Tomorrow's Tides will Nn 82 .11:66 a.m. 20.0 ft. v...t v 4n. 5.0 ft, 4.4 ft. . TKN PKRCKNT TARlrVCUT IS HXPKCTKI) WASHINCTON. D.C. t n iK'i'ceni cut in uni- ; i States tariffs is re-idi tiMl in infrirmed con rM ssiorfitrdW!s to be- i t uf the basic recoro- -Midatlonn on the raw 1 1 t and hill expmeo w mt to Capitol Hill week by President l:u.,M velt The bill was i. km I at noon today. LegisI ature MayP "timtv stives still forogue On Thursday ! nl a lo Course of At lion to lie Adopted has also been sent lo Oiol Hanson M P for Skeena I' '. its own dry dock subsidised by gov- She ThU UU'Kt telegram declare that It la decidedly In the Interest of the! Canadian National that Use steamer ahoald be overhauled In Ita own coveraaaenl-suhckUBed dry dock M Wat- SMl'tMIMM are Indignant that the dry dork Miiaaliri kieaJlv ahawtd not be patrontaerf try Its owner It la reealJ ted that company employe nere had recently asked for and received co-operation of loeal eiUaens in freight and passenger business and now the latter were betas rewarded with dlscrltnlnstlon against the city. Even yet. it Is not too late to remedy the matter. It la stated. The etreamstancea of the eleventh hour chance of plans whereby the work la being removed to Vancouver de mand InvestltaUon. concludes the message. The text of the message to Mr Hungertord and Mr. Hanson Is as follows: I "Decidedly In Interest Canadian Not In Agree-, NktimsJ that steamshin Prtnce Ru pert be overhauled and repaired in eminent. Citizens indignant inai loltiA. April T: It I expec- dfy pgtronlxed locally not pair that the legislature will be tronlaed by ita owner. Work can aid on or about Thursday j exceed cost and becomes only 'matter book-keeping No material rv.atves have been holding increase overhead. Company em-meting (or the past two'DayMB recently asked and re- si) far hvr failed to agree i wtve co-operation in passenger ( imrse of action on which ;BM freight business Patrons unite. j warded with discrimination against . (Continued on Page 3 MACDONALD TAKES BID v HINOTON. D.C. April 7 ' Prompt acceptance was rc-1 l uil night by President vi it to hi invitation to Minister Ramsay MacDon-1 n'lt llriUlu to visit him Hi' 'in h. The nntiah Premier ex-'' on Saturtlay week. Active Trading In Gold Stocks Premier Down In Vancouver Yesterday at 58c VANCOUVKR. April 7: -Oold tocks were generally higher yesterday and trading was very brink piuncrr cloned at 6J0 and Iteno went up to 80 and closed at 79. Premier closed at 58. Address on B. C. Products K,r WSlllnm Dev KIJ VV Illli"'" J district Superintendent of Home Oil Distributors Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Boston Cafe Mr. Dcy will aKo show a film of .... the refine rles and other activities i.f ii ....f Mltit nf srranlmeV me company In connection with n nianuii.. - - AdmUitlon Pree Orchestra In Attendance JUDD IN Damage From Tennessee Tornado Six-Dav Postponement of "Trunk MurderewiV' I'.secutlon tVas IttfuNed Yesterday rilOKMX. Aritona. April 7: Winnie llulh Judd. "trunk mur who i rondrmnetl In execution at Hie stale penitentiary on April i 13. wa renorled last nlttit to he I In a Mate of rontplrtc collapse follow hie denial of a six-day post ponement of execution In order that site may take her appeal t j the Supreme Court of the United States. 1 The condemned woman must j now to to the callow on the ap- ' pointed date unleM she ii uran-ted a sanitV harlne which appears Improbable. AMUSEMENT TAX IS CUT Impost of tiomnnirnt on Amateur Sports and Community Dances Reduced By Bill VICTORIA, April 7: (CP amusement tax on amateur sports and community dances lias been cut Irom ten to five percent of the ad- BENNETT TO conference with Mr. MacDonakt and Prc.skhnt vclt. FtankUn D. Roose- VANCOUVER ROBBERY IMn.llts Take fUDO Ftii Ofllce of Opt. Orovr IVrmerly of Tbli City VANCOUVKR, April 7: CP Two armed bandits hM nn the office of the Kmpire Stevedoring Co. on Howe Street this forenoon and cftcaned wiUi $7tfQ. Capt. P o. Orate formerly of I Prince Rupert, (j auMMMgcr of the Pacific 8tevcdortag Oo. in Vancou ver and It was the of flee he j ptea which was robbed. VANCOUVER WI I KAT VANCOUVER April 7: (CP- mlK4on price in a bill Introduced tn Wheat was quoted at 494c on the Uio Legislature. jUx-al exchauite today. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1933 Tornado kills twenty -six a.- it T inifwf a vi.-u Mm . r ( ium-O at Nashville, the largest city hit. where properly damage was histt ind w'nci. ov r i H) poisons suffered Injury. Monetary loss w.i , pi ed at Jl Wi.000. Application is Made Today in Supreme Court For Appointing j Of Commissioner ForisGifep' VANCOUVKR, April 27: (CP)-InvokTnr the Muncial Act, Amendment Act of 1932, Frederick Gordon Sweet, broker of Vancouver, has petitioned the Supreme Court of British Columbia for an order authorizing the apjMiintment of a commissioner for the City of Prince Rujiert. The petition is fixed for hearing on April 19. Sweet alleges default in payment of a Prince Rupert $25 bond coupon and he further alleges that the city has failed toprovide for payment of interest due on its debentures. Messrs. Walsh, Bull, Housser, Tupper and Ray are solicitors for the etitioner. FAVORED BY PHYSICIANS rrgyraiVto SfterHire Insane Is Ap prorrd by Prominent Doctors of Vancouver Criminals Too? Dr. IC. K. MeKechnic, Dr. W. B. Bur nett and Others filve Vic Ministers Endorse VANCOUVKR, April 7: Stcrtli-Uon of the mentally unfit, as pro- In a measure now before the Legislature at Vktorta, ean not come any too soon, tn the opinion of leading medical men of the tower mainland. "Provided the subject is properly i guarded. I would go farther, to tn-I elude habitual criminals," said Dr. R. E. MeKechnic, noted surgical COLLAPSE ' WASHWGTON'SSSm Canadian Prime Minister May Meet of it. provided It is always Kept un-i'renvkr J. Kanmy MacDenald 1 der proper control." i "Sterilisation of this sort Is long OTTAWA. A,.rll 7: Prune Minis-! overdue, in my opinion." stated Dr. ter R. B Bennett may vUit Wash-' W. B. Burnett, maternity and gy-Intton dui nut Easter at the lime of , na ecological specialist. "There Is no ir Iriindl 11,1 "'" SUU scspital objection In the world, that I know ,er fomer "S'T.:!, ! . J.ZTJJ ? lof Prime Minuter J. Ramsay Mac- of. 1 am sure every medical man In ........ ,..,,..., ... ... Jt ' the fnrthruining world cewiomtr this province is In favor of it The expense at the Bssondate Mental Hospital is now so great that .everybody Ik beginning to feel the necessity fnr it. There has been eonatd-embte education on Uie subject and Its value, both physics Uy and economically Is now becoming better understood." U Lone Overdue The belief that sterilisation of this sort should have been put Into effect years ago was strongly ex- Continued on Page 3 FISllKllMliVS IlKATII LIST riT At TtViyTV scattered, sank or wrecked at least a doaen boats of the Ho- qualm salmon fishing fleet on , ABMUHUfN. WBfh . April 7: ! iCP - Toll of the squall which 1 OraVi Harbor bar late Wed- i neaday has amounted to twenty 4 deaths and thirteen boats lost No bodies have yet been re- covered. In New York the business became legal at 7 o'clock; this morning. 1 rVt Ottier major enter .of the ranntry In which a rushing opening day's business in dtopenstng of the beverage Is being recorded Include Chicago. St. Louis, St Paul Minneapolis. Milwaukee. Cleveland. Denver. