PMJE TWO ORANGE PEKOE' BLEND il nlinllA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE ltCl'KT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PubUaneq Every .Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince ttjpert Dally News,. Limited, Third Avenue - -'H.iF. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period., paid In advance Tor leaser periods, paid In adraiwe per -week ., t-.. fiy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year 9 Hy mail to all other countries, per year , f ADVERTISING RATES Transient "display advertising, ner Inch, per Insertion :U)slfied advertising, per liuertlon, per-word LeKal-notices, each insertion, per agate line , ' Local readers, per insertion, per one Contract rates on application. -Editor and Reporters' Telephone ' 'Advertislne and Circulation Telephone J.S8 DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulation A BRIGHT NEW COAT 5.00 40,' , 3.00 9.00 1.40 S U5 Friday, April 28, 1933 new coat of paint. For two or three years it may have been neglected but, now thajt the depression is being sloughed ofi. the-time has come to brighten up property. We have been depressed and our buildings have reflected the state of our minds. They have become dull and damp, in some cases, possibly, dirty and on the verge of decay. Now is the time to make the change. What aijplies to nronertv will alsnannlv in.nni'cnnoiit., Merchants have been getting in spring good? this year. - mey nave snov. n tneir faith in .Prince 'Rupert and he) Pcqjhq. There are new things with new -styles, ex proline J new idofis of beautv and fitness. They are replacing thcr winter clothes that have seen srood service for several years. -In 4foe past few yenrs it has been looked upon as ; mark Of virtue to do without new elntW Tnrln look upon the poorly dreseed man as one .who 3 is mumermv me return to normal conditions. TJiosaiir tbisftummer will be to dross well. look prosper-' ous and make the property reflect that condition. In that we pM! oive ourselves and our city.a standing whidi will tumble it to-do its part in the revival which is now in process. Insist on "GRANTS BEST FHOCURABLt" The, Original For Salr at Vrn.l.- or dirrct from "Mall Order liryt." Llqu.r Control Boanl, R7 jPatly St . Vancouver WEST PROCURABLE'; PURE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN riNCST HIGHLAND MALT Botilrd knd cwarti mauiaHim, lata- " a Olntvw. SntiMd, joiiMuual mis advertisement is not ftil)liHliel of displ.iveil hy the ljjuor Control Uoard or the Government of Uritish Columbia. Man in the Moon Jake -says lie thinks noVl'taKe up law. Ills wtfe has tieeu laying U down for years. A little group at Sprinee Rupert people are reported to be praying tor an earthquake to shake the people out of their complaisance. You may have heard about !ho little boy who, when asked it he would, like to see the new brother 1 the-tork had brought, replied that ,hev.ould prefer to see -the stork. During; the past winter Prince Rupert was said to be about as quiet as a wedding without a bridegroom. The man "wa worrying. 'JTeJHme 4bout It." saM hlrpal. "O.t ltvOff your cheat." "I wish I could," groaned the other. Ive got 'Marguerite' utooed New York there, and the glrl-J'ra engaged to Pittsburg marry Is wuneo 'Helen." 'Breftklya Philadelphia "I suppese.yaujrknow ttoe' Joneses ... are moving?" vrjt,einHtl "Why. 'Oheve s6rtlybe ji:hajre,lx vChleag monthaAPeoplewereJ'juititiiU);B9stn know them," "Yea. ThaVa why." .Unwanted .0WIr-Uan J the manager,,plea6? Offlce&QMHata.out. U. C.