THE1 0fLY NEWS. PRINCE' RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally1 News; Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - ManagingiEdttor SUBSCRIPTION RATES pity delivery, by mall or caTrler, yearly period paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .'. .10 By mall toall parts of British Columbia, the British Emplre and j ' United States, paid lh advance j per year 3.00' By mall to all other countries, per year ., . - 9.00 ADVERTISING RATE! i utioi-iik uiopiajf uuTciuauig, per UIKU per IIISCI WUU I.tul Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion 02 Legal notices, each insertion: i; per agat Local readers, per insertion Per " Cbntract rates wi application. Editor and' Reporters' Telephone' Advertisinr and Circulation' Telephone1 9 Member of Audit- Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION REPAIRING STREETS Many favorable comments are heardlat the action of the commissioner fn having1 the streets repaired. The down town roads have been renovated and the outside points I are now receiving attention JUl HUin. i lie 1 USUI l. II lllttv yic replacing broken springs. Let mercies. whenever the weather is fit!"d a result of proposed legis laoo ,n-L-: lation. SOVIET TIMBER Most persistent reports come from Russia in regard to the conditions under which the timber is being produced which is sentf to Britain tb: compete with: the Canadian timber from British Columbia. It is stated on the authority of the men and' women who- produce it that the most appalling conditions obtain; Women women and anu children cnuoren who wno are are underfed; unaenea; are are allotted auouea impossible tasks, are without proper clothing and-footwear and ar&sd badly housed that it has become a-scandal: The British government is being asked to investigate the conditions and to prevent competition of that kind which1 is Bound to drag down the Canadian worker. ' - BANKS OPTOnSTIC Banks are not usually optimistic. Canadian banks particularly are known to be careful of their statements.. Bank ritanagers have had to cultivate a pessimistic attitude in refusing loans to clients and this has affected: their whole careers. The result is that the average citizen is apt to discount their pessimism and when just now and then they become optimistic they know there is good reason for it Just now the banks are seeing- improvement in Canadian conditions. They admit that the improved tone is contagious and that very soon will reflect? itself in-all lines of in dustry. Evidently the future FLEET WEEK IN SEATTLE SPA-TILE July 18 With the Pacific batUe Heet of the U-lte:! Stages' Navy arriving here on Sun-' day from San Diego and San Pedro, this Is "Fret Week" in' Seattle and a great celebration ii plan ed during the seven day. that the war vessels will in here. Thousands of vUHors" arc lh th city for the occasion and ttte will be one continuous' round of entertairtnent. Thousands of sailors from the mimy vessels are prominent stn-mg the street crowds and In all amusement places. The British cruiser H.MS. Drs. gon, in the course of a coast cruise, is also here a "61" Quick Drying: for noon, Furniture, Renews Linoleum "61" Marine Spar Varnish For Hosts andall outride work "61" Q, D, Enamels Free flowing for furniture, etc. Use '61."lt covers more square feet and lasts longer ' Kaieir Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 line- if! -25 1 86 Tuesday, July 19. 1D38 OJIUJr Ml c Cbiui iwo num. us be thankful for small The work is done by men, , impos-1 must be glowing. Toronto School , Board Dismisses Its Accountant TORONTO. July 18 The Board if Education, at a meeting until the early hours of the morrilnf , by a vole of 11 to 4 decided to dismiss 1U chief accountant and ordered a special audit of its books. Forest Fires In Western Ontario Eight Conflagrations Reported On Long Lac-Port Arthur tine of Canadian' National' PORT ARTHUR, Ont July 18 Sight forest fires driven by high wl-tis are reported racing- tong the Long Lac-Port Artfeur line of the Canadian National Railways. Ontario Takes Bull Awards in Show af Calgary CALOARY, July 18:-EJdwardsi Bros, of Watford, Ont.. captured the grand and senior bUIl awards in Aberdeen-Angus competition at the Exhibition and Livestock Stampede hero at the end of the week. Today's Weatfier I Terrace-Woudy, south wind, 54.! Alyansh-Raln, calm. 52. Anypx-Heavy rain, south wind. ,52. StewartURaln, south wind, 50. Haielton Raining, calm, 54. 