wa PAGE FOUR WATERFRONT WHIFFS Experimental Refrigerator Car Commands Interest Sockeye Hun Looks Like Failure; Halibuttcrs Doing Fairly Well Considerable interest is being manifested in the miniature express refrigerator car with which tests are proceeding satisfactorily, it is reported by D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station. This car, which was completed some time ago under the direction of Otto U. Young, mechanical engineer attached to the staff of the station, embodies- a number of notable improvements both in the way of refrigeration Itself as well as in lightness and efficiency of construction. Officials of railway companies who have visited the station to inspect the experimental car have expressed themselves as being favorably Impressed. Numerous inquiries in regard to the details of same have also been received. Experiments with the car will soon have reached a point where the co-operation of the railway companies may be sought in embodying some of the improvements by the alteration of an existing car. The ultimate object Is, of course, to have a complete new standard express refrigerator car built along the llne of the miniature experimental car. That the new car will prove a great improvement In all respects over the present "freezers" in the confident expectation. The new car is primarily designed for the handling of fish but, if it proves as successful as Is expected, it could, of course, be used In the transportation of fruits, meats and such commodities. At the request of the industry, Mr. Finn reports, a new departure has been undertaken at the station In the way of carrying out vitamin assays on foodstuffs for commercial companies. The direct requests for such assays have come from companies producing medicinal qlls. A fee is being charged for this service which Is the first for which fees have been Imposed by the station. To carry on the "assays, it has been necessary to Increase the al bino rat colony at the station. The ON.lt. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 0:30 p.m. from the East-Tuesdays St Thursdays 10:20 p.m. Mondays & Saturdays 2:15 p.m. OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner' ROOMS $10 per month, $3 per week, 50c per nljht SHOWER BATHS Third Avenue Phone 840 JIMMIE CICCONE the request of the League of Nations. Mr. Finn also reports that good progress is being made with paint research work in connection with the use of pilchard oil and In August It is expected to publish some significant results of this research. The work in connection with the disinfection of holds of fishing vessels to insure perfect preservation of fish between the time of its being caught and landed Is also "proceeding satisfactorily and numerous inquiries in regard to this also are being received. Smallness to date of the sockeye run on the Skeena River on ac count of virtually continuous un favorable weather has been proving a great disappointment to all connected with the industry and even waterfront businesses in Prince Rupert are beginning to feel the pinch as the cannery companies have started retrenchment policies in the way of service work owing to the situaUon. Whereas It had been expected by all concerned at the opening of the sockeye fishing season over a month ago that there would be at least an average run this year. It is becoming increasingly evident that this hope Is due for j disappointment. A large volume of the fish, it was now believed, has already moved up the river to the spawning grounds, travelling too deep, on account of the dark and cloudy weather, to be taken in the nets. While an Immediate clearing up of the j weather might still mean a run of some magnitude, it Is conceded thit it must necessarily be short. Wim the scarcity of sockeyas on the skeena and Naas Rivers. assays are belnz conducted on the I the canners and buyers of this var- basls of vitamin standards of the iety have! had necessarily to tra-NaUonal Medicinal Research Coun-' vel far afield for thefr supplies and cfl of Great Britain which has to pay wjeU over the originally been carrying on International vi- fixed pride of 40c per fish. Al-tamln standardization work at though it was announced a few days ago that the price had been raised to 50c per fish, it Is understood that' some buyers have been recently paying as high' as 65c per fish. It is believed that the smallness of