if Is V PAGE FOUH Leckies' Boots and Shoes mm SALES Every Month in the Year Auction Sale Dates 1933 November 21 December 21 1934 January 17 February 14 March 14 April 11 May 16 June 13 July 11 AugU4l 15 September 12 October 10 November 14 December 12 Special Sales Held on Request of Shippers Advances Will Be Made as ' Usual When Requested, Transferred by Telegraph if Desired. THE SEATTLE FUH EXCHANGE 1008 Western Avenue Seattle. Wash. Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted in any style. Oame heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. , PURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. COAL! COAL! Our famous Ed son, Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coals are guar&n? te4 to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wf alto tell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 158 For Men, Women, Misses and Children All Bought From Leckie's Also a Big Line of Miner's Rubbers All Sizes For All Kinds of People Buy at Our Store and Save 25 ier cent On Your Purchases CUT RATE SHOE Third Avenue I Today's Weather Prince Rupert--Raining, strong southeast wind; barometer, 30.05; I temperature, 4C: sea rough. Dead Tree PointMisty, strong I southeast wind; barometer. 29.98; temperature. 48; sea choppy. Triple Island Raining southerly gale: sea rough. Langara Island' -Overcast, rain I ji l STORE Prince Itnpert B ing, strong southerly wind; sea moderate. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 36. Alyansh Raining, calm, 33. Anyox Raining, calm, 37. Stewart Raining, calm, 36. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 38. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 33. Burns Lake -Bright calm, 42. Advertise m, the Dally. News. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS V."wt we cell ., I 1 r jj lt'ssuretol lyrWY? ple&seyoui REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 "TILLIE THE TOILER" Tost BsTvMtew US I'M OOtMC? OUT TO CTWT TUncr plans reoM P!3fJ -iyiwiDOO i BUT H 1 "SOUL. -J i n Pn(fl.l:nf I! JTHE DAILY NEW8 Thursday, y0Ttmb,f y WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Winnemac, with Capt. Paul Armour In command, brought In a small boom of logs yesterday morning from the Monteith logging camp In Denise Arm and continued on to the McAfee and Sunbury box factory at Georgetown with it yesterday afternoon, returning to port during the night. John Quiner, for years a resident of Ketchikan where he has been engaged In salmon trolling, having formerly been In the lighthouse service of the United States government, arrived in the city at the first of the week from the "First City." He recently sold his fishing boat and it is his intention to make his future home here with his sister. Mrs. Peter Black. Mr. Quiner. who is the youngest of Mrs. Black's brothers, is one of the real sour doughs of the north. He went to Juneau in 1895. was at Circle City. Alaska, in '95 and in '97 was at Dawson when the Gold Rush commenced. ' The Ketchikan halibut boat Mars. Capt. L. P. SJong. was in port this morning with 16.000 pounds of black cod which- is being snipped through to the United States markets by the Canadian Pish St Cold Storage Co. Some question having arisen as to iu'it when some of the fish the vessel brought in had been caught in relation to the close season, the Seattle halibut schooner Blectra was still being held in port here today. There was a report this after noon that the vessel might soon be granted a clearance by trie authorities but there was no official confirmation of this and she was still here early this afternoon. Mlss Blar'che Harte is sailing tonight on the Prince George for a brief trip to Vancouver LOOK FOR MUSSALLEM'S AD CALIFORNIA WINE BRICK QQp each VVK, APPLES- -Delirious Fancy II IL. per box NABOB TEA I per 2't-lb pkg. t'HASE ii SANBORN'S COFFEE, to clear, lb. j VITONE I per 5-lb. tin j BUTTER A-1 . per lb. 'oRANDMA'S JELLY POWDERS, per doz. OILLETT'S CRBAM TARTAR. Vs. per pkg. CERTO To clear 3 bottles V C. AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or crushed. 2's A On 2 tins IOC-QUAKER 8TRAWBERRIES OQp Heavy Syrup. 