77-TAXI-77 (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Theatre Block Day and Night Service 7-Passenger Chrysler Car Tomorrow's Tides High 2:01 am. 20.7 ft. 14:dl pjn. 22.1 ft. Low 8:33 am. 52 tt. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 20:00 pm. 2J It. v sxrv No 231. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS PA CMC UGHWA Y BEING CONSIDERED RELIEF WORKLS DIE IN CATASTROPHE IN CALIFORNIA President Roosevelt Thinking About Road to Alaska Under His Economic Recovery Scheme HALIBUT LANDINGS TU) of roundi Brought la Here During Month of September Hi .j landings at the port of j'.urt during the month of -r thu year totalled i a compered with l.WJ.-.ihu it, the same modUi last landings thai 84can-u.ling 1.1CIJM poandt. a decrease from lJMjOet : 'hr jzu t m the AfsMNt. I jmiMil m'wt of UM V rate having bt lip I 111 .te in Aacost by ardor of rational Fisheries Cos larrltrtai ahond if thu Oaptilur when unrh wu landed In eoen-ii.SW In Stptemoor. German President Is 86 Years Old a Uri Siitrman and Former MM-Urv Leader Celebrate Annl-urtirt giiietljr and Happily v Oct president Pool ii :ir,burg ualobretdd his - ' i t birthday smtsUjr with . . r-r.. f hu family on Monday. . ' u atman aaaaja) Sfaa aajaar f si - rv i, .der declared that i ' tuppieat birthday he l.rt Motor Crash to Be Investigated laqnut to be Held In Connection w h Traiedy In Snoqualmie Tan Ort 4:-IikU4t fc to : thla week In oonnec-' the roniaton of a motor , vn "mobile on Sunday In PaM near here whleh '"' " 'he deaths of five per-' t: - bt iipved that the crash ' '" n duetottwfaot that '!: tm warning Uahta on tn tt 1 ' ut the roadside. J AD MAN IN rKXTICTON BtUfcVF.I) TO IIAVB HAD SON IN riUNCE ItUrCRT PFNTK TON. Oct. 4: (CP) lt'..!(.,v v "im aurrounds the ' R man who died In w am " 4 , "r stroke. He was t " 'ii.ninaeiou, in the rail- .'".Ms In hu POseslon 4 ;f.ce minert licence In , ".'.'" "'IdTodd. Penile 0 Pnnce Rupert. I a a . A I Victoria Hears That United States Chief Executive is Seriously Contemplating Big Project Which Would Affect Province of British Columbia VICTORIA, Oct 4: (CP)-The projected Pacific Coast highway designed eventually to link Alaska, British Columbia, the Pacific Coast states and Mexico is being con stdered by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in connection with his economic recover' drive, it is indirectly revealed in a letter received by the Victoria Chamber of Commerce TALK ON ALCOHOL II. .V. Brocklcaby Interesting Speak rr 1 Luncheon of fltra dab - virifr -- An sntoresling discourse oo Um object of -Alcohol" kacJudftog re- tercnet to ,u hlswy. Modem uses and piouiasaa of manulactore and future industrial poasiatltttea. was given before the Prince Rupert Oyro Clue at its recoUr weekly luncheon yesterday by H. N BrocUeaby. as-ataUnt director of the Prince Ra-pert Fisheries Experimental Station Mr. Btocktesby declared that, as resalt of recent scientific develop ments, the day appeared to be In atght when alcohol might be used tn the development of power, poaotbly aa supplies of coal and petroleum became depleted Whereas coal and petroleum were the products of tge of time, tt waa now possible to produce In the coarse of a day 99.9 pare alcohol which cook be need for power purpose. The speaker aiao dise ased the properties of a lt alcohol-gasoline M " found to be satisfactory In atartlng. better than straight tasottne tn acceleration aUgfatty higher than atralght gasoline tn power, theoretically more economical and of greater anti-knock value. 8peaktn of the history of alcohol. Mr BroeUeoby Void how the use of beer had been known as far back aa 1SO0 B C. while there was ncord of Intoxicating Mqoor In China 000 years ago. By the Middle Ages alcohol was known as "spirits of wine" and In the Thlrtoenth Century there was record of "marvellous use of a little before Joining In battle to encourage . tu.i. the soldiers' . i. minds " During tne mmqw was dispensed by the monks as a medicine In 16 the DiatlHers Oulld was formed to handle it and the use of such beverages as new. Kr,ndy, rrench wine, Jamaica rum. etc became general. Mr. Brockleaby wen uecuseeu the modern methods of manufacture There were two prtneipal means of manufacture-one by fer--.umi and the other by chemi cal means In United States alcohol was made by rermemaunn molaases. In Germany from potatoes and in Franre from sugar beets, discussing In some de-taU the speaker the processes of manufacture Sweden large quan-luu. In in each case of cohol were made as a byproduct from the wurte llqor of mills. Tt was Pos-Z. ulphite pulp although not yet t" nractk-able