the sockeye run may stiffen the demand tor fall fish .and possibly result in the canneries op erating longer than had originally been planned. The run of pinks to date is reported light in all areas. A few cohoes and chums are now J beginning to appear in streams of me district. United States Fleet Fishing vessels and other local craft which happened to be in the vicinity at the time reported the interesting sight of five large United States Navy destroyers engaged in some sort of manoeuvres between Lucy and Dundas Islands outside of Prince Rupert Harbor on I Wednesday afternoon. The war vessels were running around in 1 various directions for some time thereabouts. It is believed to be the same squadron which put into Ketchikan that nigh.t for a visit of a day or so to that port during an Al askan cruise. It Is part of the United States Navy Pacific fleet from San Diego and San Pedro stations which has been visiting Seattle during the past week. It is not known whether the squadron will visit Prince Rupert during the northern cruise. The well known power cruiser. Surveyor, at one time owned by John Dybhavn of this city, later us ed as a service boat by the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station and now the property of Norman Langford of Premier, revisited port this week. It came In on Thursday from the north, hav ing beert commissioned to bring down to the local Robinson who was 1 nesday afternoon lb ia blast at the Premier mine, and' sailed the next morning on its return south. The trip down took 18 hours, trie Sur veyor leaving Stewart at 8 o'clock on TILLIE THE TOILER." THE DAILY NEWS Saturday Ju, jj In Jail Her mother is worth millions, her father was once secretary at United States' legation In Rome, she was educated abroad now she's a prisoner at Los Angeles Jail, charged with housebreaking. That's the story of Georgians Moore Thursday evening to resume bar fish pocking duties. Bill Bacon of the Bacon Fisheries was in port Thursday with the smalt fish packer Kingfisher which he is using In buying and packing sockeye salmon from Fin-layson Island, Warke Canal and Skeena River waters for fresh shipments from here to Vancouver. Like the rest of the buyers. Bill reports ttal Jimmy i the fish scarce In northern wa- uredonWed- ten. the demand keen and the price stiff. Halibuttcrs Doing Quite Well With prices continuing at a fair and steady level, weather condi Wednesday night and arriving here, Uons at least reasonable fo fish- at 2 o'clock Thursday aft&noon ing operations and the demand for after running all rttiht the product better than many had anticipate earlier la the year. me Inverness tannery lender; mMsumrnsr finds the Prince Ru-Klemtu -Oannery. I skip per ejl, b.pert haliWt fleet carrying on wKh Dapt. Norman Brtxjhurst anf vrtth the balances per unit definitely on George Dibb of U1I4 city, a, first the right side of the ledger and the mate, was In port! till dsfy Thurs- outlook a good deal more encour- day for repairs aftjr hating burned j aging than it was a year ago at out a bearing' on Wednesday after- thin time While there has been noon on Diby I&Und., RMtrs nothing spectacular in the way of completed, the vessel was off again returns, to be sure, practically all - Prince Rupert's Shoe Shop Gradually through giving service and good values we are reaching a point where we are looked upon as Prince Rupert's leading shoe establishment. It is the place where people go who cannot afford to pay extremely high prices, who look for value for thrlr money. Men's Dress Boots & Oxfords, good range of styles to choose from. Prices $2.45 10 $3.95 Men's Black or Brown Calf and Grain Leather Work Boots, Panco soles or leather. Prices $1.95 10 $3.65 Men's Tennis or Running Shoes, Boots or Oxfords, all colors. Prices $1.10 10 $1.45 Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots and Oxfords, all kinds of leather to meet your requirements. Price $1.95 to 3295 Boys' and Youths' Running Shoes, all styles. Prices 89c t0 $1.25 Ladies' Fine Dress or Sports Shoes, any color. Prices $le95 to 2.95 CUT RATE SHOE STORE Women's Latest Style in Sandals, color to suit your dress Q-f HIZ Price Women's or Growing Girls' Tennis or Running Shoes, any color. Prices 95c t0 $1.15 Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Straps or Oxfords, all colors and styles. Prices 59c , 85c Misses' and Children's Patent