Uyurdtiy. December 30, im EX3 Night School: Classes ! iic fjiht MHot of-the new term will be held on Tuesday. Jm-2ikI.. In ftortfen Street School Prospective student are renin! iliat. while they, inay enrol at any Ume, they should, t .1 before tfie r1rslhi of the new term. The tlme-taW 111 is follows: i ii" ibtli foi New Canadians, 7:00 p.m.. Tuesdays & Thursdays uook kf aftlmt. . 7:00 pjn Tuesdays Sc TsMwe4ftf Hr-uKJr., ArlMrUt .... 1:10 pjfe TMsdays & ThurwU nuMfltM tttifbi ..... J: 18 p-k, Tuesdays & Tjwtays 1 h :0q p.m.. Tuedaya only Wnxlworlslhi 7;WTjn. Mondays, Tuesday & FMay Booth Memorial Hchooli I OK m:(il.NNi:iW IN IJNUM.Sll-.,Y.neW t U l being arranged inr the new: trrm, to lie hrld on Thuixlay etening. Candidates arr aiketl to rrgitr by phone, or to be preent ThurMlay, Jan uji v llh at 8 3d. I or Information phone 387 or Mark 1G9 We wish to takv thim 0fjfHrtiwiHy of To Them fcht ComuJinwnte of tbe Seafon Ormes lid. 'Jjt Pioneer Druqrists The lteall Store I'hones: 81 81 LADIES' FUR COATS We received a Milpwetit of Indies' l ur Costs. In latent tjle. at trrj attrartlve prlre. We guarantee thfe roats to be as represented. Your Insertion I cordially Imitrd. Itu.v or, order, wiur Coat or Neckwear uilh confidence here.. OppoHe Mi 1'ulCheom J. CLONES Third and Sixth St. Coal Prices Alberta's Host Lump $12.50 Alberta's Rest Egg Alberta's Rest Stove 11.00 Pembina Kjg H-r,0 Dry Jack and Cedar, per 16ad 5.00 Locaf Wood, per cord 6-00 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE $80 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED P'. iiner- ,.v Prniii1 ItitDrri . r V "- TS.S. C ATA LA l.VI.KY TUESDAY. 1:30 P.M. V. Ocin V'. Him WnviMi'i'n. iiiiivum v.i ! uv- riiurMtwy afternoon. T.S.S. CAttmiNA KVrlKY I KIDAY. MII)M(.IIT. ArnvniR Viincmiver, Monday A.M V.'tek'V Mi'lliiss In IVirt Slmpeun Alue Arm, AnyoS. 8twrt and NSW Itivwr fxilnl'. Iintyr Prinre Huert Sunday. i.m. SPECIAL WlNTi:it KXCUKSION KATK, KOUND TItlP, FIU.NCK iuTEHT TO VANCt)i;Vi:it. $32. t.Mral and Inchideil.) On Sule Nov. 10 to Feb. 28, return limit March 31. 1W4. Further lnt.i-miion Temiriiiiiu nit .--i' i h w- mm ' ' riiisti: iiii'iiiT .h;m,V: riiim .miif vnnut w CANADIAN PACIFIC Slesmers leave Prince Kupcrt for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way I'ortu: I'rlncpss Adelulde. Fridays 10:00 p.m. IV VANL'OUVLll: direct: Prlnrrss Norah. Dec 1st. 17th. Jivn 2nd, 18th. For KFTCIIIKAN, WIIANOIIM'. Jl'NKAl? anil SKAOWAY. Princess Nuiuh, Dec i:iU) :3!h Jun 14th Low Winter Excursion liarcs to Vancouver and Itctnrn TlcRi.' i un fc.ilu Nov 10. WS tu Feb. 3, 1W4. Final return limit Mur 3 1D4 W I, COATIvS, (ieneral Agent, Prince llupert, ll.C LOCAL, NEWS NOTES, George PVhwetl returned to the illy on the Cardena ysterday afternoon, from a brief business trip to Port BJsiiqgton. Mm. Hoy of nrunswlck Cannery an Mh and Mrs, Haotfng of Ur ,'. wear: lifters. Ipkt paaasjngors on i board tile steamer Catttaia last , Wrtlw tttM Ufrtttft ttf Wpoh- ver O. p. Lyons of the? Canadian PtaH ' ik (r Mors Oo offtofc staff: , who has been on a veeaikm trip J011" "tfeet of amttfcm on Cfrrlst-to Vancouver, returned to the city , m Day between automobiles drl-from the south on the Princes vm by William A Wtdfte and Jo- 6. -islile vestenfav afternoon. r..n...h. t n v .M Bella Cola, having resigned from;? f the coimson emitter, ac to Information tiir provincial force, was a passen- ser aboard the Catotn last en-1 ratng """" -- , His successor. Oonssabte H j. ) Mens, who has been a member of the detachment Here for the oast i few months. aalM- on the Oardena to assame his nw dirtsM at Bella i Coot a, being acconvpanled by Mri.ipiaee I Wellena and son. Notice TEB DAHif NrWl Juftt arrived fine selection oN dance frocks. Dement. 