e Atll 7.WO THE DAILY NEWS. PHINCK RUPERT. BR1TISD COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Hews, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor .SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall pr 'carried yearly period paid In advance . $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week 10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and , Contract rates on application. J Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ' DAILY EDITION ler of Audit Bureau ot Circulations ; DISAPPOINTING FALL - VWtl1cc HuPVTt branch: Thursday, Nov. 9, 1933 i ' ENGLISH PICTURES Regular habitues of the theatre find it difficult to adjust themselves to the change which has taken place through the increasing number of British pictures and the ted flurry in business did not come. October instead of being unusually busy, fell flat. It evidently has been the fail- 3X V I i; oaern, A icmt BANKING SERVICE Tht Outcome, of u6 Years of Successful Banking Operation The Built WMontrtil plc?i at the disposal of hf clients a moJern. tfficK-nt trrvke in eerjr drputfflrnt of domeuK ind furrigo bjnkin. ENK OF MONTREAL TOTAL IIITS IN IXCISt or F. A. MacCALLUM. Manager -Steu-aty . Uranclit R. R. UAACK, Manager Thefish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. RICE CUSTARD PUDDING prepare this delicious way . . 'MM ' 1 4 nifM tailed rirc 3 em H up aaaar h teaanaoa iaH Reci3 like thia one make rife pudding a delicacy rather than just "another" dessert. The custard pbya an important part in making tnia pudding a really delirious dencert, and when it is made with Nettle's Evaporated Milk, you can t confident of Cor rect moisture, good rich coloring, a pleasing rmisisteno , and above all, a item tous tljMuir. recent improvement in those pictures. People had become Tothereri,givntiowfor en innrorl tn Hnllvu'nnrl and tho AmoviMti voices that they had almost forgotten the dialects and voices Qf Uritish people. Take-as an example the picture shown this week, "Good Companions." It was an excellent picture and the general local verdict was very favorable to it. But there were a number of people who found it difficult to follow the Yorkshire dialect and who sometimes lost the thread of the play through inability to understand some of the conversation. ThatSHese pictures are appreciated is made clear by the attendance and by the enthusiastic expressions of those who attend. The Capitol management is to be congratulated on trying to fill a demand for wholesome pictures although sometimes we think greater care might be exercised, irx the choice of week-end offerings which are always seen by a large number of children at the Saturday afternoon matinees. a iitm art ili'alwtc ,i;nnnt, nr.f1 ,1 ,hat that " may .be be ud at any til time and ju uiui.ci iu nwy v"M oiiu me aiuciiioii uia:i.w auu . ollrn with Mjrcew' Rice Custard Pudding l otpNaiaf Km 1 niDl rirea NllMM Bnt tfa. add war and nit Mir writ, than idd N'ratlfi Kva.ir.n1 Milk, warn and rirr. Turn intoa bultrrM tukintf-di-h. Sinklrilh nutmrf. S ti i i-.ui t t. t .il.r ami bukria 4 numeral .-n : At ( t.tit;l-rt titrabuvll in hi. Servu T:i : M.ln.t hn.wn sugar fynip. Vwki: U.rii.t.. NESTLES EVAPORATED TML I LIC tf CmJtmuJ tim4 BtMpsfd MJIk. 1233 The monthly report of the National City Bank of New ! TfJT ID WpV IN York, reviewing the financial situation, referred to the vUlAIlLi 1 111 disappointing autumn, disappointing because the exnec BADMINTON lire of business conditions, to improve that has made it ,,fr.club Lue l0 conducted jicteicwy lur neaiueiiu nuuseven 10 resort 10 liuiauon in order to raise the price of commodities. Theye is one thing of which we may be sure and that is' iV.r.i ....... .In.. .. 