' . a ivn nra nAn.v news " J , , . . a ft 4-1 DAILY EDITION san THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert;, i Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City deliver y, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week - By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES . Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rates on application Advertising and Circulation Telephone . Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation THIS SHOULD HELP I not claimed. TUn J T T A D.nlcf.'no fn f v, T are;ei,,HA.1.l,nn1,l ' Box of black cod. donated by Col J' W' Nioholls- nadim Fish & tour 0f the Atlln dU-'end of wr and the relief from to h. I mvp a fillin to the movement alreadv started to nut men foIlowlng a giv e a iuiip 10 ine mov emem airea sianeu 10 pui men the Orotto ovemme mlnuua, Cold Btomge Co wn by Mr$ c R , hamn horrors. (our 10 worK m tieveioping smau mining properties, noi oniy in Biggart. No. 4. the Portland Canal district but throughout British Co- j sweater, donated by Fraser & lumbia. i Payne, won by C. Lemon, No. 5. Last year Mr. Asselstine rea'd a'paner before the Cana-! Cushton- donated by Mrs. s. Hau-dian Mining Institute which brought forth international d TirLhTxn , T" , , , , .i.i , . , Tea cloth, donated by Mrs. D. p C. comment. It had to do with the many novel features and Schubert, won by Mrs. b. Morrison, new developments in meeting the metallurgical problems no. 43. of the Premier Mine. It is his idea that the application of ah ticket were drawn from the modern metallurgical science to many small properties in bv MlM Deiphine Lemon, the province is one direct v route to putting men to "work, Thed,5"f v11,? " , , U P, !was attended by fair number of , - , a with wages and the creation of new wealth and prosper-1 pmon8 who dftnced to the exceI. ity. Being a public speaker as well as an engineer and eco-jient musk of Mrs. Black's orchestra nomist he will now have an opportunity of bringing be-'until the early hours of the morn, fore the Legislature problems that have to do with mining ; ln- nnfl rhP solution of whiVh shnnlfl.hp of m-Pnr. hpnpfit to! committee wa In charge of Northern B.C. clety of the Cathedral and the entertainment went off. if anything, better than on the first night. At the conclusion, flowers were pre- LB, .IW I I! Illcrnir . W: L' IH I II II ? H II BaTM . ..Xjart.l EH 11 F ! 98 ALL CAPABLE MEN Northern British Columbia is fortunate in having elected to the Legislature a group of capable men, all good speakers, broad thinkers and excellent citizens, who will be in a position to make themselves felt. This group in section of the country is to be congratulated on having chosen well, not because the new members are mostly Liberals but because they are particularly capable men. Cathedral Play Goes Off Well sented to the lady members of the cast. crowd being In attendance. Music was by Jimmy's Orchestra of Met-lakatla and refreshments were furnished by the ladles. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS Cu v 11 It'5Surctol jX'&y$7 please youi umrV y- 1 j REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 "TILLIE THE TOILER" SO MfettR'S ''MB PLAt AIHtiBS HANQS OUT THE .GUV THAT 3&TOVB My fiUA4S or Drawing For Kaffirs Principal . Feature of Proceedings on I Friday Night Prize winners In the raffles at horn breeding heifers to R. Richards, Fort George, and two head to Cluls Oelger, Dewey. vaa'it. havh a Little TM-Vi asout those ET TOO FAn. rnwn ircinw rritish party VVAlVLIUUVXl - I r w w t m iTiTimrr 'i OF BAZAAR um mniw rv Stewart Hoard of Trad Want In-spectional Tour to Visit Mining Camps STEWART, Nov. business meeting 13 A short of the Stewart ll0 the Moose bazaar Friday evening Boflrd wa, neld on tj. nCM . day evening. It was decided to make 3.00 Box of apples donated by W H. lm'mcdlate representations to the 0.00 Malkln Co.. won by Miss Freda Mus. Agfnt Generol f0f Britlsh Coium. ?0L,28', , , . , u bla at London, Eng.. to have the mo of3! t b.?lkCo N1Ch0llS ,? 