DENTAL FIX (For hohlfnc Plates) and DENTAL PLATE BRUSH K5c value for JjQc , 100-Piece Jig-Saw Puzzle with Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste -4-OI Klenzo Tooth Paste 25c Just Arrived RILEY'S ENGLISH TOFFEE 60c per lb. Fi-kmt in Containers, from Mr fcr Ormes ltd. Jfi Ptonccr Dntqrxsts flu- r sail Sterr Phones: II k n Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY- ITiane fi57 f I MON STEAMSIIII'S LIJIITItl) rwH (t fTHw evfert Mr Tiwwur- J1,unu every Tuesday, isso r-M. ' ' r ThatMtejrpjB T,A' irofA nnitY Friday .MinsiniiT. ; Monday aw u Pan StatfiMft. AH Am. AOfe H MM IH rcafll all aU na Mid UrkaSa M iii" I inert Arrnsy: Second Amxe. i'turne 58 You will For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Vtetrt Rays Intra Ked Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices K C ASWNALL I).C rCSrtiropraeterl Cireen 111 rtianes flreen $0 Rsebante fllork a . Vf BETTER VA NT -f anrj I tr 71 You can Prove It V make lighter pastry, tastier desserts with ST. CHARLES! ' ' Une our wwd for It. prove it younelf order s can " -' atn I St. Ourltt from your $rocer snd um '"t 'tcpt ctlli (or milk. You will f.nd trul S CHsrlei v blind cresmlneti, (reili, ncH Hvot to your t; - Hst your family will immedislely appreciate 51 fles it rich, creamy milk, wholeome si n.tu'e msde it ,v "otKin, 4Jded and bO of the nstursl water removed. 11 'MCfilued lif ...LJ u tUm im a inure perfect lr lux ..J .l..i.... i u auioiuic puniy. J' " why Borden1! St. Outlet Ustti to Ircih end tweet ' t improve! the flavor of ell 8 where you would utuilly St, C.hrt IS better- -1 we it -hd PROVE It. LOCAL NEWS NOTES For day and night Taxi itr-vke Phone It tf Just receded shipment of White Kid Pumps 4.5. Annette's. T. W Erpwn. well known local barrister, wan reported today to be doing well following an operation for appendfciUa yesterday In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The caae of W. H. Malldn Oo. Ltd., charged with dealing to furs with out a licence, was farther adjonr Mrs. N. V Lttdc. wta ha been 1 flatting at Claxton cannery as thr ut i .a Mr and Mr. J P Mr Mil-la - sailed by the Princess Adelaide la't night or her return u her home in Vancouver Miss Olivine Ormond of Vlstoria 11 Victoria. Emerson Balai Prsd Barker At Rev E. M Bonos OJ(X. Bishop of the Roman Catholic H lissistila and the Yukon, sailed yes- Hstrday afternoon on the Trtn-e Rapert for a trip to Stewart on ee-iMsmttiral dutsss Me accompanied rather B M. Lerav OMJ who wW condact Ms BarewsB servic at Stewart snuiotrew pregsaratory to ssavlng for Dawson. Ywton Ter ritory, to wUeh point he has been tiassferrgd aa ssriok prisot. Pa-User Lsoay hM beon saendmg the couple of weeks la the ctty. Announcements Moose Picnic Dlgvy Island, on i uiy Batter dbbbM Jaly 30. Catholic Raaaar oetoocr 19 Piuaaytttian Pal Baaaar Nov. b Anglhun W A Baaaar. Nov 1. The BEST way to stop CONSTIPATION SetMnf Fr ult tint ay aik cuniia Imm. Mr ww mi oS-naHW awl I k4 kavtai k4. ckaa tMSaMw. OulM TfqMt I EurwalBla M Iplall and navtM. Th dnMlai. lxdml I Mt K carl TkrrCoa4 UP lr ir I Fruit -wtivi i mil drvf $tort$ NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. 2relll Proprietor "A IIOMK AW AY FlttlM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 60 Reoms. Hat & Cold Water Prlnee Ruert. B.C Prion 281 P O Box IM akYrtvA&et Bros, for Wallpaper. Ohm, Pamt and Mureseo. Mm. H. B. Rochester returned en tMa aftersweff traia from a. rise to Port Aelngton vHh her motfcer, Mr. 3 'At Brora. Mm A. O. Ave and two sons saKed Iai nirht n the PrlneeM Adelaide fr a ruMday rtrit in Mlue Dorothy and Oertrud Ooese arrtved to the ttr yesterday nod tor eight days on oomine op'teea Wmmtct to pay a Tfertwttlt aain In city poliee court thU nvom- ,er bnrffeer-tfi-r and sister. ing. . or. and Mrs. H. I Alexander, Fifth Aree Bckst C P R steamer Princess T' ' ,Capt Arthur Slater, is due in port x: 3.45 tnui afternoon from Bkag-way and other northern puinU and win sail at 5:10 pjn. for Vancouver via Alert Bay For