Th , ,j.iy. June 1..1M3 FREE! r - Mb st IB Inr U piml S 11 SPECIAL! 'Child's Tooth Rrujiii an(lSnonic Ball noih for Stinacfa Trouble After Her Meals Mr, i nUintprood Maymard, Fort HiU, KA, writt- "I vofferad fr.a Mia in tny ft.maea, aid BeadaAea, fur Ub y taeala. A friend ArA m t, laka Horooek Blood BitUra, aad miUI VrU( Aon. m I tmiai a r"' clasp U . N I sever kara aay trooble wttk y ttomaea, aid atadatk ara a Ulag of Ua put" .fifS l Ut ia II r" h HOLIDAY RESORTS When Coming to Terrace M Arranremmts With Swain's Transfer & TAXI. Terrace, Il.C. To -Greet 1'ou. ' all trains Freight A -! srryire anywhere. Lake rtnd Ledge, toew H A 8 ' now in service i.ikr r. anvwhere on the take. i :uialt. M.OO: StJM per head uihMional. No rrovd too big. No Job too small. hcmc tauties i:very HfMiAY 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED BtNmn lHit. Trtc ninrt tor Viwww -I s.s. CATAI-X EVERY TltlKOAY. liMJVM. "i" Vancouver Thursday pjn i8. CAimilNA EVERY I IMHAY MIDNIOHT. ' ''IP Vnnmnvitr Mnnrtfi v a.m. FREE! THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Convenience No Flies, No Mosquitoes Home Tooklng Tar iTxrrllenre $11.00 Ter Week Children under 12. half rate MADAME RAJAUT Tlell. (). C IsUndi TheFish whkhmade Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK CO: Prepared Daily lly Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'ltlNCE lil'l'I'.KT .(' " NtM -it atimsa to tort 8lmp.o. Alk Arm. Anyot. r informMton NtaNUaa aU alUa I Prince Rupert Agenty: Srrohd Avenue. hone 5GB 1 I 19C A .packane of 40.Kacolle Tiwue .Handkerchiefs with ... -a -50'ccnt Ilottlc Vapurc Result of Oar Spbol Guessing Contest ' ' ; 'tonrt Prtee-JMrs. J. N. Saldon, 2943 fJBftetfnc tptitt-t. rH9ldiWrth, Premier, 2732 Correct number of spools. 2949 Ormesltd. ThellexaM Stove, Phones: 81 & K Ea?y spin dry washer Is the .deal washing machine Gentle as human hands, no squeezi.-.g, pull-ins or creasing, no broken buttons or injured fasteners. Phone 6 for tree demonstration. MeRae Bros. John Newtek of Haaeiton arrived in th; city on the Prinze George yesterday from Vancouver. where he attended the recent Bri tish Columbia Ooafmnee of United Church air Carads. proceed ec on last night's train to his home in the interior. i was In the chair and there was a good attendarce of members. 16. Announcements Elks' Drowning of May Queer Dance Saturday. June S. Moose Danee Jane 9. Canadian Uland, June tThone 93? Tsgrtnn 18. Picnic. Osgbj Moose Picnic Digby Island. Jul Eacles' plrnlr July 30 I'hone 95i ' De Jong s Cash and Carry Friday '& Saturday Specials Dollar Sodas pei box 1 U per per lb. MnlklnB Best SPINACH Shw 2K.. per tin 22c Gold Cross tteftlfU Pears 91ce 28. per tin 15c 39c Pure Lemonade KLilkln s Best IHiwder per tin 24c King Oscur KAKDlNei 2 tins for 25c RiupberrlesSise i'& tin I Uxur Tnamtnif fUt fa M 9 tins for Pt-arl White Sap S bars for Sugar Crisp Corn Plaices per pkg. 19c 29c 21c 8c Walnut Meats Light Pieces 01 mm Milk All brands now per tin dor rasr 10c $4.56 YtcuvAXLtcmmri AQ2 TE3Z2 S3 LOCAL NEWS CLD.L. Dance tonight. Tor day and 'night Tall ser-vlce Phone 32. Cf Silversides Bros, for Wallpaper. Glass, Paint and Mureseo. ! Oarden Earth, Manure, Prions 303, Oasey Cartage, Prompt Service. H I Mrs. Wilfrid Oration sails tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver whence she win pro-; teed on a visit to her "home In th Ottawa district. ' Mrs E. L. Richardson of Tlell ar , rived In the city on the Prince oJhi Tuesday night from the Queer 1 Charlotte Islands and Is paying r j brief visit here with friends. E B Westby, who Is interest!! I in the lumber manufacturing bus i: ess, sailed by the -Princess Norah yesterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver after a-brief visit