t; mber 10. 1933 BAKING POWDER PjAand EXPECT DE- I SAYS MISS HELEN O. CAMPBELL ui II. known Olrttlor o th Chsttltilnt Iniiliun MAGIC -coin not quite of a cent more per baking than the cheapest Inferior baking powders. Why iut ue pls fine-quality baking powder sad be ure of aatWfsictory retultt? A )VrAIN1NOAt.UM.'"nilMlmntiMitfa aTafj (i i la .' Suaranlaa that M.tk Haalna, ruJr W j, lr. lew, r j barruful tnar.Ul.ni. 1J rj Canada The Rexail Store Doll Contest Open to Children 12 Years of Af?e and Under. 12 Prize For (JirLs and Three Special Prizes For Hoys Which Include Three Coaster Wagons. Kach Child Nominated Will Receive 100 Votes Free Terms of the Contest are: Vv ( very dollar cash purchase the customer is entitled to 100 votes. Nominations will be accepted up to and including Nov. 13th ' r will commence on the morning of Novem-l iih and continue unti) Saturday night, De- r 2ftnl, 10 p.m. sharp. The twelve girls re l' the highest number of votes will be awar- twelve prizes ami the three boy receiving .chest number of vote will be awarded the - prizes. C ALL AND fiBT YOUR NOMINATION BLANK TO I) AY The Prizes are now on display Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer Druqgists Tbt KrsaU fiUre fhones: II ft 82 Special Round Trip WINTER FARES Princo Ruport and Ocean Falls to Vapcouyor, also from Anyox and Stewart to Princo Ruport and VANCOUVER Meal and Berth Included Fare-and-a-Thlid ... No Stopovers On Sale lintil Feb. 28 RETURN LIMIT, MARCH 3U Tot LUonaoUoa ceil Vxl M" M Cll Tkk.l Ottce 111 It A.... Frtat. -a If you lose anything, try a classified nd. VlM CANADIAN NATIONAL UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Special low winter euurlon rate new In ttjfti Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return. W. uwun iMti rnnc Bp - TSS. CATAU KVKKV TUESDAY, 1:50 P-V-r 0 can Fall, due Vancouver. Thursday P.M. S-S C AltDKNA iSntV FRIDAY MIUNHIIIT. Duo Vancouver Monday a.m, " Milne, to fort Blmr-otv, Alice Arm. "VI "', Fjrn" inform.tion rtg'irding ;, m n 4 M rrlncc Hupert Agepcy: Third Avenue Ptnf 568 CANADIAN PACIFIC tamers leave Prlnee Rupert for Vancouvrr via Ocean Falls and Way Porta: !. v..prlncpM Adelaide. Fridays 10 00 pm rl UNCOtjVI.K. dlrec: r. u..JrlnceM Norah. Nov. 17. Dec. 1. 15. .,,.... Y Princess Norah. Nov. 13. 27. Dec II tow winter recursion Farea to Vancouver nu Return Tickets Qn Bale Nov. 10. 1033 to rtb-. w Final return lUnll Marcn , wn W I. COATK8. Cleneral Arent. Prince Hupert, BO. 8 - .. i in mi, i i iijii ii n m iiiwm immi i .THE DAILY NZWB S3? ' LOCAL NEWS NOTES 8lver8ldea Bros. lor Wallpaper. Glass, Paint and Muresco. MrH R Gammon ia sailing tonight on yie Princeae Adelaide for jl trip to Vacco&ver. The Mpnlrca) Imporfew and '.re f;uf ftate lioe Store Vlfl igth bp optn p) ry.erjKf HP1? 1Q o'clock. 1 4 Nursing sisters, members of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corp, returned soldiers and aM wr.o have served In the Oreat War are invited to Join with the Women's Aux-liary and the CanadUn Leflon in the Remambeeanee Day parad. Meat at Legion oiumbroom 10: IS am. Ml Owing to the "ity ManaRing secretary H. W Birch h " he t!sh Poiumbto Itospitais Aaaocia- !oi). the regular monthly meeting f the board of directors of Ulf Prince Rupert General Hospital j ' Association scheduled tor this ev- ning. has beeu postponed I j"T Ww WMl m4 imim fhr. 1.C (m m4 .y . TirnMlt. . ..a Ma Ntw lo M muU. wdiMp row 13 U Iat - M Hrii m lancanu row .tela .(.UN. m4 at at tk. kMI. Oh- aad (rvAr ltA J Wa4araM aa4 IMfiW 4u. Ma Nrtw. k maiti ry ia tH .watw ba4f ant aaa laaa AMmi W til Mi if rM hi- M dir.tfja . ! ianM Ah raV arlfl l Aifaf.. tir MaM. la taaa. SJto N LVit fcuMW. 