2's. 2 tins Closed All Day SATURDAY Free delivery on all orders $2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store ; "Where Dollars Have More Cents" M7-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box $75 Phone 18 V0O ? V1MBRK ABC. yeJ S1.89 98c 46c S2.73 25c 59c 13c 89c i r ..I. i'k; i n i i r . i yi W. C. B. WORK DESCIUIIKI) l N (Continued from page one) time or for hospital and medical service. Under the old Act this, "wastage" amounted to 60 or, In oiner woras, a m.rcv p.unw made out of the disability and suffering of injured workmen. In the cousc of his address, Dr. Murphy made reference to some of ; the "safety first" regulations which had been drawn up by the Board; and to some of the educational work which was being carried on. The speaker also explained the constitution of the Board and the. jurisdiction and duties of the members and It officers all of which were clearly defined under the Act. j The Act, as at present framed, the speaker considered to be a good one. There were, of course, im provements that might be madei and none were better aware of possible Improvements than those whfl were connected with the administration. It should be remembered,' however, that changes in regard to compensations, benefits, etc. could mly be made by legislative action. Importance of Iteturn Dr. Murphy urged the lmpor-' tance o returns being made of all , injuries, even those which appeared at first to be quite trivial. The Act provided definitely for the "outlawing" of claims after a certain time had elapsed following an accident. There had been regrettable cases in the past where no com-! pensatlon could be given for un-' exoected disabilities and losses arising out of accidents and in juries which had at first appeared unlmoortant and had not been re ported at the time Week; End Specials Alberta Creamery Butter j-io. brick Nabob Coilee 1-lb. tan - itadana Loeom 1-lb. pkg. ... r'ive Hoaes Flour 4a-lb. sack. -TEL.I. Mb' I UlUcPP - J, VOO'BE Free Delivery 75c 40c 20c 51.60 Evaporated Peaches OCn Choice Quality . 2 to. . .. Santa Clara Fancy Prunes orn 30-40, 2 lbs HU, Alberta Kags Seaonds 3 doz Keilogg's Whole Wheal Flakes, 2 pkg. ... Swift's Sliced Bafon 1-lb. pkg Sunklst Ornas 5 dot. 'Loganberries--Royal City 2's. per tin ... Baitlett Pears Oold Crow. 2's per Un Pink Salmon 1-lb. tin Happy Vale Sweet Mixed Pickles lane Jar Crosse St Dlackwell's Gravy OCn Maid bottle OOU j Crosse St Btackwell's Mint Sauce, bottle 65c 25c 18c 95c 15c 15c 10c 35c 35c Alberta Market Firth Street For Practice, Mac's Perfect Phone 208 Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 OUT LOOKIWd fort TBOUeiH - WEDNESDAY and TI1UKSDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Admission 15c Si 50o Friday and Saturday "Secrets" EDJVARDSllURG CROWN BRAND Service For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Ray Intra Ited Kays Maisare All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) fireen 211 Thones Rreen SO Kithanft-e niock lUKN fpuf, wholeiomt, and economical tible Syrup. Children lovo its delicious flavor. TUT CANADA ITASOI COl Uumil MOqtfjt us lWKTNEUS IN CHIME IlIVALS IN LOVE "MIDNIGHT CLUB" A Paramount I'icture. (7:50 Si 9:50) With Cllve Hrook, George Itafl, Helen Vinson and Alison SKIdhi. A lone wolf in a den of thieve London Jewel robbrn " ir. .. .n nnn fill-lire .mi "PDtd Comedy JACK HALEY In "AN IDLE KOOMElt" PAKAMOl'NT Mu "REMEMBRANCE DAY" Fridays 'Diamond F Specials Fresh Killed Hulklcy DnJ, Valley rorK n i, Ieif Hoiwt Pork r Z roultry , .. J ., !-in Rwwt Pork, i :k Turkey, lb 32c (trtmmr'" Roasting Chicken, lb. 2 1c Koaton Hutt IK ' Tx Hoilinp Fowl, lb 21c Z j Local Lamb Local Veal ; I om Itmb K .; 1? HoaHt Leg Veal, lb. ISc Sh'Ider Lamb K llr Loin Hoat Veal, lb. ISc itrimi.:. Sh'ld'r Hat. Veal, lb. 10c Lumb Stew, lb. Extra Specials Ayrshire Bacon, lb 17',c Heef Bwertbn id b Cambridie teutaie. lb. USc Livrr 8ausatr ": Hamburer. lb I0r Blood fUusaar in t Pork Tenderloins lb tie Oarhc S i iar t Phone Prh-. m I I - I ANO 1 L I -t-- 1 f I 1 I L Pioneer Hutcbcrs By Westover. M ATT 1 3 - 1 VA 1010 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 TOOMBS' RADIO SERVE! Reliable and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" Phone: Blue 901