-uaatvI see the under roana ger. please? O. B.-iHe'a out. This is the time of year when the house needs a bright ,Rr.;rrr,vaTTWkicf RartylEnjoyaBIe Successful AtfalrSUjceUiLaiUNitht By Ladies MtoyaFPurple A very enjoyable bridge and whist During the past few months our minds have chanced, party wa hew in the Elks' Home W&have taken on a new outlook on life. We see a glorious nl,ht b " Ud,e of th sunrise just over the hill. Spring is here but such a spring XE " t teD,M of nd PrtI winners no ,o rtf 1,,.. -vr-ut-i. -rti-i . DECAY Will HaveSet in Next 'Year MINT Keonomy not based m the price per gallon but on the amount of surface each gaUou will cover. ooo Use - Piratt'&rLambeft 'Paints Ask for oelor suggestion chart Special jukes-oiK JHU Kaien.'Hardwar,e -COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edfon. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran eed to give satisfaction Try a tonfNo. I -Bulkjey .Valley We sell Timothy Hay. Whea' OaU and Barley I'rinctMHupcrtVrtl'Co, M 'Phone 4M 'iQNTataari THE DAH.Y NEWS !M1 "Roll Your Own Jtss Chtatkr with ZIG-ZAG C1UARETTK PAPERS 5cBookof 120 Leaves The original automata book living one Itaf at a Urn No -wait. Demand Z I G -X AG get 120 Juaxts WatUnftUn DHtOit Boston U. C.-AVyeil,yiUustvwalt Ay ,st l, the fire. O. B.-iirs out. too. AMKIUlMN-MJArUtK MffrlMgo .. .. A . 7 7 4 . 4 7 4 9 4 10 Gore'Y. I'OUI Clilnr ECZEMA REMEDY and Baseball Standings .VATio.vAi-i.iir.n: w. 6 7 6 5 6 4 4 3 0 7 MUUm U nalailM. A pMl(l, kk r4Wf far . It.l. '.-,, hwMi, 4l4a fit, K.Wr Kmnu, HuLUm. lMrM4 Iw, ! I.B.ll'k.l in ., tri4 4 UltW.-l If a trUL Twi,$l 1 r.ifvaaM UK1UI.I U. r.o nil vsmmm. a.c play is "porumit (Owttnued'trom Page ! pet .790 .900 M .485 A .444 .400 .300 m M6 J4fi .500 .364 AS 2U nui naumi iui rcvci ui .jtKii. i Hum ui iitj sun- .ere as follows- , f shine we had at Easter. That was an omen of the springing Bde!diea' first. m. w. p. r u Bood in on of the up once more of hope in all our hearts. Since thon-we-have Armour; consolation, mi Netu ronjlnUc pru and llicely round4 increased our faith in the future. Day by day we see signs Clark: men Unt- George Men- off of revival, slight ones at first, but they will increase. m!e: teTa;lMt1 JI', A x1 p0 ctmum .eon-Very soon we shall look upon the person with n un- PunnJot Z. ZA tZrTZ painteu ouiiainir as dead a victim of thp rlflnroAsinn Wo Tattlui , I, .j.- , . v. i - vtaea me eve- . I,,, , . ponuMiinitnc auring Snail 'look back UPOn him as One who cnnlrl not Rtxm nn Pitbouw; eomolatlon, Mra. F. W. I under?the strain of bud times. The person wfcois imbued ort:nMe uuection of the piay is m theeap- withthe joy of the change will show it in all his actions ;He Jl!c,tou" "frel?m",u r wt hands ot mu MoUy proas and his buildings arid mdke them beautiful with cUor. The numbers of which were Mrs. d. a and proprUe, fcUtland fur-drab ofthetlepression must go. Th optimists will lead the nrown M" re Clceonn- and nlture. tacldentaUy, are attrattw-Way. NOW, let US see Who are optimist. M. W. P. Arrow. Un. F;M Cms ly arranged and the atmoaphtrr of uy -wmn m cnarae 01 icir onra taoie titi.