fl A ,: April 7. 1033 THE DAILY NEWS Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Da It RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS fit rent, fir sale arid all fllher shiatl advertisements Irl this lotion chared at the rate of 2 ten is" i word pff InserUd with ill Iflserttohf lor the" bflee. bf fouf. hy the month the charge Is J5e a word. N4 aaverliiefntni taken for less (ban 50C t M I iii tiii ikiiii ynit K.lli? i'tmA twuse. 4 ttllrf-n n Poat Offls. st35 pci , , Mtullj<.fi&hitl. tl i p 41 K Fnallsii Dabjr Pram, nw. Phone dfeen JtO. KOIt RENT 1 win Louse. fleet loft Black 92. Mi Renovated modern- flat i Biick Max UMIbrfirier 1 ' ill' -Hlnredto 18 a. Btflhtb. An-i . owner.- flails' 1 Levin fr'nta . . tw SHT-th Otntaalow. mo--uk flifjr. ptcujWent eor it r Brl. tee 1UH. If i M Siorr- m Third Avenue r i of bwwncsa section. Wirt . . ti suit teiwrti Theme! MISCELLANEOUS ::! t' S aefn wateftrent at :n.tb ' k flat to marrfcd man . nt c make K thfi" f t Peuvmnt llsmpbaek jt !' 'rhef Mafkf. ti 3 IIAfRDRKSSfift ri:nMANi:sT wavimo; Oil tlSC -ItlnitUtte M.00. 5elMin's Iteattlr bppc at 1 TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Hose. Cowan & Lalta Phone 134 For Your Health ' Chiropractic l ltra VWcl Hmy Intra Ited Kaj Masag An a RMKOTtnbW rritM W. C. ASPINALL D.C. ichiropractor) f.rren til Phone Grffft 54 Katbaner Black The AUCTIONEER P"-klng Crating -Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repalri I 1 your gocdA with me I (iEO. J. DAWES . ' Photirw marie ui ' Guide to Correspondents ltio Dally News welcomes ' ffpohdent on Mb topic f the day or any othtMub-!wt of publW Ifitefest, 6ut l fcrs must be brief and lo the pt'tof The Jong-wlrided corespondent hat no plact In C) jdrfn Journalism. Every letler titot be ilgntd fc7 the writer, not ncMrlly lof publication but asVmat tr ct good faith and' courtci All unsigned documenjTgo tnM, the w&ite paper haske, Lttv ten of n caustic character mtist have the algnatiire appended for publication. Letter should, be wtittep on cne side of the paper otify Correspondents mqstl' avo'd penonaliuej and the language ihould be such as would be a) loed In the drUliuofrultJ 6i debate. ; ; n rr; "- - WANfbt) WAfft"EL-hole- etxifchne range. , Phone Blue 409 83 ' - 1 r SALESMAN WANTED VfBf wanted in e"very town to handle Pyramid sale plan Oood (fomfhlsslon E. M Howe Inc 1091-. Duftda St.. Umdon. Ont. FAVORED BY PHYSICIANS (Continued from Pace 1) (IL&AfclfM & iMtESSINO''fJ8""- . . .. i . .soctate director of Canadian Nation . reason oie Bcnkendorl . I Third Ave. next door to Dell Maw. ill HI lfAN0 TUNING fANOS ttoned ht Walker's M m fcfefev t. iii mm i PAINTERS I'AlkttNfJ artd Pajiernatiiin il1teY. Phme lied 801 u tTHtt rru i. TAKE nOTICt UMt i 1 Woodwoitti i naU 1 1 3X91 Point Ottf Moad. Vanroii- i Mr, BC . wiu