i PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NZTfS Tuesday, July u . PAY DAY Is a reminder that bargains in Boots and Shoes and i Holiday Footwear can be secured at K Cut Rate Shoe Store Look Over These Prices Men's Dress Boots & Ox- Women's Latest Style in fords, good range of Sandals, color to suit styles to choose from, your dress OA HZ Prices Price I e 245 S395 , , fn Z t0 Women s or Growing nr' -m v tj Girls' Tennis or Running Work Boots, Panco soles QfSf? uo 1 or leather. Prices to $1.95 3.65 10 Women's Boudoir Slip- pers, good selection of Men's Tennis or Running colors. ZlQo Shoes, Boots or Oxfords, Price all colors. Prices Q1 lift Qi d Misses' and Children's t?XAU t0 ffJ.e'lO Patent Leather Strap Z 7TZ Slippers and Oxfords, Boys and youths' Dress black or brown calf. Boots and Oxfords, all Prices kinds of leather to meet your requirements. Price joC q tn Q4 bl.Oe) $1.95 10 $2.95 il Infants'; Shoes, Straps, Boys' and Youths' Run- Etc. Prices aU st'ks- 49c 89e 89c t0 $1.25 ; Misses' and Children's Ladies' Fine Dress or Running Shoes, Straps Sports Shoes, , any color, or Oxfords, all colors and Prices- styles. Prices $1.95 10 $2.95 59cl08j5c 'i T Cut .Rate ShoeStore SUPERIOR RADIO fc SERVICE Can only be obtained through the use of adequate equipment. Have us service that set now and enjoy the maximum output of your receiver by phoning Blue 320, Converters rented from us will give you daylight reception. Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320?7l ' P. O, Itox 132 A. Q. IAP.TLETT C.IMNfiULAITjnn For Your Health t Chiropractic Pr Ultra Violet Itays f Intra lied Kays Classace at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chlroprcctor) Green 41 Phones Green SI9 Exchange Ulock MW3 Man in the Moon Furty-Iive thousand replies were received in a contest held in London to fmd a name for a colt which was born minus a tall, to racing parent.-. Dinner Jacket" was suggested by 1.000. So were 'Eton Jacket," Tuie of Woe." "Unfinished Symphony. "Oulnea Pig," and "Heads I Win ' The managers called the contest off, and gave the prize money to a hospital. An advertisement of an entertainment at Old Town, Maine, says: The refreshments will constat of Use cream and cake, and will be the vanishing party lunch. For those who attend the vanishing parties, the lunch will be five cents; all others, ten cents. C. N. R. Trains ""or tli East, Mondays. Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 9:30 p.m. from the East-Tuesdays it Thursdays 10:30 pm. Mondays & Saturdays 2:15 p.m. Advertise ln tne Dally News STEWART TOWN PUBLIC WORKS Principal Business at Meeting Village Commissioners 31 Of Taxes In 1- A - of STEWART, July 18: As Is usual at this time of year, the semimonthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners was mainly concerned with public works and In deciding just how much work could be done during the balance of the summer Sawyer, S&lvae; Ti Qook.-ctty. Central... -Mrs. A. Campbell, , Kitoffh&; Mrs. Somerville and Miss wfisoti, Vanarsdbl; A. McLean, Vancouver; II. II. Snowdon, Calgary; J. Ersktne; city. Savoy P. J. Carmody and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Faulkner, city; Mrs. WBlUm W. Duncan. Uak; Mrs. Hogan and Miss R. Taft. Tyee; Tom Free-wokl, AUln; Mrs. Nelson Brew. Haysport; C. B. Letnes. Port Es-stngton; C. Swanson and F. Mof-fatt, C.N.R. Mr. D. McKlnnon, dty. Prince Kupert H. H. Snowdon, Calgary; A. O. Hopkins and T. Kaya. Vansouver; H. Weame, Telkwa; L. E. Moody. Usk. A. M. Richmond, Victoria; Rev. W. F. Barfoat, Terrace. Mr. and Oeorge. 