304 Detners wish aH their customers iand friends a Happy and Prosper jous Mow Year 3en T. Altten, storekeeper at WahopW Bar. logging camp near uutdle wm a jteaeenser atfaard Ufe Cs drra last evening going throoKBJ for a vacation trip to Vancouver. A result of a collision on th Holland. JTdge hai been fine M0 by aupndtary Magistrate K. L. of Smithers on a charge on cording received at T,rw,'1" ""- . . . . A iwvjiin iu uv urn nis on vne wrvna siaw oi iae stem The awnual Sunday SehooH Christmas Tree Mrtlnjnirt took? a few nlgnts ago In the so E L. Cole, the pioneer butcher of ;" hooka and sweMs to all. Rev the Terrace district wishes to an-jW D Orant Ho Hnjrwortl. thepa-lounce that after' over twenty. ! tor. preied and ij n. scneral three years of pioneering In the!chare , district Including forty-two months in the C. & F. and ten months in France he la now back at his trade aid is operating the Economy Meat Market at Terrace and la entirely ; on bis own hook- Tour custom in the , north it solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms, strictly caah and mail orders C. O. D. unless other-,wlv ! arranged for E L. COLE, ! P O Be 35 Terrace. B.C Announcements New Year's Eve Dance Moose! Hall. Sous of Noewaf Am. 5. OddfeUows' Hall. Burns' Banquet. Presbyterian Church Hall. January 26 m M ' S: Si New Year Greetings Dictator N S llrewer and the Bj Ofiirers f Moci.m: l.oiue. 10M H wish all member uid friend a very Happy new yfar BiBFN'BU B-lBBBSBU. GEESE, TURKEYS, DUCKS, CHICKEN 20c per lb. U'Ks of Lamb- - 20c per lb. Loin of Lamb 18c per lb. Shoulder of Lamb- 15c pvr lb. Stew Lamb 10c per Pot l46L ot Deef- 10c ur IB, Prlflde p) Rpllea- 18 c , m 1. ..... . TMlone. Sttmk 18c jier lb Round dtoak 40c 3 lbs Leg of Veal 15c lier lb nuwn ItoMft t lieef 15c per lb. Sirloin Steak 35c 2 lbs. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 9,)7 Phone 957 cial parlors of First Freabytorian Oiwreh. a large crowd of children i with a number of parents being In A brief bad acceptable rendered after which Santa Glaus paic a visit, distxibot- Aucno N Salvage Sale OF C'ARfiO KX S5. -PRINCE f.E0R(JE" to be held At Ocean Dock Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1924 Commencing at 1:90 p.m. shn, confrirthfg of: I Groceries (canned foods), I Hardware, PainU, Diy Goods, Overshoes, Glass and China ware, Tmink of Effects, Purnhure, Etc. Cargo consists largely of Christmas hampers of assorted inerchantlise. MUST HE S0M) I TERMS. CASH IP I T 0 B SI awes -" -: -r Special Auction Sale AT Al CTION KOOMS,TIIIKU AVK. ON S.VYIJHDAY. DKC. 30, COM' .MKNCIN'ti AT 7:15 P.M. On instructions received from the owiut who is kavma for the east I will sell by public auction: One Majestic kitchen range. 2 large twisted oak chaim. I wloker chair. 1 bedroom cimboard. 3 berl- room chain, 1 dressing tftbi, S bed-room tables, 1 aouch, 1 3:3 bed complete. 1 buffet, diop-lf tablet round dining-room table, sewing machine, magaiine rack, meat grin der, kitchen table and cnaira, roKi-Irtg day-bed. books, pictures, etc. Must be sold Let me lUt your goods tor this sale. G. J. D awes Till; Phone Hlark V.Q ,mmii .,, , I, tr 1' I BiHSilHBBHIIHilllll Sea Cadets' Dance Enjoyable Affair jg1 SUly "oiing Polk I'reunt at; Func-tloli IJat .Vlgli t In K C.N.V.Kj Headquarters Another very pleasant dance waoji helB Jnat night at haadgaarten earn the Royal .Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve by. the tocai Sm Ca det, about sixty young people be ing present at the affair which was , in.Qhae of Ohief Petty Ofhoer In-j 4, structor Anslow. Dancing commen- i ced at 0 p.m. and concluded at 12 a.m. A musical program included violin solos by Miss Phyllis Hamb- Un and vocal solos by Ml?s Betty S Ellison. Alleen Hamblln and Betty Woods. Delicious refreshments were Z served. ' VBB'BBrHCIliB4BBpBiF We are very much indebted to all our customers a,nd friends for thflr pait buinew( and, take much pleasure in wUhing them A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS XKW YEAR DeJong's Cash and Garry Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE good office safe. Cat be seen at Daily News. t UVR Xnws preaem. riea. onaranteed stager, Ship any distance. W. Hutson. Rand Bloc FOR RENT VERNON Apartments hoiuekeep-in? looms. n?wly renovated. 141 Jn4 Avenue. Phone Red 421. WANTED PIANO wanted, slate make and1 pctse. Bqk 1W Dally News. WANTED - 0 oat. Rhode Island ; Booster. Hand Canning Machine. Phone Black 4S3 between 12 and 1 PJfl. 30?' PERSONAL iPRlVATH home Klndergartenapay We jiarl you. The Canadian Kin-I derwtrten Inetltuio. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW to net a Government Job Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd.. Winnipeg. PAINTERS PAINTlelO and Paperhanglng Moller. Phoni Rec. Rft TRANSFERS CAMBKON'S Transfer Dry birch cedar. Jackpine Furniture moving tf HAIRDRESSER PIUtALiyiiNTf WAVLNOI Cluter Curl: IJatejt Styles NELSON'S BFAUTY SHOPPE no i tt i: Ann M.rH l IN. l-nl NOT1CK IS HRHCBY QIVKN thnt all (mhwmmi hnvlng oUUim fklilrn Uu- mute of Aaaa usna. uaniawe owmtwim wwn m A4nw or Au4e La HS who died Vancouver. British OoluiWbis on Tth No-, rtimber 1033. re rUlrrd cm or brfore , u M dy of Mman IM4. to deliver or M)it by pPHWll !ter ti prUctlMrii ot their oIrUw.1 duly writitd to THB ROYAL TBUBT COMPANY. Bxeeutor of in Mia" "I "urn uuui mm im Huttt rHvmnril ut in iifflce 6M Weat PwKter 8ttrn B.C. AND TAKE NOTU'E Mmt aftsr UM IsaI iiMUtkMH-d iim live KMs-uior IU to tUMriUiiU' 'I n!wt l Hie lunonc tl perojv mailed Uttwasv, hs-1 1 vn riifd only to te clsinu of which tt , rlmll tlten hv tmd imf-li n.Vl'KP i Vim,-nr rr. BC thin 9th , of Ite-rni'n'i l'Vti iu:iUFlinN lXHiM5 & 8VAIE3 i W' r. - "'N v ,-. B 1 III sTI 111 1 81 01 If 3 1 11 DIB LAMBiE & STONE "Where ClotKes Cost Uss" Wish their many customers ami patron; A Happy and Prosperous New Year fBlBiBB;BIBSBL SHiS-J RENT The Latest Books Our Rental Library plan enables you to read continuously as many books as you wish. The latest popular and outstanding books selected by various book clubs and reading guilds are being added every month. Over 200 Best Books of 1933 Are Already Available JOIN NOW This is the time to read. Pay only 75c and you have your choice of books for one month. Change your book as often as you wish without extra charge. eMaeMvs.JM SMITH & MALLETT The Pluinliers Ta!te Utlg. oniurtunity of wishing all their customers autl friends A, Yery Happy and, Prosperous' jj H New t i i b ii a tens - a iu WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS 1(1(1 cpTfciei , ft S Ji He sure to i TyNery well PHILPOTT, EV1TT & GO. LTD. Phone 618 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra; Violet Rays Intra Red Itays Massage All at Reasonable Prices V. C. ASPINALL D.C, (Chiropractor Green 211 Fnbnes Creen 911 Exchange Block . MST . IB S IU 1 1 B H I Bill 1 Bill 5? 3 n n T C BtBIB.B B.BiBiBlBIBtHr I IB?) E C Year M a at : f ijt i i i i sV1 REPLENISHING PHONE US. We hnve coals suitable for nil your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping St. Oeneral Furniture Repair LUt your goods with me Phone Wat Itf GEO. J. DAWES r .-,1 4 3! 1 1 l i ? ! 'A V i i m