PAGE POUR t'SS 1 Holiday Goods Specials I H im 1 All Holiday Goods to be Cleared Out at 50c on the Dollar. Many Useful Articles to Choose From. We do not plan to carry over anything so come and look over our large stock. For Men Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Dressing Gowns Pyjamas, Ties, Collars. (J loves, Scarves. Handker-chief, Sweaters, Underwear, Shirts. Socks and many other things that would please him. Women's Cloth Zippers, highest merette in black and brown Hej.-$2.95: Special "of.tht Annette Annette Ladies' Wear Co. Ltd. Wishes all her customers and friends A Very Happy and 'Prosperous New Year I New Year Greeting DR. JOS. MAGUIRE The Dentist Prince Rupert, B.C. Wishes the people of Prince Rupert and surrounding districts a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. j ass i t . a tMiM j u b i b ta t mb j.a - zim m -m 7 . b ; a k.a i& no f a r t 3 UlXl B tKMisLt B:i B'id;. BBl'Sf 3.1 B'tB 4 Bi:B'i B.BJB'BJ B sJMVl COMMODORE CAFE 1 Wishes all its patrons 1 1 IT T T vr A very nappy New Year Kcw Year Turkey Dinners, Sunday and Monday 50c and GUc iia7IlntBt'a-BIBCk.Bi.a.nm..." . LOUIS SHIBIG The Shoemaker, 318 Sixth Street .sTakes this opportunity of wishing all his customers and friends A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year For Women I)rc?es. Nighties, Sweaters, Scarves, Handkerchiefs, Underwear. Silk Stocking and practically everything a woman needs. There h also an assortment of Children's Goods. Specials at The Cut Rate Shoe Store WOMEN'S RUBBER OVERSHOES In attractive blue color, . four dome fasteners; Reg. $1.03; A real bargain; Special quality cash- $1.95 s; S m . -,.r.- i m u,m .j : m. aim t mt m,lMS B I BBTB1'B 1 HJ O t ; tflffll BTwl B'tBi rtBi Si BjuS'lBiBlB.' BiO- Mi Ui B1 BJ B.B raiai srrwa m a M ii at 99c, Made by Leckie. Extra Special Leckle's OH Tanned Chrome Solid Leather Work Boots QQ 7? Res. J4.95: Special UD MONTREAL IMPORTERS See Our Windows We Accept City Scrip Compare Our Prices "1NEW TYPE AIR FILM "F. P. 1," feature presentation at the Capitol Theatre for New Year's. 5' Is reported to be one of the moat Mrs- Redman of Prince George. ; who has been in the city receiving '. specialists treatment, returned to her home in the Interior on last night's train. A Happy and Prosperous New Year To our customers and friends: We hope to give you the same quality and service in the New Year at we have done In the past. We thank you all for your splendid support. ItlUSSAtLEM'S Economy Store M7-19 Third P.O. Box 573 i . Avenue West rhone It .THH DAILY NEWS Saturday, Dtctm J9 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Dry Dock to be llusier International Fisheries Commission Schooner Here -Local Scientist Interested in New Fisheries Product r..,.: 1 :il : .I.- I uuy, wnn a MiiKHuiuiiii uiweitM; in wiu muuuur . oi men employed, are in immediate prospeet for the local j dry clock, starting with the repair job on the steamer j Prince George, w hich commenced this week and will prob-j ably occupy the better part of the next two months with jsome forty or fifty men at work. After the Prince George U ready to bo back into commls- sion, the Prince Rupert will return naUve ,tate. They will spend the j to the yard to undergo her annual ol tnt wtnl4r nwir varmouth, overhaul and. by the time that to .v.b, beta exptMl back here by done, the usual spring work on fish-j ty spring, ' (inn vessels such as halibut boat.! I fish packets, etc will be offering.: Leading Seaman Jack atactic. It is stated that, as far as the dry Leading Stoker Matt Harris, Able i dock is concerned, a rood four I unam.n unlit. um., - Ij months- work on a larger wale thanldinary Seamen MorrU Maulre and i the Yard MitnveH tar minv irvn..t. u.4i . t . , -., - - miium w uir K?c4 win ,' moon is now in sight. And, of course, Uf the Royal Canadian Naval Vol- ' . l. i m L. iiuuuny can iweven wnai ine sum- rner may bring forth. It is encour-t aiinnr. to say the toast, to see a de-' finite improvement in the outlook for the Immediately enMiIng few months which are usually very 'quiet at thr yard. Bringing in from Anyox four ::fcboats and a workboat belonging to the steamer Prince Oeorge. which craft had been left at the smelter town following the stranding of the 1 vivisel near there last week, the Ar mour Salvage Co s power tug and service boat Salvage Prince. Cant. Charlie Larkln. returned to nort j yesterday afternoon from Anyox. ; The vessel, which was sheathed In j ice forming from flying spray, had in rather awkward tow and found I the wing rather tough in view of I rather unfavorable weather condl- ; Uoncbut came through safely just the same. Unusual Picture to be New Year's The arrival of three coast pas-Feature at Capitol Theatre j senger vessels from the south liven J unusual pictures ever depleted, and g j its theme one of the strangest. .