Fancy Kitchen Garbage CANS With foot lever for opening lid. These will add to the appearance of your kitchen. Price $1.25 each o bpoial Ftonr Sifters fen' , - 20c 1 lb. Chan Floor Wax and botUc Lemon Polishing Oil both CCn for ' O A. UUV Kaien Hardware Phone 3 Smith Block HADIO SEASON Enjoy the full season with your set tuned to maximum efficiency. We can Insure you of this by having your aet gone over now, and adjusted to first class condition, as inefficient operation is a poor Investment. Battery sets modernised with the new economical two volt tubes. Superior Radio Service Ml Second Avenue Ptwne Blue 320 P. O. Box in A O. BARTLETT C li. iWULANDER m Advertise m the Dally News. Beer and Herring Popular Together Heavy Demand For Dried Herring Since Legislation of Beer I SAINT JOHN. N.B.. Sept. 19 It Isn't only brewer)es that are re- jumped from four cents a pound to 12 cents. Fiahesmea are hopeful the demand will last. HUGE RADIO STATION Work on the construction of the ter plant which is to make the station WLW in Cincinnati the most powerful broadcasting plant n the world is progressing rapidly ard first test broadcasts are expected to be made early in De--ember if not sooner. The Dally News can be pur- chased at 4 Post Office News 8iand. 325 Oranvllle St. Vancouver. r Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorge. B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. Oeneral store. Anyox. Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- era. B O, 1 i GEMS FROM LIFE'S SCUAr-KOOK QUIET RESTING PLACES "Be able to be alone: lose the advantage of soUtuae and society of kiyself ; M Sir Browne. "SoHtudeis WTILUE THE TOILER" as needful to the tm- flecttrg legalization of beern the aglnat&n as society Is, wholesome United .States. So is the herring I for the character." Lowell. Industry. ' - Coincident with ihe sale of .beer "Eagles we see fly atone: and 1 there has arisen In New Brunswick they are but sheep which always a sharp demand for smoked fcer-fherd together." Sir ,PhJp SW-jrfcg. Supplies in most, dlstrlctsney. .have diminished and the new;de-! irnand is mirrored in scenes'along . n ten aU t the snoked herring stands on , happiness of men comes from (Orand Manan, where old flsh not kiKrin how to remain quiet .houses are being recondtttoned. ta a chamber "Pascal ooaui pamiea ana repairea, sucks j of salt and wood renewed and re- ..... . . . sldenU are optimistic. LjLT mnc (am- And here's why. Prices for bone-,"S' it Ood " " "-Mary Baker less herring in the United States g."d since legalization of beer have y 'Then never leas alone than when alone." Samuel SmSec. The great man is he who. In the midst of the crowd, keeps with perfect sweetness the Indepen dence of soMtude." Emerson. LOOK OVER YOUR Winter Garments NOW! Ladles' Coats (i nn Cleaned and pressed ,pl,UU Ladies' Coats with fur 1 Of) Cleaned and presaed y Dresses, no sleeves C1 OH l'VXJ Oeaned and pressed Dresses, with sleeves CI oe Cleaned and pressed P160 Men's Suits and 1 1.UU OO OvercoaU Ideal Cleaners Second St. Phone 858 to arrive hen tomorrow morning jfrom Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, no definite tine of arrival yet being given. The Teasel left SkMegate Inlet at 3 o'clock this morning for Massett -Inlet. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Sunday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Tuesday Catata 1:S0 pm. Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 Ss. Cardena midnight Sept. 7 ss. Prln. Louise .. .S.pjn. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala i pjn Wed. as. Pr. Oeorge 10 ajn Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide .. pm Ss. Cardena pm SaUirrM. Jr. Rupert 10 am Sept. 1 - Prtn. Louise ami For Stewart and rremier Sunday as. Catala 8 pm. Satur ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pm. From Stewart and Premier-Sunday ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pm. Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 am. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sunday as. Catala 8 pm. Wednes. -. Pr. Oeorge 3 pm. From Anyox and Alire Arm-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 am. Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pm. tor Naas River ana Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. 'rom Naas River & Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .. 11:30 am For Ocean Falls-Sunday -ss. Pr. Rupert .10 pm. Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pm. Friday as. Prtn. Adelaide 10 pm From Ocean Fall Wednes as. Pr. Oeorge 10 am. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide ... pm. 8s. Cardena pm. Satur. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 am. For Queen Charlotte Island Sept. 8 and 33 as. P. John 10 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands Sept. 8 and 20 sa. Pr. John a.m. For Alaska Wednes. ss. Pr. George . 3 p.m. From Alaska Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pm from Skeena River-Friday ss. Cardena .... pm. MUSSALLEM CANDIDATE Former Resident of Rupert in Election Flint Jones to be Opposed by C. C. F. Provincial election nominations in various parts of the province, as reported last night to the Dally News by Canadian Press, Included that of Reeve Solomon Mussallem of Maple Ridge In the Fraser Valley as an Independent candidate In Dew tiney riding. Mr. Mussallem was a well known business man In Prince Rupert in the early days but for years, has been located at Port Ha ney. Aid. Owen L. Jones of Kelowna has been selected Co -operative Commonwealth Federation candi- ! date for South Okanacan and will run against Hon. J. W. Jones, mln inter of finance, who has announced that he will seek re-election as an independent. Dr. Allen Harris is the Liberal candidate. I Hon. William Savogc, who was appointed minister of public works in Premier Touuie's cabinet last week, announced yesterday In Vic- torla that he would seek election to the House as a Totmle Unionist In Delayed by having had to call in 1 Point Orey. Vancouver. Mr. 8rag the Skeena River to pick up can-.Is a Vancouver barrister, nery crews from Oceanic and Son-1 nyside whom she will take to Van-1 Captain Agnes Coxson. com- rouver. union steamer caiaia. w o-mtbwui. !Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to Army, who has been In the Prince '.port at 1:30 this afternoon from I"! Oetieral Hospital the past I Anyox. Stewart and other northern w1th attack of Influ- I point arid sailed about an hour vtu aU tomorrow on the later for Vancouver and warpaints. ; Prtncww Louise for a months rest :u me MuvauoQ Army neaaquan- C. N. R. steamer" Prince John.'" In Wraneell. Alaska. She will be Capt. Dart MeKtnnon. is expected a guest at (tie home of SMff-Oap- taln and Mr. Acton ard will return to her duties In Prince Ru pert about tee end of October ir her health has unproved. A Salva tionist from Vancouver wfll arrive some time this week to assist Lieu tenant MlDey during the ataence of the captain. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays 1:30 pm- From the East-Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays jj pm. NEGLECT OF COMMON CONSTIPATION 1$ A SERIOUS MATTER Prevent This Condition With Kellore's All-Bran The first question your doctor asks is wbsthsr you are constipated or not Its knows that this condition may cause btsdsehss, loss of sppstits and energy, slsplsins It Is often tbs lUrtlnf point of ssrious dlscsss, Tou can prevsnt and rclUvs common constipation so easily. Just est a delicious ctrtsl ones a dsy. Laboratory tta show that Kal-'logg's AluDsak ptovldts "bulk" to sasrclss the intestines, snd vita-mln D to further aid regular htWts. AtX-BsjtN Is also a rich source of blood-building iron. Tbs "bulk" in AuBban is raurh liks that found In leafy vrgetaMes. Within the body, It fsrms a soft mass. Gently, it clears out the Intestinal wastes. Isnt this "cereal wsy" ssfer and far mors pleassnt than taking patent medicines so often bsmfulT Two tablespoonfuls of Aix-Dran dally are usually sufficient. With each meal In serious cases. If not relieved this wsy, see your doctor. Enjoy A!XBkan as a cereal, or use In cooking. Get the red-snd-green packsge at your grocer's. Msde ty Kellogg la Londen, Ont, A Pinch-Hitter MONDAY and TUESDAY TWO SHOW'S 7 ti 9 Admission 15c tt 50c STAR'S VOICE TRAILER At 7:20 & 9:ZQ Tuesday. Etpttabt, PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS 1iS Big Shipment of LECKIE SHOES Have just been received 3 Call in and let one of our clerks fit you. You will never regret the purchase. We have just received a shipment of Leckie Shoes which have been purchased at such a low price that We can sell them 25 lower than any other firm in town They include men's shoes, fancy and work shoes, boys' and children's school boots. We should like you to see these shoes and try on a pair. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue Prince Rupert GET YOUR PALM READ OH YOUR TEACUP The cup reading at the Com- modore - Cafe Is still going strong. Since the beginning of the series a little over a week ago no fewer than 1307 cups have been read by Profesor Bnv whn i till rontlnulne. Here Is an opportunity to find out about the future, to I have the palm fit teacup read and to consult Professor Roy m regard to business, love affairs and other matters. Anyone spending 25c or up Is enUtled to a reading COMMODORE CAFE WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Mariners are advised that the occulting white light on Outer Island, MlUbank Sound, is not burning and wtll be relit at earliest "MEN MUSI her preferenrr y rived In 8yd nr- ehored only a Miss Moore camp ed for a theatre mar Comedy, Sinjrinir, Romance. Stan Laurel & Oliver tt.. ,n-" he Uevils Brother". - . - - i , With DENNIS KINO, TIIELMA TODD. A M i. M Rtn llased on the Comic Opera "Fra Dlavalo' Dennis King Slnrn a Number of Ballads SILLY SYMPHONY "THREE LITTLE PIOS Tethnltol., Comedy "THE RUMMY" lunoi) Screen Actress Is Talkie Fan Colleen Moore Ukes Nothing letter Than Couple of Hours In Theatre SYDNEY. SB.. Sent. 19-Ukt tht Mstman who goes for a walk on hto day off. Colleen Moore of the films likes nothing better than to take in a good talkie when she has i couple of hours to spend. The petit screen actress maoe Debe Daniels u, ; , r "My favour a , found her wmi. the tox-offk , fait A. R Nichols , ( son returned ,r day evening trip to Va-dc . RUBBER MATS HANDY MATS For flower pots. etc.. In assorted Up from KNEBUNO PADS Mttde of sponge rubber ach 1 -v ML, li c RUHFIKR DOOR MATS Thrv are anrrueiliM f, . t dirt and wet mit.i are eaallv cleaned 18x30 it. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. m Third Avenue Hut Developing and Printing Send Your Films Direct to WIlATHALlS PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Service Prince Rupert -li!. I Ttarher f thm) YIUUN and IhH Phone 177 TI r- i ii ir' rt , v ... m m . m m ..... a.,,... .. .......v ..... a....... . a.... ,w.. ' ''-'- --' ' "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., li PIUXCE RUPEHT. H.C. OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logter, Miner ROO.MS-J10 per month, $1 per week, SOc per nlcht SIIOWEK HATIIS Third Avenue Phone 018 JIM.MIE CICCONE NEW ROYAl HOTEL J. Zan ! ., r r'r'T "A HOME AM AT riO HOME' Rales II not r i 7 illUJC UI By Westover. J DO VOW j tHe.yEe l-TILUB, CET THESE. LETTER ) I I OM, JACK. fM SORRV t VOOMT geTALEl ' I'LL " - TUT OATB SZ j-p . ri 50 Rooms. H 4 " Prinr-d It : .