Orange Christmas One Hundred Children In Allew-danre al Yalelldc rumtUn on Thursday livening The annual Christmas Tree en-trrUtlnmeul of the Loyal Orange Lmlw and the Ladles Orange Bene-viilrnt Association look place m the Oddfellow1 Hall on Thursday nigh l. about one hundred children being present at the affair tapper was served after which a musical pro-ram waa rendered followed br a awaiting the departure of a train rarrylng the slain Premier Dunca to Bucharest The rrowd waa thrown Into a Miiir The rauac of the expulsion was not clrar. Tree Enjoyable Premier Infant Is Found Dead Clot In Bloodstream Our to YalvuUr Heart Trouble Cause Death of Kathiecn Cameron . Kathleen, infant daughter of Mr.j and Mrs. Francis Cameron of Premier, was found dead In bed on Wednesday of this week, according to Information received at dlvl- visit from Santa Ctaus who distil- atonal headquarters oi ine provin-buh-d gifts and sweeU lor all. The etal police here. A post-mortem children contributing to the pro- examination waa made by Dr. W. 8. gram included Norma Archie. Zelds Kergtn who found that death had Hlr. Marie Boulter. Florence been due to natural causes, valvular Morse. Margaret Lamb, Jean trouble of the heart having caused Kraiue. Hetty Barber. Kleanor Bar- a dot m the bloodstream. Cameron her. Host Cox. David Baetman and Is an employee of the Premier Gold Alfred Laraen. piano music was also Mining Co. furnished by Mrs J. 8. Mack. - - -' Mrs H. Murray, worthy mistress received the guests and the committee In charge conalated of Mrs. J. R. Murray, convener. Mrs. George Ilowc. Mrs. Ocorge Oeddes. Mrs. A Quyan. Mrs. J. Preecc. Mrs Mernic. Mrs. J 0 Vtercck. Mrs. StnlUt and Mrs 8. V. Cox NO PAIT.K MONDAY j Monday being New Year's Day and a general holiday, there will be no Issue of the Dnlly News. Hie next reguhxr edition will appear on 1 Tuesday afternoon Premier Bennett Indicates Resumption of Awarding of Titles in Canada This Year OTTAWA, Dec. HO: (CP) Premier R. B. Bennett hint night expressed the opinion that conferring of honors by the King upon Canadians should he resumed and announced that recommendations had lieen made that certain Canadians should share in the New Year list of "honors and awards" by His Majesty. This indication that honors would again bo conferred upon Canadians after a lapse of some years came as a general surprise). It Is understood hero that Hon. George Howard I-'eriiiison, Canadian High Commissioner at London, and Hon. Lyman Duff, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, may be included in the New Year's honor list. ! he Mail City Commlsaluner W J. Alder ha received from Premier T D. Pat tullo a welcome YuletMe gift In tl' form of a personal check of the provincial prime minister for 160 t" be used hi giving "cheer and comfort to those in need." The com-mlastoner stated this morning that, arrangements had been made to tipply the money where it will do the most practical good. EASY FOR ' KINGFISH Han MrCorklndale Trovrd Little More Than Punching Bar For Levlnsky CHICAOO. Dec. 30: (CP-Dan McOorklndale. South African heavyweight, proved no more than a punching bag for King Levinsky who easily rlecisieneri him in a ten round bout here last night. j Old Country Socr.ei KNGMSII I.KAGIJK l int Division Birmingham 0. Arsenal 0. Chelsea 3. Stoke 0. Derby 3. Middlesbrough 0. I Leeds 4. Ulackburn 0. Leicester 1. Aston Villa 1. Liverpool 1, WolvcrtwmpUm 1. , Portsmouth 2, Newcastle 0. Wednesday 1, Manchester 1. Sunderland 1, Huddersftetd 1. Tottenham Hotspurs 4, Sheffield 1. West ton 3. Ilromwlch Albion 3. Kvcr- SCOTTISH l.ll(il!L l'iit Division Aberdeen 4, Atrrirteoobms 0. Clyde 3. Dundee 0. Falkirk 2, OelUc 0. -Ilsimlllon 1. St. Mlrren 2. UtnrU 1. Ayr 1. Kilmarnock 2. Partlek Thistle 0. Queen's Park 1. Cowdenbeath 0. Queen of South S, Lanark 1. Hangers 0, Hibernians 0. Kt. Johnstone I, Mothcrwsll 2. TRAIN twixvi: HOl'ltS uti: Tonight's train, due from Uie OH.vt at 10 o'clock, was reported this Afternoon to be twelve hours late which will bring it in at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Today's Weather 'A 0 Tomorrow's Tides Prlnrc Hupert- Clear, light northerly High ... 1:21 ajn. 18.1 ft. , wind; barometer, 30.80; tem-lcruture, fa 12:49 p.m. 20.9 It. - 38; tea smooth. Low ... 