- Tile story concerns the building S of a "floating platform" in mid -At - lantlc for the use of trans-ocean fliers. The inventor is a young of-5 fleer whose plans are originally S brought to light by a friend of bis, jj an aviator. This friend has fallen In love with the daughter of the 5 : project's backer, and he finds that 7,. she is; attracted to the. young in- , ventor The avlfctor. riuW the crest MUHUii.a1Hf.nmaRjn!ti.aiiBfiiu.atgiBiB7 ?f rW PPurtty through hU - . feats in the air. sees the futility in g thing else. He retires to obscurity to observe the completion of "F P 21 1" and the development of the love J.Umt he feels belongs to him. Going steadily downward, he Jrr that there is mutiny aboard 5j the "floaUnn platform" and sud-gjdenly U roused to action. Aecom- I panted by the girl, he file out to S;thc platform and after a series of g j hair-raising experience, effects g, the rescue of his friend and rival. - The cast of "F. P. 1" in headed by 2 ! Conrad Veldt Jill Esmond and Lea- tille Fen ton have the romantic leads. ed up the local waterfront consid erably yesterday With twenty pas- sengers on board. C. P R. steamer Princesa Norah. Capt WUliam Palmer, arriyad in port at 9 o'clock In the morritpig' and sailed a couple of hours la tar for Rka Auwka pomts on a regularly scheduled voyage from which she Is due oacK rtere souutiMund next Tuesday afternoon.. Two oasaenaers disem barked from the vessel here while two went north from this port aboard her. At J;45 ta the afternoon Union steamer Cardena. Capt Km-est Oeorfeson. and the C. P. R. Princes Adelaide, with Capt. Al bert Rippoo in command in place of the regular stipoer. Cant. Steve Oray. who Is ashore In Vancouver on annual vacation, made their ap pearance, one right behind the other, the Cardena tying up at the Canadian National dock and the Adelaide at her regular berth at the. government wharf. The Cardena sailed! at midnurht on her re. turn south and the Adelaide at 6 pin., four hours ahead of time, with a view to reaching Vancouver at 7 o'clock Sunday night. New Year's Eve. instead of 7 a.m. Monday, her regularly scheduled time of arrival at the southern port Both the Car dena and Adelaide had exception ally light passenger Hat. Looking For Logs The Armour salvage Co. on Fri day morning dispatched the halibut boat White I loj. Capt. Pete Thompson, to Roe Icy Day. Calvert Inland, just north of Queen Charlotte Island, with a view to picking t up ns mucn as poasioie oi a uavts raft of pulpwood logs which broke away from the tug Lome some two weeks ago while being brought norm irom gevmour Inlet, a loa glng camp, to Ocean Palls uulo and at the same time as did the St. Palth In Hecate Straits. Capt. W. F. Dussey. owter and skipper of the local halibut boat AU1, has been suffering during the past week from the effects of an operation for appendicitis but is now rtntnrlA tn k 1.1 ! unter Reserve sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Ks-uutetalt where they will start extended courses of naval training hJeh will include a cruise on either H M. C 6. Bkeena or II. U. C. S. Vancouver. The boy expect to be away until wen on into the iprtng. possibly tin the middle of May. To Buy Thh litre According ta raaora which are now current at Prince Rupert. Edmunds Si Walker, enterprising new fisheries concern, which a year or so ao took over the operation of the New WeataUnster cold storage plant, will Join the ranks of regular buyers and shippers of tnah and rroatn halibut at the port of Prince Rupvrt next season. Last season, 'his company handled conslderabte hattbut through the Westminster plant and also at Claxton cannery on the Bkeena River where It oper ated the freestng facilities which had been put m a few years ago by the B C. Packers Next year, how ever, it Is understood the concern will make fresh halibut shipments through IMnce Rupert to the east ern market. Bdmunds at Walker 3 were also quite active last year In: the handling of fresh salmon from the troll fishermen