tfi 'MOW w lour Actor's Voice" Contest hlvJr lire fliipfff fWte ' A uenm riate cms n rree With .efiS h fiurchaw? of Dental Plate Fix,- SOc For Hotdinc iilatia . : n .hi wiTl lK?tpIua8e(f Icafp tiiht wo hajp the agency for, PAGE .& SHAW CHOCOLATES f ull anHortment just arrived Latent Razor vBla3e Pfitel ;il!"(U' ulue Uladc, 5,for,w laHfU' niuelUatleylOfyr fide Aiil Sfrop. Illdt'5 for 25c Aoto Stro( HIudeH, JOTor fffJc nil )AL! COALf 'i'jc AiberU and v . cnai are jtuafin l v ta iilacUon Try iK B; kiy Valley fW i: "..-uiUiv Kay Whea- and ikrlei es Ltd Pioneer DriQ$iats th flcisll HUrt ftiattrt: II 12 h Tiairisfer Phone 950 HrpiUrk an4 fipm ' per cord dllTtrep COAI. FUlt SALE QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES J Tffc-ncsl Made 1 v'T. nrr thousand S lAi o.l i i -r tlioiinanil S.1Jffi fn h- m. .r Dfdlftal'iilnjll hf Cdar Oil HYDr TrtXNSFfert-pfifTNF. W ?resb Milk and Crfcam Daii fALENT'N 0A1RY J'hnnr 657 M .Ik The AUCTIONEER Packing -CraUng-Wrappini; St Genera) rurnlture Repairs LlstjnsUf gols wlthjm fhone Ulaea 120 r,t Ncowvti? Hl.r,,,,, 10:00 pj?, Pi, GEO. J. DAWES VtsUlUtA I. MHIU..Mt .i VllUUMIItfl liUe vCATAlA RVKKY :TU1AY. 1)30 Ml. . Ku. f - Aitnr u V.i:. " '4 .... FVIJtY FltlDAY MIDNIGHT. Monday ajn. " aimpaon. Alice Arm. fsataalK. .ik Anjoi. BMr tod Nt Mlllruvy awl tIPkaU ' - rneni.JWf' l'r Hw-r : "VV 8f0t 5th ISth 24tti...OcL 6tn aW ,h"r,,r!lVt ,," llupWt forVancouv vis Ocean Patls and i.. .... IV. w VKAN. WHANG jiimiiaii .mH KKAGWAY -fT... . ----- , ruin , , .-r t.iiillAt. Rent 8frit. OnH 2nd tin. lllti 2(lth.. ontl, net Oct. lit 1st. ' "AXES, (leiierMnL'PrintfJluptrt. ? I 1 1 i -rr ' . ... 1. . ..Sfim. wrfs-Mim a Bllverildei Bros: (or Wallnafier. fit Peter Church tea. hnmeJ mass, rami and Muresco. cooking. Thursday, 8ept. 21. 220 mix evening , train . due from J. J. T., T., JJartey JLortejM an Lwt at 8 o'clock, was reported 'lng's, -pJM train, for. a trip to Smrthera ftr.1 momlr to be on Ume. Mrs Ian Fnucrt and- child; who nave been on . a , trip to.Wetaskl-wln. Alberta, returned to the city ton Sunday evening! tram. ,jBtm itoHwi Ml hr.. Saturday j fW. Mowtowivirom .where be win ftiilfeptttnber ,22, on the AseuilatnlDee. tor. eerwen. Norway, via Oraat Uri tain J- hit V Ohumberj.,aeMintouLji . .... - i - - - i o the- week lor i w)P " Kiemtu on can nary but' fvtet Kyadt and qur4vHt If ft Ixst niKht Jot .Hem. Yaric . vl&Ut.UM tiWW Wiriai jr,Ear (or New. fKk, winre , tjiq: ,iiU. envbarep-itembcr 27 lor Bergtn. Norway Klt ,pd .11 Rne,r totVWt KhU cAy,pn,lhe rlnee Jtunest Sunday, evjt,nln.froB! t :tfp U Sterrart aril Premier .on! otttotaJ -business. Jle was accom-, , panted by Mrs. Cnpp; ! im .. Unra'riU after - spaaing the summer vaeUobrrr v4th4ds parent Mr and Mf. , A- Bryant saUed by (he Cataka this afternoon forftle where be will , resusk s4tdbs. at the Univer sity nr Washington. ft j f E Parker, who rfOt i"" H J" wUJthe rwiMAta. Isante party. emUflurijo .Wtf) whenee he win nflfaift -JDU2llflrWU:MttlUl?lJ5i ! Vneiver. a?lfTW fiT BMnaMBHMBSMBBMaBMf 'mm. Bob Parker, and Ted Smith left on last even, on