Prim iwo Garden Freshness Sealed in Metal wfillflUfi DAILY EDITION mm mm "Fresh from the Gardens" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published 'Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ' Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid In advance per week , By mall to all part; of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States paid in advance, per year . 8y mall to all other countries, per year -ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertislne. ner ineh. oer insertion 'Classified advertising, per liuertlon. per word -,,,.., Legal notices. -each Insertion, per agate line ' Member ot Audit bureau of Circulations Attention Mothers! ChOdraa -mil Uk. milk Ural eix.l.. M 2, Freshness and cri$pncsi assured by 1 wti wrspping and triple scaling. 3, Enrichment with Sunihine Vitamin Dv an exclusive health feature. 4, Coupons- exchangeable for valuable rrier. xhandise in every package. MADE IN CANADA Quaker Corn Flakes 6.00 10? 3.00 8.00 1.40 .15 Thursday. June 1. 1933 PORT SIMPSON'S CENTENARY Next year the village of Port Simpson celebrates its hundredth birthday. The post established there by the Hudson Bay Company in 1834 was one of the first in British Columbia. Possibly Fort St. James may have preceded it although that is not sure. When Lieutenant-Governor Fordham Johnson was there last year he promised that, if invited for the centenary celebration, he would come. High officials of the Hudson Bay Company are also likely to be invited. There is no good reason why it should not be the greatest festival that Port Simpson has ever had. The townsite of Port Simpson is a delightful one. Many thought it would have been chosen as the terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and some still thmk it would have been the better choice. Happily, however, it was unspoiled in that way and remains a picturesque village yfith i a weekly mail service, a delightful cimato, sandy beaches, and people of taste and discrimination. Most of the men engage in salmon fishing during the season and a majority own their own power boats. The nnople of Port Simpson have the -ability to stage one of the biggest events ever held in the north -and, doubtless, next year will see them actively engaged on the project The name "Quaker" assures you com flakes of finer flavour super crtspness! and all these EXTRA FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST! CARDINALS LEAD NOW Tlttsbiiit Tirates Drop Trom Tlrtl To Second Dace in National League "Standing PITTSBURG. June 1 (Cfcnadiai. Pres As a result of loving another game to the Chloago Cubs here yesterday, the Pittsburg Pi-rat tumbled from first to second place in the National League standing, leaving the idle St. Louh Cardinals in supremacy with a margin of leadership Amounting trt half a game, tit was the only gam" plajed yesterday in the Nations' teaKue. The only activity yesterday in tf.? American Ixague was a dauole-header between New York Yankees and Washington Senator, the leading teams in the Jtnuor efrcult ' the hoBoi tor the day bain. d- Tided anC the Yankees tethtntroTi tbelr aupremacy "by three fun; Yesterday's Bit League Scores: NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 5: Pittsburgh 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 7-0; Washington 12-7 Baseball Standings NATIONAL LDAGUE W. L. St. Louis .24 18 Pittabutg M 16 New York 10 16 Chicago 19 Cincinnati . n M Brooklyn 17 3d Boston J7 4 l!Uted(fc!ha 4 in AMERICAN LEAGUE New York & a WMhraston 34 Cleveland jg Chicago .50 Philadelphia H St. Lotus 17 Detroit 15 Boston .. u M tt 34 22 24 jm A Me jm M6 jm 415 .405 JJ5t Steamship Sailings. For Vancouver Tuesday CataJa 1:30 pjn Thuf. at. Prince Oeorge 10 pm Friday . Prin. Adelaide 10 p.n. St. Cardena midnight Saturday as. