ra FRESH keepL YOU THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RCPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publlsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally JJews, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By rnait fall parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and Unfted States, paid in advance, per year By mall teak other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion ... f Local readers, per insertion, per line - Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation DAILY EDITION For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Greeo 341 Phtnca Green 41 Kschanga .Block Uif l $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 .02 .25 Friday. Not. 10, 1W3 FIKST ENTHUSIASM The intense enthusiasm which accompanied the first movement of Canadian troops overseas when the call came to this part of the Empire nearly twenty years ago will be recalled tomorrow. It was a very real sacrifice. The general opinion was that the men went to their certain deathYThey sold or gave away all their belongings. There was to be no return. Some of those men are with us today but many remained on the fields of France and Flanders. Happily their spiritlg fctill with us. In spite of much of4he-ordidness of moddrn life, there is still a spirit of self-sacrifice abroad in the land inspired by the memory of those splendid men who went overseas. We can see them today marching to their ship to the music of the military bands, with spectators vvteeping and smiling through their tears in order to cher-the boys on. Women cheered as they wept. Others, dry-eyed, felt their hearts broken yet not one would have reversed the decision to go at the country's call. It was aswonderful spirit that developed throughout the Effipira in those days. It was a wonderful spirit that made everybody carry on, glad to deny themselves anything and everything in order that the men overseas might be Kwt suyuiied, This spiritual effect is the great reflex of tWawfuIness of the carnage which took place. ( 'rjmprrow let us all join with the little remnant that k fti.ljj left in keeping alive the memory of that wonderful tiiie, tluye tremendous sacrifices, that joyous outburst thai came on Armistice Day. Jnsist on "GRANTS BEST FKOCURABLt" The Original For Slr at Vndw.t r dlrrrt frnw "Mail Ordrr l)rpt." Liquor tUiiitrol Wtil. fjt7 Beatty St , Vancouver WBEST V am - UB PROCURABLE TCH W II I SKY CHEST IN FINEST ICHLANO MALT Grtnt 4 Soat UnttMl Olritftddirh uil Blvriii4SlrnNvt DiatllbriM, In. tu A liU'iow, Soll4. 1 lln alM i!i ., m. mi ,. i,f (.ul.h-hrcl , di.-plaved n the Liquor Cunti-oi Hi .-u-cl or the I.iovernmcnt of liriM-li I'ulumiiia. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 i PLAY VERY ENJOYABLE "Oh Susan" Provides Breezy Entertainment at St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall Presented by. a happily selected cast of young people under the capable direction of 6. P. Woodside, the dioll four-act comedy farce ''Oh 9usan" provided bright and braaay utertainment for a large and appreciative audience in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Hall last eve-.1:113. The play, staged under the . unices of the Amateur Dramatic Society of the Cathedral, wilj bp re-.xv.ted toniglU and, in view of Ihe favorable comment which the fisst piesenlitjon elicited, will, doubtless, be rewarded with another full house. The plot Is a novel one and is faj from being burdensotpe as arateut theatricals sometimes ant Members of the cast each play the! roles with credit to themselves and their director and everythjfjf weal off very smoothly last night. The Interest -of the audience wa well sustained until the ft! curtain. The acts are not long wtoich it really an advantage. Principal members of the caat f romantic roles are Miss fQtpyttfKp McLeod. whose talent Is well known and who is consistently popular and Bill Tobey. whose style appear.