Leather Strap Slippers and Oxfords, black or brown calf. Prices 98c to $1.65 Infants' Shoes, Straps, Etc. Prices 49c t0 89c Women's Boudoir Slippers, good selection of colors. J.Qf- Price 4t7t THIRD AVENUE the boats are operating with at least a fair margin of profit these days with the result that past obligations in many cases are being gradually cleaned up while, In other 'instances, It Is being found possible to lay a litUe aside for a rainy day. Due to the earlier start that was 'made this year, the production of halibut at the port of Prince Ru-pert continues to maintain a lead : over last year. Up to and Including ' yesterday a total of 8,0(15,500 pounds hud been landed at the port as compared with 7,786,660 pounds at u corresponding date last year. Canadian vessels had contributed to this grand total 3,637,500 pounds as UK'tmsi 2.573450 pounds In 1932 while American boats had landed 4,388.000 pounds In comparison with 5.213,400 pounds In 1932. During the week ending yester-i landings totalled 4)0,000 pounds of which 210.200 pounds tv... from Canadian boats and 2i!.800 pounds from American. , Snt.Vi pi Ices fur second class fish marked the week's business. For Canadian halibut the top bid of the week was 5.5c and 3.3c which the R. W. was paid for 12.000 pounds while the low price was 5c and 3c received by the Cape Deals for 34.-000 pounds. The high price of the week for American fish was 7.7c and 4c paid the Viola for 10,000 pounds and the low 6.7c and 4e received by the Superior for 24.000 , The Anglo - British Columbls , Packing Co s service boat Fir Leaf, j on Its way back to Vancouver after i a cruise north as far as Ketchikan with officials of the company and guests on board, called here last eveninc. arriving at 8 o'clock from the north. Get Quick result with a want ad ! Economy Store Buy For Cash and Pay Leu. Take Advantage of These Bargains For Friday, Saturday and Monday SilAKBR SALT Iodised or plain, 3 pkga. RINSO Large 2 pkgs PALMOLIVE SOAP for B. C. FRESH PEAS 3 lbs B. C. CI I at HIES per lb ECONOMY BtTTTBR Quality A-l, 3 Ids. ORANGES-Pure Oold 5 dot O RA PSFRU IT Florida 3 for CANTXLOUPE8 large medium GOOD OLD- POTATO BS M lbs. SILVER LEAP LARD S-le. pall WHITE BEANS 6 lbs. AUSTRALIAN ROAST BEEP. 1-lb. tin The Machine With the Punch 25c 41c 50c 20c 17c 80c 97c 25c 20c 15c 49c 75c 25c 19c Fresh Fruits. Vegetables, at lowest prices. Also a new. shipment of jCabury's Candles and Chocolates. I You are Invited to look It over. I We Dellve r Orders of St.00 or Over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store J17-19 Third Avenue Weil P.O. Hot 575 Phone II FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 p.m. Admission 15c St 50c SATURDAY MAlaJ at 2 30 Admission ij, j . WILL ROGERS and JANET GAYM In the Great Comedy Romance "STATE FAIR" Eight Riff Stars In One Picture MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON "THE HEARS AND Ktrs. "MICROSCOPIC MiSli;i(U,y METRO ViI "SAY IT WITH .MUSIC" and "STORY OP TEMPLE DUAKr QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Best Made No. 1 5x, per thousand $ fso. 1 3x, per thousand y A Green Shingles. Air Dried Ketalnlng All the Cedar Oil HYDE TRANSFER PHONE HOLIDAY RESORTS THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Convenlenrrs No Flics, No Mosquitoes Home Cooking Par Eirellrnce $11.00 Per Week Children under 12. half rate MADAME RAJAUT Tlell, Q. C. Iilandt When Coming to Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You. We meet all trains. Freight Si service anywhere, Gsaenger kelse Lake and Lodge, now boat H. A. 8 now in service 00 the lake. Fsre anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00: $1.50 per head additional. No crowd too big. No Job too small, PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY North Beach Famous Holida T. : Near Masselt Q. C. I Lr Furnbhrd Shack U It-Apply Mrs. Dunn Mauctt, H.C LAKELSE HOI Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to lk:ii Finest of fly fUhlng h-'j bathing and boatlr.t Arrange for transpcrtul with W. II. Burnett, Trnsl nx Hates from Terrace U b Lodge including boat One adult, $3.00: ea h iU tlonal adult, $11. Wrlle or Wire W. II. BIRNKTT We Look Alter Your W:: The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PIUXCE RUPERT, B.C. By Westovor. I Huatiy amd get II r- okay, 1 1 IHaR-cw mac; 1T fcouNoiT i-ifcar ITsooonZ I'ixu mjc tr vt 1 rrr c ,. Jf P