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Jane 17 at. Prin. Norah pm. June 24 at. Prin. Louise pan. Irani Vantouvri Sunday at. Catata pm. Wed. at. Pr. Oeoige 10:10 ajn. Friday-sa. Pr. Rupert 10:30 tun. St. Cardena p.m. June at. Prin. Koran ajn. June .19 at. Prin. Louise . ajn. June 26 as. Prin. Charlotte a m i For Stewart I I Sunday at. Cataia 8 pjn . . Friday at. Pttnce Rupert 10 pjn. From Stewart Tuesday at. Cats la 11 M ajv. Saturday at. Pttn. Rupert 0 pnt. For Anjox Thomas Kive. ve1 known off 1 - rial ot He Union OH Co.. who rn "been on one of hHneriodleni h i-t new visits to Ihla eity and dlitrlrt stifled by the Prineess Norah ye-terdav afterroon on his return t hit hetdquartert in Vancouver , THE DAn.T NEWS Thursday. j,,n(. i m SPORT NOTES ! FOOTBALL i SCHEDULE Time Table Tor Stuart lleneflt Shield Competition Announced The following .schedule is an nounced for 4he Stuart Benefit ehield football Series June 1 C. L. Y L vs. Canadian Lesion. June 6 Canadian Legion vs. Re-fiment. June ft tRegJment vs. C L. D. L. Oune f8-tmVdian Legion vs. C. ' D. L. June 15 Rentment vs. Canadian Legion. June 20 CLOD L vs. Regiment. cfcines. at the smaller trm asses End SeasonY Activity SlTty-Thre Hoys Tteeehred Valu able Trainine Trom Tom llar-tton StrlmmTn? Invtmr-' tlon 1'lanned j Bringing a very successful sea-in to close. he "Priree Rupert tayftma-rivm OH ciae.s corrchtd-'ed tout ntehi ami will be rammed (hi F-rverrier Burma the snwn .no hsn than astt-threc bov P(rt jaelved rrahjl 'f under Tom Barton aar. uxmrm iieBmnnwr. Air. Barter on nofcHnc regular swtm- Salt a week or Lake for nft- th SOFTBALL SCHEDULE June U BHts vs Orotto. Jane 4 CNR.A vt K4en. June 4 Orotto vs. Empreat June ft--Navy vm. BBta. June 8 Kaie-n t. C NR. A Jane 11 Empre-w vs. Orotto. June 11 Elks vt. Navy. June IS CH&A. vs. Empres June 15 Orotto vs. Efts. June IS Nary vt. CN A June It Katantxlft'. orotto. June JO Bmptm vt Navy. June at Elks vs. Kalers. June 25 C.N RJl vt, Elkt. June 25 CNJM. vs. Btks June as Orotto 'v. CJCJUA. June 27- Natua. Orotto. June 20 Kalens vs. Navy. July 2 Empress vs. Kalens. July 2 Elks vs. Rmpraas. SOFTBALL The touaiie stamttnc: W C. N. R A. A OfasJe Katens ap Fmnrtav Sunday m. Catate 8 pin. B.C. N. V. R. Wadnanday as. Hr. Oeorge lu..i. From Anyos Tueeday-aa. Cntala 11:30 a m. IhuMday at. Pr Otofge 6 pm. from Naai ftlver tc fori Rtmpn-Tuesday-sa. CaUla 11 M ajn for Naa Hirer unn fort Simixnn Sundajr at. Oatala 8 p.m From Oeean FatU Wed. as. Prince Oeorge 9:M a.m Friday at. Pr. Huoert 10:30 p m Sa. Prin. Adelaide p m Ss. Cardena p.m For Orean Fall Thurs--s.v Prince Oeorae 10 p m Frlday-at. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m Saturday as Pr. Raaert 10 p.m For Queen Charlotte Hlands Jane 2. IS. and 30- w prince Uoha 10 pm r'rom Qaeen Charlotte land June 13 and 27 as Pr John a m For Alaska HrlAaf m. Prin Adelaide 2 pm JttrwiMMH.Pitn. Norah pm June 10-at. Prin Louise a m Jane 2-tt. Prin. Charlotte a m Trom Alaska Sattitdar 1. P Adelaide 7 a m June U at. Prtn . Norah rrm Jnn'ej244M. Prin . Louise p.m . Trorrt iftkeena tt lrr Ftklayi-4t. Onrdena p.m Malls e nt the post office on 'hmrr prior to all departures L. 1 1 I 1 2 2 CN. R.'Trains