being the fcMptr of a disor derly house MgHrin Pott was yea-: terday turmtn ttnad SM. Mh option of 3d days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClyaoat in city potte; court ( DYSENTERY IS DANGEROUS CHECK IT AT ONCE is tfee rmdv you nhould mm. II i not u npmtnfut. Intt s tritd sad (arovad prirktion tit han ima wwl in Canada fur it- pad M years fcr B bowri runpUinU. Prise, fife, a boctk at all cfoaeifU sr Mm; t as atW bv TV T. MW Oft, LasHtod. Toroate, Out arrived in the city on Use Princess -. AdrUlde yesierday from; Mn A D oqUh miit thte . the south to pay a visit here with raln Httpfft t0t x Mi wiuUKri'ui'Mfi mw sisLl . mm. Q0sjs Tlfttt tO a d Mm C W Dawson. On her re-1 i turn sou if. at the 'week. ""I I A. A. B B. Cvana Xvaaa at of the ah M nbM Mtsg Ofsaaasl wtB be ac- mllaA mit mmmmt M th. HSi J! DWM!L. Camera for a baMsy trfe? to who will spend a vacation in Mrs R. Johnson atsd dsmehter. Mh L. Inhsiim. satM yoaterdaw were eaoh fined . with option of tjtrnoOB m the PiUee Rupert 14 days liuprtsaawM, by Magls- a rm aa-w-, tnte Moaymont ta ctty pelioe " court this morning on charges of C H Ome ksaves on Umioht i Ratrways nfopertr . Thsy a fww iiMMi agsrffaeT'a freight ear m wtUch. H ia aJJeoed. they were m to spend the night. train for bakeUe Lake where he Otcae there. the and tasaily week. Mrs are already Was Lillian Cross, who has been paying a visit bare wttfc her par- erts. Mr. and Mrs H T Cross sail by the Prince Rapert this ev- eniasi on her retarn to Taacoaver Danny MeDoaaU. tar dfwnkea- was fined wftfe opUoa ai fourteen days' lasjn Iioiiiim ill by Magistrate McOyaaont ka city po-lire court this morning for drunkenness Delayed by tidal conditions in Use Skeena River. Union it earner Cardena. Capt. Ernest Osoagsaon. Arrived in port at 4: 10 this moraine from the south and sailed at S ajn. oa her return to Vancouver and waypoiata A. A. Cameron, general rasj agent for the Canadian National Railways, arrived In Use eMy yesterday moratng on the Prsnee Ra-pert from Vanoeuver ti.ghe course of a trip to the Paelfm Coast oa otftoml duties and piotftedtd by. train last night to aMaabptoti en, route to hl; headquarlen at WlaW nipeg. Mail Schedule tor the Rant Mandaps. WVdeitadaya and Prt days 8:30 p.ra From the Bkst Mondays and Saturdays S li pjn Thttradays ln8 pai For Vanronvrr Mondays 3 p.m. Tuesday le:3v pjn Friday uJtti..- It pjr Saturday 4 pjn Sataroay it pjn. Moaday, Wednesday and Friday by train! 8:M pjn From Vanrouvr Sunday pm Monday .. ajn. Wednesday U30 ftjn. Thunatey iby train) M):30 Tfm. Friday .... ii:30 ajn. SahHttay by tratne .3:15 pan. Fnp 64wi'mo anl Invnt .a Mv nan aaaaia 4 ,T 1 ! Aurwiaiv Friday . !..!?" ;J From Stewart and Anyox T OJT) 3 pjn. Tweedav 11:30 am Saturday a pm. ! For Nsi Rlrer and Fort Slmrxnn I Bundajr 7 p.m I lm Na Klver and Port Rlmpssni ! Tuesday Il'SO ajn j For Quern Charlotte. Islands- . July 14 and 2 8 pm. Just receitetf' large sWpment ofji np. Afleite's.' j Mlsa- Marg4ret Rae of Vancetrverl arrived yetterdar en the Prince Rupert and fc the geesi of Miss Adetia Thtrrber, Fautth Avenue Bast. Mr. B. MfcKay f tMa esty and her daoghter. Miss H. McKay ofl Ketchikan, sailed last nighi en the Princess Adelaide tor a trip Us Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Knotson and are saltl g this evening on dancing at 18. Hotel Arrivals pee ab. . . Prisn Rn Roiled. JWT Jto. .-a. Pot Roast of Beef per lb. .1 BflNtag Beef S lbs. Qoed Com Beef per lb. (ftt) Robert Copper and Jaaapb Sea-key. InUans. were eaet fined fzie and costs wish option of seven days' imprisonment, by Magistrate j Mcdjaao t la ctty police ooart this morning for djraakeaneas. WlBlaa Campbell another Indian, similarly charged, was remanded for eight days Central Mm Laear. oity: K. 3. SmMh. Vaocouver. Prince Rupert W. F. Thompson. Seattle. Jones' Family Phone 957 Leg of Soring Lamb per Unix at SpchH Laaato per lb. loin of Pork- par lb Shoulder of Pork 4 fee. LLeg of Pork- per lb. Leg of Veal Rump Roast of Beet per lb. Phone 