In Prince Rupert district. I- i After havtac spent a month in!" Oatt of Alaska waters engaged in 5 wiantlfic raatarch work, the big I" Seattle halibut schooner argrle. Capt. Jacob Bnsdal. under charter Hamilton. Cod liver, long well knoun for lu beneficial medicinal and healh-glrtng effects, has now made iu appearance aa a dehghtful confec tion m the form of a new anil h. final preparation known at liver. . constating of a delicious choco late -covered fudge containing the pare fish liver plus chocolate, the discoverers of which are Hartley Wentworth. fish oil refiner of St Andrew's N il., and Dr. Robert M. Bedford of Prince Unpen. Hie pro-duet has now actually reached the market In the east in the form of a Jc candy bar manufactured by Ganong Bros, of St. Stephen. N.H.J under the trade name of "fl Run - If 1 already winning i reported to be paper mill. The Lome lost her bavU ZS!iZSS iconswerable raft raft i In On Queen rh-rtu. Charlotte Sound s - popularity The potency of each har u i to one teaspoon of pure cod liver oil A highly palatable candy enUrely without any suggestion whatever or "fishy" taste. It preserves In It original condition the raw fresh fujh liver, making it a valuable food product with the medicinal properties . rwmr ... of Vitamin - A (for Reneral , - - v. ua it: 1 1 im iiiir H nmn recovery. He has now been in ho.-i'' "Vitamin l) .for bone ptUl for about a week and will ,onnauo"' wwuier with all the' probably be there for the next ten " - - -. I aays at least. CharlU luu mail t i ' ' " "m m ,.,. nitwwii meat gj ihere Dollsn Have More Cents ! hUbut fUlierman Is confined to his ami 5i inome on Ninth Avenue Bat suf- I faring from a severe attack or pneu- . monla. Word comes from Capt. and Mrs. Merrill Sollows saying that they h:ivr been having a very enjoyable l"fiKl;i.v iiimt Viinmnith in Ui.'tr TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Lalta rhone 231 II MONDAY and TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 ti 9 Admission iSc A: SOr NEW YEAK'S MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 33c Wednesday & T, lilt Take a Chance A HAITI AMI l'KUSI'EKOUS NEW VEAUTOAlJ One of the .Most Astonishing Pictures Ever Filmed Drama .Mystery Honiance "F. P. ONE" With (Floating Platform One) Leslie Fenton, Conrad Veidt, Jill Esmonj A Untish Picture A floating Mand in mid-Atlantic used as KiK;,nlir airlia .Musical MRHAIS()1)Y IN UKWM Comedy-"ANl)Y CLYDK in "FOOL AHOLT WO.MI y Last Time Today THK KKNNEIi Ml'HDKK CASK" aaaaMaBnsMM nalunl m!u or 1 h ;: i which ire wriitiM: to tin 'ftrrtivcnca of the viumlns. The manufactured product, while already on the market hi the eat. Is not available romxnercJalb as yet ta Waatern Canada althosajh nampies have been reeelvad hart , r . sj iou." .ii pjln' Uj oeitri 'i,. rH. tind mm Iik . ami :!' paattnv ol XH find C4rh .ii us iooktBf forw.ini with renewed hot It at really brxiiim u w qunc roneeivabie that thai IBM tOtouM be d u proaart nsay some day be tataad rum na nam ui, oat eomsaercUIly by ua of fmttk low slthaagti Ui i. Onaat fish ltvera. Inoatauhibi., n flaheria were conn r This department of the Dally at toast marked an Iews extends to all IU friends the 'owards teneral wy best wtohc for a haimv and Hatmv Hew Tnr t. . Bfa.gtB. a a a a b-bb-bib bb-b a u m bb iiiiii Happy New Year May To our customers and friends they all enjoy the icrwteat prtaNrily Regal Shop duriiiK 1U.1I. - - Third Ave. rt""'""" imi-i BB"B B IB B"a!'B B 'BiBBallBtaisi rtMUon. arrived in Prince Huperti " on Thursday nkfht to outfit for a I period of inunalve work in British i'"'Baa'SB aBBiaBra b"bb Columbia waters off the Queen 3 Charlotte Islands, it U planned to leave on New Year s Eve On board the Eagle Is a party of five mem-, hers of the scientific staff of the International Fisheries Commission with John L. Kaak, formerly of Prince Hupert, in chart, the others being Lawrence Towtuend. Otof Ertkaen. Francis Wood and W E Wc wih ail tiur customers and friends A Happy and Prosperous New Year Thompson Hardware Third Ave. , TheFish which made Prince RuperlFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD Pretured Dtll Hj Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Lid. PUI.NCE RUPERT, ll.C. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS William Riehardsi, Proprietor Rtumlrlng and (JverhnuliiiK of MHchliiei-y IimtullatioiiH of Gas and Dienel linglnes , Subst ant ial Reductions I "or ( ali I