-different at first but which to nevertheless very effective. Mrs. F N. Good. Mis Helen MeUod and Mies Margaret McLeod have Important part which they portray ir fine style while character roles are depicted by William Skins, Miss Eileen Green. Johnny Comadina. Mlas Eileen Oibson and Mr. Wood side, each of whom are good. Ttw Junior Symphony Orchestra under direction of Bert Cameron placed selections at opening and elating and between acts, the evening's program being distinctly enhanced thereby. At the close, of the program last evening. Dean Gibson spoke briefly, expressing appreciation of the Urge audience and of the work of Mr Weoaalde. the director, and the. caaV Bob Tobey was in charge of properties and electrical effects were loaned by Gordon's Hardware Stanley palby presided at the door. Misses E. Rivett and Joan Croat being In charge of seating To Canadian Youth Who Fel in France Your dreams were sealed so long ago. When the rkbrent call of youth was stilled; Your hopes, desires, and love pre- Await fuMlhMMt of Ihe yaan. To Him that gave, yarn dream re turns ynmarred. that He may take I MM jAnd fashion with bwiiiaUsk de-Hfn j Us Imprint f aebjty. I ; For we that tread the Assert year Where H lays broken In the sands Have naught to guide ua save the star That gleams the brighter for your dream. N'ovtrntoer 1, l?33. Swifts' and Cold JAI.D. I Storage Winners In Bridge League I Swift Canadian Co. won decisively by an aggregate score of 7078 to $051 over Oddfellows in last night s Prince Rupert Bridge League fix-tyre In the other match of the eyrnine. Cold 8torage defeated Orotto 6402 to 5741. END PAIN Soothe SORE HANDS by Rubbing in p Friday, N, . TIIE DAILY NEWS WIN CANOE FOR BILLIARDS ! HONEYMOON ELKS Tuesday Night's Fixture Completed Hay in Last Night's Match Is Very Close With five out of six scheduled games played last night, Empress are leading q rot to by a score of 970 n the regular Billiard League fixture, individual scores having been S fallows: Don. Brown lOrptto), 200; M. E. Young t Empress). 104. Earl Batt. 140; A. Donald, 200. Bert Morgan, 130; Frank Ald-ridge, 200. George Howe. 187: Pete Prltchard, 200. John May, 209; Len lUabe. 168. The game of W. E. Hutaon vs. J..' Sutherland will be played tomorrow night. Tuesday Night's Games FOOTBALL LINE-UP The fallowing line-up is an-touncad by King Bdward High School lor tomorrow afternoon's Junior League football fixture: BUke; RUchje and Kejaejr; yam-anacka. Va4o and Irfine; Lear. Orimbk, Ilobtlan. McQibh aad McMeekin. Telephone Bridge And Whist Party Larte Attendance at Affair Las) Nisbt by Catholic Ladies' Aid These wage iplftr.htte tablet all In play a a large telephone bridge and whist party held at the homes of various hostesses last night by the Catholic Udiea' Aid. Hostesses -for the evening were Mrs. H. F Oiassey, Mrs. WlUfcwn Brass, Miss Lorna MacLartn. fir. McLean. Mrs. Peter pejpng. Mrs. C. P. Ba-lagno. Mrt. Buseanich. Mse. E. Pet-tanuao, Mrs. L. J. Bbdn. Mrs. Louis Amadlo. Mrt. J..F. Ritchie and Mrs. M. P. McCaffery. The prise winners were: Contract-L4ka' firet. Mist Mar garet Maguire; consolation. Mist Jessk Moffatt; men's tlrtt N. L. Freeman, consolation. Frank Rut-wU. Auction Ladles' mat. Mrt. J. Kred Ritchie; oonaolaUofi. Mh. E-Hattman; men s first, ty. B. Qswn; . J. W. KUpatflek; Wtuat-Ladics' first. Mrs. Fred fMfou; coneolarlon. Mrt. D. Slevert; men1! firat. J. L. Bkaln; eonaolatlon, N. Anlonelll. SIR AKTHlft IMPROVING MQffTREAL. Nov. 10: OP)-lr Arthur Currie. suftertpg frm a small cerebral blood vessel blockade, continues to make Improvement Jn hospital here. Another Haul . SPECIAL For the Holiday Perfect Halanced S. B. Shot Gun and box of 12 jro. Shells $15,95 Only Tlirep Outfitfi Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 e healing 'Cream Far SPMIftS f BRUISES? BITES CUT , MAOe IN CANADA m , SPORT CHAT . . 1 l ft. flui urAi cellar position In the Junior League HOOP PLAY AT TERRACE MJrs Loe To Mars a Mdlet' Pame .Mill Crew Brat Town TERRACE. November 10-4n the Leagitr baaketoall games at Terrace on Saturday, the Macs de feated the Mikes in a well fought gain by a score of 1S-6. Scorrij: Mikes Mrs MicheU 0. L. Christy 0. Rose KbK 0- JfSM Dtwar ft. 9- Uot Head 0. Beaiie Moore 1 Ade nine Thomas 0 4. Saat-M. MLjfn If. J. Cole 0 R MgUsef 0. Q. SsnHh . R. Taft 0. 18. Referee D K"er. Mrn'p flame In a veey baeaOr eajitafifd game the Mill Crew won over the Tow- by two pobsu. Use score being M- 10. Te-D Mat van 1 W. MCon-nal S. J. Bvgmore 4. L Johnson 2 C. Mkchiel 2. F Hepp 0 19. Mill Crew-F Thomat 4. D Utile 14. F Hipp 1 D Kerr 0. K Kerr 1.