Tomorrow's Tides She T1IIS WEEK THE Pontiac 8 1:00 aa 30J ft. Straight 14:02 pm. 17-8 ft. Is on Display at i, )W 7:51 tJn, 3.8 It. 19:43 pjn. 8.6 It Kaien Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 ;XIV. No. 145. CONFERENCE SAVED FROM IMPORTANT CHANGE IN Agreement Is Reached Between France and United States To Postpone Stabilization Talk DAYLIGHT TIME OFF lit of Wenalfhre and Chelan t ounly Announce Thff Arc Returning to Standard VKNATCHiT Wash. June 22 -.!,. r iobn Uamey aamwneed 'rday that th. city of Weaat-: wUI abandon daylight aavlnc back u regular time on V lay net v matter what the city might )' had been previously snnotm-' 'hat Chelan County had aban 1 dayugJU taring and 1U of-i would be so governed. Vancouver Stocks Supplied by 8. D Jetoetosi Do. UC '. Vaneeever Rik MiaeUu. J. Id u Bird. m. rk Province. 92 i.rorgia. River. 06',. Tindriev. Mli l irky JbB, M N atonal Uver. 0V Noble Ftte. .15 ivnd OreiUe. 1J0 Sorter Idaho. I'rrmter. 1J6. Hreraa MeUonaM. M. Xuth Itope. 06 surer Croat, M WhlMwaJar, .14. WaysMe. At Mfrfcftan, M. I) R X, Jo Natrve gen. .11. Reno, SJI. Bridge Hrver. .44. Cariboo am. 3J0. Howard. .14. Toronto Nurandja, I1J0. Htiprrttt-OOTdon, 1J0. International Nickel. 144). Mara, .71. Rlaooa, 1J0. San Antonio, IM. Oils United,., c and &, .Tf H. Sierttng titclHe. JO. CalMOMt, .08. A P. Ooa.. .15. freehold, JR. Fabyan, UNITKll STATES OIIAIN CHOI FOR YEAR LOWEST SINCE 1131, ANNOUNCED WA8H1NOTON, DC. June 4 33: -United States Depart- ment of Commerce statistics made public yesterday estl- mate the 1033 grain crop of thla country at 535.000.000 bu- hela, the smallest since 1894 and 160.000.000 bushels below flomeatlc requirements. Against thla, however. must be consld- ered a carryover ol 284.000.000 bushels Irom last year which atill ImiYC the country with a surplus. Fresh Imtructions Bcinp Sent President Roosevelt to American Delegation Reduction of World Wheat Production to j ' Be Taken Up LONDON, June 22: (Canadian Press) The United Stales delegation to the world economic conference said in a statement today tlmt the United States government feels that currency stabilization now would be untimely and possibly would "cause a violent price recession" to the detriment of the conference. Simultaneously with the pub- ultcatlon ol the statement It wa.s . , . , authoritatively said that the con- nj I IfVj I A (-I I Iference had been saved from foun lTlV1 1 1 dTiVIU dertng on the stabtliaaUon Issue as -rlf rinmrtri rw,t of an agreement between I ll IV VII l4; V' Vl 1 V JL V A 1JL Brltkh Pter and Hit Companion " rwmd nullly by VleforU Ma (Wlrate on Chare of AfMUlt ' VICTOtUA. June 23 (Canadian t Lord coward Montasju found guilty of common a- sault on the person of John Pope!syjent that It was not practicable and was fined CM and $7 eoati.;at Ume wttb option of ten dayslmprtson u ciar ,n nign g0Tern. est, by Magtatrate Oonxell. j nMfU clrC at v,'ahlrMjtor that 7 In police court here yesterday. Valua states administration ? found ini dlspo.ed to postpone further Montagu, was lJdbuJ2rt monetary stabHtsatlo. and was fined $40 and $7 to with one month's option. Th naditrate commantad thai Lord Montagu and U rooks'" Miaitili for the halmass' - .1 it eondttlon of Forbes anrt of both was repre- There was no doubt that of fcard Montagu had lost his temper i aad that Brooks had uod unnec of aaaary ttolencr eonstdertng Fjrbes aandttlon ard the two blows that Brooks had itmek were unlust. Lord Montagu paid his fine last evening but Brooks remained in I Nationalists Are 1 aided IMMJN. June M:r-In order to fatther strengthen his own posl-Mon, Chancellor Adolf IiiUer yesterday ordered Natl officers to oc-euay It offices of the Nationalist party gnd take possession of same with aU their contents The order was immediately acted upon. A round-up of Nationalist leaden has alto been undertaken by the government to insure allegiance to Chancellor Hitler. Search For Victims Of Skeena Drowing Tragedy Continues Search for the bodies of three victims of Sunday night's drownlnc tragedy In the Skeena Hlver at Copper City near Terrace is belnp continued. Halibut hooks and other adlUonal gear were sent to the interior Wednesday night to be used tn the dragging operations which, as far as could be learned, had been still unsuccessful up to this afternoon PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, by Special Emissary From French and United Slate represen taUves to postpone dtseastton of the question until later. Suefa was