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle and many others. Honolulu la ft A IfnnM lft r fla nXs iA trtAm ' I ui urv Asa naiwu tawinn obfv kvcoi . . . - . I wet today ao iar as peer u concer ined. According; to the size of the container, the price is 5c and 10c per glass while pint bottles are being sold at 15c. California to Have Beer Tax Lower House Approves Impost and .Senate Kxpectjd to Follow Suit SACKAM BNTO. April 7: -The lower house of the California Legislature yesterday passed a bill providing a tax of 93c per barrel of 31 ;aUons. The measure was sent to the State Senate where It was expected to receive Immediate SKNTKNCLD FOR THEFT Vernon Frederick Slots lias been fined $10. with option of .one month's imprisonment, by Justices of the Peace foote and Bunting at Port Fraser for theft of a handbag from n Teed, according to Information received at divisions! head quarters of the provincial police here. THIS WEEK The New Chevrolet is on Display at Kaicn Motors Show Room All Cordially Invited Phone 52 PRICE: FIVE CENTS EERKEGS THUMP JJV STATES TODAY PROTEST AT LOSS OF C. N. R. SHIP JOB HERE CONTINUED Indignation Expressed At Canadian National Policy on Dry Dock Joint Telegram of Various Bodies Declares That it is in Railway Interest to Overhaul Prince Rupert Hero-Still Not Too Utc to Remedy M .vmi M. M. Stephen, the city council, the Prince Ru- f hamber of Commerce, the Prince Rupert Retail ! ..ants' Association and Prince Rupert Trades and Ia-i luneii, us a result of a mwtin&yestenlay afternFon. 1,1 (,. ioiii ! n miiwlinir tv u-irn unnl hr viimrmiH nrnti-st . I. Hunirerford, acting president of the Canadian Na- . . . . kl. I - II t I I action of Canadian Nation ii Strum ships In taking the annual overhaul Job on the steamer Prince Rupert from the company's own dry duck nd shipyard luic to a compeUiv, yard In Vancouver. A similar wire BIG DAY ON OTHER SIDE AS SALE AND DELIVERIES OF BEER ARE LEGALIZED New York and Many Other Major Cities of Union Report Thriving Business in Dispensing of Amber Fluid 5c and 10c Per Glass , NEW YORK, April 7: (CP)-The thump of bung-, starters on countless kegs drummed the long lost-beverage back to the American scene today. Lawful 32 percent beer gushed into territory populated by about seventy million people as nineteen states and the District of Columbia lifted the ban of more than thirteen years. Jubilee and jollity were widespread among friends of the bever i age. Its foes voiced criticism and warning. NEW YORK, April 7 With sale and deliveries of beer of t3 2-10 alcoholic content by weight becoming legal in ' nineteen states of the Union, this is a great day in the j United States and is being made the occasion for much celebration. In many cities arrangements had been made . for the beer business to get actually under way imme-I dlately the zero hour arrived, sales .. land deliveries starting tn many a n n n.w Info it mMv a mtHnlulit lait Ll A V 11 I 1 V Ik r a M.i.i bv 1 si r nieht AVir ii vauk TIME BILL V. S. Senate Favors Six-Hour Day and Five-Day Week WASHINOTON, D.C. April 7: The United States,Senate yesterday approved a bill sponsored by Senator Hugo Black of Alabama providing for a six-hour day and five-day I week in the industries of the coun try. It is a two-year emergency measure which would go Into effect thirty days after Its final passage. Co-operation of the Interstate. Commerce Commission In its enforcement is provided. An amendment for a 35-hou'r week was de-' feated by a narrow margin before the main vote was passed. 53 to 36. The bill now goes to the House of Representatives where there is no j guarantee of Its passage unless President Franklin D. Roosevelt should signify his support of the legislation Halibut Arrivals Summary Canadian 30,000 pounds. and 3c and 5.1c and 3c. niivrii 4.5c American None. Canadian Rose Spit. Ujm, Cold Storage, 4 to and 1c. Covenant. Qm, CgM Storage, 5.1c- 3c. There was born to Mrs. Margaret D. Jennings, wife of Rev. W. B. lennlngs. Prince Rupert, D. c. at Milton. Ontario, on April 5Ui. a daughter. Margaret Mass Meeting Tonight, at. B o'clock Moose Hall To Protest i Against Sending S.S. Away For Overhaul Prince Rupert Auspices Mayor and Council, Chamber of Commerce, Retail Merchants' Association and Trades and Labor Council.