to the city. Thomas A. Kelly, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, came north from Vancouver to his camp at Atli Inlet on this week's voyage of the steamer Prince John. Saturday, Jane 3. the King birthday, the post of Hce general 6m-ntery and rstoetraKon wickets wffi be Often from S ajn. to 12 noon. The thi ' public lobby wH be open from B and i a.m. to 6 pjn. Mrs. E. Taylor, who has been oayinc an extended vltlt here with Use Varden Singers. nndVr the; her daughter. Mrs. J. H. Carson, direction of Peter Uen. rendered , sailed by the Prineese Norah yes- very acceptable arogrjm of fi. terdav aftarneon lor Vaneoaver tertMaeaect at the veguhu weekly jerroute to her Isomeim Winnipeg. Ivncbeon of the Prtnee Rupert Ro-4 Ury Club in the Commodore Cafe , mu6 Mrr 3mir Mandy re-today. Prestflent G A. Woodlan( tn th. pitM L. th. prine John Tuesday night f rom a two weeks' trip to the QMen Charlotte Islands Or. Mandy said a visit to ! various island points 1ti his capacity i as resident nilnlng'eelglrteer for'liie northwestern mineral survey 5 low rail fares east TICKETS ON SALE M1LY Rrlurn limit. arj lug from 21 da), lo rnil of mmm. Optional Koulca. StoMrra. for information It. Mf ni'KN. ft. r. and tA rtliHir Kirprrt. nr. V4I-SS Canadian National Why? Spend the Mohey For a good suit or a heantlfol tires anfl fail "to hare it appear at Its very best? Phone 649 And have yoar clothes restored 'to oTfelnal sparkle anil luVrliness by our modern process. Our special price still tm LADIliS' and OENTS Suit or TvtwOftt .si .tin Clean & prns - treese Plain 1.00 5jy- $1.25,$1.50 LING - Tailor The High Class Tailor and Reliable Cleaner ANNETTE'S Gigantic 24 Only BPdRT DRESSEB-BultaTSle iar tennis and all sport wear. In 'pastel shades and white. "Btees 14 to 44 fefe (June Bale riee !&SJ 10 Only Trimmed and TJntrtfnmed 'Coats-tees ! 14 to 40. Tleg. value to $1950 Q71 QC June Sale, Special 9sstfJ 72 Pairs SEMI-SERVICE HOSE 8Uk to the welt, all new shades, all sizes, all perfect fffTv Hotel Arrivals Savoy PedCT Jensen Prtnee Rupert. Central John Enkine. city. . AUSTRALIAN RAISINS Recleaned. per 1-rb. pkg. teXTRACTB-Malltin's Best per t-os bottle TOMATOES Malkln-s Best No. iK tins, per tin Crosby ooN-Royai aty iip PEAS Sieve S. Royal City No. 2 tins, per tin Provision Specials Fine Alberta Butter per lb Cottage IWUs- pcr lb. Pure Lard 2 lbs. Eggs-Bulkley VeHey per 7r dok. doa 'PEACHES-Lynn Vulley I Ma V Uttiifti nnn itfr Lin each VICTORY" COFFBB per lb. TOMATO CATSUP her ll-oc. bottle TJlIOICE PINK SALMON per lAb. tin BIjACKPIO 3 lbs. I REAL VALUES' That Make Your Dollar Go Further ; Week-End Specials WILD HOSE PASTRY FLO UK lb. HC&LUXK8 ALL BRAN- r Dkg fEA Blue ItiMon per 4b is NAlPTHA 80AP per bar OLD DUTCH CLEANSER per tin APRICOT JAM-Nabob 4-lb. tins, per tin 28c 20c 36c 6c 9c 43c 12c 16c 12c 10c 23c 16c 25c Firsts 50 c 16C RKD PITTED CHlwiKTaS Saaulch Brand. No. 2 ull tins 4 X,K' I per tin 'soda BiSotins-iJoUur gr I FRESH CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS, per lb. 28c FAM0U8" FLOUR We recommend haying at this price as the market has advanced ?T VOK, per 24-lb. sack Mr U.lh uirlt V" BROOMS- With Rtng'Cap Evaporated pbtohes 23 IThrift Cash & Carry thone K9 101 Third Ave "CARRY AND SAir Mali Orders Have Our Prompt Attention tg-WTl-H 40c 25c 9c 20c June Sale StAJCTS TOMORROW 5'Only TWEED BUTTS 8l2es 14 to 20 tofc ft ft fteg. value tf;95; June Bale Special v U 24 Only BLdUSES To clear June Sale Special 1 WBSTHOLME Rooms under new management. Rooms' by Hay. week or month. "Reasonable rates. 132 iODERN HOUSE, five rooms and! Bath, with Range, S15.00. Phom 38. 