7tr KaWAfeaTr lata A IfwMfi.. IM . furx.to C Pit steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt S K. Oray. arived in port at 2 ii this afternoon from Vancouver and way polrfe and will sail at 18 p m on her return south. The sentries who wtll stand guard at the Cenotaph tomorrow tn cornectlon with the annual Re-memawance Day service will be: Chief Petty Officer John Otoeon D&M. representing the Royal Navy; Private Alex Maclean, the Olasow Hifnlanders. imperial, Private James Watt. Stxteerth Canadian Scottish. Canadian Expe-Jitinnary Force: Trooper' L Rtch-arriaon. Royal Canadian Dragoons. Canadian Expeditionary Force, and Coasuaivy Serteant Major II. A. render. Northern B. O Regiment. Second Canadian Mounted Rlftea. Cacaalan Esneditionary Force. FINE REMEDY FOR ACID STOMACH Tut eat of litf p.nple hv floeukoh wh.tlt.r ik. v know II or Sol. mnr hr, hui. c.h ana bCitiltK arr all urn. of loo much toll A a mrul .7 Ul.urat.d Mac- n.iU Bfl.r mrtli will ..rrvnmr thlt eBdliro within thr.a roinut aar dnjggUt will ull M'U tbal Tr li and Umbrellas That Are New Wo have just received our new umbreljns ami gQino of the values are better than usual. Most of them have fncy borders and all liave nice handles with loops or crooks. The covers are the popular art silk anxl moderately V nrired at $2.93, Tar $.1.P5 aiul $5.03 ' 1 . .nr. Hit 5TWf W'T TrtC ClOCJS I Basketball Vmorrov night Moose " Hi. 261 Oarradian Leglo BEflL. Re-f mepfrajpe pay smoker, Novembej 11,3 p.m. 261 J. A. Cfrry tot jjight p? Vh prjncp Qwjse fer a tflp to Vancouver. Mrs. W- 3. Slaaa and dauabU. MK PhyUia Sloan, patted last night op the Prince George for a trip to yanaouyw. Wan abpur wiled Ipft night n the Prnee George for a trip to Vanj0ur and hWbfe In' the south. poaeiabVe Qqt4$n Dan4i. rJk from the ?"'ceL J?" P0' Prafie r ' Georgf for Vancouver. ..?wmfC.. He who la in Vioteria attending w " ,f?w.,.Ir rJ! r- two Prtonrs In w bit charge -fnaf a nuaj eoovaoilon of the Bri- Simple Rules for LOSING FAT rVVoa mm. wD ia tht v.ntf fur )n U,u Mr ftt. t I. uk. unkMlrk 'llr(M JuMlo.mbl.lr J it, tBMd U. ( y..u.) .r,ou(k t., MUWy lk orUtf. id y$baa)l Intt w( t. ewtfal Mi X f M Ii ark iluty luaK. Irll u l4atuM inuru, Ut anu. nv. AaS, My UtH w jum u.. Ivr gruita ul Iter. oMjr rw First Presbyterian Church Minister tr. W. I), firant Ifoliineuortb Special Analetiee Day Services Sunday 11 A.M . "The Battle For Peat" 11. Suda' Safcoel 12 30. West view Sunday Beboo! 7 M pm ' The Symeoiisra pf the Piag" PICKF0RD PLAY HERE 'Suerthear, of America Surround-rd Wlh Fife Oasi In fSecretj' At Capitol Theatre SiKapufioVad b4 one aX the eau io bar long caceer Ur PtckfanJ oata to frf CfpUfll Thsatje tha aak-etui la "Sec-rea," an adaputl&i of tbe cele brated stage play TT4 Hoty is a sisaple one of love aod eleseDUl esswt)ona. with no viae-cfaclctng ipd no sopr.i5tlcaiiAQ. The play is io three sections, anowlng Miaa iiciofij as a TmPll gu-l. as a mng oo)fp aa at a mid4Jc-afd wDmat). From begtn-nlng io end there Is breatb,-talng action. LaaUe Howard. E(liab . star. Is Mha picVaord's leading man while atona Marls plays the part of the "other woman." C. Aubrey Smith. Blanche Frederic! ports Lloyd. Ned 8Darks and Bessie Barrlseale are among other Important memhrs of the cast Announcements ; . - 4 .. f.' '.J Nov. 9-10 Cathedral DramaU Society presents 4tAet Comedy Qt Susan." Cathedral Hall. Moosf Baaaar, Navemher 0 and 10. ' tt i i Qddfeltowa' old time dance, N vetnbix 14. Daughtra Moose Hall, Nov 9V. November 21. (U4t T, IMS. of Norwa 15. y Bazaar, Angllf.an W. A- Bazaar Noy. 1Q Phlllwrmenlc Soelety concert, Presbyterian Church Play sequences" Nov. 24, Con Moose Dance November 24. Gaglea' Dance December). V. A. Canadr4Q Lfglqn Bataar Eagles Hall, Dec. 5. Vnited Church pajsjar Dec 7. Hogmanay Dance, Queen Mary Chapter, pecerober 29. IAT mtNCP MIN-CBAt, TUIM Certlflcatf of lmirwrniruU TAKB