legal buslnes. Wood and . CoaJH One Load ,oy Wood and One Toff orkCoar $J4.0Q Albert ii MVCatferj.. , , tl David tiMfa'dtotf 'cojltab!et',ty- left on last eveiiWs tmtrt for a two weeks' vfeetltloh trip" to Wm- J. H. Malr. C. N. R. baaaaeemas. ter here,' sailed Bunds' y night on tht; Prince Rupert for a vacation trip JRuperf Ftof alfed tht ifUf; noon in the CaUlx for Vancouver wtere he vm nter uttfvecftty ov Brttteh Columbia to continue his .1 .in VlrK E ,X APPF11 flf,te.,i axt arrjyed Jnvtoe jtt . 4pn thi (he Plncf, Rupert 8un day evening and will be a, vUlJocj here for the next .two weeks as thel .l?:lS??f hf?io1 Mr. anAMrs. O A. Bryant, uia ol Mr and Mrs. John McRae. .i. anl Jitsf. W Roas StoJie ' VjIullTlllxif aerlvcd in th rltv f(ronj the, mwtor .yp Aunday eve-,WI traii apu.allcd,lajir prvtbe Vfimx Rupert for a trip to Fourth Avenue Wett. NEVER HAS , INDiaESTiOrt FruiUmtia fPe tttmteh Ilk new M IMW wSll fKMKi l(MUt Ml Mltfeaf VHlKWt Frulttipt HsmiiMlJgflii mO drug ilm Judge W. E Fuher left on last event rKi train for SraHh'ers where the will presMe over a session ot Ooanty poart. Mrs. JrtM Shwais wlto of ;in- Sbirass. "wirtPWirtout to b-H ftranaferred lfi her t Kaai loops in the provincial psUee. rryiee ; TJjej espeet to be away about twoWued this afternoon oa the OatoU Iter Vancouver .... " ; I' o ' Today's regular jwteWrluneheoB jymCPPVn rff w cafe tdohrth form or Wtpnn tola 4or Prince ft Ttf .wua ae to eonduel- the An up- attendance .t iafsites wit:, eninv there into Thursday AecomT T. W. Brown in th liaiVr1riim:rf,atrs..Mel)iald ' a nd 1J ,LiingJejfvqf Vktorla offteial . . rourt stetmtBnhfr,.. , wd jhnny.riae. wh telwiione, niurrToitY ith? o nitiog famwty. be.. i ., ti M.n Mary R-tso;. r(uned t Aptlrl f fhjMiges for the 'the city on Sunday evening's train peitl hsue at the Telephone. llWec. from o honeymoon trip 'to the. In-forv mu be Telephone tTtor a d wUl take up reaidencr Department Cltv Ji.iH nor later, h" .han 8ei)tember 25th i2t) . LOOK 1-lb pklUri Corn on Cob ner doj. . ME Flour-f AiberU Jtose Bciypte Yefst Cake-t.A.bx. fpr.v Peiinut , Bufler-culrrel Brand, q lbs. for ainger Snap- .'t '-'. tv" Kluc Oscar Sardines- Australian Ratslns 3 bx. Kllm- s lbs. Mixed Peel per lb -Heady cut f4s All FruJU and if tables at Iteducrrt Prices at MuMLem A M7-l, Third P.O. i S7S 'S Etoil.S(fifS Avenue, ,1YA. Fhone 18 ! 1 ' TinMal w hKbsi ivv TiiruMsn m-i - ing tnsji. who arrived In city last week from Alaska, lejt on last evening's tata for fbnderhoof i whence he' wtlV ptoeee9(to Vital i Creek in .the OTnlneeimtnlng -dli vision where he 'has a placer gold property under operation. Charles Peter Ryan Indian', for I,, , inaving liquor jn r. posseon, CI 'ACT was fuwd with option of thlr-ty dytf imprisonment, by Ma,p- Cn iraie Mcviyrjwu in ay ponce court yewterday afterrSm. . lie u fservlrg the ttme. Edward Bryay, 91 ; alao an Indian, charged .with drun kenness, wan remanded Urttll . T D. Pattullo. BrlUj Cpurnljla Liberal leader, and Major S. F. M. Moodie. party, organizer -for the CQiQ ProVH,c disembarked from Ui gul" tQataU this, afternoon attyr' mak- V5f the round trlp t0 Arx sind 4t)C j Stewart. They will proceed from 1 1. au. I r-, Vm lim4A Vvi, 4 1 . 