FAGE FOUR British-Made Tennis and Running Shoes BECOME A WINNER BY WEARING THE BEST SHOES MADE 4 Women's and Children's One-Strap Running Mens Special built White Canvas Oxfords, cu- Shoes, waterproof uppers; colors, blue and shlon insoles and heels, heavy crepe rubbt-r pink; genuine crepe rubber soles which will non-slip soles. The shoe that will stand rough outwear any other rubber on the market wear and give comfort 0"j I Q Sizes CQn sizes fQ Sizes nCn All sizes ?Xtf StolO011' llto2D'1' 3to7 a ; : Men's Black and Tan Dress Shoes, medium and - wWe toes 0 jeather, all siaes. Special prhvs Women's White Canvas Oxfords and Straps, 20 fCT on qc heavy non-slip crepe rubber soles, specially t?a5fiO t?22a7tf QuJD built to fit instep to insure comfort. Prices QQp to o- nq Men's Work Boots, flexible leather uppers Panco a&K, ?XAO soles and heck, all sizes CO OK , To clear ANOTHER WEEK-END SELLING EVENT Meng chrome Upper Work Boots, solid Of Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes. Pumps. Etc. all leather throughout, sewn and standard .screw st les and colors grouped together, good range soles, rubber or leather heels QO of i izes: regular $3.95 ?o Oft Our price VOiUu Special ?aSaO7 iLeckie name stamped on soles CUT RATE SHOE STORE Sec the New Enterprise Monarch Coal Range ' j The pj.u mi al tsih& for our climate wh re -icut- is needed ail year Easy Terms Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. P Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 551 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Weldlnt 80-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and MlnlngMachlnery ncpniira uu uvcrnauica Advertise m the Dally News. WAS REAL Lair William acuve pan in military aif.ilrs during his younger days and for :even years was a member of the early rl(lNrFRiNeW Wetminster Rlfles garrison. A lVlJLlJLlJL other pub,te nd gemj.pue of I flees in which the late Mr. Keary II. Keary of New , inciuutsa inc nonorary sccre Westminster Was Well Khohti to Many People in Rupert taryship of the Royal Columbian Hospital from 1879 to 1911 and manager and secretary of the Provincial Exhibition from 1900 to 1911. Wiiham Holland Keary, plctur- He was the first secretary and for esque pioneer of British Columbia, three years president of the Union who had lived in this province since 9f British Columbia Municipalities the age of two years and whose He once acted as chairman of a death occurred yesterday at the municipal commission appointed by uie of 76 in New Westminster of 'the provincial government, which city he served for seven years I Married In 1881 to Miss Mary a.s mayor and for the past many Caroline Blckhoff. the late Mr. years as city clerk, started his ac- Keary had a family of three sons tive career at the age of 17 as a and three daughters. He was a printer and served for seven years ' member of the Westminster and a a printer on the pioneer news-. Terminal City Vancouver) Clubs paper Columbian. In 1880 he went and of the Ancient Order of United to Oregon and remained In that Workmen, the Knights of Pythias state for a year working as a re- and Oddfellows' Lodges. He was a porter and school teacher. Hogfwr, j Conservative in politics and at one the next year found htm back in New Westminster where he opened a bookstore which he conducted for four years before becoming accountant, storekeeper and schoolmaster at the New Westminster Penitentiary following the establishment of that penal institution with the staff of which he was identified for ten years. Later entering the insur ance business he was elected mayor of New Westminster in 1902 and served for seven years as chief magistrate of the city. He also saw 12 years' service as an alderman and for some time was chief of the city fire department. He took an NOW OPEN! Ideal Cleaners Very latest methods In Dry Cleaning and Dying Second St., Phone 858 time was a member of the Roman Catholic Church. His principal recreation