- ci.mtw.., aDd Mrs E J Ctepp presided at the ltJ I oi7.W F 1 1 1 1 i t i dor the one scene, a rooming' houad bedroom, goes well with the ptay.Uke-itp and other details have also bet capably attended to. It Is the first dramatic atttaapt of the Angpean Young People's -soclatlon and. no doubt, the organl-aetion is well satisfied with tbe ap preelattve response with wttkm It met and should be encouraged to essay future naeeeasfal efforts along the same Itfie Miss Erie Rlvett and Dob' Irvine presided at the door. Miss . Margaret Otlchrist and Miss Joan Cross aeted as usherettes. Winners in Eox Trot Contest at Capitol Theatre i Mrs. Frank Pitch and Mrs. W-Bfaaley, dressed in hard times cos- Mines, were winners of first, prier In. the finals or the fox trot contest at the Capitol Theatre last Might.' IUm Antonelli. rstreseitfng Qrou-j eho Mau, and hU aisfsr. Mrs Tain Bradley, won seepg pri. Tom Barton, dressed in a sheet as Mahatma Oandhi nd . taring goat with him. made quite a hit. his partner being Miss Myrtle Rose. Judges of Hnniaitse wereD. c. Schubert and Mrs. D. C Stuart. 6 WARTS m wmi HI right off GIANTS ON TOP AGMN rittsburs Pirates l)itpl.ic!cl t.rrnm Leadership of National I.enur Yivk Stll Kiolne Strong j NEW YORK. April 38 (Canadian i Press i -New York Oiants, as a result of their defeat of the Phlthcs at the Poto Grounds, yesterday" repaired posses lon or first plac hi the National League standing from :the Plttrimarg Pirates who wa. losing a hard-fiUght battle at homr i to the CtU-ao Cfebs. The three-way tie for thltd place was broken 'up with the'Bi-ooklyn Dodgers now In exclusive .possession of that notch by virtue of a one run shut- tt over Uie BoaUc ,U raves wo took exclusive poseesston of t V oellar btlow the Chicago Cubs. Ttc St. LouU CaRUaals. winning a clos? decision over the Cincinnati Reds t St. Louis, advanced from sixth ilace Into Ue with the PlUUles or fourth pjaae. the Roa dropping i :to sixth place. In the AnMrtoan Ljue. the New York Yankees toc tie .Philadel-ihla Athtettea mto eaenp at Shlbe ark while the Chicago White Sox. olaynf at home, renewed their run c(tt teiawrt otxe toy easily de-"atint the Ue trait Tiaers who iropped from fourth Into fiftl-. ilace. the wahtDgton Sena tors who took a one-run margin vlr-nry Uen the Boston Red Aox at Boston, now being sled, for third olaee with the Cleveland Indians who suffered defeat at home auu by a ore-run margin at the hands of tt.e lowly St. Louis Browns. Yeaterday's Big League scores National League Chicago 3. Plttabnrg 3. Cincinnati 3. St Louis 3. , Boaton 0. Brooklyn 1. Philadelphia 3. New York S. American Leafue New York 5. Philadelphia 3. Washington 3. Boston 3. St. Louis 3 Cleveland 3. Detroit 4. Chicago 10. MAY PLAY exeruilve of Wert Baseba!! A- lira. (.. Kmc, l)jfi,taHlli. N.S.; WfTlMm Irarry, 1iinnlo; (;. lmr-ilmi.-.Mnntrtal; W . Mtrrlian. iWm4, MiMilrwl; irr KrmUII, Ml ittiii-, IffS J- N liirrrfrMimirrlHotr Mmilrr.l; J. 1. JnAr. Holing., Unt.: J. Knicltl, V. Iwh-B A. l-rfort. (jrlirf.illr, P.ll W. W. ),,ni,. H.lif.4; viTn. lUfrrt. (;i Ho. 'N.H., liHirnne Niirl. liima'lim, 1 ..; JJm T. Nienllr, ItcftN.; Ilrlla Coliroi, MiHilrr.1; I'rlrr A. Mr-(laiilrjr, irlr, P.O.. Krnr . mim, .Muntrral: J. K. V .llmrlmi, Hifftr, Kw.1.; i:. Uipn.H, rr.l; . K. Ilri.ii, l(.ci.(rr. N.U., V. F. MrMaiiriM. Mnnlrail; Mia A. St. I mar, McMilratl; 11. K. Air I .Hiall. (':ii.riitHii, P.K.I.J Mr.. T. al.ll. Ottawa; I. P. lliHllrv. SA Kmmi; II. TriMMrll, hi. Jlin. N il ; lili.rlr. I.., Iri. I'ulnlm, l.f..; A. I Mrr. 11 I'ai. Mm : I)., ir.. mount; Mn. Mrtle VI rialil. Tor. nlo; I.iiiirn liongir, Montrral; AY THE 'hf Prim e Ru- organize a three-team senior lemaue ii'i'ii. at a'thLs year, replarlnt urh pLi'vrrs 'in PRZE Nam AK for Kellopj!' Corn Flake by nnnu: Kello - i heen llio xtunilari) of quality for more limn 2. v-.u-finel vulue