8m It hers Raining, calm; 51. Burn Lake Raining) wlndyvM BOATS ARE BUILT Hull Firm is Spending Over Half" a Million Dollars- in Construction Of Up-to-Date Trawlers Several Craft nl!. $J A Companies Active' - ' nunc, fi-g July i-Orders for new trawlers io a value of between jl2,000 and flUd.odO' have already been placed by Hull firms during the present year, and the" building of still further boats is con tern -pfttW by various other local firms So far the orders have been to a large extent simply replacements of trawlers which have been either sold or lost during one of the most tragic winters orj record; but the local trawler building program will be pushed forward with even great- er intensity if the industry is stab- Since the building of the Lady Lillian for the Jutland Amalgamated Trawlers-. Ltd.. In the early part of the year, sewn further focal orders have been placed with Yorkshire shipbuilders. The St. Arcadlus, a new bdat acquired' by Messrs-. Hamlyn. recently underwent her trials, while a third new trawler, the Bayflower. which has been ordered by the Yorkshire Steam Fishing Co., arrived at Hull tn 8w vnrAs the same The Yorkshire Steam Fishing Co has a further boat on order from Messrs. Goehrane's of Selby. while an order for two new boats has been olaeed with the same firm by Messrs. Pickering and Hatdane. All Improvements Two new boats have also been ordered from Messrs. Cochrane oy Hudson Bros. One, the Cape Bath-hurst, was launched at Selby last Saturday, and will shortly arrive at Hull, the other being still on the stocks. A much needed fillip for the shipbuilding Industry has been given by these orders, vand the prospect of further work is being. eagerly awaited. It Is estimated that eaeh of the new trawlers will cost between 16,-000 and 20.000. They are the last word In modernity, and no expense has been spared in equipping them. De Lute Vessel The Bayflower. for Instance, will be as Ion as the largest trawler in the country, and there are many special features about this particular boat. in the past seme of the local trawlers have been partially insu lated, but the fish room of the new arrival Win" be Insulated throughout the only woodwork being- lh the shelve. The walla will have the hard enamel effect of bathroom, arid It Is expected that fish stored In this room will be as fresh when landed at the port a it was Just after catching-. The Incorporation of telemeter gear will dispense with the neces sity of ordinary steam steering'. Worked witH oil. tht patent will link up the bridge with the engines on the aft deck and do away THE DAILY NTWB Tide of- Business Has Turned and Will Quickly Flow to-Areas JS'ot Vet Affected Optimism Helps Towards Greater Improvement The monthly report of tlie Royal-Rank of Canada jitet issued is vei'y optimistic. It says in part: With a rise in the price? of agricultural and' products,, increased carloading a mors than seasonal iiW-nrovement fli employment and an increase in both' tHd vol- ume and unit value of export, Favorite Lost Gut Ellsworth Vines, firs' ranking American tennta star -rapped at Wimbledon He wi d-iYateJ by Jack Crawford of Australia BENNETT TO TAKE REST CanadUn Prlme. MiBU(er Mb Take It Easy After World Conference BONDON. Jtriy 18: (Canadian Press) Prime Minister R. B. Bennett hms been advised to take the rest cure when the world economic conference adjourns. Vancouver Wheat f VANCOUVER, July 18. (Canadian Press i Wheat wn quoted at 914c on the loeal exchange today. . , LOCAL NEWS Merely routine matters came up at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today. President T. W Brown was in " un. ,o. ni ?' ?"h "U?u on " aLUm0rr.lh?.8oulh-?W?r,i " " " , , ,7 Predertca and M gOlhgtO Vancouver and Sinters Delphlnd, V..?. .1? i 1 H?mpbe11! "with all chains; channel bars, springs, and buffers which gener- MlM Catherine Mr Meekln. daugh-ally ter ot Mr- Mrs. Thomas Mc-worked appear on a ship s skip, it is direct from the engines to Meekln, sailed on the Oat la this the quadrant, and its Incorporation afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. will be an experiment In which great interest will tie taken. Liver Barrel No More done are the liver barrels which have been such a common sight on the decks of local trawlers In the 5Vha,r a,nd th"e a ft,r at' tffldlnt' r mwnbpr-flower past. and' In their place the Bay- will be equipped with a spe- rt clal planr for