f 1 paoi roun Impressive Values! At the Cut Rate Shoe Store Host Remarkable Value in Men's Lec-liies' Dress Boots and Cl JtZ Oxfords, reg. $6.85; now 1 Men's Solid Leather Leckie Work Boots, the shoe that can stand the test of hard wear and comfort; all sizes; regular $4.85 3 65 A Great Assortment of Boys' School Boots with panco soles & 4 Q fi leather heels; price .... v J-tel EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Panco Sole & Rubber Heel Light Work Boots, limited CO Off number; rag. $3.95; now Leckies' Boys' School Boots, solid lea ther and panco soles HE All sizes KECEI'llON For inlormaUt. n on this Phon Biui 320 or visit our shop and let us demonstrate the possibilities of shortwave reception all day long. Investigate this fully and get the most out of your rad I k, this summer. LOOK FOK THE TOWER .lmoi'inr I KJ UJJV1 IU1 Ij 336 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Hox 133 A O. BARTLETT C. H. INSULA NDER r w v Radio Service COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and BulkJey Valley Coals are guaranty to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. I Bulkier Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones MS Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Kepalrers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and firsts Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 60-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery Hepalred snd Overhauled f mm a KM For the Ladies Here's a treat for you thrifty buyers. Women's and Growing Girls' Shoes grouped together in Pumps, Ties, Straps & Oxfords; medium, high and spike heels; our price $1.69' $1.95 Our Selection of Tennis and Outing Shoes are the largest in town, prices to meet your purse. Also many other bargains. Give us a visit and compare prices. A very low price on Men's Fisherman Boots of the best makes, Goodrich and Black Diamond. CUT RATE SHOE STORE REORGANIZE PACKERS Jarvis Retires as President Mac-1 Millan His Successor VANCOUVER. May 9: (Canadian' Pre.v. -Following the annual meet-in ;4 of the British Columbia Packers Ltd here. Stanley Burke, vice-pre-1 irluu announced that Aemeltas .Tarvu of Toronto, chairman of the1 board of director, had retired after thirty-one years with the com-, pany and its predecessors owing to 1 inability to attend meetings here. The position Of chairman is being discontinued and H. R. MacMlUan of Vancouver has accepted the pre- j sidency. I SILVER )VNI) COPPER ! ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. May's: Canadian. Press i Bar silver closed at 3544c on the local metal market yesterday. Copper was steady, electrolytic spot and future closing at 0c. CJ.U. TKA1NS for the East-Mondays' Wednesday and Fridays O;30 pin "rom the East Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m. BUY THIS FOOD BARGAIN Canadian Labor Defence League Meeting Sunday A propaganda meeting of the local Canadian Labor Defence League was held last Sunday evening. Angus Mclver preaMed and other speakers were Thomas Bradley and Robert Kydd There was also an enjoyable program of instrumental music. Body of Southbank Rancher Going to Interior for Burial The remains of Oeorge N. Buchanan, well known farmer of Southbank in the Lakes District. whose death occurred yesterday morning in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, will be forwarded by the B. C. Undertakers on tomorrow night's train to Burns Lake where interment will be made The late Mr. Buchanan was sixty-six years of age and is survived by a widow at Southbank. He had been a resident of the central interior for many years. AND BOOST CANADA A few centi for Shredded Wheat not only buys a bargain but also boosts this country's grestest industry. Only Csnadian wheat is used for Shredded Wheat. Do your part by eating this nourishing sIMimily food ctry day. SHREDDED WHEAT 12 DIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX MADE IN CANADA . By CANADIANS . OF CANADIAN WHEAT ;;tillie the toiler" r Om mac iitma-t a I 'JJOOAOBTBIZ. 1 ft.tHt WO OS M 1J fl mT 1 DOM-T Pay "TO HiM, TiuUIS SuST TRV-M TO 5(0vo fSSSm OPS' j. (SOUS AO AIM. "THAT THB PlfTH TIME MS CHI DAILY KIWI HOT WOKDS AT COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1) gard to the property was forthcoming. The mayor had no authority to put insurance on the property. "Yes and you sitting there drawing your pay yet knew nothing about It. said the mayor In a loud and challenging voice. Alderman Rochester read a statement showing that certain rents had been collected and Insurance policies paid and that the city now owed M. M Stephens & Co. Ltd. a balance of $18.60. The question of certain rents alleged to have been paid was discus sed and Alderman Plllsbury said he had vt&Jted thetlfm In question and ' had been told that amounts total ling two hundred dollars had been paid after October 1. He thought Alderman Black was correct and that no payment should be made without authority of the finance committee Falsehood When Alderman as he did many Alleged Black repeated, timet, that no statement had been issued in regard to the Mclntyre Block transactions, VUAH. AND tub HAP kdmm r-i i-r Tin v u. . it tJ CUOSBfa Evgay i "J -TIMI F HI MAka S3u weevows, clu " " " 1 6r aw---- 'Si they had charge of things In the city. The B. O. Undertakers property reverted last fall and they