Tomorrow's Tide "a ture while Spain bad raised) 10 a restrictive ree-:. manfury It was in informed quarters that Mkm of Senator Key - later Mirer trmw 1 utreaaary before there can :. .pr of accwd The ltevad --muned hosieful. bring taken on General Motors Business Better rtf'hr Hp-p n;AMv4tte ai Mini. Ontario, jtaneuneesl I , ' '-. w A Ont . July IS Heriect-.mtMovaanont In bvMtneei thronejawat the Demln--rsi Motor of C on ha d a farther on In of Charges Against Coal Companies Elf t n I onrrtM In ()ueWc AHoged to Mate Viola ted Combines Art Bread Prices Up In Portland and In Seattle Soon A- too tVKeved to llae Been Work Rival OatwMm or of Some IHogeiHitfed Leer 1. -KiKccnrjincii: man Mj pane Over She BOMBING IN VANCOUVER rrrmhf on Seymour Street Used As CWfle Lottery Blown Up Itorty Today No One Hurt of VAWCWVW, Jury H 'Canadian i risaium at toi vrjmm btreet which the pollc state had been occupied by a Chinese lottery were deanoUaned carry today by bomb and fire which followed. No one waa present In the bonding at the time and there were no Injuries. Restdeato of adjoining booses, which were shaken by the crash and roar, ran into the atroet In night attire. The fire waa put oat only afte sd Joining boaMmss had been dam aged, rtreeaea and police officer forcing their way through tlx flame In aoareh of poaaMe tailored The Dollce aacgeat that the bomb " may hare been placed by rhral L. lur,. met.. July 11 - Criming , dlsgranlied loser y- .rtnig. won launched hen ljvnmlmt were raided on June u ui w-js ipoin .nrf . lottery conviction oblamea. 'otnpanie operaUng hi the on charges of violating ; ivinioni of the Ooeaaanea In iH'ion Act The preoent tenants, the poUee sute had been closing each night st 11 o'clock Skipper Goes Down in Ship TaRker CIMeo Service Patrol Burns and Steks Off Coast of North OaroHna 'i dins to radio advice, bread - . 1 rlvanced one cent per loaf j yoRK. July It: The tan- rtland yesterday and It was ... stovHw Patrol burned '"'"'W that Seattle would anon I , tk. stJ.nik rvon off rOlUTKIN YEAK8 IN fl-MTIWTIAKV I'Olt fourteen years' ttriaon- '-nt was the severe sentence imposed by Judge II. A. Rob- '"am In County Oourt at ' inre Oeorge Monday upon 7" "'nn Uraan on a atatutory ' ,uni. -wwaing aeeordtng to 10 radio raaso ad- aa- ana sena - jiKjrwi down her master. Capt F. L. itara. who refused to leaw the earning Austrian City In Election Contest SALZBURG 4 Dllia arnouui 4 1 Chancellor ffcxHii Au-trlH. July l:An VANCOUVER. July li ¬ Nelson Waitress Shot to Death By Cranbrook Man Who Wounded Himself With Bullet in Head NELSON, July IS: (Canadian Press) Hattie Ball, wttitreai, was shot to death allegedy by Martin Coleman, thirty-three year old transient from Cranbrook, last night in a local restaurant. Coleman, after the slaying, turned the gun upon himself, inflicting a serious head wound In an alleged confeaaion to the police, Coleman is reported to have said that he came here after the girl who, he declared, had been his sweetheart, with the intention of daying her. STEEL MILL IS PLANNED Detroit CapitalKU Nfcotlating Start New Industry In This 1' roil rut to ft, r. Totaale announces that Detroit eapttallsu are noa- engaged tn ne-goUattons which seek to eotaalloh a large pig iron and steel aaiU In that province. St. John Shipping Ahead of Last Year Import and Esport Traffic l or llrst Half of 1911 Leads 11 y 1U.9M Tons SAINT JOHN. US.. July 18: Impart and esport traffic through this boTt during the first six months of k Mtmit vear are expected to exeeed figure for the same period of last year by tone. Former Minister At Death's Door t : JUiy 1 m,,.. the