PAOIIWO THE DAILY NEW asfarday, December 30. . .1 i i i 4BllllMllaK!lM NONCE. THE KtPEKT DAILY - BRITISH NEWS. COLUMBIA NEWS OF THE MINES Published Kvery Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue Queen Charlotte Islands Looked, Upon, as Potentially 31 H. f. PULLEN Managing-Editor Lare (Jold, Producing District Engineer. Inspects ('innshcwa Property lUlltor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone. 98' Member ol Audit Bureau ol Circulations DAlfcY EDITION TIN CLOUD'S SILVKK fclXING pert conditions generally would be likelv to improve. The year 1U34 should be much better than 11)33. During the year the Daily News has carried on and held it position well as Northern and Central British Colum bia's daily newspaper. On January 1 of this year we nrin ted 1800 copies of the paper and todav the press run will be exactly the .same. This is not a gain but under condi tions such as those which have obtained, we think it is a good record. We think a daily press run of 1S00 is some thiflif to He proud of in these times. We have to thank the merchants of the citv for their suuport during the trying time. We believe we have beon able to hcln them and at the same time they have helped us. ii is oniy ny sucn co-oneration mat we can succeed. To our advertisers and. readers we extend today otfr hearty wishes for a happy and prosperous vear. Mav thev all be a. little happier than during the past year and may l"l . V ' .111-. t C uAi! . - . 1 1 . 1 utt-iu mm bjmiu vi uu-uptrruiiuii aim iiuiuy wniCll is the basis of all progress. CHURCH NOTICES F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MiiiMer. Itev. W. 1). Grant Ilolliiitwortli, It A. ' Organist: Mrs. II J. Smith 1 AAk. agnnon Subject, "A PARABLE FOR 184" li'.Yi. Sunday School HM, Westvlew School 7:S0 P.M.. Sermon Subject. "A PRAYER FOR lgg4" Some Christinas Music will be repeated at each service We Invite YOU to Worship With Us iaajtn,.4V..i efriawrnajNa -aw ai an an i ! I New Year Greetings We. wish all our customers, and friends A Very Manny and Prosperous Mew Year Summit Cash Meat Market Herlel Sixth Ave. Phone 911 a I Qtieen Charlotte Island people are freely predicting tliati ' ; only, a matter of a short time before the Islands!? will become one of the most important cold producing dis- ' Saturday. Dec. 3. i9i triotfc in Hwtiph Columbia and will have a bigger boom j - : : than the Cariboo has nad this year. Some of the Islanders, ! - at least! were favoring the appointment of Y. J. Asset- j 'm Une. newly elected MI A. for At-- Ones again we come to. the end of a year, as the qne we im as minuter of. mines in the lid- la)dl i abOUt to pass and 1984. is USheredfin. It'eral cabinet a being a practical ia time fr looking back but, possibly more important, for j man ftuiy conversant with theproo- Iems and difficulties, facing tiie va-- 1 mL-irtn-fni'u-iivl lOOhlllg IOIWJHI. . j ious branches of the mining indus- . Internationally there have been great happenings dur-j try mc,udinK the prospector, and ing the past year for the nations of the world have beenn operators a well as the com-studviiur each other, meeting each other and trying to ne-'paniea. while it wootd ha- been uotiate Mtith each other with an'ew to settlement of, inter- agreeable to all people of the north national disputes by negotiation or adjudication ratner than by war. True, no marked success has. followed their efforts but mucl progress has been.made. In the United States a "new deal" has been initiated by I'resitlent Roosevelt which has, succeeded to a large extent. It is a great experiment in government which is being watched as an object lesson by many nations and is likely to have a great influence on the whole world. During the year we have seen a slight but definiteiup-turn. in business, conditions with a little improvement in employment conditions.. This has been particularly true of Great Britain and in the United States four million or more men have been given employment since spring. Jo Canada there ha? been a slight improvement, especially in the east and the administration is now planning to follow the Roosevelt policy