w flUMk m 4w '3 ' h Leckies Boots and Shoes i Third Avenue For Men, Women, Misses and Children All Bought From Leckie's Also a Big Line of Miner's Rubbers All Sizes For All Kinds of People Buy at Our'Store and Save 25 per cent On Your Purchases 3? EVERY HOME NEEDS THE IIANDY REMEDY FOR t Cuts, , Bruises, - , Burns, - - , Pimples, Eczema, , Rashes, irfr.rf - n-JI. H rn . auus, noiccsscs, uicers, uaa L.egs, t'otsonea a FJ i Wounds. Piles. Scalb Diseases, etr. IDIITII'lK larilai, ItitMU, Mncilar RknattiM. . m - TheFish whichjnade Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS STj REPLENISHING wo cell I PHONE US verywmj We have coalg suitabe for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 648 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office 1 CUT RATE SHOE STORE Prince Rupert C. N. R. Trains , For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and FrI- I days 5:30 pjn. j From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pjn: OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR UYER? Wake op your Liter Bile Without Calomel Tew rtft ft nry tauS ortta, bat H Uinly ea put difUv ..14 .hmibfttirt rU m a kiluc. by iWwiot; to pour cut iU 4tly two pound, of liquid btl. iu jour btnlt Yoq voa't eoaiplM ly onwi Mich wiaditina by Ulan ftftlt. uil nuwrftl nw, U ulm tudy or tbwiflf gum, reuftftc. WWta tAy BMrd run how. I. LL47 r. Uimib-ud jo nd ft Btw WlmuVni. Carto. UllU tin roia win ma Mnj bek U. nMim 1ft to your Ufa. Tbrr'n purely Tt" UU. tWt. Hurt. jLtk !w Uwa by mm. Brfvrt Ijatiwua. 2S M all diva- LOOK FOR MUSSALLEM'S AD CALIFORNIA WINE BRICK QQn APPLES Delicious Fancy II. H, per box NABOB TEA per 2Vi-lb. pkg CHASE it SANBORN'S COFFEE, to clear, lb. VITONE per 5-lb. tin BUTTER A-l per lb, ORANDMA'S JELLY POWDERS, per doz. OILLETTS CREAM TARTAR, Vs, per pkg. CERTO To Clear 3 bottles S1.89 98c 46c S2.73 25c 5&c 13c 89c V. C AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or crushed, 2's A On 2 tins IOI QUAKER STRAWBERRIES OQp Heavy Syrup, 2's, 2 tins . "'v- Closed All Day SATURDAY Free delivery on all orders $2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" S17-1S Third Avenue West r,0. Box 575 Phone 18 WATERFRONT WHIFFS American Halibut Landings at Port Down This Year Canadians, However, Up Individual Production Records For Season The grand total of halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1933 season was 13,389,200 pounds as compared with 14,650,350 pounds in 1932, 16,036,910 pounds in 1931, 24,638,000 pounds in 1930, 27,807,250 pounds in 1929, 27,036,000 pounds in 1928 and 25,135,950 pounds in 1927. American landings this year totalled 8,1S0,000 pounds as against 10,508,100 pounds in 1932, 10,339,140 pounds in 1931, 18,192,-,an average of 45.000 pounds per 500 pounds in 1930, 20,354,500 pounds in 1029 and 19,554.700 pounds in 1923. The grand total of Canadian landings this year was 5,209,000 pounds in comparison with 4,142.250 oounds last year, 5.697300 pounds in 193L 6,445,500 pounds in 1930. 7.452.750 pounds in 1929 and 7.481.- 100 pounds in 1928. From the financial standpoint, he 1933 season has been marked with a considerable Improvement aver 1932, particularly during the fall when price, while not exceptionally high, were, however, steady and at a consistently satisfactory level, permitting of generally pro fitable operation. Casualties were at a minimum luring the 1933 season although a ew boats, as usual, came to grief. There were few fatalities, none of vhlch were in the Canadian fleet. Weather conditions on the banks, aken as a whole, were posaiDly better than average. The Cape Beale. Capt. Edgar Ar-lott. won back In 1933 her supremacy, which she held In 1931 but DSt in 1932, as the heaviest lander jf fish per unit for the Canadian