TORONTO. rocalved at dlvuuonaj t 'ane ,T Tfl' '1' Jr1 ci Hon. Plnlay MOlanW. -mbl. of public works. "saquarter lartera of of the the provincial provincial ow-u.. owastlk.. n. he end - 7" the r minlster minlster Pltee. thm over th niu The " offence wenos wu waa in the we v " .u. hand- who I seriously , 111. is h lev" reported to w of an indecent assault. dropping quan unchjincrd llttte hope for . um- nminf.liti tile reaunr u . . hU recovery Is entertained. NEW CODE IN FORCE Regulations Governing TesUle Industry in United States Now Operative WASHINGTON. Dr . July IS The new governmental code of re-galaUotu Kovarnlng the texttte industry of the United State became operative yesterday The chief provisions of the code are tor Increased wage, shorter hours and Improved working conditions. The tmpositton of the new code by no means implies the taking over of th r textile industry by the government bat merely sets up certain regulailom regarding its operation Similar codes are being applied to numerous other industries of the country under the administration a economic recovery program. EARNINGS INCREASEi: Canadian Railways IVr Seeond ' Week lu Succession Show Lead Over Last Year I p. A. Today's Weather IVM ajn. K y 33.27 pm. lo p Prince Rupert Overcast, fresh by 5:40 am. SJ 1. southeast wind; barometer, 30.04; 17 M dot. 102 ft. V temperature, 58; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v, , XXIV . No 1M PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1933 PRICE: FTVE CENTS SETBACK IN SILVER NEGOTIATIONS JUDGMENT OF RAIL BOARD AFFECTS GRAIN SHIPMENTS Senator Pittman's Plan To Be Amended Before Conference Accepts It India Objects to Export Quota and Spain Also Takes Exception to Restrictions Drastic Change Needed to Reach Accord LONDON, July 18: (Canadian Preai) Negotiations imi' the uw of tilver received a setback today when the rl'l (Tonoinw: cuiuerrurc mivbi whuuuvct, wirau wn- after a recess of several days, wa unable to re- ir, hie until tomorrow. It was reported that India . i to an exjwrt quota such as the United State had . The Italian Flight Party After . tupp;t)-hjp orofulio Italy, to Amsterdam to Lordooceiry, the Italian air ar mada headed by Oapt Ilalo Balbo' lextrame ift proceed : to Rejavlk. Iceland. Cart right. Labrador Shedtac. NB . Uoirjeal and is now In CUeaao for toe World? Pair. Here wc tee the intrepid navigators lined up for inspection. They plan hopatac off tomorrow on return fight DROWNED IN NORTH rrorinrial Polite Receive Report of Traced Between Stewart and Telegraph Crtek VICTORIA. July 18: Oaaadtan Pteasi John Angerer was drowned in the Bell Irving River between Stewart and Telegraph Greek on June 96 and his companion. Wflham Aiken. Is recovering from exposure at Echo Lake, aeeordtng to advice received at provincial pottce Bead-quarter here. Both men were from Stewart and were traveJMng on the trail from 84 wart to Telegraph Creek. There are no detail of the tragedy aa yet although It I supposed that it resulted from the oa poising of a boat or raft. Further mveotl-gaUons are bewg made by the police. Twenty-Five Are Dead in Tornado llesvy Toll of Life Tsken by Summer Hurricane Last Week In Mfilco BROWNSVILLE. Tex, July 18: 1 Canadian press Bested re ports which have been received here tell of the deaths of M person in a tropical hurricane which bit the northeastern section of Mexico last week. 0 WILIIY POST STILL GOING STRONn ON HIS 1VORLO FLIGHT IRKUTSK, aiberm. Jhly W: 4- tCPi WUey Post landed here o at 7:8 a m. 1 Eastern stand- ard Time) today from Novo ; Sibirak tn contlnuatsM of hi MONTREAL, July II- Por the flight