in CUtrtt Flakes. . . . Kvery rril-Hml-Kn u ,, ape nuaraiitrf.l liy W. K. Krlloifa. In n -iili-iinn. ulTrretl you. it i selJom in a pirit of wrir. M, Kello)!)t in Ix)iiiloii. Ontario. )f C.lllIKi.l Old Eiiin- WINNE s Hotel Adertif in thr i. E Hfi:::ni :::::::: :::i:::!:i5Js:ir 7ilST:::i:!H ?",S!f;t' " aAVSgflaBTTtaMJ !!! '1W " tiil - 9VgsWigfiaBaW!l iSSf nli "s'VSf v fflnfilW-"' "jgB iimiiif 'fc amM liilllilllilliK Z& t$vM MANURE ' RENT ForS.., I A Ra(Ji0f Sewing Machine, 'Dominion Dairy ; Typewriter I'lionc lied (!IIS : McltAI! IlltOS.. LTD. meeting last night with Aid. O W have )ett the city Rudder nam. the president. In the with talent from chair, decided to call the annual r.u.ks Tin ct ,ectat-..i meeting of the ann:itton lor !!i iv un b 'mm it: . j-I on The asaOf i is .ti(,nnK i Turret Cigarette Season's Contest Srnson'x (UmteH (lonvd March II - .... Season rmlvd Mnrth . OFFICIAL T()TLS OF (iOVLS SCOI.HI) 1)1 IUN(; SKVSON HOSTO.N 121 CHICAGO CIl cn Dirri.OIT Ill CANAnilvNS. TORONTO. . . .92 119 h(;i:hs m MUtOONS m I: II. NritmiJl. Mhm Jaw: I. mm Mi.I1.muLI (Uaw Hay, N.S.; Urn. ;. Um. Alia.; J. It. Illaet. Kmltillr, N.S.; J. . HrfrM. ImkIoh. 4 Int.; Mary Mr(;.lliw. t.l.rr N.S.( II. VlrUur. Mwlrral; A. F. Me-l)m.M. T1l.i.rH, N.S.; 1 O. ImmJ, Mwilfr.; rti J. Kiwit. Ail4ilU. Imirlll. N.It.t F. (rfllaH. UtMlj,; A.lrini l'r,n, Ottawa; lUi.lrv, VI imwirf ; Malrlrina Morin, Maiitl IWiwe, lwrliwtrr P.O.; lnnl Mr. Ow. SSl. Jolm. N.ll.; Aiirrlr lltrMl. ilmnmhlmi. N.H.; p. Ounirlirr, Montreal; J. Cartmilrr, llraixlwi; J. I. lUtrin, lnMiiliM. I'O.j (ri.. Untm. N.S.t htr llimll, llatrlr. OhI.i llarnl.l J. (;ttM, IUhfi; (;rdrrm CWmlirr. KUMr, P.O.; C. .S. I'riram, VI inninrg; I'imiIiii. urr. P.O.; f. J Si. Anian.l. Monlrr.l; T. . (...Nlman. Jr. Vhinnir: Ditimt lliirli.n.n. Am-lirr.l. N..S.; llm. lU.r.l. M arlroil, Alt..; M. i:hrrrtlr. Iltlr.nrv. AMKUICANS OITAWA Tlte allott ing nriso ltav bvvn uuanh-tl for rniries carrying the an uf Vi iHia. rUWr; A. A Irtrt UtlaW I liaUr.. I IjnorT (;.llnl. ila. Nl IUMai. Mriita. Man . 1 Virloriai A. I.rrai. xl V. J. A1U, Si. (i. II.' VAalm. TutimiIm Montrr.l: I'jI AliaHreal; F. Aworlli ArlW ViaMnai. Mnnlr l Jarlann, Mimlrral; ftnr- Vrrduii; Ffr.1 llolrll. I".""i Malllir, North Vbwi K. V . U illiaiiwm. IVlnl. 1 ).!, Mont U.irirr. I' '.' Ilhlml, Mmilrr.l; II" William; I). Chianol"' 1 II. Ilu(la. Hr.iHirKMi. Krlly.lUofr, Mi. N 1 1 Invrfnra. N.S : l r 1 ' MiHillt Forr.l. Out.; ' l; OHl. nWllilk Ml " MinniiM! W. C.I,Ihmv M Liirirm liaimnn, Moult' ..tli. Fort MiHiam. 1 ' IImhI, ItoMWMMtrlt. I'1.1 F. rrlnr, MonlrrJ I .l.tlHll. Smoko Turret Cigarettes and Save the Roker Hands ft;; number of correct individual team ncorex. Oilly one contestant estimated all of the nine team score corn" ' FIRST PRIZE-$1000.00 A. Keeley, 247 Niagara St., Winnipeg, Man. SECOND PRIZE - s250.00 Divided Between Two Tying Contestants $125.00 - W. J. Rcilly - 3800 Dccarle Blvd., Montreal, Que. $125.00 - R. V. Martin 294 Morris St., Halifax, Nova Scotia THIRD PRIZE - '100.00 R. J. Hewltson - 2950 Robinson St., Rcglna, Sask. 15 PRIZES OF $10.00 EACH IUI,rrt ltH.TMnlo.OBt.; Jam 'IW.hii. M.,lv I.J., ,hhI. Taranta, N. M CnHlly,Mailrlj Brail IVrirr. H-niiM Immit. II.M; -- , 1 y f J i . ' ' . 'Vll,OM, VJQ.x P. O. IUmmi. ' lUmillo... Irani Mr. , Otlaty. 8a.l., . n.wrr.. ,MHMMM,, KL.rdinr. Uni . II ' STI ft M. I.- 100 PRIZES OF 5.00 EACH I".''''' ii.ii Kslliennr W J. Ctrnw.., Wr.imau.1: S. On! Mariri IhWl. Mimlrr i . i . . ..... Mnaru. (Mru. .tlnulrr. .Mrwlrral