uppi) lof a Hkmt touMc MM ti 100 eu ft dt tttxinH. tod Mtfr (Qoa aori ftA IWI of Cn Ut Uw Surf I MM ThM ueinn iMr i iimilltiiH ol KMtMmM l -1 Ili-S lulu eater wUl S u;d tot , Ktftr purp. ru po fiZMbHt iaaZTTthi. nel JL .fL JooX i Itme tatt tiBwrt cmtacuoiM to ta p- leatfo M iu tut m water lojorUtr or sUh the CojaatrolMr wMrr wawu, Pra mt ButMutc. WMlla. HC. waiun tJitrty day alwt Dm first aaManiiee X ibU notte W aal m wtwtr Tht dau of Uk na oi thkt oaasaa Mtrak H RaauwtMsi J B. WtXHJlVTJtl I H, ApaUaMM Mail Schedule lor the Katt Monoayi. Wednesdays and Ftt-daya :! pJd. From the KaU Tuesday. Thursday and 9atui day l:ll pin. lor Vantouvrr TaeMajr :M ptM. thurark :34 pM Friday It PJr Aprtt 14 and IS P- Monday. Wednesday and Friday iby tram 3 pj. Frirn Vancouver Siuhday .- . Wednesday 9:30 a A Friday fl-m- Afrfl It and 14 aM. Tucgelkf. Ttrvrsway and anurday by tram) io i5pm for Slewarl and Anyoi Sunday 1 P-W Wednesday 3 pjn Frem Stewart and Anyox tutsday 11:30 airi ThuntOay 8 p.fr For Na4 Klvef and Port Slmpxoh- Sunday ' P-n ,Frm Naa Itlvrr and Port Slmpw. Tuesday . 11:30 airt IVr Quern Charlolle Uland April 1 and 11 9 pM. rtmn Oueen" Charlotte Inlands April 5 and 10 ajW. For Alaska- April io and ai a.m. From Alaska- April 14 and 3fl p.rrt. pre&aed by Dr. J. O. McKay, of New Westminster, noted psychiatrist. "I have been working on this sub- Ject lor the past 15 years." he said, "and any boot thul can be given to the piupo.ial will do a world of good ' I Dr. McKay, who in noted for his Mentals Hygiene. "Sterilization is jvery much desired," he added. but it must be property guarded." "lly feelings on the subject are too strong to express in words." aid Dr. Edwin D. Carder, prominent child's specialist, when his opinion was asked. "1 can only .say that it certainly should havt been done years ago as an economic procedure." he added. Thnt there is no question of the advisability of sterilization in all nmrvrlv aUwtMf imm was the on- inlon expressed by Dr. Freedrlc Bradte. One this is done. It wHI bt a great benefit to the community as a whole." he said. Clergy in Fator Definite endorsation of the pro- :II0II comes also from a number of sources outside the medical profes- Ffoen members of the mtnietry and women's social oraaniaatlons t. , . comes ine opinion uisn svrruwuun of the mentally deficient la very much neede. The Local Council of Wosnen. the Nation Council of that organ iaation. and a number of other women's aroups In the pro- vince have been urging legislation of this nature for some years past. Today's Weather WTIU1E THE TOILER" CM "iac- j; rrne. cut. -T TheMarkets! Retail prices current hefe at present are as follows. Vegetables Potatoes, up river. 13 to 15 lbs 25 ' sack $1,20 to ;. 