27fc ...... T-:i jliigcementsj Oddtellows OldUme Dance, Sep tember 33. $k' pari .Friday 8etA. 29. Ba-lagnoa Orchestra. Lutheran Church Bazaar, Oc tober 12. . ... j.. ' 1 sioskssss: Ari irnvals noiei Royal -fc Ben Aristae and Tom, -Collier, city; Oeor'ge Wlnterbottom. Vancouver; H. Franks, Woodcock, Mr. wnd JHn Jirteham And farnjly. LawyerWand ; Mrs. A. J. Down ing, Shames. u ti H. Atchliwon, Jajon. - j Old-Emprrsf . w Mr. and Mrs. J. Lacey, Tucks Inlet; R. Russell, Calgary. Pete Bergseth, and ft Bergseth,' Central Oustav Normann. city; K. Blejsoe, Vanepu'ver.s U Oarflnv'. Nil. j; Freestad, ONit; M. Freestart, city. yfs Slim. For Vancouver-Sundays .9 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Thursdays t? pjn. Friday, ,..?rvrr ,. if p.rr. Mondays. Wednesdays and Satuf jiws ,bj:.trainj rrom Vancouver Sundaf ' . .... Wednesday Friday Tuesdays, and Rolled -RoosU- CITY Jones' Family t. J&r n i u ... t pjn train 8 pjn. For Anyoz and Alice Arm Sunday.-... .7 pjn i Wednesdr V...-.V U ...r. pjn From An ox and Alice .Arm Tuesday li:30 sum Trrtwiay . ..i.r. i pjn For. .Stewart and Premier Sunday v 7 pjn Saturday . . .9 pjn From Stewart and Premier Btmdajr.. JS pjn. , Xuesday, .. y. .Ikjsa. iun. for, Naasj River and Port Slmpon- Sunday Ma... .... -. 7-' pjn From Naas Itlver and Port Slmpoi. "tffaXn r- ;3-0 am forueen, Charlotte Islands "eWOTan52. Apm. From Queen Charlotte Wand. . September 6 and 20 ajn. MEAT MARKET Phone P57 Cojn J$ef ' 4 lbs. ' Roupd Steak, 2 (bs. it Uttrrot 8hidei Lamb Umbops 3 lbs Pork Chops 3 lbs. I Veal Chops 3 lbs. MotJieryicult-Mlxed 33C:tnorrow foitotihf hnoidT '1f,&mb " per lb. 4 j. Boneless Stew Beef- P0t, VUQr-. 'w'P9l Stewlrif Lamb TomatoSauiage-, j?er lb. Liver,. lib. A?, v4 JbBacon Potk Sausage m ." ... ... AAV Phone 957 25c 35c ioc met ggppv condition. Dally News. Apply Box .221 LAST r.llAXCr MlK-U.CHIM ! rrrtlfint of lmpr mrnti TAKE KOT1C8 t& I. W Hr UuonJ ena rt imtanKttlf ltt Noi '4787. lnti fi-m n m 00 0y mm ioe 'xnxr'n-rroi vo ppi to tb UiBlns- Record fr tor a certtlfr. I id the ftiloainf w-t,-. . reflerrd at reeatfd In th? onlee".f MerMrar af Mad Title, at Witrr Rp aernvRn.- f A ' - ritarkSwaiu. . Jara. rie. Jaanlta iVann rmrt loo: Warm rraetwm Nfc.-. Anntt. tUale lYaitloo. luaabt. AUavi, Kadrn. rinto. Rnh Kraft hn. Cmlfh lir- TuKkm fee foT all stud-nts six-j, hip v. i. Mk. ?. Na.T n.'4 mriionM ter years or over mu." be paid ' "' N J- Mkkej: ruior PaiTi. . lntlm SI ill Frartkm and rhltadelphle .... , it the CWjr Hal! bv Saturdav. Sep- Fraeiian. gpltwr Sard, or names will be mteeral rtim oover the HUe to tricken trom rne ro'l .u. .nH nUu.i . undee COLLECTOR I rte land eatered therehy ' i i urtre tUM. all held aader Indrfea- mmm. L Mble Title: - I; "tot S989. 4JB . KM. Its! leer. . .sss. m vn.tvrr a&d xxi IcamprMtnf aapnlmaelv Four hundi red aiM eereiMTaeven decimal three I 'ite itr?J4) arfea I Leasehold Rliht : I lnt 4SM 13.15 arreel. keawd . Setrteawf , brr SO, 19M.for 11 year M Power HpHf sue SnmiaT rental SS9 tebjeet UT !