r thr Hast Monday' Wednearlayr and da q m Vanrouver, B.C. Pet :7W MO 500 Frl om 'Tom the Fait Tifrftnv Thiirtdays and Rnttrr days 1015 p.m FOOTBALL! TONIGHT Canadian Le!on Vs. Canadian Liitior Defence !Leaue Atmpolis 0 30 p.m. Adm. 2flc. Notice. Itupture Sufferers!! All Ruptures Yield To the Inflatable Air Pres sure Treatment -or lleaslev. the Famous British Kspert Complete Comfortable Con trol Guaranteed This Brent British invention ha the approval of the medical prnfPNMnn everywhere It Is accepted as standard by Icidni", hospitals Once Used Always Approved Write -Beailrys" (Canada) 544 Uurrard fit i i iit nil ,in ff ALLALE 5 Snecial Starr the Month SALE Corsolettes Pink Broche with elastic iiwit.s. BroHdclolh 8lips- In h(te, pink oi nr four Kiirieis. size.s 3.' io "8 98C mjuve' "Mh OuC U'tlt Gingham Dresses In assorted oa nn Brassieres-.-At special reduction a QQp pat Urns and sizes, 3 for J)1UU values to $1:50 for. each OC 1 Ludet "chamotsatte Olove-h a splendid o r Bandettes--4U)k SUk. daintily made 39q quaUty, par pair OdC LiidtM' House Drtatas Made from a.u, -i . Crepe Pyjaina Buiu-In pink, peach, eir QCrt prin is. In a range of timet and colors rjS trimmed contrasting efllors. per suit eah t)C Woman oUlste Blooraett With silk 04 A A Juih Patches Print attttlmjs in gtaaslne p,, , stripe, alto vesta. S lot colorful pattarnt qn TTT 2 paentgaa for "C Utlt vatuiua mm, per tuit ule Hum - -All aisat e) r pgr pt' di.k ;yj...niis and Oowns Vurioiu Q jn styles, values to $2.50; pi suit OX1J .hUdiens Sjori Sockees -With colored a tops, per pair . tJL Oirta Healed Navy terne Skii u CJ A A $1.VJJ On oaMbvtc waist, each U(1 Sllk fUt Cropcih ,n Knral o nn V1 Oirta'Vr BrxmdOiotr. Jumper Sl Qxmi Ofl Wy " Wattts-0 to years, each Xpron 0nngmsf inches - - Women mil nulhlaneu Silk Hose- - A 760 per yard wondertul value latast blades, per pair luwm Broadcloths Various rotors 90o Sfaall Boys Wash ButU- 4Qp 7w pfr yqrrt aaeh :I(4draJ cirrtaln Muttm oa Vervlal ner yard Boys' OvMU-tJMsM dl.eve and tag. Oftp OOKs Jl btnelth -vM hn each i rustseatoora KnltUiig TatTi or ' g nans JUL Apof!,r-'oV0Vf task and fnnt In rol.rfav - " prfeita or oreaflR aotton stamped U OQp .;f Wash Btounes--Color! ast prinU ICn uo ataiiwtttar ansh 0i broadelotha. each oL .ua Twtfaia SMsa tn white and CI OC cvj. Whlprord Punts -Very dorablr Qpp ptas:. soft and Ittttrau wch k?X,&U quality 6 u 11 yeara. per pah- Many Olhcr Attractive Items on Sale Besides Those Listed S12K OriMVINDOWS t i l). L. MNE-l'P Tm- toltowlng line-up for lirn "L.Thm- TJetenee league in --' ;ht's football came Is announced fnr.V Oonie M'- Vacrher. Mc-,y. comadtna; qwn,hm , law. Dtckens. 2aM!l spares. liardy. Mauuira. RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter MrU AFHROS.. LTD. jllORfiVAVli ..liCKITION .01 Information on Has Phone Ulue 3M .nil let us demon-trule tiu posslBtli- ties 01 rtortwav ti-epUoi) all day iik Investigate this fully and get the most out of mr 1 ud lo this summer. LOOK FOK THE TOtVIJt Superior Radio Service 330 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 V. O. Ilox 132 A O DAIiTLETT (V II. INSULANDRR m Advertue In the Dally News DUN LOP FORI smartest tin tl t eWorld, has ever known Uc DUNLOP "fOKT" TW.-bo. mtdt In CU U Uiud Mtmbrel ilm-li Ui ltdtr el cJU line el DUNLOP Tlfti kicli Hr yM mirfiiitd lt in tvry pnt tM Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDfc TRANSFER-PHONE 580 A tired man should not BOVRIL Concentrated from Prime Beef Bovril is a fine restorative.