the result of a showdown wbMvPraneejtnd tho central Baropeaivbloc haT6een seeking tor the past lew days In regard to ta- blllaaUon of Uie United States dollar and the British pound sterling ' nance had been insisting that such atablltsaUon be brought about while United States had been equally in- unUl domestic prices have ellmbed a higher level with the aid of th-Prealdenfs economic reoovery pro- uieK oi univimvnt mmtuna i . . . . i r. d J JamIIm States Negation nan bean continuing to delay the woik the conference. It was announced but night that Assistant Secretary State Moiey had Just been sent from New York with fresh Instruc-tteas from President Franklin D. Roosevelt to be conveyed to the delegation. Turks Heard From The Turkish delegation to the . . K 1U. conference yesieraay proooeea hr gradual abolition of bl-lsteral agreements, of quota measures, ab- .restrictions of export bounties. tak-J equilibrium of each nation Into ac count The Wednesday edition of the London Dally Telegraph said that bad been informed tlwt the world economic conference will begin immediate discussion of a plan for reducing the world's wheat output by fifteen percent and absorbing the total carryover in a two-year period. War Debt Conference It is understood here that if the world economic conference Is concluded by the end of July, Rt Hon. Neville Chamberlain. Ilritlsh Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir John Simon. Foreign Secretary, will go to Washington to discuss wat debt setUement with President Roosevelt. Today's Weather Terrace Heavy rain, south wind, temperature, 48. Alyansh Raining, southeast wind, 48. Anyox Heavy rain. calm. 60. Stewart Cloudy, south wind, SO I laztlton Raining, onlm, 43. Smlthers Raining, calm, cool. SCHOOL Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Statue The statue of WUlUm Shakespeare by Lord Ronald Oower Is seen here before being placed In front of the Shrtespeare Memorial theatre at Stratford -on -A von. SnglanJ. MITCHELL HONOR FOR IS FREED, PRESIDENT Former Chairman of National City ;Capt Dtn Pine Heads nioureter Hank Acquitted on Tax Charges NEW YORK, June 3t: (Canadian rrrw) Charles E. Mitchell, former chairman of the board of directors of the National City Hank, was acquitted by the Jury today on all counts in an Indictment charging him with income tax evasion. NEW YORK. June 22: -Having failed after several hours deliberation to reach a verdict, the jury In the case of Charles E. Mitchell, formerly chairman of the National City Dank, who Is charged with evading the federal Income tax law, was last night ordered locked up for the night. I Lieut. Governor Of Washington Is Garnisheed OLYMPIA. Wash . June 23:-Af-ter prealdinR over the session of Uie State Senate which removed the prohibition on employees of the state of Washington being garnisheed for debt. Vsc Myers, colorful orchestra leader14eutenant gover nor oi me nunc, was me iirsi to or i made a defendant under the new legMaUon. a Seattle men's furnishings firm entering suit against him for $64. Pound Sterling mid Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK. June 33 -The British pcund sterling closed at 18 on the looa) fealgn exchange yeaterday. The Canadian dollar closed at 901-3e JUNE 22, 1933 POLICY IS ANNOUNCED Fishermen in Making Presentation to Executive OLOUCKBTBR. Mass.. June 3S resident Franklin D. Roosevelt spent yesterday here in the course of his holiday cruise along the ,New England coast tn the selling yacht Amber Jaek II. In addition to attending to certain official business. President Hoosevelt during the day received a delegation of Otoucester fishermen, headed by Capt. Ben Pine, iaklpeer of the famous racing schooner Oertrude L. Tfcebaud, and wu presented with a hand- jome painting of the schooner as ia memento. The chief executive left last might in continuation of his north-'ward voyage which will take him to Portland. Maine, tomorrow ana jCampobeUo. New Brunowtak, where bis mother has a summer home, for the week-end. ISSUE IS IN DOUBT Question of Stabilisation Threatens To Make or Break Economic Conference LONDON, June 33 The question of stabilisation of the United Btates dollar and the UtlUah pound letting was sUll the vital Issue at the dosing of yesterday's seenon )f Uie world economic ednferenee here. Within the next day or so, it was expected, adjustment or otherwise of this matter would mean the success or wrecking of the conference. Meanwhile, desperate efforts were being maed by