to some extent by carrying out necessary public works instead of waiting until the improvement comes and' then accentuating boom conditions by a large program of' government works. In British Columbia a new government is in power and is setting out on an ambitious program with a view to benefitting the mass of the people. So far the new premier has been successful in getting that co-operation necessary to the yroper initiation of the new polioy and most people seem hopeful that he will obtain beneficial results. NEARER HOUR Prince Rupert has had a difficult time during the year. Whfle some of the fishermen made enough to carry them through the winter, others made almost nothing. Businessmen have suffered but somo at least have not been in as bad a plight as in 1982. With the prospect of good business at the dry dock during the first four months of the year and, with the fisheries conditions much more hopeful, it seems-as if Prince Ru to have Mr. Asseottlne in the iaet. it will probably be found tint Hen. George Pearson, the member f At- ViulnA urtlA una I Mill it mtul- I, Matt Reece. another Vancouver tnMng engnmr. was expected to irrive in SiddegaW Inlet by plane to look over the gold prospects of he Queen Sharkrttc Islands includ ing the black sands on the east coast but, owing to the unfavof-ible weather, the visit has been postponed for the time being. The interest which Mr. Recce represents are in Maetay. Idaho. During reeent weens there were let off at the Hidden Creek, mine of he O ran by Consolidated Mining. Smelting & Power Co. at Anyox two f the largest shots that were ever, exploded under the earth's surface, tn the first shot approximately. 53 tons of powder was used and in the second 30 tons. A shot was recently jut off in the mine of the Climax Molybdenite Mining Co. In Color-ido when 55 tons of power was aed. Hits was claimed to be the largest underground explosion ever nade, in wtilth case the first Gran-by shot appears to hare been a very ftwe second. The Colorado sho broke over 360.000 tons, of ore u hii 1 'he Anyox one 1s credited with hav ing moved 50.eeo tons so the Ora-by shot probably holds the worli's record for number of tons of ore broken up by one shot. Hotel Arrivals; Central, W. J. Sloan. 8tewart: L. Oarfln. C.N.I. J. Itadland. Oona River; O Londgren. Dominion. Koyal F. Holowatz. Dorreen. n. Kmitsen. Seattle Irlnre Ituprrt Mrs. Martin Miller and Miss Maryann Miller. Blllmor J. H. Ensda! 3c.itMv GOLDBLOOM'S, FUR SALE All Furs Selling at 2ft Percent Less Than Cost Must be, sold! because.' cash Is needed to buy raw furs. Get onie of these real fur USK HOLDS xmastreb; Splendid-Yuletiile Entertainment at Ihterior Town Large Attendance, U8K. Dec. In spite of fourteen below zero weather a very ter of mines, is also a man who ha W cimMLUTne J 'or tn' Christina. "Tree and srfool concert a wide knowledge of the indwatry . gertaratty and coal mfntng more par-1 whh w at.U ttenmtty whose endeavor It wtfl be 1 uaj- ,L to ftve a square deal all around Moreover, Mr. Pearson Is no stranger to thie district, having visited her nsore than once In the past on pnMfc bnaineas. Gaps. A. J. Qeal. Vancouver mining engineer, has been recently on the Qween Charlotte islands and. locompanied by & C. Stevens and :on of Sfcttegate. made an exa-uanatton of the Cunsshewa group of claims on Camehewa Inlet for Seeeh African InteresU. it is re-, ported that this property will be operating 1st the vary near future. Vetoes of tlrtsgioap are in goM and silver. ated for the occasion. The proceed ings termirxited with a csanee lasting till the early houra of the morn ing. After the concert Reach excitement was caused by the swlden appearance of Santa Otaas ll Shannon) who distributed gttta. candy ind oranges among the children of the community. Miss Kathleen Daehans, teacher it Usk. designed and made the costumes and trained the children Joe Dell announced the program atueh was as fellows: ' WMtta Shepherds Watched Their blocks by Kight." Sthaoi Recitation. Mary Kefta Recitation. Pauline HiiwJjMon. Play. BaUng a la Med" Recitation, Jack Catehemn. Recttationr Marian qarlton. Play. Abdul