots or Oxfords, Girls' Tennis or Running ning Shoes, all styles, all colors. Prices Shoes, any color. Prices Prices 1.10 10 $1.45 95c to si.15 89c t0 1,25 f18 DreBoots & 0x; " : . ' , Ladies' Fine Dress or fords, good range of Misses and Children's Snorts Shoes anv w styles to choose from. Running Shoes, Straps Prices- Prices or Oxfords, all colors and r- t r cc tm 2.45 10 3.95 195 10 2.95 59Cto85C Asses' Men's Black or Brown f Calf and Grain Leather SH neL 2 nvl3 Work Boots Panco soles Women's Latest Style in bS or brown c3f ' or leather. Prices Sandals, color to suit Prices $1.95 10 $3.65 Sdres8. 1.75 98c t0 $1.65 Cut Rate Shoe Store -r - Third Avenue ww Prince fluivrf nr - - f . . Paint Boiled Oil and Turpentine have advanced about 3oc a gallon in the last few weeks. BUY THIS INEXPEN-SIVE PAINT Now! Gallons ...$2.79 -GalIons .$1.59 Quarts 89c Kaien Hardware Dance Saturday Big Game Hunters At Remo Enjoyed. Going to Alaska RKMO. Aug. 1 There was a wry Two prominent Philadelphians enjoyable dance held here Satur-. wU1 Join the Prince Oeorge here to-jday night which was attended by a '"arrow for Skagway. They are Ma-large number of Terrace people as j Jor Middleton Waller and Joseph well as the resident of the district. w Uppincott. On their north I Refreshment were sold by auction, ' bound trip they will meet the chief fthe auctioneer for the occasion be- of the Alaska Oame n-n.! at me ait. nuiDerv. . uneau ana arrange for huntinc on John Dye of the JJa- iitional Railways staff here was a I Patrtir Admiralty Island which Is across the sound from that Alaskan port. week-end visitor to. VanaradoL . and nuiio Company, representative to ban die the sale and distribution of their products, serving and selling hundreds of satisfied customers m the Prince Rupert district. This is a real opportunity for a Live Wire. Apply 1350 Hornby Street. Vancouver. B.C. 179 AIN1 n AIR DRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! -Oil" K.50. "KlnrJrtte" $5.00. Nelson's Beauty Shnppe I TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANS FHl Furniture moving, wood, coal chairs ifor rent. tf PAINTERS TINO and Panertun poller, Phone Red 802. TYPEWRITERS j i 1 For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Dulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley Wf Iso sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 68 Phones S58 THT, DAILY NETTS Tuetfav Aup C.N.R. Softball Team is Winner Over Navy Squad In a postponed Softball game but evening the C. N. R. A. boys re tained their undefeated record by turning back the Nary squad 14 to 2 in a rather listless affair. Pitcher for the railroaders toned a good game and was aided with strong support while Stewart for the Nary was hit rather hard in the pinches. Baseball Scores American League New York 13. Washington 9. Cleveland 8. St. Louis 13. No National League fames i LEGION FOOTBALL TEAM ' Canadian Legion team to oppose Regiment m the City League football game tonight .will be selected from the lollowicg: Pea re. SttJes, Currte. McDonald. Madden. OUker. Greer. BspUe. Murray. Dickens. Bussanich. Comadina. Morrison LOCAL NEWS Terrace. ! R M Stewart, president of the DunweU Mtoe at Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Catala bound for Victoria. Barney MeGulre. going to the Pioneer Mae via Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon from Alice Arm. Rev. Father E. M. Lcray OJ&I. was an Interesting speaker at today's regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club toning of war experiences with the French army. A. McPhee of Smithm Dixon reached nort at l is m " '" "urw . e i-oruano uanai leavlne for th. it-w v-lZ u L . , - --- Mf mn appouiea comaussian- night and returning yesterday af-ers under the Provincial Sections WU. Act Classified Ads for sale WANTED 1930 Plymouth Coupe, condition ! WANTS By the J. R. Watkln like new. will sell at a real crlfice in price. WALKER'S MU SIC 8TORE. FOU RENT and Naas River points with a fair pueenger list and sailed again fur the south at 2 pjn. Today's Weather Langara Part cloudy, calm, sea moderate. Triple Island Part cloudy, licht southeast wind, sea moderate. Dead Tree Point-Overcast, lisht southeast wind; barometer. 29 M temperature. M: light chop. Terrace Clear, east wind. 58. Aiyanah Clear, calm, 60. Haselton Clear, calm. 88 Smlthers Clear, calm. 55. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 48. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Loin Veal Chops 2 lbs. : Ramp Roast Veal per lb Shoulder Veal 4 lbs. Stewing Veal. 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots Rolled Shoulder Lamb per lb Stewing Lamb. 