lalibut fleet, having brought In a otal of 334,000 peunds In nine rips. The Cape Beale also had the ,reatest average poundage Pr boat .or the Prince Rupert fleetr-37,133 ounds. In volume ol landings, the Prosperity A., Capt. A. C. Christian-en. was second with a total of 344,-.00 pounds In twelve trips while the tellef. Capt. Merrill Sollows, which ed the fleet In 1932 for volume of andlngs, was third this year with 38.000 pounds In. thirteen trips. The thirteen trips of the Relief onstltuted the' greatest number made by any single boat of the fleet J u ring the season. The Capella, Japt. Dan Larsen, bringing in an iggregate of 176,500 pounds, the rngrid H.. Capt. Charles Lundqulst, "rosperity A.. Capt. A. C. Chriatlan- ;en, 244,500 pounds and Tramp, :apt. Sam Hougan. 179.500 pounds, each made twelve trips during the reason. Second to the Cape Beale for high verage poundage per trip was the rakla, Capt. Chris ParkvoW. 27.060, while the Prosperity A.. Capt. A. C yhrlstlansen. was third with 22,042 pounds. American Fleet For the American fleet, the Oceanic was the heaviest gross lan- Jer of fish at Prince Rupert for the 1933 season, bringing In a total of 189.000 pounds In twelve trips. The Tahoma was second with 166,000 pounds, also In twelve trips, while the Electra was third with 171.000 pounds in four trips. With the Oceanic and Tahoma, the Visitor, with a total of 61,500 pounds In catch, shared honors for number of landings made at Prince Rupert during the season twelve in all. The Doric, which made but one call at the port during the year, had the heaviest single catch for the season, 52,000 pounds. The Thor brought in a 46.000 pound catch. The Kanaga landed two trips for Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give sattsfaotlon. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 51 Phones 651 trip while the Ilene brought In one 43,000 pound catch. The following table shows the number of trips made, the amount of fish landed and the average fare per trip of each of the boats of the fleet as far as landings at Prince Rupert were concerned: Canadian Total Avrgc No. of Landings Pounds Fares Pounds Per trip Atlt 1! Aiken 10 Alice May 6 Aleve 8 Bayview ... 9 Cape Spencer 9 Covenant .. Capella Cape Bale Clipper II Cape Race Cape Spear Ed. Llpsett Brie Roy . Bmbla . Frisble A. Fanny F. Oloson . Oulvlk Oony Gertrude Helen II Ingrid II. J. R Joe Baker Just Right Kalen Atlas Anna J. .. Arrow Adding ton Alkl Avona Arcade . . Augusta .. Atlantic . Attu Arctic .... Bonanza Bravo Brothers Brisk . Bollnda Condor Charlotte. ... Cora Chum Constitution S 12 9 8 4 4 6 6 1 1 4 10 7 9 3 7 13 11 9 4 9 Livingstone II 2 Lyseklt . Loganna . Melville . Margaret I Morris H. Nygaard Prosperity A. 12 Pair of Jacks II Pa Under . R. W. Relief Rose Spit Southend Sea Maid Signal Slogan . Tbodie Ternen . Tramp Takla Teeny Mllly Unome Unity Viking I Venus 10 1 4 10 9 1 3 11 13 11 8 10 5 2 9 7 12 2 10 10 1 11 2 Vera Beatrice 6 WhlteHope.ll 5 9 Baltic 10 Betty Coolldge 3 Columbia . 2 Defence . 3 Don Q 2 Diana 2 Eureka Emma Ethel ... Excel . Estep . Explorer Friendly Fremont -.4 5 . 1 . 7 1 2 5 0 'Frisco 8 Orayllng 3 Garland 4 Oony I Olorla 3 Hyperlan .... 2 Hazel H 11 HI Olll 4 Happy 3 Howard U, 3 199,609 112.700 14400 53,500 64,000 1 24.060 txjm 176400 334,000 77400 24,100 3400 74,600 19.000 4960 118.000 97400 4.900 119400 150400 94400 84400 sjw 1M400 18400 314440 2400 1M4M 104464 5400 244464 113,000 9400 1M400 248400 168.000 116404 146400 54400 3404 110.000 5400 170444 54400 138440 84440 3400 1M40O 12400 67,000 148400 American 13300 134400 14400 3400 4700 1400 34400 132400 34.000 3400 96.000 4400 156,000 9600 45400 91,000 36,000 3000 60400 16,50 3400 21.000 94400 55400 71,000 34.000 19400 29,000 3800 63400 2,000 15800 