"She gained weight from the siart" UARANTEED by1 Kcllogg's Corn Flakes arc sold with this pergonal guarantee: "They must more than satisfy you. If not, return the empty package and we will gladly refund your money." No other corn flakes can offer this assurance of quality. For 25 years, Kellogg' 8 have been the leader. Imitations never arc "just the same" as the I AprU 7, 1013 Splendid progress Lt being made on the erection of the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Company's cannery at Tuck's Inlet. It will be enclosed witliir. three or four weeks so that everything will be in readiness for the BUld curing of spring salmon. The most modem machln- MRS. A. HAGAN, 5 Moss Park Place, Toronto, Ont, writes! "We despaired of her life. She was losing weight, cried continually and Upt very poorly. At the advice ef a friend I tried Eagle lirand and right from the first the started to gain weight, slept well and improved generally. Now at die age of mm Wabui fifteen months die is the happiest and healthiest baby that one could expect to sec. She won first prize at the baby show in Montreal, at the age of six months." you art unablt lo nurie your own baby, follow iht ttJtitt of liunjrtjs of thouutndt of molhtrt, and try Etlt Brand. The toufon btlow will btlni you full inform, tht liltraturt, ill Ih, Bofdtn Co. IM4 v; Powell St., VtnexuMr, t. rU... mb4 mo o.w J4i.n of 114k.'. H'.lr.ro," Uloloo l.llotf rkwiHl l.lr OM ki.lurlM ( tmi) Htm4 SaklM. ... original Kellogg'. When substitutes arc offered, remember it is seldom in a spirit of service. Economical, convenient always uniform in quality. Kept oven-fresh in the scaled iuido WAXTITE bag a Kellogg feature. You'll also like the patented Easy-Open package. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in Loudon, Out. neo, for auaitt nnnnBnlin!rannf!nanmHBBU m m m m u m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m a u..( Ihc departure of the steamers Prince George and Princess Sophia at the same time coupled with the fact that the captain of the Sophia made a grandstand play by cutting a circle around the Prince George as the latter was backing away from the dock aroused considerable in- jterest in what appeared to be a race to Vancouver Wireless reports later wmmsssmmMmtMrnaaMsassEwaBm A cosy six-room bungalow is be-ir.g erected on Filth Avenue next io the residence of A. M. Manson for J. B. F. Melville, chief clerk in Genial Superintendent Mermn's office The contractors are Mitchell and Currte. ' The Do resits, the trawler owned by the Atlia Fisheries, was in port with a catch of 28.000 pounds of halibut. Owing to bad weather the catch was a comparatively small one. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Creer have left for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Creer Is the consulting engineer engaged by the city in connection with the proposed trunk sewers. ! District News ANY0X At a meeting of the Beach Council of the Community League arrangements were made for the visit of the Prince Rupert Canadian National Recreation Association basketball team to Anyox and the basketball commission was authorized to arrange for a series of games at Anyox on April 14 and 15. At the general annual meeting of the Anyox Community League Tennis Club the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, E. U. Oatinan; vice-president, Frank Hill; secretary-treasurer, Angus Cavers; executive, Miss K. Eve, Miss M. Dresser, J. Dun tain and Frank Dodsworth Jr. An Interesting event took place at the United Church hall recently i when the various organisations of tht church combined In making a' presentation to Mrs. J MacMlllan who left Anyox for Vancouver I where Mr. and Mrs. MscMllum ex- pert to reside. About twenty-four men urrlved from Vancouver mid southern point on last Wednesday's bout. uaauMKaxaMttunmjlff W- SJsSBSBasBSsBISWssPlBBBSBS (agfflft?R. Stes va,"-SsBSBSsSBSBSBSBSBsms SSSSSSSSSSSSKJKfltlw OCQillHvvK9T?VBDBaBBBaBIIBI1 mmvmimiiiiirVim&JW S WSst -HgRaaaaBasaaasaaMsi m Twenty Years Ago tn I'rinct Bnrwrt 1 Aili b infilled. It will be the :i.,t eann?ry in Northern B. to uii solderlets cans. reported the Ptuiuu Gium: by a tew miles. TKA.NS1XKIU.I) SOITH Piovui' ::il Jo:i -.able WM'tnm 'Han: j ii. a1,o ha-, v. ved t r Mime vars with the ton ;' in t tie city and district, .vi.lttl la.sl n:il on the ! Prince Ri.pcrt for Vancouver, hsv- ing been transferred to the south ern city. It is the privilege of pure mathematicians not to know what they are talking about Bert rand CUESSWOUK Accuracy an els Ion liir arrived guesswork, new tesi.iiK ment enubk prc-ncver ; by Our to eliminate n network from si : vicing. We would