was boating. The late Mr. Keary was well known to all pioneers of this province and many Prince Rupert people regretted to read of his death yesterday in an exclusive Canadian Press dispatch to the Dally News. PORT SIMPSON Last week Mr. and Mrs. John Moraes celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. The nurses from the hospital, teachers of the village and others organised a surprise party which Invaded the Morses' home and made the event an outstanding one in the community. Mrs. Stevens, mother of Mies Margaret Stevens of the hospital staff, surprised her daughter by dropping in on her unexpectedly from the prairies. Advertise in the Dally News "TILIJE THE TOILER" THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Jun, lr. Famous Cunarder Repainted White Maurclanla Wifl He Placed Bermuda, West Irdies Sum-mrr Service 'or the East Mondays Wednesdays day Fifth Street. in SOUTHAMPTON, June 1 The Cunarder Mauretanla. which hs-s boon unergoln her overhaul in Southamr'.'n. has had her entire i ull paii i white. cha-we u U bo on the overhead on the pi .:in'iiadc deck which will e gn.-n Mr. m.iiunmst will con-nue to '' r' but th" foremast will be 'r . me fO'ir bin J in-nels w'll r main in the Cunard Lire coir, red with black top. The change In eolor of the fa-moos Cun.ii(ier has ben made be- "rom the Eat Tuesday Thursday and Saim day 18:1ft pjn for Vancouver Tuesday 12:80 pjn Thursday 9 pjn Friday Saturday June 17 ind 24 pm. Monday. Wednesday and Friday 'by train) 8:M pju From Vancomer 8unday . pjr Wednesday 10 p m Friday 19:80 a m June 12. 19 and M a m Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday bjrtrmlni 10:18 pjn For Stewart and Premier- Sunday 7 DJ Friday 8 pjn. From Stewat and Premier Tuesday . 11:30 . Saturday 6 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday 7 nm. Wednesday . . 9 pjn. From Anypx and Alice Arm-Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Thursday 6 p.m. Alberta Creamery Butter CQp UUl 3-lb brick Evaporated MUk All brands Qq a Pr CI iq per Alberta Fresh Eggs per das. B. ti K. Pastry Flour 10-lb. saek Fresh Remo Rhubarb 8 lbs Crisco 1-lb. tin Purity Quick Cooking Oats Qp - irm Sweet Navel Oranges 9 dox Royal City Tomatoes 2's per tin Nabob Coffee 1-lb. tin Swift's Bacon SUeed 1-lb. pkg. Kadana Purl Cocoa 1-lb pkg Royal City Peas No. 5 per tin Royal City Sweet Coma's, per Mn S4.50 17c 38c 25c 25c 95c 11c 40c 19c 20c 11c 12c Alberta Market Phone 20 t SEE MB. CT I NOT NOVM, I IHBUUO . ' Atf.ttlJg rOft. 1 aascoRy has L tjuBfiLss-i H r ov , Tn-t-iH vajhcs yooot ) .wALLy-sj o",ficbI Uhav to tare i IVfeiawoXj r-rTV ' v il WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Completlng the company's final voyage of the spring ten day sche-1 dule to Alaska, C. P. ft. steamer Princess Norah. Capt. William Pal-1 M mer, arrived in port at 4 o'clock I Banjos Kinging, Darkles Singing yesterday afternoon from Skaswav1 MICKEY MOl'SE I and nlhr nnrthrn rvtnta Another color MM 3n hour taleR for Vancou. vex via Dutedale and Alert Bay. Opening tte company's weekly schedule of tourist sailings, the Princess Norah wtU make her next call here northbound on Jure 11 and. following that, voyage, will be transferred to the West Coast of Vancouver Island run with the steamers Princess Louise ad Char- Q"T.' ! T, ! ,ott ukln over the Alaska route Southampton for New York vta,fnr ... M Cherbourg she will remain there, "ZTT: . w.. for some months, engaged in West Indies a d Bermuda cruising. Mail Schedule and 'n 8:30 p.m of M from the north yesteroa af ternoon, the majority of the passengers being Alaskan school teachers going south for the sum mer vacation, the schools of the territory having been closed. Six' passengers let the vessel here while five left here for the south1 .iboard her. : Capt. William Palmer, after an absence of several voyages, has re-' turned to his duties as skipper of the steamer Pri ooas Norah on the1 A'aska route Cant Alhri Rinn..n I " PW