- hMtrnent each five year perled aitbjecr to exlMtna rtfhte of .hoidesa of BrownM No 4 itinera! ciitm. mirVeyed - u La 4S2 and Wanu Franttoo Mineral (Malm tunvjred aa Lot . OtaaUr Diatnot IM 4S6 (S0.M acrM lee, 9tlh December. IMK for 21 veara aa Power Une nHtht-of-War: annual renut I1S1-30 rub)rct to adjuaumo aeoli five-reai' oenod subject to extattmi riirrtU of Jenee uiy Ootumbme. Ootd Krowa. Brownie No. 4 and Brownie No & miner I rtalnt. rarreeed a Lot at. 3391, 3390. 4SS3 and 49S. Oaalir Dutrtcl The property In aMuated forty mile from Aum on Talru Arm tn the Pro-rlnre of BrtUth CUumhU Appurtenant to the cue laod areH i (Vindltkmal Water Uceeuea No. S408 Vvt1 Overdue tatea and kvbe" rental am-! ount to approximately 11823 M . ' fn Vlm mm M latw4. m ulH In eted buildings tuttable for mmutc op-r ration Term of aale, Oaah And Tke Nallre that by a direction conuined In the aald Order aN prrtOlM rtatmtmf to IV tnf created tn W)e aald lende anct mineral olaim above d-tcrlbed re 'required to ecme Ui Sod attabllMi -their reapeottve etalifu there to before tfte Jude tn Ohambera at TtiK-Aiter, B.C.. oa or before Tnradn Hie lot It dy fcf October. A D 1&33. and alter the explrattou of the aald date all beraoa'wno anal I not hare w oomt tn and establUhed their -oUlm hll bt absolutely debarred from all rtdbt. tlUe uo interest or. in and to tne aid una and mineral claim i 'Farther particular may be ebtalard. i front t ti- Sheriff at Prince Rupert. DC, or from Meor. faken t Co.. Uirrut-era. u- Xxcelalor LKel Bulldlnc. Tth rorno. uni., or rrom tn unaertizneq , IMlen at Vancouver. DC . thi 33nd day of Aukum. AD. t933. HMtVCY-P. WTNI9S, BarrUte aBd Soltettor. Sit DoaUhknBaak Bldg. SVaOcouver, B.C., ( 1 -ehcfrr-ret John O. BarrU (Judr-ment Creditor). Mtabw fg .m tat i ii. w ni i i, iii.ii. ii iijuimi iimwi'm iimn.n ' Classified Ads FOR TifJn, ideal. eS ton Thompson. O. W. Churton. K., 8. Arajjzhan and a S.. Raskin. ', vanfeuven ' . Airs. f. jonsnsea. Skfnd; Mr. and Mrs. S. Bfanpton. Masse'tt.' 'Mondays, Wednesday andjgato.r days 8:30 pjn. Front IhejEasl eatea nau tor ua cesj rrn$jie Parties. Banquets. ,c. The Uxg Hall U-ijow-available at a very- respnabje jrate See J. Scott for. further information. lw shop, clothes pressing or $rae4UbvlnftPhone WATEt) Sliotf REPAIRS FORSAL? Good heater, bargain. : LqtIS SIUBO for finest repair Phone 841. CHRYSLER Sedan, good condition. ; Walker's Music Store.- .j irdft SAlIe good' olflw safe Can' be seen at Dally News. It 1801-Stf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING t m Cluster Curl; Latest Styles , OPPpRTl?NrrXv Mfldarn nw.hott8i E eWBMOM'S "BEAtfH&6H6PPEg pay like rent. Inquire ited 720.' ... f. r rWtiw- ml tf. PAINTERS . 8aT -' f FOR RENT v. n. liufnan. Aiyansn. rrince uupert new Keswenee, mrnor view, cnw iPAINT UXIandt; Pt)perhanglng lolleV'Po Ttc 80t M C. Ollleepie. Oceantc;.W. O. JJit- In. low rent. Red 720. tf iMMWifiMT TRANSFER Fir turejnovlng, wood, coal, chairs .rnrjrh,U.,t.