like to have you visit our shop and see the methods we use. Also, we hats equipment to repair any electrksU appliances. Out of town work solicited. Superior '1 Radio Service SM Second Aveiisr Phone Blur :tM l it Mnv M A O BARTI.ETT C II HJSCT.AVOeft I A A ft, r fit I A 1' V I NOVEL TYPE OF PICTURE Crinic of Century" Confessed to Htfore Committed Police , ItaUM ' Jean Ilersholt, Stuart Erwln, Wynne Oibson and Frances Dee! head the cast of "The Crime ot the; Century," mystery drama In a new style, which comes to the Capitol' Theatre here this week-end. Oor-! don Wcstcott and David Landau ' have the principal supporting roles The Crime of the Century" offers two lnndvations In presentation of a mystery story. First, the crime lr confessed to police before. It U committed, and yet is carried through while they watch Second, halfway through, there is a 80-st.ond intermission, during which ;!)c vaikous clues to the solution a:e reviewed briefly, and the audience is invl'cd to attempt to wlc It. The picture centres around Her-t sholt. an alienist who walks Into a police station, tells the assembled officers that he has planned murder, dererlbes how it will st carried through, and begs to b loeksd up so that he will be unable to eommH lt. Impressed by his manner as well as his reputation, officer accom-)nv him to his home. And there, wh'le they look on. points! to p-cvent It. not only the msrdar he h nle.nnvd. but g aeootKi one. takes n'ace. Krwin. as n nollce reporter, and M' rf the daughter of the alienist c'omblne to solve both crimes fmm the fw unimportant -l(Mklng clues available. WILL TAKE 1 JURY TRIAL K. ('. I)awH, Smllhtn Man, h OmmHW en Tvi Char(e Of Anon Ernrst Claude Dawson of Smi-thers. havtns been committed for t rial trt provincial police court at 8 Tilth n on two charges of arson, his appeared before Judge W. E. Fisher In the interior town and elected fir jury trial, according to lnformiition received at divisional h'adquarW of the provincial police here Dawson has been released on $3000 ball oendlng trial at the session of the Supreme Court Assises here In May One chanre surrounds the bumlnir of a residence In 8m I there in December last and the other the burning of accused's men's furnishings store In 1930 SATISFY YOl'R CURIOSITY (ire us a trial order and see for ourlf how muth you save HTR A WBKRHY JAM 4 lb tin 47c ML 1 NH j MALT EXTRACT Q 7 p .'i . IS tin fit ULUK K1HBON MALT 1 'i' tin itol'S '-lb pkg 2gfJ bl?()WN 8UOAR--10 lbs S1.40 C9c EMPIRE Plt'NtC 11AM8 in(, per lb. Xk 3 Dos. EOC8 Fresh Rttn Seconds. I lb BACON PRIDE Or ONTARIO HONEY. 21, -lb. tin HEINZ TOMATO JUICE - pints, 2 bottles ROYAL CITY PORK At UEANfl. 3 tins ROYAL CITY TOMATO SOUP. 3 tins READY CUT MACARONI- 3 lbs. CHA8E it 8ANDORN8 COFFEE, per tin 36c 35c 25c 23c 20c 47c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store IVe deliver all orders, $2 or over 117-19 Third Avenue West r.O. Itox 573 rhone IK I'ltlDAY SATI'MIAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 n.m. Feature Starts 7:10 & 010 Admission ISc & 50c With Stuart lb He Confessed the Crime A Paramount I'lrtur Comedy "The WON AMI TIIK HOUSE" SATURDAY MATIN-rr lt at ia feature Start-, at M Hilt V;iu IT.. ( ..:,. . lne tnme ot the lentury" Krwin, Wynne Gibson, Joan Hcrsltolt, Frances ranees MICKK. MOl'SK IN "TltADEK Mlf'Ki'V- )cc MtTHO NEWS Alondav Tuesday- ".Man Thev Couldn't Arrmt" ti,. . . no Other AYLMER Sweet Corn u.nn-s ., v ,r tastes quite uhle as tender and flavoorful m tin- d,v SO good! it was picked. Thu "freh from the g(xlneu is made possible by modern canning methods. YouU never know hnw dehciout mm really can be until you try ATMER Sweet Com. Jnt it down on your kjpanc hst now'- btforc you forget. FREE! Ask your grmrr fur FftlE Reap Bofk-let wriOen by Jiun Abbott. AYLMCR Or utiK In CANAOHN r.ANMRv (WK9TLRN' I.IMITKIi Vsscecvsa, B. I Cooaa( nai. m B i ait Saturday Specials! Fresh Killed Local Veal Leg Veal Iioaht per lb Fillet Veal Roastper lb, . . Ix)in Veal Roast per lb. Shoulder Roast Veal per lb. ' Stew Veal per lb No. 1 DIAMOND "F" SPECIALS LKCS LA .MB 22c No. 3 -lli. SWMT UACdX i ih. mvi:u 15c No. 5 LOIN ROAST PORK ler lb. 18c each 20c 25c 20c 15c 10: No. 2 FRHSII KILLLD l-'OWI. 60c No. I- 1.0CAL FRKSIl m 25C perupg. No. G ALHKRTA K . .s ; 35c Watch Our Windows Daily for Diamond 'T"Sjwiaj Phone 10 Otmlitv Scrvicc fit- y v fur - I'ioncer HuMiPrs ioai 'uoaii MINKHKAI) !;Gc; I'er ton M1NKIIKAD LUMP Per ton $12.50 .T A !! 1? 1 I TM 1 fi.n $12.50 JASPER KGG Per ton l1'50 I Dry Jiu'k Pine and C'edar HYDE TRANSFER PHONE580 iairiiuiHai.iiBisiaaiiitniMwajniJinMiiiui j.Luwii iwiii"""""" If your pupcr docs not arrive, telephone the 'ce