I who was acting as skipper during i 8:80 pm. js absence Is remaining on bond, Week- End Specials as chief officer PRUNES-Oood sate 3 lbs EOOS-l dot. BACON, 1 lb. PEANUT BUTTER IMltk A real health food. 2 lbs. 25c 40c ECONOMY BRAND " COFFRK 9 7 0 ner lb U ls 25c BREAD- Last week at this price on account of flour advance per loaf RHUBARB 8 lbs BANANAS- -2 lbs. 5c 25c 25c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 317-19 Third P.O. Ilox 57S Avenue West Tlione 18 I Out of town orders receive prompt .Mention. Send us a trial order. ' 1 - An "Annoying" Choice I WPsPLjaaBBBK i i THE ORIGINAL CASH & CARRY WVApprcciatc Your , Support ORCHARD Crfr PEAS 2 s OZn No. 4. a una . PALMOUVE SOAP- 5C PRWCISB SOAP FLAKtaS 3 PUB STRAWBERRY JAM - Vi Humsterly Tarm per tm CORN MEAL -lb. sack .An ' " per sack ' HhLMKT CORNED BEEF OC 2 tins 8AANICH CLAMS 07 2 tins ti, C it B PORK BEANS l's OCn 3 tins iSOU AYLMBR TOMATO JUICE OCn 3 tins ... . 1 i-iLciM't tfeub tsVI waaia. . . a,t. - . kaa.iawa w mm aw a A tu a na 1 a. I aw I TW rv 1 " V9urw) ANMai7irs ln"TMov vou QAM MBit orCH.D5 JrftL 1 HB0 CiiW-rT' . tveunesday & inursuay MHHMJMM FRIDAY and strTI TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 p.m. 1W Iirif t'.. i .... ci..t. i .in t. o.ia HMSww IV. IV I I" . j I Admission - 750. UiUiiU "WE GAMBijSJ Aiic iAiiiuu.1 vi ioiauic naTiu " and "Dawn Tatror 111. .. HI II I iril I IIHIIMHVV: "uuiv ,0RD,- a v a- . t . . m i. niii ijn tiii; COTTON" Monday need ne-er be a dtprtmng; dv if sour kitihen hrl) bosttt supply oi Siti. s Kvjixiraied Milk. All our H'rri- bImiui using up "leYt-uvtty'' in 1 lie Mondiy menu are vsTi CEd iSUfe and Love In th.- South I of t- n -nUILUINO A iii.-ii.iiiv, 4,TI Vumi t tssi at.. a ii.ii,n i tl II L lBMSMiMWMaaHBHKKMaMBMSMBI THRIFTY THOUGHTS for Monday's Menu., "I can't priie N(t-I. iKvrH-rated Milk loo highly... 11 means to much lo me in making rotslt more interesting and more not l ilh-oui , N'ettts'l w to 11 rxiosive am yet aC othtf lifiin I but gim m Mill prrlecth mai .-rlkjua retults." readily otved with this (Miduus. iTeamy. concentrates mil. nar to n iib the rot of the root or that Ut rwm of (he rake or that bit of wictable you nated to throw om -ell theae probirm diMolxc into an ey anS aconmniral meal with )oar handy fnendi Neatle'a Evasmted Milk, tohelpymiow. Tee row can bt miacnd and land inioadrhVioua naeat loaf, that tm the Most eaartiat Member of om laatily will not ramgnit. That bttoleaheha dahi tahk 6nrt when Haawwd sad wsnad wiih hwitanrotch or chocothia Mint, made tieh and rrramN and jowt comcth "pourabW" with NaMSFi MAIL' THIS COUPON . HCaainrtUS. NESTLS-Word,,s o Dept. U. araS In Mwa gl&tml tvanoraiea Milk A y ni 'ar iw vegwibk. just lr, v , ZZ nh a taMy whiir s., , J i... I . , II Md vfCUbl a w, ippt J Tun I - -. ti . rspenataats with s hri,j 1 Neatlt's Evaporated Milk iM mw. Ktdpe I'aaphhHi, oiumi . . ,. venavcpruiiaaanruriir! ' ir,.rri recipe tor tile and Mrt t 1 ry " wnairvrr niit ti I f 1. 1. r 1 . I iuc 11 away ir anoiiicr M'-'U; ! Rice and Meat Croquettes I cap bnhVd rice I tap chopped rwitfd tout I Uhlapuuo liunrr H cp Neathi's fctapunttd Mil J tibhupooai water 3tff Heat the NUt'i KmwiV' V j sad water snoWl ibe iwi! v. ri Whan tat mutnrt tui emu . 1 .. tir in eac est al.ghii. tM bwtter, naiua and mr-. r 1 fre. Caul. Shape mio i ami roll la crtunh. . Uetea eat. Md t- and try in wrap, hoi f- 1. Srewa with fS5i BABY $rZB I While i" i rROfiiirT nr -llS Nestles NTllsfVAPORATi t'AtnoTtI MILK CondtnitJ ana fvsporsteo' milk The AUCTIONEER Parking- CratlnR WrappinK at General Furniture Repairs List your foods with me CKO. J. DAWKS Thone Hlack 120 TAJ-'. ZZH NESTLES EVAPORATED TM I LiC ea Leroest Producers anc 5efen of Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY IMionc G.")7 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated -By Westovor, ; 1 J 1 1 1 If I I IwitURk . Ift U9JB T r-n H.i, Ml r' . L AT lb: ... , I , Hftiils f ,Z:r r aVsVa fl BIlaaTawH