1.60 IlecU, 8 lbs. Parsley, feufttil 19 Turrrfji 8 lb' - && Carrots, Ca btirietl ,1S CarrtfM, & W. it Oreeti Pe4pfs, lfltxfte"d lb" . ifl weot Pdfdklea, 3 Kit J9 IothMIW llWisHM. lb .20 fexltaft TtmmKJes, lb if) I'anHlljsl. 0 m 23 -allfftrhtt OMftllMrer. 3s lo )nioiMV ti.0t 5 lb j i.4 ';a!lftffWi (Mey In-at,. 15 td JJi soifiMI. oaL IS Jo nariti. (WgdHed per lb .25 CabMsje, W. iii nd ' C "allfdrtM Hrtd LHiuce. IOc W .15 "nlne1i, OaHfSfrlW .Is. VclloW rtewVWH, faint 4 lb. 5 b3 Hi 'cllot NMfMM, !"cr grade. lb. .OA bo v . ... . . .Vlnrsapa. ftriet, 16. tbf. is box Vinrsftp, irad lb. J-j 2X5 Deliesiit, fanty irfatpea. I m. n box 3 Home BMriifc. "ff' sfM6. i tt ibn is box JM FFUlfci Naval Otaftfrj. dm. toe. SO lemow. CL bHi. i6 M QraNffatt tkilf. W. U AO Rhubarb. hfHtim. lb'. .10 c k-oHKM. kr('. each. J ti,Uttkti ..i. VTnitf Fl, 1? - ' Mlaek frMtft Flfea. tb 1' Dates. Iti &c td .15 man rid (. rinse' Vtl n- JLi -tuon Peel ,f .'. - ? Prunes, ltt.." - .15 prmm, 4M, ft.' .12 Prunes. MMR. M; lu Raisins. AustralMft seedless, lb i i Raisin. Cal 2 lbs. .15i ' Currants, lb. .15. . i Aroint lb. 1st. to Ut. t I Fioii? Jiwar, tUr. I hard wheat i an Second Patent . m Partnr Ftoar. II 46. tO .4 Aust Pastry Flour ,10 Iba. BC FrYsb Extrsi. cartofwl tot Pullet Local, new laid, doc Batter l27 i L 2 : ptraeVd Honey per jar zuc w j icwnt Hstiey 3f ! (fheese ;oarld Xnllis. fiew' fb MS, Oflldfle, mdtMrsV IP. Ctrtton. lb jka.-... if tkMm, te. : M Rosjueftrtt lb. (ararfr1r4l Itf. .. . Sugar" Wht. 106 i. 7 $k Yellow. 106 lte SAM 'rtr. ft. itafr - i . ma Fowl; No. 1. lb - If Roaserng ChK-kerf, fb. 3ft Illanx sliced, flrtt Cmde ; Ham; dlcnlc. flfrt grilde. lb -! U naesM. side, sliced, best grade id Park", shoulder, lb .14 utnortp'fH lemeera- irraehea, peeled Prince FUmert -Ctear. wind, barometer. 30.34 Uue. 44, smooth sea. Dsn Tree Point Clear. Ikffht imrJfe west wfamd: barometer. 10.14. tassfarature. 4ft, smooth sea. Lenaars Celar. Ufht north west wind, ohoppy sea. triple Island Clear, light north west wtitd. chopvy sea. IlaxeHarv-Cleax, calm. 3A. Smithets Part cloudy, calm. 37. Burns Lake Part cloudy, wtnny, 30. Terrace Clear, calm. 37. Ahanh Clear, calm. 36. AAyo--01er, calm. 38. 8tewart Clear, calm, 34. FK1NCF. Kl'PF.KT A. R. Ooodenough. Smlthers: 11. OUlespie. Vancouver. Shoe Repairing Bring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacARTIIUR Third Ave. Nexf Federal Blk. J'O UK8 x$ry nl -nipy TO "WW all. w j Uook Gaoo 4s oe . t tM i HIT 1 V HOOj , con . .1 wj 1 rvii hjaj b - IT - ft-' -A aa-a-v ..if. a t a k-stusw . . I . X1JrN VT TVbBSMVj I 1 III fJ V IT ai'. . V t C Z. A Question of Acquaintance TfcV IT T-. .if-aj tow j; moats- rtt.i-ir ' I AtrrTv c5ct Py-cv. er II ' Tune In With .- .... --- -T 1- 1 . g - ' ' $ The People ADVERTISE The Daily News Teleohone 98 The Pajer that has the circulation arid that Brings Results Pat Wm, lb. -20 Vat m, lb. .15 Perk, df sail, lb VMU. loin, lb. ... VHIt h6!