7:00 a.m. 9.7 ft. 19:43 p.m. 3.3 ft. . V SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXIV . No. 302 PRICE. FIVE CENTS DECEMBER PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., SATURDAY, 00, 1003 L-U I ROUMANIAN PREMl ER ASSASSIN A TED PREMIER PATTULL0 TO ARRIVE IN CITY TOMORROW EVE Head of Balkan Country's New Government Is Shot By Member Of Outlawed Anti-Jewish Body BENNETT TO BE ON AIR rrftr of Canada to Address I'm pie f Canada Over lUdio On New Ver' live Putin Shots Fired Into Duncn's Head as lie Ieft Royal Palace After Seeing King Explosion in Royal Coach al Railway Station Today SINAIA, Roumania, Dec. 30: (CP) Premier Ion G. Dunca, head of Roumanian new National Lileral government ami an outstanding figure in the international f ight to nutMiretw the rising wave of anti-Semitism in Euroicf MK-onuiiK ui the year i3i was aaninaled here last night ly a student memlx-r f mil but year, be afcnaUard on the anti-Jewish Iron Guard which he outlawed a few week -Nrw Year' Rn bi i brief metmw -Mto four shut were fired Into the frm tfv Prime Minister of Can- Premier's head. The assassination i.t. Kt Hon. K. B Bennett. Ac- took place as the Premier was leav- .ii.titg to prearot arrangements, ing the royal palace where he had Mr Bennett will apeak over a na- been railing upon the King. He had t.on-wldr hook-up of the Carta -dun Radio Broadeaating Oomaats- mini at $ am. Paeiftr Tne probably ft Ottawa. if lit U. eiaowbere. his among other western stations. In vmt of Calgary and CRCV of Vancouver been for thlrty-alx rears a member of Roumanla's Parliament. The city was further stirred today when an explostca wrecked King Carers eaach in the railway sta- br picked up whsfswet he happens tteo injuring cUld. The Incident .. Ir TTW tMtnm Wlfl be laTlhwT. took took nlar place while while a a lame large crowd rrowd was was GIFT OF PREMIER Sends Personal Cluck ror $50 Commissioner to be Used In Giving "Cheer and Comfort" to Hunger Marchers Invade Paris S.iM.i :i. . - S . : S v .'.ung'T IlUI !.! !. F : ' !i ' ' : .r f . . r . - o! Paris after a Ion;? :od...u journey afo -t Fr .:vt .r (indent facing the same crisis wiut-h confronted the United Stuu a short time ago. with starving men. women and children Hocking to the na lion's capital for aid. Plans for drastic economies and new taxes are before the French Chamber of Deputies, which Is divided between holding confidence in the new premier ana hacking up the pleas of committees of taxpayers who are hotly opposing the taxation Increases as unemployment grows TOO COLD "BILLY THE TO RECORD JAP" DIES Thermometer at Nalilln in Northern It. C. Drnjn to 70 llrlow Nahlin, a post on the (iovern-mcnt Telegraphs Yukon Trail be tween Teleeraph Creek and At-lln, recording 102 degrees' below freeilng point, puts In a bid today for the distinction of being the coldest point in Canada. The op cralor turn repotted this morn-Ing "that his thermometer read 70 lirlow cerii and would so mi lower. Zero and sub-zero reading are reported from the central interior and Mich rat point as Aujox and Stewart. The (iuvefnnient Telegraphs report for today i a follow: Terrace Clear, norlh wind, icro. Aivamh Cloudy, ilu, Sliclow. An) ox Clear, norlh wlml, vrro. Sleuarl Clear, li-hl norlh wind, II lirlow. Nahlin, It.t'.-Cleiir. 70 lirlow. Ilairhon Cloudy, northwest wind, rcro. Snilllict! ( Inir, ruhii, cold. Hum Kike Cloudy, uindy, 17 lirlow. Dead Tree Point Part doudy, calm; barometer, 39.71; temperature 20; light swell. Triple Island Part cloudy, fresh northerly wind, !ca choppy. Ingara Island Overcast, liglit I northerly wind; sea smooth. Well Known Oriental Passes. At Hospital Tauao Takeda. batter kaown "Billy the Jap." passed away at 6 o'clock Thursday evening at the B. C. Prime Minister Sounds Note of Hope In New Year Message Evidences of Improvement Arc Numerous But There is a Long Way to Go Yet Announces New Legislature Will Convene on February 20 VANCOUVER, Dec. 30: (CP) Premier T. D. Pattullb and Major S. F. iM. Moodic, assistant premier, sailed on lie steamer Catala last night for Prince Rupert wherjc ' hey will arrive on Sunday evening, entraining on New Yt-ar's Day from tic northern city for Ottawa where they will attend the Doninion and inteqirovincial premieres . 