PAGE FOUB no other tastes quite so good! AYLMER Sweet Corn comes to your table as tender and flavourful as the day it was picked. This 4fresh-from-the-cob' goodness is made possible by modern canning methods. You 11 never know how delicious corn really can be until you .try AYLMER Sweet Corn. Jot it down on your shopping list now before you forget FREE! VA) Atk your groct t for FREE Recipe Book' let written by Join Abbott. AYLMER Dietitian, pr imt to CANADIAN CANNERS (WESTERN) LIMITED Vamcolvh, B. C S Caaia WmU u 1. c C. N. R. Trains For the Last-Mondays' Wednesdayf and Fridays .9:30 pin From the Last-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Batur-days ...10:15 prn. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping it Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me i. GEO. J. DAWES PhoneBlack 120 CP. 4. ock Beer The Famous CASCADE BREW Is Now On Sale All our been remain at the tame high standard of strength and alcoholic flaZSaaatsaH J Packed in Handy Cartons of 12 Bottles I At v,. Goverrlment Liquor. Stores -l ; Also on Draft at All Licensed Premises Beer is again the international drink on the Noi l I. American continent . . . And now we have pleasure in announcing1 our annual treat to patrons in the form of the popular Cascade BOCK BEER now on sale at Government Liquor Stores and licenced premises. ' Made hj VancouTer llrrwerlti Limited, thia extra fine brew of Bock Beer l carefully filtered, patteurlzed and lagered for an eareptlonally Ionic time. Thin proem in crraxei its strength and gWea it an eirellrnt flavor. Actually thli Boek Beer It a very, superior product, but It la being sold at the tame price . . . truly an annual treat for our thouunds of patron. The amount of Bock Beer brewed this year U limited, therefore you are advised to order your requirements whitat it U available. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This u(hvrtiennnt N nut pttblinhed or displayi'dby I.ijuor Control Hoard or lv the Government of Rntj i '.' n NEW SPIRIT Ijs NEEDED (Continued from Page It head expenses," said Bishop Bu-noz of sue; conferences. "They have re.-dered many services. They ! have brought nations closer to-, jgether and to better understanding. But have they founa the se cret reason of the woe that prey on the human race today and have they discovered an adequate remedy for their cure? Have they put their flr.ger on the festering wound? Alas, they have tried every means and they have failed. Now Is the time to try something greater than human forces, viz.: Oet Back to God' must be the salutary slogan. The social body cannot be peaceful, happy and enjoy prosperity Independent of its Creator." The speaker said he was at Geneva last fal land had visited the huge building of the International department of labor where 400 men. representing 45 different nations, were occupied in trying, but without success, to ameliorate the conditions which existed. Much more might have been expected from them after years of existence. The work they have done so far was not very Important. Big buildings were also being put up for other departments of the League of Nations but these were unfinished. The work of the League had not been very fruitful of results so far .That was because the problems had been difficult of solution. The man In the street found It difficult to understand the operations of the great corporations with activities In many countries. They wielded great power. Yet it seemed that men at the head of th" state, with the means at iheli 'cemma- d. should be romprnnt to 9 Frutt-a.t'we awavsiHarasmx a 1 1 ei .sava HEY-' I TvtOUCJHTj I CAWT vou lost Hiafck luNoensYAu VMBNT OUT y C" I IT - WS CHS T- ttOTv.V. lAJI.H TMS J THM DAILY NEtTI B April 28, 1311 NEVER HAS INDIGESTION Fruit'Q'tives mak itomach lilt ntw "I had aln hern u jond haallh until I I--f an haviaf trouble i my atomach. leoul ln t fat anythiaf with ' it diacoaafort mi-nally bad haaitbum, avr to, nalu .nd bcadacrtw. lantiuiHfiillv)r-Frait-Hl' coat pi rial rotated bk to bealta.' all drag ttorti bring order out ! the present chaos. The unions were powerful as well as the captains of industry. They were able to defend legitimate interests and, as soor 2-s all beaame animated with an aim other thav their own profit, much could be expected. With tin- present character of men, it w.i.s c.ifficult to expert a change the state must step in and see that justice is done to all. If statesmen were really animated by proper intentions they would succeed. Co-operation and collaboration was wanted In all classes for both private and public welfare. Today's Weather Prince RuperV Hart cloudy, light northwest wind: barometer, 30.03; temperature. 