- m kit WATER NOTICE 3 AKm?mjFORl.RENT.Umm cottage orgtTkJ. taMvjj. Mail ScheBuli ror th.Fat . iiuru atcuuc. uuuu iuuiiiuii iui 101 mnotrtoo Bioa.. vieiaiH. 01. anyone wishing to . reside losar a"S will In or for a tea room, shoe repair j out D( suoubu cmt. which nan Other I Wortbertjr and tfnlaa into TtOe lATtt R Th water wSll dlmtedt poiflt sUmlt 1300 :twtT hxuirwlt (e b- tw' mnnnri4 na wui -be urd for nmtnt uvl power purpo - uMn tfa mtnr dwemita m TMc Um Sundays. Tuesday, and Thurs-. WANTED Gas-Boat, 18 to 20 feet d'm.ut? J"; 'TTftUnwniw Wa fnitea an thaartnad xi tk Bib 4r of Aiwuat. 19. A eepy of H -mtfcc e lMf-Han TWWigt UxrafakMd to taa "Wafer act- wnr-b ntew in ofnw ef the Water Reeorder at Prince Rupert, BC. ObJeoUoni the appMeatton may be lied wtth Uw-aaM -Water Recorwer "Or wtth the CortstroUer of Water Rtehia. paruament BiSMloa victerU; B, I c of ImproreojTOt tor the purpcxw ; wimr- tWMy day aHw the nrtt p -Mr'rrti? a crown P'Dt of tte peanaee of thli notice in a local news- 10 aJH. AND furUW take notice Ibit, action TIDE LAKE 8TNIHCATG LTD.. njn uader Beetton 85 of-T&a inbcfU Act Aaolleanb 'bu be eommeooed before the laaua&ee , - Per W J Janeowakl AgeAS. TnurSdayS (Dy , f IUCh eersmoUa or lmproveme&ta. ' Tbe date of the nm poMloithm of olNbtifce' Date ard July. 1833. tuaaottoc jeAugAMt 3B. a ; rtrl-,lI1Tt,n -fTMt7irsj.- 5 ttar.'ssB1. siiruirrs mtr. he'Ar'of I9o jn. eertstn Cmvri- rrrl mineral eiBM rrfe rtjth aad leaaebald lUtereti aeretolor oper. ted m the fostnier" llne and cooalai- 7 " IT r r-. " WATER NOTICE , TAKE KrrrrCK.thaV J. B.-.Wood worth, Uddreaa 38S7 Point Oref Road. leef.BXJ. wW tppty far a ltefBefoUfc I the. -MirrV'Vi Arm. StTBtiJ ' W. rr-i rdlrnT hC! IS? V-"" - eenae 1TS-S Tl water will be uaadfoe A NOTia.. to an r'SS hrSsrLtra 1 center of. the JSwreme W W af sJnoe, 1SSS A copy ol UU BeSMe OefWnMa..afd'-ln an.' aoUon te aqd aa appt:catlofl"pnuartter- wberatn 4ehn ft. IUrrl l rtalnllff ixvi to and to the -Water Aot" wtH be the fnarlaeer (iaM Mine Umlted lae, fUed in the offiee of the water recorder la DefendaDt there wW b offered far t Prtnoe Rupert Obeottoaa to the p- te bv the ShexUf of the County of oftfaaian nuy be fUetf wtth the aM Prtcee" RiKerr at ' b office atPrtBee reooraer or with the CoaMtrtUcr apm.-.Br mi TmUr tae-1IthUr -f Witer Rnu PerUahMtit BttBatslt. ( IMaber A.I). 1B33. oomlDearta U ifvn. uix. wiinui tun dajral after JMUrrt appearance of thi notkpa lctTa oftl newapacer The date of the flrat bubUcattan at thi aottee l Jlj 17, 1033. J. a WOODWORTH. Applicant TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 t ' 0 Fof Yoiir Ije Cnlropractlc ,. Ultra Violet, Kays Intra Red Jtays Massage Al at Reasonable, Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. H (Chiropractor) Green 111 Phones Green 84S ,mj F.jcbauM..Bloca .. Prince RKpert fikY mm. AND SHIPYARD Opfrating three Dry, Docks Total capacity 20,010 toni ft u BbJphallders and Ship Repairers for Bteel and Wood VesssU ; ' t 'i Iron and Brass Casting" f lectrlc and Acetylene Welding At.' ) a M-toa Derrick for Ueavy LlfU awmltrirnl Mining Machinery Jtcaalrcd and,OTifbsule4 ( x r. 9- If