Abal DetAmr." Recitatlon. EOla Duncan. Recitation. Jobf Ska Song. "Away tp Nertfa ," School. Recitation. Joyce Roberta. Recitation. Yvonne Shannon. Play, "Harry's Peeketa," Recitation. Bdwta Oarisen. Recitation. Cad Tiemaaon. Trio. The Oranestsa, Recitation. James Stewart. Recitation. MargarH Adams. Play. "The Pirates." RecHation. Murfel Duncan. Play. " Ohantldeur.'' Recitation. Pat ODrien, Seng. "It Came Upon The Mid-Tight Clear." Recitation. Herbert Keney. Recitation, Barbara Glover. ' Play. -A Christmas Fantasy." Sena. "Rareweil Ornvstmaa "Ood Save the King." A hearty vote of thank was ex tended by Mr. McDonnell to Miss uurnem and the eenHnHtee IrU eharee whleh consisted, of Mrs. P enewart. Mrs. V: Roberta. Mrs. O. S. R. S: lune m topics HIGH UGHTS, .MONIlAV. JAN. 1 9:30 Round the Corner. JfOMO. 7:00 The Hour Ofes4, KOMO, 8:30Jaek Dale Orch.. with Richards Crooks, KOMO. 0:00 NBC Drama Hour, KPO. SUNDAY", IlKO. 31 3 45New Year from England to Hawaiian Is. Chimes from bells of Famous Cathedrals as. Zero Hour Is reached. KOIN.' K8L. 8:30-9:30 Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir In Chopin's Day Break, Oround Unfold Ye Portals, Lead Kindly Light. Prelude Hallelujah, Organ will offer .Prelude by Clerain Dault. Volga Boatman, Uach's Loure, Chopin's Nocturne, Cantabile by Pranck, KOIN, K6L. Watch this ad. for further details. and Remember We-offer you a. modern, efficient ahd reliable Radio Servlee Superior Radio Service Phone Illue 320j 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THK TOWKIt (i A New War is da'.vning. on' that iv - )non;i-- "t" Ikmiil' a nnre prcMperous y'ai than tiit- ptvi-edinu lVw liav- Ihh'M. In the improved V'-Mear the l ord Motor Company offer an outstanding product to the public outstanding in quality, power, perfdewiajioe. eosTrfort, economy and pric. -.f We ace here to back up that product with courteous and efficient iMMrvics. On this bfuHn we beMeak your patronage and gTxxi will for the ffMitinyvar and winh you a Htipp v and l'roperou Xew Year. Mlher, Miss A Dodd and Miss D. ArhitlOw Bxcellent muslr was font rflw ted y C Durham pi.ino. O Berg, vio-tn: Ql(a Marttnoit guitar, and ialph Skmi. r mlui NORWEGIAN XMAS TREE ? A very happy ChrUtms social ras heM last night in Moose H:ill ly. the Uaf Brlkaon Society, over 200 ersons being present U. Mi Simpson acted as chairman or the program, which was as fol- "O Chnada ." Address by Rev. P. M. Vteiin sola by Bert Caawron ac-orniiained by Mrs. J. 8. Stack. Vocal solo by Mrs. W. Alien, ar-ompanted by Peter Lien. Seieatian by the Vardea Mngers nder the leadership of Peter Lien Arte the program a happy hour wsa spent la singing of Christmas a rota, while marchm around the 'hristmas tree. During the evening dehclous re-reahmenta were served, the ladles elng In awastje. Dancing was enjoyed until 2 o'- S.E. PARKER LTD. clock with music by Mr J s Bttok's orchestra. W Oundcrmn arted a mtirr of ceremoini'v H Rriksmi and A I nul'ctl: )rrldid l tin- door. New Year Greetings To all ear rwlmwri and frletwi. VALENTIN DAIRY : Phone G57 " COAL! COAL! uur Pamotts Bdson. Alberta and Hulkley Valley Coals are guaran-eH to elve xalUfarUon Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley ValU?y W Vo wii Timothy Hay Wheat Oats and Harfey Prinrc Rupert Fowl Co Phnn 8 Third Ave. Kast u buju tu su a. sl a t. Compliments of the Season to you all Sincerely Kaien Hardware A Salhfartnry llarr to Shop PHONE: 3 w t n.iirk riii'j with a wants! This adyertla nam .s not publl h..a or displayed b thf Lmuor Dontroi b tard or by U10 (iovernment of llrltlnh t'olnmhis NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor MA I10MK AWAY ntO.M HOMir Kates $1.00 up 60 Rooms, Hot is Cold Water Prlnre Rupert B.r Phone 28J P.O. Bex Central Hotel American and Buropean nkn Hftuatkeeplng Rooms We Also Soli Coal That (Jives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 , Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophlea mounted , by an expert Hear rugs mounted In any style. Game heads n specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE W Write For Prices R Hix, Taxidermist Terrve. HC