46 sea smooth. Triple Island- Part cloudy, fresh westerly wind, ion westerly swell. Langara Island Clear, calm: westerly swell. LVad Tree Point Part cloudy. Hunt westerly wind, barometer, 29 9f temporatu:' ."(. sea choppy. TA aJ .V M ,1 fal k L M 3 lf-111Jgp.Hgg1 aaWX -V Ta t . X .saasaa DIAMOND T SPECIALS ! For Saturday. No. 1 No. 2 BOASTING CHICKENS FBESII KILLED FOWL 25C 22C per lb. pe, lb No. 3 No. I BOAST I'OBK IOT BOAST BEEF 15C 12iC per lb perlb No. 5- No. G LEGS LAMB LOINS LAMB 25C 25C per lb per lb No. 7 No. 8 SWII-T'S CRESCENT 1 lb. LIVER SHORTENING lb. SWIFTS BACON 12c 20c Watch Our Windows Daily for Diamond "F" Specials Phone .ftfif one Quality Service loneer Butchers Est. 1910 (SPECTACLE I ON SCREEN "Sign of the Cross" Being Shown1 I Here This Week-End t ' The ftrst Cecil 13. DeMtlle spec tacle-drama since the advent of sound. "The Sign of the Cross,"! comes to the Capitol Theatre here; this week-end. DeMUle made some of' the greatest spectacles of siletH pictures such as the memorable "Ten Commandments" and "King of Kings." Fred tic March, as the heroic preposition, even life for love of a position, even lite for live of a Christian martyr-maid. Is said to have the most virile role of his career. Elian Landt, Claudette Colbert and Charles Laughton have the other principal roles. The story was adapted to the screen from the famous play by Wilson Barrett IU principals are supported by an ensemble of 7.590 extra players, the greatest number used In any production since the days of the silent drama. Norman McOlashan sailed last nlrht on the Ptince George for Es-qutmaft where he wfll take a course of rrat-lng at Royal Canadian Naval barrack He Is a member of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve COMPARE OUR PRICES ; W know we can ae you money. (.ie us your next order and then fifure up your savings. It will be worth your while. PKUNBS-- ' 2 lbs ' .. DH1LI) APPLES 'i lbs. .... RAISINS 2 ;bs F RESH BOOB 3 doz. ONTARIO CHEESE - ! per 1. "i 8ALTPORK- i per lb. , WHITK MEANS ! 4. lbs. 17c 27c 25c 50c 18c 15c 17c WHOLS OKEKN PEA Qc 4 lbs. .... JAM Strawberry. Raspberry. Apricot, Peach. Oooseberry. Loganberry, O reengage dQo 4-th tin 171 j PLUM JAM-Praser Valley QQ 4-lb. tin vv. HOME BAKKRY I1R8AD rp White As brown, par loaf COFFTE- Economy Brand yir Freshly ground, per lb. . TEA Economy Brand 97t Orange-pekoe, per lb. Fruits & Vegetables Lemons, small sise. par dog. . lie Onions, good and dry. t lbs. ttc Spinach, fresh At clean, per lb. 10c Fresh Cauliflower. 10c, 15c Uc Fresh Tomutoe. per lb. Uc Fresh Rhubarb. 3 lbs jJc Bananas. 2 lbs Stc MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Wc deliver all orders, $2 or oyer J 17-19 Third Avenue West P.O, Box 573 Phone II 1 1UDAY Sz SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 6:50 Si 9:10 Feature starts 7:10 & 9 20 Admission 15c Si 50o UTILUE THE TOILER" Developing a "Defect" riLLlB IS 3WT e.iAOT auOLKlM OOMfe Box yoj mm tout j i ia tra iSit am. - f OH, MAC CDOiB CAM Q mlonu AMD 2C, TV(AT 5, MOT AM. - iMa. f tjr4 r MHBBtc nil vJOeBuv r yd r. ST. PETER'S TEA -SALE Last of Series of Successful Affairs Held During I'ast Winter Took Plate Last Night The Oddfellows' Hall was the scene last night of Uie last of a number of successful musical-so cial evenings which have been held 1 I during the past winter by the local ' Orange Lodge. The program was as follows: Piano solo. Russell Cameron. Vocal solo. Mrs P. C. Miller, accompanied by Mrs. A. II. Kielback. SATURDAY M.Tiv,r leature Starts it Admission . THE (ill EAT FASCINATING SPECTACLE "The Sign of The Cross" Starring FIIEDEKIC MAUCH, EI.1SSA LAMM, CLAtDETTK r(nit CHARLES LAUGHTON and Immense Cast of Thousands. A Paramo Picture. The story of the early Christians and Pagan Home with Lions, Elephants, Gladiators Color Symphony "BABES IN THE WOODS" MLTUO StlVS MONDAY and TUESDAY ".ML AND MY GAL Piano nolo, fccii'i, w Vocal duet. Utile Mix i Acrobatic dance M,u . i Piano solo, Miss Mumj Ta pdance. link M i thorne. Vocal solo. Miss B , : Tap dame Miss Maru.n. Vocal solo. Mrs A H Hun Tap danrc. 8am Joy Mrs. J. 8. Black win ..,,, for the evening. Following Uu servinR ,: menu, with Mrs j M c, convener, then wen- a hours of (I'liinni u pi.u. furnished by Mrs BU k Mrs. Lemon sr. tt, the raffk of a ham UlMl,. ' Coats and Sweater Suits Also Smart Dress Suits ' Arrived Today Mnhnisli Sailor Hats at $2.75 DEMERS Prince Rupert Shoe Repairing Bring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacARTHUR Third Ave. Neat Federal Itlk. Third Avcnuv The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Vnta. 1 WlMOW . MAC Phone 657 By Westovor. &VJT TMAT VMA (inCmx i haw imto a ror it "in - -AT S- N X .1 ,U s 11