'TILLIE THE TOILER" Central Mrs. E. Plche, Phone 657 .1 BBK a Rl i! 1 r 1 - 1 1 1 an 1 1 i , jm. wt mm mi, 1 . . Prince Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Two Handsome Yachts Coming Here, Including Fine Sailing Vessel Salmon Trolling Improving Two interesting yachts which are expected to put into Prince Rupert shortly In the course of Alaska cruises will be the Infanta, with John Barrymore and his wife, euro u.e swuviues 01 cjciim wnu fmeat j,, y,cnU eyer snow sugnt. regara lor vne wwiare vUit j, coaat Wtn her low. of other traffic, was re-considered graceIui llnM her nkish. towering ' masts and picturesque bowsprit. Current accounts amounting to mtrtne she a tne pjctur,. $620.63 and payroll amounting to The vetwl whoie ftrat vWt It U to $301 were passed for payment. tne BrUtoh Columbta coast, was The collector submitted figure NS.. and bullt at Tjmenberf. was on tax collections for the current originally property of a New year, showing that 3433 of the Yorlc mimonalre. having been ac-1933 levy was paid by June 30. . qulred Ut) yetin ag0 by Mr. Hoff. ' man. She has an overall length of tit r if , 85 feet, beam of 204 feet and and escaped with about $iad.vf Hotel Arrivals Royal! A. Bourgsiil, "biN r Q. L. Lamb, O. U Lamb. DoreenT Mrs. C. ably, meet at vartoa points along the coast as both will follow a simi lar Itinerary and wit both spend six weeks or two months In north of Vancouver. The IrHanta left Vancouver last Thursday and was last reported 'at Campbell River where Mr. parrjtnore was to enjoy some salmon fishing. After having delivered a load of 45,000 pounds of springs from North Island trolling grounds to Butedale for the Canadian Fishing Co.. the packer B. and Y., Capt. Don Yelf. it in pott today en route back to the Islands for another load. The ves sel arrived this morning from Bute-dale and wlU continue her voyage across 'Herafce Straits tonight. The B. and Y. reports a considerable Improvement in fishing at North Island with springs showing up in Increased quantities and cohoes start ing to put in an appearance in con siderable numbers. The fishermen. some at least, are doing well, three or four boats having cleaned up overM In one day recently and the general average being much better now than it was earlier ln the season. The provtneial police power cruiser P. XI. L. 8 returned to port Saturday night after a three-day patrol trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands with Inspector John Shir-ass on board. Calls were made at North Island, Massett and Port Clements. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imperial arrived ln port at 9:30 yesterday morning from loco with a cargo of bulk and package fuel for the company's local tanks and, after discharging, sailed at 6 o'clock last evening on her return to loco. Capt. McOaw la ln command of the Imperial on Its present voyage north, relieving the regular master. Capt. Oeddes. who. with his wife, is on a 'Cleaned Up' Card Game; Winner Set Upon By Losers Arising out of a recent card game at Shelley In which a foreigner named Mike Prytulk "broke the bank" and "cleaned up" all the money on the table, three other foreigners named Lout Oatenek, Steve Dorys and Carl Demos, having been committed for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate P. Moran TVilnrec fVuitoIln hrtth nntH temn on rharvpx of robberv With violence. ! nd In what places the nPnr. -nH iiartv on hoard, and th anneared at Prince Oeorae before ' money available could be expended Nova ScotJa Mttiag KhooMr Fan- Judge II. A. Robertson who re-i to the best advantage. It was de- dango on a of duced charges to common as-1 cided to carry on with the present gon, California millionaires sault. fining Ottenek $80, with op-' Street and Sidewalk program as far n..fin nt r V. Itnffm.n rf tlnn nf tn Hnv.' lmnrlnnmnt anri ! as funds would permit, also to call tv.,.