-21. Sirs. Hohert TomJinsoit Had ."Many, ami Varied Krperieiice In North 1 , I i CEDARVAJJB, Novamhar WTfej death ocsggred here aj Tvesdayl I at the home of ber davightar, Mrs, U. 8. Tordiffe. Mrt. Alice , Maty 1 ilomlinaon. widow of th late Rev ) Robert ToBinasjD, fomefiy Of Meansklnlafct. Mrs. TosrM ion waa torn at Per-sonstown. Ireland. In 1851., coming to VleVnte when. er years old w)tb her Barents, the late Richard ajtd Anne Wools. Mr. Woods was for a time sheriff and also registrar at Victoria la the early days. In ISM, Alice Mafk wa married saiuroay wgnv ui rTf' to Rev Robert Tbmllnion mis-' postponed from aet night will bring Ih. M.n. inAin f,.r th. I rwo postponea games in luesaay togetner me senior Church Mlssk"ary Society Lon-I IghU fixture between Elks and RmyH9an and the Qfto who are hf)nrvmoo Canadian Legion were played, giv- at present in second, place. In the wu gnl w jourceytng in an open j lag the $ks the victory by an ag-, Ladles' division the Comets will ntUft maBnM ky rlgbt na.j gregat score of 1111 to 1042. The j have the opportunity to tie up that tTei 1nm 'victoria to Klnrollth! resuiU of Ihe postponed games were Ljeague if they beat the CascUqaJt. l0 . tne NlM riw wr,rre at that i at touowa: iThe litaii sehooi wm late on time Mr. Tomllnson was stationed n n -1 .nil... AAA. . 1 . . , . I i. r. ufiHfno bik. mjv; Air a warriors, lite CUrvMa-maer onnp Murray (Canadian Legion). 1M. I together the Flashes and the WjJMajti Lamble 14S: G. P. Tinker. seouU. They will be fighting for ate. Mrs. Tomilrison bad numerous and varied experiences I- her missionary work, suffering many privations and even da grr but. on tr t whole, enjoyed good health uo o the lest fiav year, and. while not seeming critically Ul. has bee -. illlrf! and the end was not unex- Of-ted Dereased Is survtved by two torn Robaet. at Now MeUakaUa. Alaska 4 Utomat Klibard of Odarrale nd three daughter. Mrs. A. S Tordiffe and Mrs W W Moberly of Cedarvale and Mrs. O Douglas if Parterville. Vancouver bland. Tt e funeral waa held at the vn-tage church at Meanaklnlsht a-d burial was made beside deceased's busJaand. who passed aseay Is Mil. Many friends were gathered to pav their respects to one who was more to maajr of them than lust a friend and nelet.bor. She will be remembered especially by those who knew her in earlv days for her kind loving sympathy to all She was the ptaneer aikalcjrary vna to Iske up pensunent misWnce In northern BC. cosning to Kmeolin In IMC. Also she waa one of the aat of Use real tries UNITLO STATUS HOLD WASHINGTON. DC. Nov. 10: CP i The United SUtes Treasury price for gold today waa $33.30. being five rent higher than Quick Relief Now From Neuralgia JACK,! TO SCt CLARK AtOuT THAT S OtDtR IN 10 MIMUTf AND I HAVE Tf wtf htlrtint... WHAT CAN I OO ? i- y oomt wqmv! wr somc AISIBIN.TWO T ABUTS WILL 1TOP That Pmn iu A rew MINWteS. ZtATSS f VtLl. jack, i oor Te oaoss. VSS. PI LT f it M a npott VOU HT. ru AlMAVS acT sieisiN QUICK IIUIP MOM AAlS in w Real ASPIRIN Starts Taking Hold in Few- Minutes Now comes amatlnvly qultk r4ief from !eaUWie, rkeumaliAin, neuri-ti, ntwliih . . . hfief taft flirf, it It tnlil, grt tlitnvftrJ, ThoM resulls are due to a seien-llif discovery by ltKh so Aspirin 1 ablet beoins to dimolve, or (lis-inlritrale, in the umwng space of two kM-ond after touching moist lire. And )cow p start "taking fyM" o( paio a few minutes ofler taking. Tlte illuslralbm of the tilas. here, trlj Hie story. An Aspirin Tablet slartMo ilniulrrale almet instantly you swallow it. Ami t hut (t ready to oo to untk aliiMt iniltmlh, Wlirii you buv, IIiouh be on Ruard ogainiit milwtiluten. To m ure ypuet ASPIRIN'S quirk relirf, U sure the name llaytr in tif form of a cro is on every tablet of Aspirin, 1 '. Ji , . '. i 11 1 . 1 i . i n 2 F(VI WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST Drop an Aipliln TabM in s l fcaUr Not Mw BR-U4LUIKlMtSt- iwn. it hi ttarlad (o dMmtrl What MifetttalM dm ii Am In y mmmuh. I lent it ll MAO( IN (AMABA Does Sot Harm the Heart TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" Phone: Blue 901 I have a bis; order for r fur, and am prepared to bur at top price. Before wiling t4 where let me see hst you bave. I am n a portion u nay as much or more thu others and jou jet tour ea:.h at once, either by rrturn tnl or by wire. GOLDBL00M The Old ItdhMj hp EFFICIENT AM) kkliable skkvki; Phone Hltic '520 The must (!,. service ts ttoe a. econasaleal. Out n. equipment Is i . , at la earektnj .. surtni yon tlx work. Why not haw a proper aerial mates on an' i r ; installationA . at -r fully lveo. nnnnnr Radio Service 3M Seeend Avenue Phone Blue 320 r. o. not us AO BARTLETT C. II. IN8ULANDEH Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your inii by an expert B ted In any style a specialty. All teed fir-t rVHB MADK " Write lor rn E. t)ix, Taxidermist Terrace, IJ.C PRINTING Office Supplies Hose, Cowan & Mtta I'hone 231 The AUCTIONEER Packlne-CratlnB Wrapp'-o at Oeneral Furniture HrpaW List your goods with me I'hone Hlac 1- GEO. J. DAWKS I Developing and Printing Direct to Send Your Films WRATIIAIX'S WI0T0 FINISH10 llapld Service rrlnce HP"