around the wrM and second week la auoconuon grcs. took off at J p. for Khobar- earnings of the Canadian N- ovsk whence he pfen to pre- tlonal and Canadian Pacific RaU- oeod to New York via Nome ways show an Increase ever fl- and Edmonton. gures for the corresponding woek last year. oto Prince Rupert Ruled Non-Competitive Port In Handling of Wheat TO ATTEND CONFERENCE- 10 Ktiura so ucneva in September WASHINGTON DC, July 13 Norman H. Davis United State ambassador at large to Barope. will return to Geneve, early m September to attend the world dtsarraa- lovent conference at It rjemgaeq sessions m the fall. He wtA urge at th nBtenm the tfsuwM1 MtSgrelgtajj-a' Mnit tlrvr tKat curtailment of arms building to essential to the return of. world prosperity and the obvtatkm of another frtghtftti war. Vancouver Stocks (Oourttt B. D. J-BMtok Oo.l Vancouver Reno. IM. Fend Oteille. 12ft. Noble Five. .1. Premier. 1.40. National Silver. Porter Idaho. .14. Bridge River Conaol, 7. Georgia .River. M. Reeves, a. Whitewater, .11 1. Cariboo Oold. I ML Reward. .14. Meridian. Ja. Rig Missouri. JL Lucky Jim, Mti. Bllver Crest, Jd. Waverly. at. Indian. M. B. R. X. .St. Wayatoe. .64. Native Son. .MtV Blnebtrd. Mi. Cork Province, Jit. Orandvlew, jK. Toronto Noranda, 4M. aawrrttt, 1J1. Inter. Nlckai 30.7a. v Macaeaa, M. MeWatwa. M. Staw. l.M. Oranada, 1.18. Kitkland Lak Oold, ,41. San Antosdo, 1J. OH. . Sterhng, ML A. P. Can.. M. Pabyan, .91. Calmont iS. Freehold. .11. C. It R.. 11. NO HALIBUT TOOAY No boat being in with catches. there was no sale of halibut on the , local Fiah Exchange this morning. TT Victoria Comes Under Same Category in Finding of Commissioners Two Points Are, Therefore, Eliminated From Agreement : OTTAWA, July 18: (Canadian Press) In a judgment rendered yesterday the Board of Railway Commissioners refused to accept the contention of the Canadian Pacific Railway that Victoria and Prince Rupert, served by tlje Canadian National Railways, are competitive points with . Vancouver for the export of wheat originating on the northern Alberta lines The effec of the judgment la to eliminate ex port traffic to those Canadian National Railway porta from operation of an agreement whereby the two railways share on a ftfty-flf tjr basis shipment originating on the j northern Alberta lines Jointly op- ' crated by the Canadian Pacific and yniito suits Amnassaaec as lAige Canadian National Railways. Seventy Drowned In Capsizing Of Launch on Volga YAROULAVL. Russia. July 18: Seventy person were reported drowned when aa overladen river launch crowded with 250 excursionists eapetaed is the Volga River three miles north of here. Silver Price Up ! To Over 40 Cents! Copper Price Still Firm at 9c on New Tork Market Today NEW YORK. Jy IS: (Canadian Pre) Stiver dosed at 40,c per met on the local metal market today. Copper closed at 9c. SUCCEEDED IN EXAMS) Stewart and Aiyansh Pupils Among Few High School Candidates In Province Who Made Tests VICTORIA. Jacy IS: (Canadtexw Press) High School examinatig' Nawtts for Oraoes Nine and Ten an today anew that oat of 37 only 81 passed tn aJL tebjetft, m betog granted partial akndvng and SI obtaining markg eatfy. Orace E. A&mX Orade Nina, and Barbara O Pettlplece. Orade Ton, both of Stewart Superior School were among tike successful candidate a were Catherine II. phuttpr and Jessie M. Weeks of AlyaatS Public School m Orade Nine. Riot Breaks Up -Albany Khaki Shirt Meeting ALBANY. July II A riot whlata broke up a meeting of the KhY Shirts of th Unrtod States result ed In the shooting to death of one man and sertoa Injury to six othm at the end of the week.