NOTICK tju". W. It. Uuoa. frt intner'a cectitvofct, nq. 787. ttal ni aaji rmni nr nac Dreoi to to th. liming Recorder cMe at imircrtntn tat th. purpoee in 99iainioK a siwwn grant ffrani X w sppll AND further Uka tuMem that action undar Boctlon 65 of th Mlnral Act rnut b oinineaQrt berort the ifsusuM of tuch TtlfIol. of LtuproYtuu.uU. pt 33rU Jul. )yjj. rtrat tuMrUon ut aaTtnuem.Dt An &y Quote Merely. routine buabieu was deali with laat night at tc regular monthly meeUPg of the j'nrce Rupert Shrne Csui) ia MW Temple. PseJ4ent Pel) LoMiwen was in the chaii For at?y' s Bath More than that of any other member of the family, baby's tender, delicate skjn see4a the greatest care and attentjffu. The soft foothingoils in Baby 'a Own oap mate it specially suitable fpr babies, and ita clinging fragrance re mi udaoueof the rosea of prance which help toiuapneit 7fi htt If fit v4 Bifkn " '. Want Ads for sale FOR SAL5 -Child's crib. $100. Pho e Red 787 complete. 268 FOB SALE good office safe. Can be seen at Daily Nws. tf FOR RENT F?R RENT furnUhed tbxee-room suite. Phone Red 4tt, Ml MPDBRN llOVBB for Rent. nlahec. Apply Regal Shop. fur- XEWI.y Renovated modern flat. Rand plocJc. Max Hellbrorer. "f FOR RENT J-room modem apartment, fuynjahfri. Phone Bad 607. tf FVRNliHPP Hokeeplng RooW; for rent. Will inpve you in free. Phone ltn ! FOR BENT rN bungalow. 2 bed j-ooma, close jn. paibor view. Fumaee. T. MeOiymont. i tf WANTED . . 1 : ; 1 1 WANTED- Used stove, reataurant stook and diches, Apply Hyde Transfer 2$S PERSONAL PItlVATf hme Ki"dergartets nay We start yu. The Oanadlan Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. IIEI.P WANTED , 1 JIQW lo get a Oovernmefit Job Free Booklet. The M-CC. Ltd, NYJnqlpcg MU.'-V.i . ... PAINTERS PA.INTINO and Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. . TRANSFERS. CMRON-s Transfer pry birch,; pedar, Jackplne. Furniture moving tf HAIRDRESSER I Hil H I H. I PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Fu'li Mtwt Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK I.1 I . ' I ' I NEW ROYAL HOTEL 4. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HQMJ AAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 pp 50 Rooms, Ho) $ Cold Water Prince Rupert, pjg. Phone 231 P.O. Box 1M .1 NowS UQil 0 MIMl aV And it'Kat about THIS ONE? WCTOfl MODfL R7 69.50 Ctmfltn mi t Ithi. and adjust spark m m wataa .YOU WAITED FOR THIS RADIO VICTOR Model R-31 nercr hii tsi opportunity to get such tn all-roimd radio buy at such a price Here's the set for tbe man who works, hard lor his pjacrr a4 joint t?) an4 wants value for every cent This beau-tiful new supcr-hercrodnc console hu doublcHrfndcocj rubes . . . (one cog-tro . . . visual Tolumc-coctrol Indi cator (tv) . . , and an extended frequency ran je , that takes in folke alls! Easy terms. BE PREPARED FOR WINTER DRIVING No one wants to tinker around with a stalled car on a cold winter morning. Quick: starting, easy riding and freedom front annoying, little troubles are desired more than ever. And here's whererwe haw some good news for you. Ask for our special price tgood' tn; Nov. 15th on the following group of operatWMa. 1 Grind valves. 2 Clean carbon. 3 Clean furl lines and clean and adjust carVuretor. . 4 Clean plugs. S Focus headlight 6 Fill and adjust thick 7 Chtfk and adjust steering. 8 Adjust brakes. & Adjust generator charging rate. 10 Drain crankrase and lubricate chassis. 11-ChM nd fl battery, S. E. Parker Ltd. Fori) Dealer . .t. LSI Phone 83 Coal Prices Alberta's Best Lump , . . . ?12.5Q Alberta's Best Egg 11.50 Alberta's Best Stove 11,00 Pembina Egg 11JS0 Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, per cord 6.(M) HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 r. ii f ' 0 if -a a if w 4 1 r t 9 m it k i m '' ' A