4.1 .1 1 1? ' Again This Winter by Central Association uuu uvci ua cue geiuug ijuv nv uay wnen COuu-t The Prince Rupert Taartsnlnton tlons Will be Showinjja delinite upward trend We are safe Association, at a meetina last niant. in saying that conditions in Canada are better than they decided o conduct an inter-due wprp a vpar ntrn. A numhpr nf hnsinpssmpn in Prino Pn. league competition this whiter pert sav conditions are better here than they were last jj JJt TaJ X There is to be confident that year. every reason better and entries wiu close next MoodT, times are not far away. n is exacted to get play under way i on November 38 or 37. In addition to the usual city tournament, the idea of tokUng a city bandlfaf) tottrnament towards the end ot the season la betes; cotvMef ed. i The tokpateg offlem have town elected: , President. A. O. Ave. ' Vice-President. Prank Russell. I Secretary. Robert Rartlett. i The executive will include two , delegates from each affiliate club. I Edmonton Mayor Is Re-elected Daniel Knott is Araln Choice of Alberta Capital Defeating Ex-Mayor Clarke EDMONTON. Nor. 9: CP Daniel Knott was re-elected mayor of Edmonton yesterday by a majority of six thousand over J. C. Clarke, former mayor. Hotel Arrivals Itoyal Albert Moe. Seattle: Dillle the Jap. city: K. Komafcl. Bkeena. Central Mrs. K. Oken. Prince Rupert. Prince Itupert It S. Mraoskey and A. C. Oar diner, Vancouver. The first co-operative store in Canada was opened at SU-llarton. NJ3., In 1861. ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS liKludlnt EiciM Tai New FLAT Baok Th .am. pmprr a In 1 nit Anromatltiut Book J ll.ltnod ZIG ZAG R.f u. SutxtttutM THE DAILY NEWS The Letter Box SATURDAY HOLIDAY Editor. Dally News: In reply to the editorial In the Daily News on Wednesday. November 8. In reference to stores closing on Remembrance Day" wherein E. F. Jones, elty solicitor, explained! that It was not compulsory for re- J tall stores to observe the holiday ualess they so wished, I wish to state that, before the Retail Merchant' Association of this city In serted In our local' papers that all ! retail stores in this city must ob- serve the holiday on 'Remembrance ( Day." the association was advised , that such was the case and advertised accordingly. Since the advice I given by Mr. Jones created considerable misunderstanding regarding 1 the Interpretation of the Act. fur ther advice was sought. The following wire wag received today from Geo. R. Matthews, Secret R C. Board Retail Merchants' Assbl ciatiorr ot Canada: -November llth by Act of Par,-J , lumen i aeciarea Kememorance uy j but this does not control retakl e-j tabUshments. PtovUiclal govern- ments place own lfiterpretatlon on . Act British Cotombia under; weekl)' ; Half Holidajr Act declared Rernem-Ibrance Day statutory holiday. Regardless of legal opinion police have no choice and must prosecute U a complaint is made. AU stores governed by Weekly Half Uofetv Act : must close oe Resabraaee Day." I Thia realy shoufa ad)ut the la-j terpretaUoti given by Mr Jonea. Thanking you. Mr. Editor, for. the space. j DOUG FRISZELL. I Secretary Retail Merchants' Assocaattor, P.S. For Mr. Jones' IsfafiaatioB thia la eoveeed by Weeklr Half Holiday Act Chap. 773. R. a Q. C Sec. 14. aineaded 19S2. Chap. j. Soc. 4. UtMUMBUANCE D,Y SdUor. DaUy News: One gathers tbere la seme dis-t cuaaaon as to the flToallK of stores Ion Reraerabrance Day. To enforce the closing legally there would ap-1 pear to be need for a Uy blaw making it operative. Surely this la not a matter that require a law. 1 The soldiers volunteered is. the' first place, know-sag, or at any rate believing, that their country would at least honor them, for their wU- Ungneas to do "their bit." Is it too much to expect that, even In the present gaperaUen. their aaerifke should be recognised by the observance of the day as a Reraembmnee Day? , Presumably there are a few whp fear they might lose some buslaeas. ' How could they IX all respect the Tiemory of the dead by closing? The I profiteers during the war are re membered wtth scorn and hatred.! Are there aMJl some who would, make monay at the expense ot the ' dead or their lfvtng disabled comrades? i Unless, and until, Prince Rupert learns to look at things In a broad light, there can be Htele hope for our progress. 1014-1919, The factory system began to exist in Canada In the 00's and 70's of the last century Another Ileal SPECIAL For the Holiday Perfect IJa!ance( S. 6. Shot Gun and box of 12 ga. Shells $15.95 Oi1y Three Outfit Kaien Hardware PHONE. 