1 conference ofenans January IJ. QUIETLY MARRIED Miss rttlty Arncy Dereuies Bride oi lUling redeien at Ceremony Last Evening . A quiet but interesting wedding touk tlace at 7 o'clock teat evening Churrh. Rev. C. D Clarke offlciat- inc. when Mlsa Marlon Betty Arney, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. Amey. First Avenue, became the bride of Brling A. Pedenen. a well known local halibut fisherman. Attendants of the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Black. The bride wore a travelling suit of cruise blue with eel gray hat and had a corsage bouquet of Ophelia rosea. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents to relatives and a few Intimate friends, the couple sailing later In the evening on the steamer Cardena for a five weeks' honeymoon visit In Vancouver after which they will return to Prince Rupert to take up rest- Premier PattulkYs New Year's meg-sage to the people of Drttlab Coluaf-bla reads as follows: j "Wc may view the approach jf he New Year with much assurance. There kit many evidences ef a revival of eoafmciKe from whkh e aai exiect tnceaatae acUeHy. Wo moat nut. hwrever. oeerhwk the fact ake action that will make tor permanent betterment rather than temporary alleviation only. To this in the parsonage of First United ,rild lhc cTeniment of nrtUsh Co lumbia Is committed. On brtwlf of the government I ffesirr to extead to all Uie very beat wishes tor the New Year." Owing to preataee of bostneaa," Premier PattHllo anneenced. before leaving Victoria yesterday, that the usual New Year's Dy reception by government members had been cancelled. Leghlaturc Convening Date . Premier Pattullo also announced yesterday that the Legislature wouw meet on February 30. DEAD BODY IS FOUND. nrnce on oecona Avenue, wenvtew. : i Away The happy couple will have the Provincial Officers Dbpatrhed I nn, congratulations and best wishes of' Prince (ieorge to Investigate I many friends for they are deserved-! Flndiu; of Remains ly esteemed and popular. The bride: - Has llaftne Km miw aawru aleIKwswl : - ss- av (eas-u wa iji gftgft gia.-U ' and the groom has also been Constables Soles and Murray of In . Prince Qeorste have left Pniuv Prince Runert for minv mn I . . . rm Prince Oeneral . " L- ZJZ J " I 1 Rupert HosplUl ""TJT rTT . . -followlna Alnw,f lhe glf U was a g dead body luvtng been foutid on louowmg a a brief oriei illneat uineas. He ne was 7 w harutsnnw t nf .iiMnmM . years of age and had lived d in TVri . . . ; . uvouay uvmi w UK, seme 111- Uxh Columbia for fifty years. He had been In and around Prince Rupert since railway construction days and waa one of the first settlers on Porchcr Island. More recently he had been In charge of a fox farm at White Cliff Island for Dr. W. T. Kergln and J. H. nilsbury of this city. I H. C ""-- - m-c u-n,u- icen oc iwrnvy inues sou in of pen- lon Fisheries office where the bride ney. according to word received aj. has been a valued employee. UNITI.D STATUS (SOLD WASHINOTON. D.C.. Dee. . CPi The United fttatea Treasury price of gold remained unehanajed) yesterday aa compared with $33.93 1 UnderUkers are 1st charge ter ounce In London and In of funeral arrangements and In- Mnntiral lerment will take place oh Sunday 1 afternoon with Rev. T. MatavmioUx ( local Anglican Japanese ntssstonary, offlclaUng. Appeal For Aid Mrs. C. J. Norrkngton has Wcerved fmm Terrace an appeal on bchall of Mr. and Mrs. Hamer ami family whose home and contents were all destroyed by fire during a gale Uus week. They lived in the ferry house at Terrace on the bank of Ue tffeeeua River. There are five boys from four to 19 years of age and two girls 13 and 17. Clothing la particularly needed. Anyone wishing to help In this case can do so through Mrs. Norrlngton or direct. Miss Prances Camming of the Canadian Pish At Cold Storage Co. ffW staff, sailed last night on the . to Vancouver. divisional headquarters of the pro- vinclal police here. Hockey Scores Thursday's (Umes Ottawa a, Chicago 3. Turonlo 3. New York liangerg 3, Bostvo 1. CaoadtUtt 3. Mr and Mrs iHoeaas SttversMea lUcd last eveniiig on the lmeesa Prtnetww Ariclnkte'ror a holiday trip Ailelaloe for a vacation trip hA i Vancouver and Victoria. New Year Greetings To the Residents of Northern and Central Rrl-tisli Columhia I cx.tend my sincere wishes for q Prosperous New Year OLOK HANSON.