1 Propod 1934 lnspecUonal tour of !? Candin,flsh British Columbia Include visits to v.um owrage vo.. won oy o. jiau- nr,hm ... mn.rarv. It -5 denschlld. No. 4. was felt that operations of the size I Bread tickets, value $2. donated ' , ,mnorUnre of Anvox and Pre ;by Rupert Bakery, won by B. M. mgI and the whole Portland Canal Simpson, No. 26. Following the entertainment, ! mlvM, arlnat, n, , n, 1 members of the oast m and n A aKa others taking part enjoyed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Good, Second Night's Presentation of "Oh dancing being Indulged In and re- !' Susan," If Anything, Better freshments served. ' . Than First Night A&oiher large audience gathered The Canadian Labor Defence at 8t Andrew's Cathedral Hall Trl- League held another successful yJ,i?,h!.i0l2hl.0"d JRrS!!- ce Uat Thursday night In the General Chairman N. S. K. Brewer. Mrs. F. M. Crosby was general convener assisted by the ladies of the Mooee Chapter. Joe Slaggard was master of ceremonies. Ole Stegavig and B. M. Simpson presided at the door. Joe Ratehford, Dick Long and Fred Scadden were in charge of games. Mrs. Wick, assisted by Moose cludes the member for the new constituency of Peace ladies, had charge of the kitchen. River who was elected as an independent and who prob- j - ably will sit on the opposition benches. These men areipl7pr QTOPlf above the average of provincial legislators. The northern if LtiU u I J VIV. BROUGHT INI Thirty-Five Head of Good Quality Cattle Arrive in Interior qualRy cattle for feeding and breed ing purpose has arrived In the Prlnee George district. This load was assembled by the Agricultural Department -nl the Canadian National Railways and distributed as follows: fifteen head of feeders to S. McNeil. Salmon Valley, ten head of feeders to L. C. Utfen of the comedy farce "Oh Su- " ' . I of I h. ZZ. bv the Amateur Dramatic So- isxcna'se Uioct. nan. a gooa-mea r r"l rV fur the P.ast Mondays, Wednesdays days From Anyox and Stewart- and Frl-4:30 pin. From the Fast Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pjn. "for Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 pxn. Thursday 9:15 pjn. Friday 11 pn Monday and Wednesdays (by1 train) 4:30 pjn. November 3 and 17 pjn. Krtm Vancouver- Sunday ,,. ,. pjn Wednesday 10 tin, Friday pjn. Oct. 12. 21 and 30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays 'by train) 10 p.m. November 13 and 27 am. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p.m, Wednesday 3 p.m. Tuesday !- 11:30 a m Thursdiy S pjn For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday ...7 pjn From Naas Itlver and Port Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 an For Queen Charlotte Islands-November 3 and 17 9 ajn. From Queen Charlotte Islands-November 15 and 29 . ajn. For Alaska-November 13 and 27 a.m. From Alaska-November 3 and 17 pjn. Malls close at the post office one hour prior to all departures CRIBBAGE Th. .1-1, 1 . ... SCHEDULE November " 13 " Canadian Legion ,v..kOT. me. vs. Oddfellows; Moose vs. H. R. dockyard and makeju.l; Musketeer vs. E3ks; Orotto vs, wur uiiru ranwa vo De cmKlDlH-KI Empress i in the central interior of B.C. thU- t Novem'ber 20Canadlan Uglon fall. Two previous load were ship- i . p. R. Ilole,. MoQW y, ped to Terrace ami Kttwanga. !lowf. 0roUo VI nu MuJketffro . Farmers throughout thU area Vs Empraa have abundance of feed on hand.; November 27-Canadlan Legion and reduced freight rates from the keteer vs. Oddfellow; Orotto vs. yards to feed lot make it possible p r n0tel i to land the stock on the farm at a December 4-Canadlan Uglon vs. ! ytl? " WfUW 8pper lhat En"r": 'Moos vs. E3ks; Muske- king advantage of this teers vs. P. R. Hotel; Orotto vs. I situation would have an oppor- Oddfellow J tunity to sell their aurplus feed at '. , i a Rood profit through beef. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Nov. 13: (CP) Wheat was quoted today at 08c on the local exchange, being up c from Friday. 52 Today's Weather Terrace-Heavy rain, south wind. Wotawood Heavy rath, calm. 50. Ilaselton- Rain, calm Bmlther Cloudy, calm, 43. Burni Lake-Dull, calm, 50 Rosie's Twin Sister 51 The Canadian Legion ranee Day smoker Saturday eve- The speakers of the even, were j unanimous in eomoUmenttac theJ Legion on the moat succul parade, the splendid turn-out and the exceptionally gratifying support by the organisations in town and the people generally They also took oe-oalon to compliment the local branch of the Legion on iU courage In making the extension to thtr bu tiding at the present One. When a feeling of depression was In the. air. K was doubly encouraging to find such progressive clUaensMp' tackling an undertaking that pro-; vtded men with work and the city with a building that would be a credit The speakers Included Bit- Mayer C II. Orme. Lieut. W. 11 awe. Lleut.-Col. S. D. Johnston. Ueut-Cot. J. W Nlcholla. Lieut -Col. S. P. McMordl. DJS O . Major Bvttt, Ma- tor Durbank. Mr. Cunningham, an ex -president of the BrasU. South America, British Empire Lofton Branch, and 8. D. Macdonald. A plendld program, arranged by C. L. Youngmah. included songs by J. A. Tng. J. 8. Wilson. O. P. Tinker and It. Aatort with two particularly pleasing event in an exhibition of illuminated club-swinging by Ted Anstow and cutlass swinging by Jack Anslow. Community singing under J. 8. Wilson "went over with i bang." A. Smalle wa a very eu-able aeromfMnist. Refreshment were served and the old spirit of the trench we very evident A. A. Pare, engl'eer of the N. A. Timmlns Cer para tie). arHved la the cltv from the Rat on last venlng's train to pay a visit of Inspection to the Surf Point mine for whleh he loft today on the company boat Quatls. havtvc been met here by R E Legg, the FURS I have a big order for raw furs and am prepared (o buy at top prices. Before selling rise-where ' let me tee what you havr. I am In a position to pay as much or more than others and you get your rash at once, either by return mall or by wire. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Game Saturday night a capacity crowd saw four last mint of bMkeiball t the Moose Hall Th bat game Zt . ArmU- betwen the Orotto and th Cake, donated by Rupert Bakery. th. ltlninirv of ...rh . tour tice Day's activities to a very sue- lOanadtan National KereMon At. won by J. K. P. Currie. No. 6. C6rrwpondenw wlth Radlo eta- j eef ul ed. In opening the I , ,1"; Z7 ( Jar of domtM Boston Orotto winning by throe point af-Monoay, candy' by J. Preece. the Alaska talnment. present. Ketchikan. tlon KGBU. re- Monday Nov Nov. 13 13. 1933 1933 by shlb,g Nq g , o.wUph Ut Ur n ovcrttaor period. Play wju i $5.00 Admission ticket. No. 14.184. . .... I. v. . , h.rf , fwi throwthout the half time a . . ijijjwyy was Buumiuru. i uic iiirmui i H. W. M. Rolston gave an Inter- i been honorad estlng report of In ... uam Kalna it. II In lh arlv narl a iiouLOie otiM- 1 i . . . . . i vr n a i i ' ui k.j .n i at turn atiniH nau um i. iv. n A, .9 .... J j , ( ' ' . . i Mail Schedule ever at twu WW. n tvr rM lod the C N. R. A. scored the first basket to hold the lead for but a minute. The Orotto the made five point In quick time to win M-K Ladirs' (isnte The Comet