U manuiacvu MrthKls of manu- from sawf"' Citlnufii on rage F"ur from a source not disclosed. The letter said that Governor John Troy of Alaska had learned that the President wu seriously considering the postblMty of sech a project tn which the state of California, was very much Interested. PEACE OUTLET IS PROMISED BY PATTULLO CLOVERDALE, Oct 4: (CP)--Speakinghere last night, T. LT. Pattul-f lo, leader of the Liberal nnrfv enirl thnt thn first uttnrt nn iinomnlnv- ment under a Liberal re-r gime would be a big pro- ' gram of needed public works wbich would in- elude such projects as a coast outlet for the Peace River. Vancouver Stocks (Ovwrtoif 8. D. Mwu 0) Vancouver Dig Missouri. M. D. R. X. .41. B. R. Com-. 36. Cartbao OeM. 3.6. Cork, Jl. Oeor4a niver. fatkedl. MarWIan. JT. Mofntrg Star. M. KaMve Bon. .0Bt4j. Nattoftal Silver. KoUe Five. .lOVfc. Pend Oreille. 1.00. Prter Idaho. .08. Premier, 1.38. Reeves, .18. Reward, M. neno, .95. Silver Greet .03. Wayside. .45Vfc. Whitewater, .05. Waverly. .03V. Oil's Fabyan, .00. Heme, 3.00. C. &E.1.M. Freehold. .10 H. A. P. Oon, .20. Oalment, .12, Sterling Pacific. M. Toronto Alexandria. .OS. OoJumablo, .154. Central Patricia. .66. . Klrkland Lake Oold, .43. Noranda, 38.40. Sherrltt. 1.26. InL Nickel, 203. Oranada, .83. MacasfM. 1.18. Slsco. 1.49. CANDIDATES ARE NAMED X Commissioner! John Bennett of Burnaby Enters Election Four Tolmie lien in Victoria ioct. VICTORIA, 4: CP Com missioner Jafoh Bennett of Burruby -.J 1 I . . T . 1 . . . sua tavia ihicivnine. lnaepeooeni non-pa rtizare have been nominated for Vahcouver-Barrard cen-sUtuency in the provincial election contest, it was reported here yes terday. ; Hon. Johu4 HlnchlUf e, Bricsdier General 3. S&hariand Broun, Col. II. T. Ooodland and Frederick J. Crowhurst have been nominated as Conservative-Unionists Candida to supporting the Tolmie administra tion in Victoria. FUND IS AWAY UP Objective Exceeded in Anglican Re sUraUeiCampalcn, it b Pt knouncrd VANCOUVER Oct. 4 Back from attending the House of Bishops meetings at Toronto. Archbishop A. U. DePencier annoanced In Christ Church Cathedral here that, of the objective of TMjm to the recent Rupert's Land Restoration Fund campaign. $773400 had been sub scribed by the layman which, to- gether with contrtbatsowa of bsthous and clergy, brings the total to $8M.- 000. Of the laymen's contributions me $ WO .000 was tn cash and the balance in three year commitments. Of the clergy's contributions of over UOO.000 about half was tn cash. COPPER UP HALF CENT Advanced to 9trc Today Siher b Slljhtljr Stronger NEW YORK. Oct. 4: CP Bar diver cwsed at Wc per ounce on the local metal market yestotday rd advanced to 391e today. Copper waa unohajsged at c per. ?wr yesHerosy out advanced to today. VANCOUVER DENTIST DIES VANCOUVER Oct 4: CP-Dr. Brett Anderson, aged 56. well known Vancouver dentist, died yesterday. YOUTH WAS SHOT DEAD Thomas Monks, Sixteen Year Old Boy, Victim of Hunting Accident in Smithers District Thomas Monks, 18-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Monks. Smithers. died on October 1 as a re sult of a rifle bullet wound Inflicted by his uncle, Walter Taylor, while hunting near Barrett Lake, accord ing to a report received today by the divisional headquarters of the provincial police here. A coroner's Jury at Smithers returned a verdict exonerating Taylor from blame, finding that under similar circum stances, "anyone could have made the same mistake." The boy died about three hours after being shot through the body at a distance of about three hundred yards in mis-ike for a deer. The party also indaded dtoeued's rand lather and a second uncle in tddition to Walter Taylor, the se--ond uncle and grandfather going tithing while the other two wni Abort twelve aaojTajtor jaw a moveaeni to he bash anfisS three hundred yards distant and fired after waiting for a boot ton minute and aatisfymg him serf that it was a deer. He. thereupon, heard a yell and found that it was nls nephew he had shot. Taylor immediately proceeded to Barrett Lake and tele phoned for a doctor, returning to the unfortunate youth. The doctor arrived a boat 3 pm. but the lad had expired about fifteen mmatea pre- An Inquest was eondaeted before Soroner Dr. F. V. Agnew at Smithers. the Jury consisting of H F tbel. foreman. J. S. Gray. W. J O'Neill. Robert Elliott. A. O. Oiaen nd James Wright. The vetdtct was that deceased had come to his ieath as a result of a gaosbot woand through the body. Owfog to the clothes worn by deceased resembling the color of a deer, in view of deceased's unusual meve-nents and the color of the brash, the