reducing livers to olll There will be special storage tanks for this oil. the oil being pumped ashore hor- from from .h. the receiving rMn, tanlc. tanks on on arrival in port. Another unique feature will be the provision of steel lifeboats fit- ted with air tanks. Even If the boats leak the air tanks will keep them afloat, and foe buoyancy and Lsafety this Innovation should be a great boon. Fitted with a cruiser stern and jpalent Oetee rudder, the trawler will also bo equlpiied with direction Optimistic Report of Shows Revival of Activity itf Matty Lines of Business in Canada Tcfday """"'in arc.been general and Includes lines on vacauon- not ordinarily subject to this In- water suonly worklne from the (team anDllsnces Thi, trawler will hvonrf riM De the finest eauiDwrf iri the eoun. try. and It Is difficult to conceive anv further advance in the -trawiM. finders, electric light, wireless and building Industry esetept perhaps jvatent sounding gear. the replacement of coal by oil as- llot-Wstrr Supply fuel. whichs will no doubt be Intro- There will be a bathroom-, etc.. duced at Hull In the none-too'dls-4nthe oX(losraWqusrteraaboUtaniy future. Royal Bank the evidence seems to show ' bU '""L- and that' it flow will quickly spread to those parched areas' whlth have" not yt felt the improvement. 1tV IncreUse- in' activity of tftislnesSt t-gether wiUi the Influence of Ute much greater Improvement in the United States, has tended to generate an optimum which of iuclf helps to produce further Improvement in its early stages bostnea improvement show itself in rather isolated bits or intanglbfe information. It is not until tne movement Is well under way that general statists reflect this Improvement whlcl. by that time will nave mu itself felt in the plans and policies of a great many companies. Newsprint production has increased nearly 4u". automobile jrodurtlon Ha almost tripled, construe Uon contract Have doubled nd carload lhg hare greatly in-reared A large part of this Im-irovement Is- seasonal, but It Is the act 'hat the improvement shown s greater than seasonal which tends to substantiate the new optimism which I general among the fanners of the west, who are re ceiving a better price for their wheat. In the mining industry. which ik rapWly Increasing its out put, and lir tile manufacturing ireas of Canada-, wliere orders are being received in better volume than for the past two years. Nothing that has been said should lead to the eonehitlon that revival ha reached ar point where there is a general increase in aetll Aly In all branches of Industry. Most lines of manufacturing are ttlll much depressed, but a- mm mary shows numerous Instances where Improvement is quite pronounced Agricultural implement )kmtx have increased operations. The output of new automobile mo-1els was restricted early In the seat-son but has been expanding rapUP-'v. Production in May w the" larg est in any month since May. 193 1. The Iron and steel Industry hat continued to lag behind the prry-areas being made In the United states, but a recent government order for 50 WO tons of rails' has enabled the Dominion S'teel plantt to Increase operations and recall many workers who have been Hie .for months. Structural steel orders are still curtailed, but some miscellaneous buying Is reported. Building materials are moving slowly but some progress is being made. Foodstuffs continue in good demand" and plants are busy. The textile Industry Is operating at nearly 90 of capacity and Is on a better basts than for many months. Production of newsprint during May was the largest reported this year. The output amounted to 171. 770 tons against 147.769 tons ln Ap-rll. 1931 and 175.887 torts In May, 1932. in spit of these encouraging gains, however, manufacturing op, eratiens a a whole continue on a very restricted basis. The general Improvement In business Is being reflected In in creased railway traffic. The rising level of commodity prices hae been accompanied by art rftcrease In the volume of whole-sale and retail trade. Buyers generally, when price are declining, are loath td do more than meet their Immediate' requirements, an tlclpatlng a further decline In the oriee level. Report frdnv air sec- demand front consumers for all types of merchandise. Seasonal demand may account for some of this increase but tlio Improvement has 1 fluence. It Is also reported that ""y are nnt on'y spending more freely but are choosing goods of 't Quaty than formerly. SOFTBALL July 18 Elks vs. Navy. July 20i-Orotto Vs. Kalehs. , July 23 Empress v Elks Navy vs. c w. R.