3 CHURCH NOTICES I. CATHOLIC CHURCH Special Armistice Day Services Saturday. November 11 Low Mass at 8 A.M. High Maw of Requiem at 9 A.M. MEETING OF MUSIC ClUB Mi vi Clixabetli Currie in Charge oi Program at Home of Mrs. O, C. Walker Yesterday The regular fortnightly meeting of the Ladies' Music Club took place yesterday afternoon at the non of Mrs. O. C. Walker. Seostul Avenue, with Miss Elizabeth Currie m charge of the arrangement of a iniMielianeou program a ad the pre sident. Mrs. R. L Mcintoah. in tne chair. Miss Currie read an Interest ing paper on the subject of "The arpwtvot Music" and the-AmlaMce annivanaty sea inn was observed ry Mrs. vUllam Crulckahank sing ibk "In Flanders Fields' while the toembers stood at attention In remembrance of the war dead. The pfoaram waa aa follows: ! "O Canada ' Paper. "The Orowth of Music." Miss Elizabeth Currie. i Piano solo. "Polonaise." op. 36 No j'!.. (fifiarp minor (dfiopTn. MrsTfe. 1 Smith. Vocal duet. "On Wings of Song" Mendelssohn . Mrs. Bmeat Anderson and MUi Lillian llalUwell. Piano duet. "Serenade" Joseph Low). Mrs Robert Qartlett and Mrs. W. L. Stamford Violin solo. "Meditation' Ola-zourow). Miss Nellie Lawrence Vocsl solo. "o Flanders Field" iiteRafli4 Mrs. Wttiam Crtuck-shank. . Piano solo. "Caprice Viennese i Pitta Kreuueti. Miss E. P. Oraarue Vocal soio. "All Joy Be Thine i Sanderson . Mrs. J. H Can-on Ptanp duet. "On the Mountain 0reit'. Miss Margaret McCaffery and Miss Ruth OUllea. Qpd Save the King Miaa Currie was aasisted by Mr Robert Mance. itim Margaret M-Paftery. Miss Lillian HaJltwrli and Miss E. P. Orassle. Miss Nicks of the Ridley H m-was welcomed as a new member SIIVCK XSl) COI'l'LK r"UICt NEW YORK. Nov 9 -CP' Silver closed at 437c on the local metal market today Copper was unchanged at 8c "We kept well last winter' THOUSANDS of people "kept mi ll.r nntiy altlc of Hc" last winter. Thrjr kept theniaehrji free from common ronitipatlon the ailment thai frrqurnlly letirs ilut.il rcalilanee) Ut "ciUaM anil other !ntrr Infertiutu. StantI Rtianl over the liealllt of your family lliU nlnler. Correct! rouituou ronallpatlon the safe nuy Iy proper ulL serve thcui Ire- queotly with a delicious' cereal. laboratory teats show Kellogg AlL-IllLVN u-plies "hulk" to exrrcUr the 'Intestines, anil vita ms D to further aid rrg. Mirltjr. The "hulk." in AfJUUflAN is much like that in leafjr vegetable. ALL-DflAN Is also rich in bjood-building iron. Two tohlespoonfiils dally are usually s.uffi. cient. With each meal iu severe rases. If not rev lleveil this way, see your doctor. Serve ALL-IlHAN with tnllk or errant, or Mik Into muffins, omelets, breads, etc. Sold by all grocers, in the red-ami. green package. Made by Kellogg In liomlon, Ont. IMPORTANT! Krlloig. Au-liitAN be-raiiM it W all bmn witl nnly flavor added, glvrs you the aenermu amount of "bulL" tieodrd to pro. mote proper elimination. It i recommended sa much more efficient In relieving ronttipstioii llisn Isrtliran produrU hIiIcU cannot contain si nuirli "bulk.- ALL-BRAN lot ; COairi.aTION : Keep on the Hiinnu Hide of life GOLDBLOOM'S FUR SALE AM Furs Selling at 20 Percent Less Than Cost .Mut be old because rash li needed to buy raw furs (,rt some of thesr real f ir t,lr galnv EFFICIENT AM) KEIalAHLE SEUVICK Phone Blue 320 The moat efficient service la the more economical. Our new eauipntent tithe latest in serrteing. a-attrtnc you the beat work. Why not have a InsUlla tlosuSkter - fully given. Superior Radio Service 321 Seennd Arenue Phone Blue 320 r. (). Wax ISC A. O. BARTLETT C. H INfirULANPFR PRINTING Office Supplies Hose, Cownn & Latta Phone Ui The AUCTIONEER Packing .Crating Wni! !n Oeoeral Furniture Hf Ltxi your goods with me Thone Ulark 120 (iKO. J. DAWKS savoy" HOTEL Prince Rupert' l ;3 Family H"t i Hut gt cold Water in all H A. J. PIliJIillOMMi:. Prop. SPECIAL WINTER RAT1.3 $12 Per Month and t p Developing and Printing Qend Your Films. Dif" 1 10 WRATIIAMS PHOTO FINISIUNT. Itapld Service Prince HUP"' 1