did not know anything about It until recently. If rent were to be paid direct to the city they would not be much better off unless they checked up. After the vote had been taken It was decided that the mayor and Alderman Pllltbury should go together to the firm that claimed to have paid the suggested unaccoun ted for rents and the mayor said he was going to ask Alderman Plllsbury to be Just as frank about correcting as he was about making it should the statement prove incorrect. It was then decided to hold a final pedal meatlng Saturday night at which a statement of soldier housing and other financial business would be presented to the council and left on record. the mayor retorted:- "That is a falsehood." I Snow was falling at Burns Lake "I want to tell you that no stale- Uls morning, according to the ment was ever before the finance wether report of the Government committee You have been drawing Telegraphs. However, the tempera -a salary out of the city," said the tore was mild and the snow was not alderman expected to last for long. The wea-Mayor Stephens expressed the report for various district opinion there was no reason why points today is as follows: 1 any alderman should "grovel in the Terrace Clear, east wind, tan-gutter." No one could show that perature. 48. payments had been made that were not accounted for. The reply was that. U the statement had been in the hands of the treasurer, they would not have been calling names at each other. It should have been in the hands of the city. Alderman Casey 'suggested that, as the council was going out of business and that contradictory ; statement had been made, they i should get the real facta and hold a ina wouia saieguara ootn mayor and others. They should go! out with a clear sheet. I Alderman Rodderham thought) that, when nmnirtlH mnr(t tn kii w nothing of It There should be a -t.Ltrmmt in regard to It on the minutes of the city. Thlnes Very Lax Alderman Rochester said he Mio-i..-h things very lax. They had !' been given a fair show since RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McUAE BKOS., LTD. Late Snowfall At Burns Lake is Reported Today Atyansh Clear, calm. Si. Anyos Clear, calm. 51. Stewart Part cloudy, calm. 0. Haselton Ooody. calm, 49. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. 40. Burns Lake Snowing, windy. 44. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Miss M. Deane, Pott tto Olllespie, Oceanic Cannery. the city, they should be handled by1 F Central H. Oralland. city. the city. He thought it was a tech- , Vancouver nlcai error in putting on Insurance i without permission. The mlyor did not agree that It. was an error. Alderman Wesch made a slashing attack on the method of doing city business. He said the city treasurer should have notified the committee. Business of the city was conducted "In the rottenest way.'' Almost everybody under the Housing Scheme was behind with payments. The treasurer was not attending to this city business. The matter had been drifting for years and the whole thing was ridiculous Mayor Stephens said he thought the Mclntyre Building was the only one in which rents had been collected for the city. It was true that thrre had been a lot of neglect. Roldlerv property had been sublet iiul rents collected and the city C. Royal Oordon. Sunnyalde: A Abott. J Johnson city Make Our Store Your Headquarters ou Will f ind It a Profitable Habit For Yourself KRE8II EOOS-per dot. imwAiu wjwr iietns, Clark or Royal City nrn 1 tins mdU PEANUT BUTTSt Fresh Stock. 2 lbs. Please bring your own container BLUB RIBBON MATCHES per pkg. FKKBM SPINACH per lb LA ROE CELERY each PKAHL WHITS SOAP-7 for P.O. Box 575 frv (Socio QGiep! NOVM HC'3 15c 25c 30c 10c 20c 25c Out of town orders receive prompt attention. Order from Prince Rupert In preference to the south. Your freight charges are less from Rupert than from elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 317-19 Third Avenue West Thone 18 No Cause For Lost Temper testis MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 p.m. Feature Starts 7:40 & 9:40 Admission 15c Si SOc d T - COM LI) Y - ROMANCE - DANCING "THE HALF NAKED TRUTH Wilh LUPE VKLEZ, LEK TRACY - A Itadlo Pi . A aillllon-Laugh-Power Itomante In the World .i n Comedy-'MITTERS, THE Bl'TLFIt k Travel-MOSCOW" N;r Offer Closes SATURDAY MAY 20th On this greatest of all Electric Refrigerator Values The Kelvinator-equipped PAY ONLY $Q.OO DOWN Blnce rttnjcd If -T ar'aS I or You hare only another 4eea left in whit h to take advan tage of this great opportun ity. Oome in and ehooe tour i -" rrtr AavT MAUI r mac -vhu juot q ' ., ONLY i':$169-50 Polar King before it U too CASH lale. Simply make the small iWwii urnrnt th halane k spread over lo jrr. iNrfsr Km at thu remarkable prire has 14 ruble 1b( fwl ...pam all porcelain enamel interior: white laqurr iur lor. Polar King with 94 cubic foot rapa n i- jut' "I at SttSJO. Other KfUkutor and GenrraJ l lr tfi models at various attrarthe nr to, all on om-n-lent terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited SHINGLES Made From Qucfi Charlotte Win HI ST C EDAR (.Itl l N I IT AM) Allt DHIf l) NOT KILN DKIKI) When Ordering Shingle Speelft: Quen Charlotte Mandi m No. I. 3x $3.25 anil 6 Sales Tax No. 1. 5x $3.75 and fi Sales Tax HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Res By Weslover. 1