conference leaders i save the momentous parley from failure. WRECKING JJ Not To Be Admitted in Future; Charge Over 16 t Staffs of Local Educational Institutions Being Reduce'd and Wages Cut Westview Closed and Only 1 One Teacher at Seal Cove ! Important changes in local school policy designed in the interests of economy were announced in a statement today by Gity Commissioner W. J. Alder. The commissioner announced that, after the present term, children under the tge of seven years would not be admitted to any of the ?ity schools while boys and girls sixteen years and over, ; 1 . t-hether in public or high school, Ttj a j- titpi ) would be required to pay $50 per W A I h I I I I ?ear for tuition except those who IS FACED Clerical Employees of CJS'Jt Face Reduction on July 1 To Pott-pone VS. Reduction MONTftBAL. JaneTS (Aij'J- f Press i Clerical and other employees tn the same class on the Oana dian National Railways faee a reduction in pay on July 1 of ten percent from the basic rates, talking a total cut within the put two years of twenty percent. Fifteen thousand persons are affected by the latest wage cut, classes Including stenographers, accountants, offke boys, f fling clerks, etc.. passenger station help. freight shed workers round house and car shop employees and yard store departments. A new ten percent pay cut affecting 35,000 shopmen on the Canadian National Railways will be put into effect on July 16, officials and eom- nanv heads stated here todav. I Rrducion Postponed NEW YORK. June 22 It was tn-Umateo here yesterday that the ten percent wage cut on several Important American railway lines which was recently announced would probably be postponed and the present arrangement extended until May 1933 by which time It hoped Improved general conditions may obviate the necessity ot making the reduction at all. Noted Expert is Engaged in Case SAN JOSE. Cat. June 22 The defence announced yesterday that Prof. Helnrtch. noted crtminaloglst : had been retained in the case in which David A. Lamson of this City Is charged with the murder of his young wife and It was expected that expert evidence to be adduced from him would prove the Innocence of accused who to alleged to have slain his wife with a piece of Iron pipe In the bath tub of their home. DEPOSITS INCREASE , United States Banks Received $221,- 000,000 More During Past Week, It Is Announced NEW YORK. June 33: As a result of recently enacted new banking legislation it la believed, bank j deposits in the United States Increased by $334,000,000 during the past week. It was announced In banking circles here yesterday. PRICK: FIVE CENTS were unable to pay and who showed unusual proficiency tn which cases scholarships might be granted on the recommendation of the .principals concerned. Mr. Alder also Intimated that there would be reductions tn the teaching staffs of ail schools and teachers. The commissioner further announced that It had been decided to close down Westview School and that the staff of Seal dove school would be reduced from two to one teacher. ASKING FOR EXTRA MAIL A t Present Four Trains a Week Each Way But Only Three Carry Utters For Post Office The unsatisfactory condition of Ills Majesty's mails under the new train service Is being drawn to the attention of the Post Office Department at Ottawa by the Chamber of Commerce which asks that as there are four trams a week In and ot Prlnce pert. there shalL, be also tour ma us oath way. Mails now arrive la Prince Rupert-Mondays and Satondays at 2:15 pm. " and Thursdays at 10:30 pjn. The mixed train arriving Tuesday aU-10:30 pjn. dees not bring mall. Outbound malls leave Mondayy' Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 pjn. but the Saturday night train does', not carry mall. It Is asked that the outbound and Inbound trains which ' do not at present carry mall shalfj baggage-car service, at leasC to Krn local POnts. INDUSTRIALS WERE STRONG Ralls Also Firm But Utilities Weak In Yesterday's Trading on New York Stock Exchange NEW YORK, June 22:-Strength-of a number of Individual Industrial issues featured yesterday's trading on the New York Stock Exchange. . Ralls were also firm but utilities displayed weakness. Industrials closed at an average , of 09.91. up .66: rails at 41.39. up .17. and utilities at 31.95, oft .03. . SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK, June 33: (Canadian Press) Bar silver closed at 35c per ounce on the local metal market' today. Oopper remained steady at ISc,'