957 20c 20c 18c 50c 15c 18c 15c 15c 18c 10c 25c 5c 1 FOR PICNMC "prr- 25c 15c Head Cheese 25C Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operallac three Dry Docks ToUl capacity Za.OSO tons fihtpballders snd Ship Repairers for Steel sad Weed Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Klrrtrlc sad Acetylene Welding M-ton Oarrlck for Heavy UfU gawrelll and Mining Machinery Kepatred and Ovsrhanled i the Prime Rupert for Vaneotrverf and wW make the Triangle Tour I vis Jasper Park tnd back here by rati as a holiday C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil McLean, is reported dae on time at 6 o'clock this evening from Anyox ad Stewart and win ail an hour later for Vancouver via Ocean Palls and Vancouver. FISHING TACKLE Fly Casting Outfit Rod Reel Line Leader Fly Bait Casting Outfit Rod Reel Line Bait" THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Classified Ads FOR SALE IFOR SALE good fflee safe. Can PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay. Moose Hall Toes & Wed niahts' een at D" New We start yon. The Canadian Kin- July 25. 3d. The 8t rollers" nreae1 unMasumn t,.. --"J tyarten InstttBte. Winnipeg. their latest nrroe -8enooldays" asstoding nuge, 821 5th Ave. S. with a bevy of radio and stag stars jj followed by a dance. Adm. 59e, kMs s dime any time Show at 8:30. FOR RENT HOU6S6 P. W Hart. OOOD Location for small bustaess In esntre of the new business district. Third A venae. Will renovate to sort tenant. Rent only X20 a month. MoCtymont. SALES3IAN WANTED tt ; 3PBCIALTY SALESMEN (SWH Line i Sella to any merchant Big commiasion Sens on sight. PIANO TUNING II .-,,.., IAN08 Tnned $3.00 Walker's it, sic Store. tt The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping tt Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black III ED PERSONAL GBNTLBMRN Purchase Personal Drug Sandrtea by Matt Bargain Prices. Assortment of fifteen High Grade Baropoan Iraoprta-ci&BS sent postpaid in plain wrapper for $1.60. Catalogue Free. Adults Only. National Distributers, Box 443. Reatea. Bask. . HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! -Oil- $330. "Rinrktte" $3.00. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe TRANSFERS Something new in Canada. Get i CAMERON'S TRANSFER Fural- m line on this and make mosey. Apply to Box Ml Winnipeg. tore moving, wood, coal, chairs for rent. tf LOST COST Ladles' wrist wateh. Finder please retarn to Royal Bank. Reward. 109 ' 0,T' LOST three padlock keys on aand- TAKZ Avr NOTICE Utaa i. B. Waaorta.i . , . , , tra ssst rnr orrr Rmd vaoos-! brass ring. Please leave at rr b c win apply for a Uccoar tasakr Dejons's Grocery. . nu) tia. 300 ca. ft per arT-ond. and ' or 1 Ofl 000 tcrr tut out of Cusv Lak into Surf lnta. Thla Mac tk isbm of casHUttaoal watrr b- 17S-S -riua awMr wUl be luafltor pevrr purpoaea. Thla aoatee aa poaWO 'i thr gri uaS an the UHrtrautto Sbj j! Junv 1SSS A eopy of thai ao--k and aa appllrattoe pwauaBtOrr-t4 and to tat Water Set" j br ':trd in the ofltw of Uw vstfr roawdai it Prtner Kuprrt OSDaetkaaa to tbt ap-lK-o-'on may br fltad with tnr aakl wmtrr rrcCTdw or with tbr r laaffinlli I if Water Rlfhta Partlamrat BuBaUam I victurta. B.C vrttitn ttainty daaa after lie Urt afpaaraocf or till notice In a ! 'oeal newapapw The daw of ttf fln DUbaKav'lun A -Hi nrttce la JuIt 1" J B WOODWOIfTH TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 COAL! COAL! j Our Famous Ed son, Alberta ani Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No t Bulkley Valley. Wt also sell Timothy Bay. Wheaf Oats and Barley. . I. Prince, Rupert Feed Co. j- &i ln &5I ' ' j BOVRIL IS THE STRENGTH AND COrKEKTRATED GMtHESSwIEST BEEF . U m is .r. 'I HELP WANTED BOARD AND ROOM I HOW to get a Government Job comfortable room to rent dose Free Booklet. The UC.C. LtdUJ in. board if desired. Phone Red Winnipeg 218. tf ' CLEANING & PRESSING PAINTERS 'RICES leasonawe Benkendart, aINTINQ and Paperhanging. -Third Ave. next door to Dally MoHer. Phone RetfOOJ:" -" vws. ' '1