-A. - One Puff of Oqdeilsf Mi WUeWorld Keen Keen for the fine smoking enjoymenr that OgdenV Cut' Plug' always gives... keen for the fragrance, the soothing, satisfying goodness' that makes every puff a pleasure puff. YersJ Sir. . . Ogden't Is' a REAL pipe obacco. Treats avman right. Gives him th things' He's always wanted In the way of a cool smoke. That's why men who- are particular are so keen for Ogden't Cut Plug. OG DEN'S C If T PLUG Ifjott "roH your mm", use Ogtren' fine cut eigaretle totxitco atut Chnntrcler cigarette papers Vancouver Woman Named President AIIm A, Josephine Dauphine Heads HuineM ard Profwlonil Women's Club HAMILTON. Ont.. July lg Miss A. Josephine Dauphlne or Vancouver was re-elected president of the Canadian federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs at its annual convention here. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday as. pr. Oeorge 4 p m Tuesday Catata 1:30 pm rrldky-ss. Prtn. Adelaide 10 p.m. 8. Cardena midnight Saturday as. Prin. Louise 5 pm d. hrtnee Ropett 7 p m From Vancouvtr Sunday . Catala p.m. Monday as. Prftt. Charlotte a m. Wed. tt. Pr. Oeorge 11:30 a m PtfUay as. Pr Rupert 11 30 a m St. Princess Adelaide pm 8s. Cardena p.m Fop Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Cauia 8 pm Friday ss. prince Rupert 3 p.m From Stewart and Anyox Tuesdayss. CaUla 11:30 ajn. Satur. as. Pr. Rupert 6 p.m Ifor Nass River ana loH Stmpvort Sunday ss. Catala 8 p m from Naas River It Port SimpMtn . Tuesday-. Catala .... 11:30 a.m For Ocean Falls-Monday ss Pr. Oeorge 4 p.m Frlday-es. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.rr 8aturdayss. Pr. Rupert 7 p.m From Ocean Fallowed. ss. Pr. Oeorge 11:30 ajn Friday ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a jr. Ss. Prln. Adelaide . p.m. Ss. Cardena p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-July 14. 28 as. Pr. John 10 p.m. From'Quren Charlotte Island! July 13 and 20 as. Ir. John a.m. For Alaska-Monday ss. Prln. Charlotte a.m. Wed. as-, Prince Oeorge 3 p.m. Frdm Alaska Monday as. Prince Oeoroe imti -Baturday as. Prln. Louise p.m! Tuesday. July 18, Iqjj - '-'-m1 .J. nun PITTSBURG WINS PAIR grortti" !iUble Victory Over Brool. I)iv in Only Major League" Gaines Yoterday PITTSBUno, fitly 18: Cannrtl IM PfMSi fn the only Major Lenv activity yesterday, Pittsburg Pn ales, on the home grounds hi yesterday, trimmed Brooklyn DM gers in both ends' of a doubx headeY. taklaa the first game by score of 14 to 2 and capturing ttt night-cap 7 to nil. The double tory brought the Pirates to wlthl: half a game of the second pl Chleagd Cubs In the leavue star, irtt Baseball Standmgs NATIONAL LianiT. V. L. P N ew- York X M Chlcae 40 '.4 PUtskofl - - ' 1 81. dotto 4P 41 Doaton 43 4S v Brooklyn M 4S 444 PMlattiriHa it 47 44 4Miuia M' 50 4: A.MLKICAN LKAfilJE Washington IS 30 New York J 30 6? Philadelphia 41 40 Cbscago 41 42 Detroit 40 45 4 Ctoveiand . 4 47 4r, Beatati 38 48 4: St. fiOWs M 57 3M POOTIIALL LI.NU-ITPS Line-ups for tonight s City Lenvn football game between Canadis Legion and Canadian Labor De fence League are announced a follows Canadian Legion Pierre: Sttlr and Currle: McDonald. Hadden n OUker: Baptle VI array Dirkm Buannich and Comadina: spare Oreer and Savtrrison. Cartadlan tabor Defence Learuc Hunt; Ootmrz and Moe; Hill Mr Kay and M romadlna: Zarclli H Dickens. ChenoskL Lokkrti and D Ourvlch: spares, Maguire and RadclUfe. It.tSKHALL POSTPONKII Ram again caused the oospore ment of last evening s tifUuir Senior League baseball game b; tween Blks and Son of C'unatU Usk Youth Breaks Leg in Ball Game; In Hospital Here Oeorge Moody, Usk youth sustained a broken leg be'wc knee and ankle 'In a ball uamf Wat or Sunday, was brought t ' 1 city by railway speeder e.uly terday morning to enter tfir prin Rupert Oeneral Hospital for tr ment He wa aceomnanled to t by his father L E Mixxlv v.h-turned to Uk on lnnt nights ti FOOTBALL! TONIGHT CI .D.L vs. CANADIAN Lr.r.lON Acropolis 0 30 p.m. Adm, 25c Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Doesi Total capacity 20.010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers 'or Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and mass Casting' Metric and Acetylene' VVilalof ' W-toB Derrick far Heavy UM Sawmill and Mining Machinery' Repaired and OvertiMl