-, Mrs Hoffman Mr. i aentenclns- Borvs and Deraaon to for tenders for roof for the a new QnH Mr. AlfrpH a. CanM. Ln rtavs' imnrisonmant earh it i City Hall. Port rniri Vlr Mn W llirvn nf wit iIImm! thai after th nnw The Bicycle Bylaw, designed to pa, t Fandango is one of, had broken up, the trio, not satis- 1 M 1 to i fled to take their lot, set upon Prytulk and relieved him of the $77 he had won. Strawberry Crop At Terrace Has Suffered by Rain YYinnipeH DanK IS j draught of 12 feet. For auxiliary I James H. Thompson, who has 'Pwer 13 equipped with a 120 j been visiting his summer place at n l l 1 l r 1 UUUUtU RnnnPfl nV UUilUilO Rnnnifc h p dlMel engine. Her interior ap-Terrace for the past week, says the UJ potn are very luxurkms and: strawberry crop has been adversely ; she hat several staterooms in ad-1 affected by the rain. While the hay Three Armed Robbers Escape With dition to handsome dining saloon crop Is heavy no opportunity has $1:00 Horn suburban and lounge When breese are fa- been given so far to gather It 8un Branch ;vorable. the vessel, which ta lav. ; seaworthy and generally a beauty. WINNIPEG?. July 18: (Canadian make speed of fourteen knots Press) Three armed bandits, held The crew Is headed by Capt. N. E. up the Elmwood branch of the Petersen, well IcnoMTi'deep sea sklp-Bank of Nova Scotia yesterday. ,r, wboW sailed the Seven 3eas. locked the manager. William John- TheTandago met John Barrymore's stone and the book-keeper, Mlfcs infanta In Vancouver a few days Augusta Bynjolssoh. b a vtlt 'gao and the two yachts wUl prob- shine Is needed as badly In the in terior as at the coast holiday motor trip to Eastern Canada and the United States. The Canadian Can Co s handsome service boat Cancollm. In the course of one of her periodical cruises to various cannery points along the coast, pulled out yester- watersjday afternoon alter iuvin been in port over the week-end The vessel arrived 8a tu relay afternoon and moored while ht-rr at the floats of the Armour Salvage Co BUY NOW The Market is Rising and Prices Climbing. Send Your Order by Phone or Call Fresh Stock Pitted Dates Qf0 S lbs. for ww Australian Sultana Raisins OAn lbs. for Dried Peaches 25C Brown 8ugarUmlt 10 lbs. HCr to each customer, 10 lbs. 1 uc O laced Cherries Whole Ofln per lb. Corn Meal 9Qp Mb. sack Pure Olive Oil Super- Q-t qq fine quality, per gal. ?A.J J Asbcfoft Ketchup 99o per qt Bottle I.B.C. 8odas TamUy sise O-fp per pkg Lux Flakes 44 n large pkg. S for ...: rela Naphtha Soap nc p per carton We Deliver Orders ef St.M OT (Her MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store M7-19 Third Avenue tVenl P.O. nx 57$ fhone ' fTlLI'I'nl! ii'kWWMIsTstflslrlVI MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 1 & 9 p.m. Feature Starts 7:50 & 9 50 Admission 15c & 50c wmtm CLARA BOW Wednesday & Thn DAUK nd "G1UL, IN UOOM VIVID, FASCINATING mXUKIMi ia "Call Her Savage" Willi Monro. OusIcy. Thelma Todd. Gilbert Roland. A M O M n.t.l Envied by Women, She Stormed Through Life Waiting For llrr JJ Comedy "WKECKETV WRECKS" Colored Musical "WILD PtOri Travel "HUl iur iiinu.in At 8:50 ROY OXMAN, The Philosopher of Song. Klnclng Latwf SEAL OF QUALITY FURS! Our Guarantee With Every Piece Genuine Point HIankeU all colors and sizes Fur and Wool Pri r Advancing' Secure your requirements now at depression : QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Rest Made NV 1 ox, per thousand ! M ' No. 1 JJx, per thousand STvl (Ireen Shlnfttet. Air Dried 1'cUlnlng All the Cedsr Oil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 SHINGOLEEN IS BETTER Than Ordinary Shingle Stains Iiccause-- It u m;d on .1 t( ul base containing a lighter on w: tratr id: into tlir shingle. pn-veniuiK decay, ai d t which rt-malnx on thr surface of ttie iliinglr, bnv n pigments and makinx them prnrtMnent to an rxtr.ii:i;: $2.10 and S2J3 per gallon in 5-galIon cans THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd cmaziajt nuwin The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK 1 If COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish' & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE KUPERT. B.C. i-M TWA ttmna Recause it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, 11 noes pay 10 miy those advertised- Just One of Many By Westover, I MB "''5;,!! HbSUX' 'vSf 'I D 1 " CXT DEMSMWcl lltXSU'T PUSH IfeM. IMTSJWT I kffelfcft IS ckrr mK 'iSPa ' '