21,000 66,000 7500 136,000 08400 37400 47400 10,000 42400 23400 148400 4000 33,000 27,500 15,418 .11 .270 2,417 6.640 7413 14400 13.400 14.744 37,133 9.643 6,044 8404 14.437 U43 1900 204 1344 11.844 9.744 10.774 1.6M 17444 14,643 8.44t 9444 1400 17444 9444 31.440 3400 1444 14440 12,647 5404 33441 10473 3.047 11.444 18404 11444 14444 14.460 11400 1.744 13.133 8,434 14447 37444 13444 84W 3.000 11444 600 11.147 13436 2600 14.164 34.800 9.744 9.400 14.000 9478 16443 35.000 34.000 32.000 33 000 15.600 13.714 11.335 15.167 35.000 20,000 8,644 4,125 2,750 7.000 23,873 18400 35,500 11,333 0,750 14,500 9,826 10,700 2,000 22,643 21.000 33.000 15,000 13,869 8,563 13,500 11,875 10,000 14,166 12.750 13400 10,000 11.000 9.166 I FRIDAY and SATUKDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Admission 15c St 30c SATURDAY Matinee. 2:30 Admission 13c & 35c 4 PAGE FOUR ,THE DAILY NEWS Friday, November 10, 1M Monday & Tuesdty "HE MINK TONIGHT" The Star of Stars in a Brilliant Triumph Mary Pickford Lenore Lumen Utuya Majestic Midway Mltkof Mlddleton Mars North Norland Neptune Narrona Northern National Onah Oceanic Pierce Pegge Prosperity Paragon Portlock Pioneer Rainier Radio Rap III Reliance I Remus Reform Reliance Resolute Sentinel Slrius Senator Star Sherman Sunset Seattle Superior Suoml Spray Tahoma Tatoosh Thor. smalt. Tuscan Teddy J. Thelma M. T1633 TWO Tllltcum T1084 T704 Thelma II Urania 13 13 11 Total Landings Pounds 43.U00 30400 41.000 400 10444 33400 3400 54440 94400 101440 1400 114440 34440 44W6 314M 1340 7444 14440 134404 84444 7444 4344 143400 14040 44404 14404 144 14440 14140 47444 4400 5740 31444 144404 11.444 44440 3440 77400 144440 144400 44444 3140 74440 3440 3440 3400 17.000 14,400 5500 9,500 134,000 BUY- Average In "SECRETS" (7:13 St 9:15) With LESLIE HOWARD. A United Artists Picture In every life there are secret joys and secret norrous-T Two great stars in this dramatic human document "FIFI 9) FROM THE (SIIUAT .MUSICAL COMEDY "MLI.E. .MODISTE" "CLANCY OF THE MOUNTED NO. V Havana Ivanhoe Ilhona June Kodlak Lancing No. of Fares Pounds Per trip 41.500 10450 30400 400 3400 1344 11.764 14.447 33440 13434 33433 14471 11.143! 34444 14400 10400! 30433 13400 13433 14.740 13.000 6400 14471 44444 37 400 31400 30.44 44.000 947 744 1 404 7.7401 35475 33443 11.900 3444 14433 1433 18433 34400 33400 11440 14444 15404 31.147 S444 10400 16.404 8404 3404 3,000 5.647 2114 5,500 9.500 19.143 1 Metro New, T-. . No of Lai 'i.i . f Fares Pound.-: r Unlmak 4 34 fx -o Vlktng 1 9.000 Venus 3 38 00) i Viola 14 71 MX) Visitor 13 61 sou Vvtta 4 36.000 WlralaM . 1 5.000 Wabash 4 4 x Wave 35 yw) Wnltoaway 3 lo.O() Wood ran- 1 10 off. Yukon 4 11 UN Zarcmbo . 9 I1JSO" Leviathan 1 32 . Fwkral . . 1 lfx; Tongas 3 90 00 Chelsea . 1 40000 McKlolty .. I 12U (m Beetm .. . 4 171 f- - Sitka 3 40 one Aim 1 12000 Orant 3 MOOl Liberty 1 43000 Kanaga 3 90iv NottUy 3 Vim PranMtH ... 34000 Thor 1 46 000 Clipper ... 1 32OA0 Fairway 1 14000 Aleutian 1 35 000 Dene 1 45 wo Ionic I 35 000 Angaiss 1 iw Doric 1 33.000 The 8atU halibut 1 sctnt, alter having been for several days pending Uon of allegation that sc ' ftah taken by the VfM final trip of the season t was taken after the roainv of the dose season on O was granted a glearanrc f ' yeatardsy. Further pr against the ml. If rn taken by the United SUU s . Jimmy Hamilton pnpn.i-officer of the steamer Pi tn laltte. to back on duty nbc coast liner, which t in f afternoon, after having bcr In Vancouver for the t' wreks nursing an Injur ? r being welcnmcd b.n k b: friends at fhu port il'") : if . m.':i 4: n - r - " ? - :v ?t..-.t) - - F t; A": iri '. Z l;) Bulkley Valley COAL Keep Your Cash at Home Part of Every Dollar Spent For.Hiilkley Volley Coal Returns to Prince Rupert Your Dealer Can Supply You