Tomorrow's Tides High .10:' A 18.4 VI vv N" XXIV. No. 178. EDITORIAL EXTEND FISHING SEASON International fisheries THE CommlHlon bat notified local fishermen that the southern tanks will be doted to fUhlng at aidnJfht Anut tS. the reaton jiven being that these banks are selnr Ibhed too extensively and (bit very soon there will be no f bh ft If the lesion Is left open. While we bae every sympathy titb the eommKslon and Its work nr chief sympathy Is with these fbhermen who may be thrown oat I employment at this critical pita!. Last season nothlnc was made from halibut fishing and as s result the fishermen had to go a relief during the winter. This irsr in spile of the low prices the prn havs kept down espenses and sorted hard and as a result arc Jut beginning to get ahead. But if thrr are to be thrown out of ork (or sis months they and their families will have to be fed by ttmrone The federal government Is being Importuned to glre work to the un employed. Here the work Is already laid oat for them, There Is a market (or the fiih and the men are rrad and willing to carry on If iDwrd to do so. They base the far and everything necessary for the production of this desirable vs food. We toiiest that, not as a general K-'" but for this season only, li T-hermen be allowed to carry m Uiing In order to help bring ktt that prosperous rendition h we have all been hoping t-i striving. One year silll make tiilt material difference to the tommatlon scheme for there km been more halibut on the kanks this year than for many wawns past V ancouver Stocks UJ D. J"twuvr Oo.l Vancouver r J05 1" nreille. 1 at. ,; Fire. .11. 1 rr. I M. Stiver, Jit. Idaho. ' Riser Cons, JO. xia Riser. .0. at. water. M. ' Oold, 2.90. 1:' .trd. .114. .iian. .41. C Mlasourt. M. y Jim. Aft. r rrrit .04. noriy Tangier, JK. '"!un. .01. PR X AO Wusidf, 14, ?' 've Hon. DO. hirrl. .01 U Province, jQl. M i Ming SUr. Jst. Toronto ,; ""!. 33.50. "rritt Oordon, 1JW. Tnrr Nickel. 190. W ams, .66. M Watteri, 1.03. P'-m. 1.80. Granada, l nj. Ku kiand Lake Oold, .35. s"n Antonio, ids, Oils Burling Pidflc, .44. A P Con, M. ''hyan. .(Jlty. I ' ' " hold. .14, ' "'iiont. .15. r 8.. 1.58. iime, DlRby m.I.aI... .1.11. 1 - - - ..urn victoria wnicn mai R rhanim In f h u.iu. n sv ninuivi tVIlT ft. ft. -J today on tncir w. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1933 W HE A T WAS A GAIN KING TOD A Y M0LLIS0NS, HEROES, IN TRIUMPHANT PROCESSION Price of Wheat Soars On Winnipeg and Chicago Markets Today Result of Various Reports Affecting Trade Outburst of Buying at Opening of Exchange and Upward irish i at Close Chicago Also Boosts Prices Flour WINNIPEG, Aug. 1 : Opening with an outburst of buying and closing with an impressive upward flourish, wheat soared from 9c to 91c today as a result of a last min-1 ute word of good export business combined with reports' of frost and generally bullish weather. The market was also affected favorably by Chicago's action to halt the fur- Slight Break Of Heat Wave in Eastern States ' Chicago lias Had Weather Too Hot For Sucre of Big Fair New York F.Tfi ClUGAOQ, At l-A ftsght brack In heat conditions bate ks gtrtoc some relief from the snsssw beat of Use pact few days. So great has bees the hmt that aeUslttaa at the world's fair hare been slowed up The thermometer stood at 11 to the shade NEW YORK. Aug. l:-lntessM beat baa been rewpoastble for a number of deaths bare. The thermometer has bean ranging aUgbtty over 1M in the shade. TAXIS COMINO IN WM.1. TODAY SAYS CITY COMMISSIONER Coram laaloner Alder this morning announced that taxca were coming in quit as well as he had expected He was quite optimistic over the outlook. This is the last . day for the paying of taxea without being penalysed. POLE BUYER IN THE CTi . fn I. F. Chapman iiepresenuns wsukee llrm Ull Ir souin Tolsy on Catala t. p chsDman. western manager of McOUles and Oibb of Milwaukee. Wlaconaln. compieieo a wur 01 mr district today, going south on the Oatabt this afternoon on hla return home. He has been for the past wfk touring the pole cutting district with Qlof Hanson M P. Mr. Chapman's firm U takinr Mme of the Hanson poles and b looking over the altuatlon for live first time In three yearn. i, it.nann is shipping out a lot i- .nil U surung to drive the vi I" , iv. a u-rvtH palas that i orr" " for some time. sh,vkITant coitku ON NRW YORK MAIM NEW YORK. Aug. l -8Uver was quoted here today at "He. Copper held firm at Mr mnA Mrs. O. Durvlck from 4t 1 ooaiw MfaW Tulanii wrrr on the Catnla ITIliVO td Vancouver. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER tber down-turns. October wheat defied at We, December at KMte. Word was received here that prices bad also soared In Chicago mating unnecessary the pegging - r - Vancouver Wheat VANOOUVKR Aug. 1 The price of spot cash wbaat here today Jumped from yeetarday'a Tie to Mc. Captain Jim Mollison . Streets TP HI IRI V IN 1 IVU U IJLjLi 111 SIMLA OVER A (1 wrn IT A imAni III R S xV21 1 XT 1 VSlYu Four squadrons of nrituh rianes Bomb Village Became of Failure To Surrender Men SIMLA. India. Aug. 1: Four squadrons of British bombing "l? Kotal foUowtnc the tribesmen's allure to surrender three aUeojcd rtogleadara of an sal tation asjatnat iw Britsah. If ale oBosaUosM mow hsttte. ute rieia. Yesterday Brttiah planes fired on by hostile riflemen. No eaauattles are so far reported and Amy Cheered On of New York '"Cheerio Amy Attaboy. Jim! Captain Mollison still wore bandages on his forehead but otherwise the pair seemed Nttfc the worse tor their recent mishap. A gold medal was prasented to each of the flyers by Mayor John O'Brien. Fire Destroyed Mine Buildings NELSON. Aug. 1: A forest fire on Toby Creek destroyed the build- lugs at the Paradise Mines in the Windermere district. Presented With Medals by Mayor O'Hrien After Trium phal Hide From the Itnttery to the City Hall NEW Y0KK, Aug. 1: Behind screaming police sirens and under a genarous dousing of confetti and ticker tape Amy and James Mollison rode as heroes over the route to the City Hall today for their official reception. The police estimated that 200,000 people lined Broadway from the Battery to City Hall Park shouting such expressions as REVENUE OF PORT IS UP Customs snd excise revenue at the port of Trince ituprrt for the month of July this year totalled $20,422.17 as compared with 6,-391.41 in (he same month last year. So (ar this year the revrnue of the port has totalled S10UMJ1 as compared with $73,591.19 for the first seven months of last year. Unusual Steps Taken to Try To Stem the Drop in Prices Of Grain in Chicago Wheat Pit CHICAGO. Atip. 1: Seekin; to stem the downward trend in pram prices the directors of tho Board of Trade last night announced "there will bo no further trading in grain and provisions below the closing prices on grain and provisions Monday, July 31. effective until August 15." RECOVERS FROM HEART WOUNDING Eternal Triangle Was Cans of Trouble at Albeml and Assailant is Committed port albernl Aug. l: The old saying that a person cannot re- cover from a wounded heart, seems to have been belled In the ease of SsYvrTSw1!;: . . . . . . . wai wound fd in in nearv oat m stm alive and likely to fnHy teeov- er. his assailant, Andrew Mose. was accused of attempted murder here and committed for trial. The most interesting part of the case ww the evidence supplied by Dr. W. D. Hiaga. local medical man. who testified to the condition of the wounded man and outlined one of the rarest operations on record -Uiai 01 1 wing up an men ana a half wound in the heart of Charlie Sam. In giving testimony. Dr. Hlggs ted of hto being catted to KUdonan A shfe smiw SBerDlBa at June 29 4m4ftUUrlnjs.iu-AV aid to 'TbarUe Sam. after which he had he Indian removed to the West oast Hospital at Port Aloerni vhere he procured the assistance of Or. C. T. Hilton and. after giving a local anaesthetic, opened the wound until the gash in the heart was located. Dr. Higgs then per- formed the delicate task of Insert- lng six sUtchea in the punctured organ. According to the doctor, 8am had "a rocky time for three weeks' but has general condition Is now good and undoubtedly he wUl recover from the wound. But he must have complete rest t$t an in-1 definite time" The Eternal Triangle Following the testimony of the phyuscsan. Louise Louie, common law wife of the accused, took the stand and testified to having lived with Andrew Moses for three years and borne him two children, although they were never married. She left him about two months ago because he licked her aad ddnT treat her right, and she west to Mv OKLAHOMA CITY. Aug. list Kildonan In the hottse of her Charles Urschel. the kidnapped cousin. Bobby Coots, where her grandmother also lived. She told the court about the night of the crime, how Moses tried to persuade bar to return to Dodgem Oev with j htm and svan used force, and of Cbartte Sam's frequent Tleelara - ttons of love for her. made In front of Moses She was In bed when Moses, Coots and Sam arrived at the house, and she board a thud as of a body falling. Getting up and entering the kitchen, she saw Moses lying on the floor and under cross examination she admitted that his i shirt was torn and he looked as h hari hn hMten on. 11mm tank her by the hand and pulled her with him out on the sidewalk to the! , others following. Near the ! Rallrv ah nut her free urm arntirwl Charlie Sam's neck, and as the latter again declared