Jury found that there had been an unusual likeness of a deer and that any one could have made the same mistake. The verdict expressed sympathy for the family of deceased and a rider reoammended that it be made computsery for hunters in the bush to wear a sear-lei eeat or shirt The fatal shot was fired by a 30 calibre Winchester army rifle. Mrs. James Denhobne of Tirfl arrived in the city on the Prtoee John this morning from the Qaeen Charlotte Islands. Battle in British Labor Party Between Moderates And Extremists Averted HASTINGS, Ens., Oct. 4: (CP)-A threatened battle between moderates and extremists in the La-bor Party's annual convention here was averted yesterday, at least for the time being, when a program of drastic measures for the party in the event of it regaining power was sent to a committee for consideration and report Among the resolutions was one which would have the next Labor government take over powers to run the financial machinery of the country. Another would immediately abolish the House of Lords. Still another would assume authority for socializing industry, safeguarding food supplies and similar Over Fifty Men Lose ; Lives While Fighling Fire at Los Angeles WERE SENT INTO BOX CANYON AT GRIFFITH PARK TO EXTINGUISH BRUSH CONFLAGRA-TION-LACK OF EXPERIENCE IN WORK LOS ANGELES, Oct 4: (CP)-At least thirty-six un-employed relief workers were burned to death late yesterday while fighting a brush fire in a canyon at Griffith Park, a suburb of this city. Officials state that from twenty to twenty-five more are missing and believed dead and one hundred men are in hospital suffering from burns. The box-like canyon became a raging inferno when a strong wind fanned the brush fire they were attempting to extinguish. With the fire rushing upon them, the only escape for the thousand men fighting the fire was a wlndinjrebvv path up the wall of the ravine. The bodies of the victims were burned beyond recognition. "Lack of experience in brush fire fighting on the part of those who died and the men who sent them into the canyon of death was the cause of the catastrophe, according to Frank Merrill, superintendent of the park. Police are investigating the cause of the fire and one man is being held on suspicion. Contributions Of Used Clothes! Received at Oram Uaaited: Naval Reserve. 1 bundles. A friend. 1 bundle. H. H. Hodson. 1 bundle. Anonymous. 1 bundle. Geo. Woodland. 1 bundle S. J. Jabour. 1 bundle. About 8s) articles altogether. Q. it S. donations: Mrs H L Alexander. IS paxes. Mrs R. Olbson. 11 pieces. Mrs O A Hb. 14 pieces. LOST HOME IN FLAMES Resideitre of Mr. and Mrs. N. Srhater Near Skidegate Is Destroyed SKIDBOATE. Oct 4: The home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Scholar at Sooth- east Harbor between Skid agate and TieU was burned to ttw ground on Monday of last week. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schafer were away at the time and nothing waa saved. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schafer are pioneers of the Islands and their home was one of the finest hereabouts. They had recently got tn their winter supplies of provisions and this was Included in their loss. Funeral Notice The funeral of Henry Webster Hellbroner will take place tomorrow (Thursday) from First United Church at J: SO pjn. The remains will lie tn state at the church from IS neon until 2:30 pjn. Friends who wish to take a farewell view of Henry may do so between IS and 3:30 as the casket will be closed at 2 30 New Government Pork Policy Is Being Discussed" PRINCE OBOftQE. Oct 4: Far;-! saers tn the Central Interior of B O. who are interested hi securing high ' class bacon type sows bred to a ' purebred select baeea type boar are being asked to" taveesigate the possibilities of the Dominion Government Brood Sow Policy. Under this poMcr Use DotamkHi Oovernment wtU iMdertake to pur chase select beean tape aowe on thas 3pen market aiaaawkanrtoa, havf them bred if dsstfad, and wtt par-all feed charges wWfe Jaa Bdmonted ind one-half taeefat to desstaattoft Thla policy of fan the farmer an ex, cellent nppnrtanitr to get started with the beat type of brood sow at a minimum of east. TOSHIPGOLD BRICK FROM Q. C ISLANDS SKIDEGATE, Oct 4: t -The Gokl Harbor mine to date bag turned out 16 poundi of gold from its mill and will ship a gold brick to Vancou- ver about October 10. The officiate of the com- t. pany express themselves as being very much pleased with the results of the operation of the mill which has now been running for about two weeks.. Sixteen pounds of gold represents a va- lue of something In ex- ces of $6000.