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots Pork Chops 2 lbs. Shoulder Roast Pork 4 lb. Boiling Beef 3 lbs Sirloin Tip , per lb. . . Sirloin Steak 2 lbs Leg Pork per lb Prime Rib Roll per lb. Tomato Sausage per lb. Phone 957 35c 15c 50c 25c 20c 25c 35c 50c 25c 18c 45c 18c 18c 10c Local Boxers Showing Up Well In Moose Gym Tommy Morgan ruts Roys Throuch Their races and Iirinrs Them Along For an hour and a half last night before an appreciative number of fans at the Moose Oimni- slum there was the usual weekly werk-out and the comment passed on the Unproved condition of the boys since they are getting down to regular training under Tommy Morgan was very favorable. Dan Perrln boxed xwo rounds with Nina Ourvich and is showing rked Improvements, he is devel- onlnc all round, and will make a first class showing with the sailors Henry Knaiwle. a newcomer to Prince Runert is a very free mixer. and under skilful management will develop into a real fighter. There is a tot of lmprovesnent m Johnny MeLeod. lie Is developing quite a punch and If be will follow instruc- s has a kmc way to go in the fight game. Fred RadclUfe. a good aD round sport. Is a valuable asset to the gym. Jack Annesty, a smart boy. boxes at IK pounds and Is very fast. He takes lots of punishment and if possible to get a sailor bis weight will make a bout wall worth seeing Chuck Hlckey. oae of Prince Rupert's favorites, is always teadv to Mrs. Thomas Balllnater left aftlnfar anrf win If h Imh .M..- the end of the weekjor a visit to himself, make one of Rupert's best Nina Ourvieh. who received many favorable comments on his rapid improvement and under the watchful eye of his trainer. Is being taught the finer points of boxing. Tommy expects big things from this boy in the future. There will be another work-out Thursday evening and for any fight fans interested in watching the boys there are lot of seats, but not for children under, sixteen years of age. BABE RUTH HITS HARD Drives in Four Rum For New Y'ork Against Washlncton Yesterday Afternoon WA8HINOTOK. Aug. l-Babe Ruth did some hard hitting yesterday in the game against Washington, driving in four runs with a triple, a single and two doubles. Mrs. J M. Dunn and tamUv of An vox passed through the city on the steamer Catala for Vancouver where they intend Uking up BUY & SAVE Here is your opportunity to save a few nickels. Why not rail at our store and compare our prices. SALAD 0RE8SIMO -Best Foods. 16-os. Jar Spanish piMorroe large tin KIPPBRBD SNACKS Fancy. 4 tins HAPPY VALE PICKLSS- 8weet or sour, quart Jar A8HCROFT KETCH UP- Pts.. 2 bottles READY CUT MACARONI-per lb CANADIAN CHS88B-per lb DAVIE'S LUNCH TONOUE s's. per tin EDDY8 OWT MATCH BS 3 boxes to oka. . 8PRINO PINK SALMON Is Qn per tin L SLICED PINEAPPLBas A per Un 1UC (Advancing, buy now M7-19 Third P.O. Box 575 39c 23c 25c 33c 25c 27c FRYS CHOC-O-CREAM- The favorite drink, per lb 3"C tTCn Call at our Confectionery and r 0 try a cup DL We carry a full line of Candles and Chocolates We DeUvrr Orders of $.00 or Orer MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store ATenue Weil Phone 18 7c 19c 24c Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Feature Starts 7:25 4:9:25 THE (iKANl)l 11 Great Stars 50 With WARN Salmon Fishing on TWO SHOWS Admhsion same cm tin Rivers but th. Skeena and Naas! erable numb i I The fUhinK ., Little rhanxe m the salmon fish- has been ra'! lng situation is rep'rt tl tin morn- Skeena but fo Ing The stxkee continue ;ibout the appointme nt 11 ST ENTLItTAINM t'NT EVr.U OITEKrt. Featured Platers and 200 Beautify cm. "42ND. STREET" NEK BAXTER. BEBK DANIELS, GEOKGE Bltrvr ,.. KOOI'.KS. Kl'BV KEKLEIL DICK POWELL ' Vi ll..lTI.AI.I.IH. t ltll- It iirai m ii uuuuife iitiiAn- iassuii griiic inscnwir7' T A Wittering Spectacle A Warner Bros. ""l MICKEY MOl'SE in "Night" "Sereen Souvenirs Trt " Tlll KSDAY ONLY "STRICTLY PEKSOVAi "Ctl MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE SEMI-ANNUAL SALE! SOO Square Yards Canru Back Heavy Quality r n. Linoleum; St-mi-Annual Sale Price, per squai. 0Q Price, according to sice, up from OOiOfl This tale U1 rMlinue daring AugusL WaUh this sdvt-J III -T- I i 1111111' I iu :r7 Th irA t. I HOLIDAY RESORTS THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern CMvenlenes No Plies, No Mosquitoes I Is me Cookiac Par CsceJkaee $11.04 Per Wek Children under 12 half rate MADAME RAJ AIT TlelL Q. C Islands When Coming to Terrace Make Arraniement Wllh Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, H.C. To O reel Yeu. We meet all trains. Freight ft psssenger service anywhere. boat H A. S i now in service on the lake Fare anywhere n lh lake. 25.f ,I;$,J: SIM p' itriA additional. No crowd loo Wr. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTUS EVERY SUNDAY North Beach Famout H" Near Massetl Q. ( I Furnished Shi; lUfci Apply Mrs, Duna Massctt, Rr LAKELSE HA Springs Lodge An Ideal PUce t I! Unesl of fl fkshin;' l:-3i bathing and tc: Arranie for trar with W. II. IJurnct T?rvt nx llales from Trm : U ft liOdge Inrludins t:r;l tr- One adult. 81.00 i 1 tienal adult 11 1 Write or W.t W, II. HI RNFTT We lok AMfT Y ' Wi:a The Fish which made Prince Rupert FamoM "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Dally Uj Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Ui IKICE RUPERT, H.C. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Itati Intra Red Kara Massare All at Reasonablff !"ic W. C. ASPINALL DXi (Chlroprscton , Oreenlll Plionei f f"" Eschanre nlock miWTOapgijSI