(lr. lb. .15 : Be, rJof flrtst. lb. 12! tlef. boiling, ib. K) Bef, titisU uflrrie rib. lb. Ik mt, steak, lb 20c to Mi Lamb, sfiouldef. IfJi . Lamb, leg lbi . . ... 25 ' Fhh fitnbktd KtiliMl lb. . , .If tea'mefl. fresh, lb. Halibut. 2 lbs. All NuU Almonds, shelled Valen -ir. ti.. ... -a -a- -a '., kkj a JSlVTirlrwH. braken shelled '.yiVYx-lrmts, shelled halves '"ipeaimU I. FWrf rVMttl. AftcfU in Steainship Sailings "if Vancuuvct- Tuesday CarderS 1:30 pm Thvf. as. Prlne' George 10 psa. Friday ss. f'fln. Adelaide lu ti ti. S. Vehte tnldnight April 14 s. Prln. rfofaB pjrl. April 2ft as. Prlrt. Nefah . . p.m. ,rFtn Vanertfi?!- I Sundif-ss. Oardeha lirrt Vit4.-&. Prfrfte Rtfper t Si30 iM Friday . Prln. Adelaide Pm - 9s. Venture P - - April It s. Prln Koran . am mi Aoru Z4 ss. rim. noran am Slaver Stewart aid At'tVoi- 3T- Sunday sa. Carflena 8 p.m AJ, vtt&r-ss. Prlnee Rupert, 4" Dni 15ff rn Slewdrf ami .nt't ; i wssdoy ss. Cardena 11:30 am ffror a. Prince Rupert. 8 pjii 189 1.9 t.VI i! its 14S 3.86 1 oof 3.75! 1' 185. 180 'tot ji'Bran ShOfU iilMum iylleY .Ikaf OatMkM HtMand Oil Cake , I In every ervlMaed tsMtntry crime is found to be a mainly youthful phenosaenoi). lUvekck Kilts. i.4e-e t Jfliii fAhWtna la Uie scale 4 ! if tHAtaea intde hji1 reaainx notkm JlI3Ahftoncetterit Jt. f B1HH i FUneht! Notices $1. - Card W Tnarfk. S Fihletal Plerwers 10c. per! I name. ! l A Ti8Al .sHUTi H - w -in--- - 1 1 , -v iT . I If voufJ- rsirisj V I II B PKBTiy wom I II . , . ra ibr Naas River and P'ori ShniMon--Sunday ss. Oardefra 8 pjn. rbm Naas River Si fdft Slmpsoiw TflSsday . fiardefis ll:30 asa. ' From Oelari FaH , Weflss. $t. finpert 6:30 ... am. , F'fWay al Prln. Adelaide . pm; Ss. Venture pm Fm Oeart Fall Tuesday as. Cffirdemt 1:30 pjrit Thursday as. Ph Rupert 10 pmj friddy- as. Prln. Aflelttte 10 pxtL for Uu6eri CHariode Islands ApfTf 1 ate it st, p". John 10 prrft ' From Qaeeri Chirfof fe fslarids- AnfH 5 and l ss. P. Johrt aim For Alaska Aorfl 10 and 24- m P Norah a J From Alaska Aprfl 14 irad 28 es. P. Norah p-rit. ! 'runi Skrcna River . Friday s. Vejitare pm, , ilals cKmC at the post office one Mtrfir pntrr to Ml dfeturs. " ' ' ' T 1 1 r j THIS lOO FOOD is 100 CANADIAN i ' gggg Twd verj pooJ rea4dhl hj t0 should eojey if arid If cmljr toitt t few tents. Start foJjy whh twtf Shredfef hcat lllJCUltJ cfllped id the crftfi and smdtfiered id milk, hot or cold. Shredded' UKeit is 100'r whole wheat IW4 Cinidiad whesf. SHREDDED MADE 1H CAN CM ii - - .7' T'T"T 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX WHEAT bF CANADIAN WHEAT - 1 I TiTi -By Wtover. fOM Mes itejs 1 1 Xi&JB. ALU ill lt. lIIw HccKUse f( doesn't pay iti ililvtrtfstf roor products, It docs pay tn buy those advertised, rjyj-fftvs i-wsa wr JT i - J!wvassA ii i v rm c u is 1 1 . "ii t..H. i. T