1 1 ( FOR RENT Store on Third Avenue : In centre of business section. Will renovate to suit tenant. Thomas McClymont. tf PRICES Third News. reasonable 'Benkendorf Ave., next Boor to Dall trMI ml Omm CMaitett LAMi ACT I lAaada. aad. uua trantlnc Lot BM. QCJ ; ttttt Bottc thai J. Mcrrt PHace upwt. oaoupaMaa SOrmatMrn. f- 1 unda to awly tar a lu at Xtrt St.- lewtaf UKefHoO Hnd: i Oamtorneiiif ml a poat ptaftteS at t wuU)-yi coriMr of lM se. Q CH. ( tnene n as ckama to tse anooiM: . UMwfv 114 ehatna to te -aatlwnt ttMMe 10 ehaliw to tfer Noetk-aaat aad I atoms TUftti trtr assrk. ts rMrm 4 I MmnrHMtneM. and coaUtertng 30 a- I rra mot or iras. JOHN tlitS UOITRIS. Oatod April iota. itU v..' .V, Nortrr rf Inirtitkm m Apply tS Firretta ISM In PrMM Rupert Land tr!et of nanec Four Ooaat 95c ALL SPRING HATS Values up to Q-i OCT $6.05: to clear; Spring Sale Special M.UO Sale Starts Friday, June 2nd at 9 p.m. Annette's Ladies' Wear Company Limited J. W Head of the Digby Island J wireless station staff, who ha.s been hoMdaylng for a couple of weeks at Tlell, returned to the city from the Queen Charlotte islands on the Prince John Tuesday evening. Classified Ads for sale FOR SALE good office -safe. Can be seen at Dally News. tf' FOR SALE 18 h.p. Marine engine with equipment. Bargain. Phone 356 or write P.O. Box 1700. 130) FOR RENT HOUSES F. W Hart. PIANO TUNING H ANOS Tuned $3 JO. c Store. Walker's Ma tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! -Oir $350. -Ringlftte" S5.0. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe PAINTERS 'AINTINO nnd 'Paperhanglng MoUer, 'Phone Red '802. HLHbEltlttlATTKL aionTcracE I HEREBY OPWER FOR SALE by lender xll the Chattels and furnl-tsretaHhe nremiaes occupied by the gmjpicasfioclal Crab LlmHed "on the Second Floor erf the-bulkMng Situate at the south-westerly corrser of 6th. Street and Second Avenue, sebted bv me for default in avment under Pf'Plvivr n. rl?PCCIVP ae'hunchattelTOortgagelnfayour CLbAiMiMs ol I ICiVdliMi l0f 'Atexander Anderson Connon and I assigned to me for collection. Ten TRANSFERS ders will be received by me .at the office of William, Manson. ferown & Harvey, Prfsee Rupert, British Ooftanfbla. uatrlz30 Pi. do Thursday, the lat. day dt June, 1933. where a tm himrtory W tttehattels and furniture may be seen. Tenders " j should preferably be for the whole CAMERON'S Transfer. I'hone 1TJ. , 0f the inventory. Terms one-half Furniture moving. Bottles bought i cash, balance to be arranged. The Chairs for rent. Wood for sale. : n8h or any tender not necessar- - I uy accepted. - DATED at Prince Rupert, British 'i.-Vi act ColumbU. this 28th day of May, x,,Li-V,,Tw.:' W6i TL W.BROWJT PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta I'hone 231 xss l For Your Health tituate about Hvt kmIm from ttMteawt t the Khotw Wtrr on ttw 'Bkot Tork. Trte mter ma I. wajtoiOB savaa 1 CMl ben dr Wneavvrr. UK.. oeetSMtte" Mine Optntat utttmjt to aaatf foi UnMMeii to furebaae VHe TWkh rtcribd land:: onatnHMina at pant piantni dim foot HiUfil ham Um WHneaa poM K ih WeM M of Lo lit: tbflrt , westerly AO hauis: Umc outhrly H ohatoa; Aheriea raatfrty 00 ehalfu I it uoeUMriy It) ebabia. aad eon I totamg 100 vena, more ."Or teas. WILLIAM LAQEANQB OtLBXRT. ItlMed AprtJ 17th, 1V33. Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.G; " (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phortes Green 519 Exchange Block , , , , i i 'i - - A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this ravpon anj mail it wltk'll far s is weki' trial nhttiftkn to THB CHRISTIAN SCIENCfe MONITOR TtiaUiiMS tr Tm rmiiun SciiHct rvnuHna SwttTT Bo Ma. MtwaelMMtM. O. a A. f"S!Su"i 2Z AMmp mm mmmm. Ou D-. 1,4 im amaul 4 tarn fat ImWnt. rtm Kits a da tnt r(U mbttfttoa. 1 aaahm tm (It). rnszz tatu) because it doesn't pay to advertise poor -products, It doei pay tp puy those advertised.