hte love far her she saw Moses strike Sam In the left breast Sam fainted. GANDHI IS ARRESTED AHMBDABAD. India. Aug. I: Ma ha Una K Oandht, his wife and 33 followers were arrested today at the outset of their planned dlsobe- die nee campaign for Indian lnde- pendence Their early release on parole is expected Halibut Fishing in Area 2 Will Close Midnight, August 25 Intensive fishing in Southern Area Has Caused Interna? tional Fisheries Commission to Take Action to Conserve Fish The announcement is made by the International Fish- amaa. f Tnmmicotrtn rhnf ftchinr nntV 4-. kA wvimumooiv closed to halibut fishing August "25 at midnight unless changed as a result of voluntary curtailment. This includes an the nearby banks and leaves only area three, off the northwestern coast of Alaska open to the halibut boats. Landtags from area two this year hare been unusually heavy. Up to' t .rrm twttvwt tit jiy n Endings for the year have All I VITY IN )yn as foUowl , A.V 1 1 Y 1 1 1 ill Area two. 17.750.000 as against 13,750.000 last year. I Area three. 12.250.000 as acalntt' 12.7SOO00 lait tmt I ' " I I Building Permits h Higher ButNot Yet Equal to Last Year Building permits for the month, 01 W totalled $6,540. an increase over last month but still far behind the total of last year. The permits 101 wuiy conostea 01 we ixnsaisn "n cold storage Co. wharf. Mrs. Worsfold's new eight-roomed residence at Seal Cove and some minor repairs. KIDNAPPED MEN RETURN Both Charles Urschel and John O'Connell Released and Return to Their Homes mUuonalre who has been bald in capuvuy ror me past nine oays. returned to his home early this morning uninjured, ALBANY. N Y.. Aug. 1 -lohn J. O Connell Jr.. the 21-year old scion !0 politically powerful O'Con - , n'n f"illy Albany, was released to n Intermediary Sunday by ktd- nappers upon payment of $49,060. Ur kidnapped July 7 and was uninjured although suffering from d and nfrvous exhaustion. TO INQUIRE I NTO R A lMlf Q ill 1 J Drill JLVlJ , rt. ti . -I ii.. n.u , u... Its Periodic Overhsul by Royal Commission OTTAWA. Aug. 1: The establishment of a Royal Commission to Inquire Into the operations of the Bank Act In Canada was completed by the cabinet council yesterday, announcement having been made last evening of the personnel which Is as follows: Lord MacMlllan. eminent British j Jurist, chairman: Sir Charles Addis, English banker and economist; Sir Thomas White, wartime minister of finance: Hon. J. E. Brownlee, Pre mler of Alberta: Beaudry Letn&n. general manager ot La Banque CanadKne Nationale. Today's Weather Prince Rupert The barometer is falling today with the probability of a change. Sky Is cloudy wind, light southeast, barometer, 29.99; temperature, 68; sea smooth. PRICE: FIVE CENTS aicuo unc anu tu ni w POLITICS IS a " K IHUIIILAdLEi Movement Toward Putting Inde pendents in field in Province As Other Movements Have Failed VICTORIA. Aug. 1: In spite of the letharn induced hv the summer ximt mtry noticeable political activity everywhere and people are in an expectant mood. The idea of a Conservative or Unionist rally seems to have been raeUcally dropped and members of that party are now devoting their attention to the independent Conservative movement that Is being; found to have a stronger appeal tot the electors. The Bowser boom hsv-J lng petered out; the C. C. F. having; spilt down the centre over the mat-i ter or policy: the United front hav-j ing been found to be anted tooi closely to the communist movement! and the Unionist move having' been a flop from .the very first there was no hope left for those'" wbo oppose united Liberalism bub to try to secure the election of a. sufficient number of independents to later unite as a reactionary force. So It is seen that the number of independent candidates is multi plying. With approximately 90 candidates already in the field and with many more yet to be nominated the elcc- tton looks like a merry scramble. but there have so far been no Liberal defections and T. D. Pattullo is as confident as ever. Premier Tolmie will be announcing the election date before long and it U expected that he wiH ask the Ueu Oovernor to dissolve the Legislature and hold an election not later than the early part of November. New Plan of President Is Starting Today; General Co-operation Seems to Be Rule In United States as Campaign Opens WASHINOTON, Aug. 1: The new plan to bring back prosperity in the United States sponsored by President Roosevelt, commenced today and Is receiving general support. The auto, steel and most other Industries are affeeted. The scheme is to shorten the hours of labor, Increase the wages and thus put everybody to work and Increase the buying power of the nation.