tied up the Ladies' League by beating the Cardinals M-14 Lowe wa very effeatrve for the Cardinals while Smith and Irvine were the sharpheotr of the Comet. Intermediate Game The Warrior continued their winning streak at rhe expense of the High School in the Intermediate League, merging vtetet by a comfortable margin of M-M. Junior League In the Junior Nature the Flash beat the Scout 2S-I8. Th Sffnts all played well while FUHoo served the Flash best. Individual scoring: Senior League C. N. R. A, tttUe tl, Jehnaon ili. Nalaon. iNuith Hi. D. Mor Haon ), Sanierbaoe it. Dvte M. IH. MBe. onila Hi. Stalker . McNulty l-8. LadieV League Cardinal Low 14 By Westover. VlHy ClB " j piCOFB&SOd. I l-AMO DOM'T f302IB MP VA1HAT Ae I I iTyMa-DOO IS MATTTtts O'HAT ICK, "TM0 r "YOU OOWiV I l MOT HEBW. tSliCT STeNOGHAPMsc HBBB I I'M U z i' , irlXT V r J Rtvett. Stone. Morrt 14. Comet Johnson t. Irvine tt. McLend. Long. Steen. SvnHh Dickens. The as. Inlermrdlate Leaiue ' High School Nakamoto 141. Motley i. Banterbaoe 5 . Suehlro II, Morgan. Tobey. Millar. Davtas 0-SB. Warrior Oamadina (i. Pierce 0. OlUt (14 , BurtMrtt. Mickey. Ohrtrtlson, Pttspitrlok. Kdgcumbe -30. I Junior League j Seouts Xskamoto 2. Vlereck j '. Houston "7i. Dybhavn. Llnd-iscth. Edgar. Deane 18 FlashesPalmer 3, MrPhee 8' Fulton IJi McMerkin J Ritrhle Hill. Cromp U BASKETBALL Nov 12 -Orotto vs Kaleni. Comet1! vi High 8chol: Warriors vs Merchant. Scout vs. Trojans. Nov. 18 - Kalens vs CNJtA High School vs Cardinals, Merchants vs High School; Seythlans vs. Flashes. Nov 20 - C.N.R.A. vs Orotto: ComeU vs Cardinals; High School vs. Warriors; Phuhe vs. Troja-s Nov. 3a-Kalena va. Orotto; High School vs. Comet; Merchants v Warriors: Scythians vs. Scouts. Nov. 27 - C.NJI.A. vs. Kalens; Cardinal vs High School; High School vs Merchant; Scythians vs. Trojans. Monday. November 13, 1M SMOKER FOR "HOOP PLAY Empress Wins REMEMBRANCE yj7py FAST Affair at Canadian Legion Hall Large Crowd on Saturday Night Hrlnti Armistice Day Obser- I Seniors Provide feature vance to Close In Billiards Victory of J, Sutherland Over W, llutson Gives Club Men Victory Orrr Grotto Thursday night's Billiard Lragu fixture between Empms ..i.-i 0 to wa eonetuded on Pttd.ty : -i when J. Sutherland. Emir-v no. fetri W. E. Hutaon. Ortu h, t score of 300 to 171 In a ; gnme. gtvtog the vtcturv Kmpreat by an afgreguu 1070 to lOOt. The leapt atMtfutg ' (k. ti aa follows: Elks Empress Orotto Can. Legion a. 1 1 t . 1 Ttl till 1 070 1 I57 1W2 Billiard Averages . O T-J fluthettewd ISMpl 1 ''-C. Baptte iCL I W. Stuart 1 J. Hulger iBVui) l J. sauader R 1 c P natsgrui Hs t f : O P. ThvteT C4.i 1 ; ; D row ! I 2i: J. May 0 1 Donald Rsp 1 1 -r AMraage Mms) 1 3: P PfHehard Hasp ) t O. Howe iOl I A Murray OD 1 -r W B HatMsi OI 1 W Ranee CLI 1 V Memse aHuii l : T. Riaa Oatap l 1 A Beale OLI I ,W UnMr afugl 1 " ' E. Batt OI I Maraun Ol I 30 )B. C. YchaBsiritX 1 M. B. Young iRsap 1 1 00THAI.1. risTrosLii Owing to wafavorabie a th final game of the f of the Junior Football t c twean King Rdwara Hu c and Baotta Manorial fy ooatposied fmn last Fn noon ustttl the cominit S nftevtMwn. iminoK i.iumri: stamh.vo swift Orotto row Storage Oddfellow O. 2 I I 2 IJ4H II 1! -:) Radio Owners 0WBBBB0BBBa' Do You Knov? Poor Kadlo Reception May Im? Due to Defective Tulics Some tube have m r( one working part One "T parts may have w i' A tube may light up ! be defective Our New Tester Will elieck the differ working parts separately Wring your tubes in ar. 1 " these tests made n 1 to you Kaien Hardware PHONEi 3 Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Rear runs nwun-ted In any style. Oamo hea a specialty. All work guaranteed first claw. FURS MADE UP Write For Trie" K. Dlx, TnxiderinUt Terrace, Il C , -