.. V..K 11 10H V, i'.I'IIIUC W I i- ;. 11 .TICS DAILY I i 'I'M II .! The Rexall Store Poll Contest Open to Children 12 Yearn of Ape and Under. 12 Prize For Girls and Three Special Prizes For Hoys Which Include Three Coaster Wagons. Kach Child Nominated Will Receive 100 Votes Free Terms of the Contest arc: Wi!'i every dollar cash purchase the customer is entitled to 100 votes. Nominations will be accepted up to and including Nov. 13th V r will commence on the morning of November I4tb ami continue until Saturday night, De-her hd, 10 p.m. sharp. The twelve'girls re- the highest number of votes will be awar-t ' r twelve prizes and the three boys receiving Jiest number of votes w ill be awarded the prizes. i ML AND (IKT YOUU NOMINATION 11 LANK TODAY The Prizes are now on display Ormes lid. Jfi Ptonccr DruQpsts t.t Keiall Star f hones: 111 ft 82 TUP CONSOLIDATED .MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TM4II. ItKITIkll (OLIMIIIt ri'pDLl AMMONIUM I'llOSPHATE ELEPHANT sulphate ok ammonia rtrinS ::: -iic ii. iiktiiiin n It R.itir nt TADANAC llranS lit TKIH.Vtlr Tltlt'LK St I'J KI'IIOSrilAfR li:ad-inw CADMIl'M-BISMtTII Coal Prices A.;:r.a8 Hest Lump $12.50 r ' IJet KgR 11.50 -.as Hwt Stove 11.00 - na Egg 11.50 L'ack .inn Cedar, per lod 5.00 .:: J Wood, per cord fi.OO HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Winter Excursion Rates TO VANCOUVER N(E RUPERT S32.00 KFTl'RN All Meals and Berth '5 Vi ,RT SIMPSON SS5.35 RKTURN Included r 1 ' R .trs io Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. Sprtui Tickets on Sale Between November 10 and February jg, lr,il inclusive Oood to Return t'p to Mareh 31. 1M4. Children Half Tare iamiks iiiavi: j'ltiNti: iiirrntT auk. Vancouver M ' ATA I. A TUESDAY, ISO I'M. THURSDAY. Ml. ss 'AltDl.NA FRIDAY, 12 MOT. MONDAY, A.M. Tickets and All Intorm.it ln From Prt Rupert Aient, It. .M. SMITH. Third Ave.. Phone 5C8 or Pursers S.S. Cstala and S.S. ('aniens CANADIAN PACIFIC Wstnrrs rave Vlint9 Uup,rt tot Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way TorU: i. v..Prinr-pM Adelaide. Friday 10:00 pm e' VAM'OUVUl: direct: l r. v..J,"U ss Norah, Nov. 17. Dec 1. 15 H.m....v SKAOU.U. KETCHIKAN. WHAMIELL, JUNEAU Princess Norah. Nov. 13, 27. Dec. 11 . , lw Winter Excursion Fare to Vancouver ami Keiurn r Tickets on sale Nov 10, 1033 to FA ; dual ..Itir.t limit Miirrh 31. 113 i W. L. COATKS. fleneral Aient, '''" Rupert, H.C because It doesn't nny to advertise poor products, ii docs pay to liny uiosc niMKiufv... Cthln nui Tourkt (3m Third CUM Local News Notes Bllvcrsldes Bros, for Wallpaper, Ulasa, Paint and Muresco. W. E. Ponsonby of Terrace was a week-end visitor to the city. Jack Selvlc Ud Friday night 1 on the Pritrcess Adelaide for a trio to Vancouver. T W. Hall, inspecior of aehoots. tailed last evening on the Oatala for a trip to Port Simpfton on official duties. Mr and Mrs. Fred Hardy flatted i Friday night on the Prtaosas Ade-; lalde for a vacation trip to Vancouver and Seattle. A. Llndgron of Anyox tailed by, , the Catala last evening on his re-. turn to the smelter town after a vcek's visit in the elty. Mrs J E. Boddie and daughter. Miss Sue Beddis. smiled Friday i nlgbt on the Princess Adelaide far s holiday visit to VanesMvor. .tromlMi.tt ,frm HI SS III.H not go home for Chrlitmair . . Perhaps you haven't been there for years. Restful cabins . . . comfortable public rooms . . . marvellous meals . . . and tha perfect Cunard Personal Service await you In whichever class you travel on these popular ships. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILINGS Jwm MONTREAL on Not. II R.M.S. "AIRANIA: ( llatr and landon. N. V R-M-n.'-ATIIENtV la PtUMt, Lhrrpool, UUigow. Jrvm HALIFAX on Vc. t R.M.8. "AUSONU" 1M. II R.M.S. "ASa.MA" la rtmvulh, lUvrt, LonJon. tht. IS R.M.9. LEnTIA-It HmI, llTtrpoat, r.l.ow, Ittn Mint John, t. 14. Lotp Round-Trip Fares Aik ihout our SpwUI ChrUlmts Kirunloni, from your loot (nt at from lh nnml Cunrd nttin IUllnt Mrwl LjJlj (bryrouur M4S) Vocouvtr Basketball tonight .Moose Hall. Canadian Legion BE.8.L. executive tonight, monthly meeting on Wednesday night. D. A. Brown, accountant for the Swift-Canadian Co, called on the Princess Adelaide Friday night lor a trip to Vancouver. Daughters of Norway bazaar Moose Hall. Wednesday the 15th. 8 o'clock.' Program. Refreshments free. Mrs. Black's Orchestra. Ladies 25c. Dents 35c. 264 eadache often relieved without "dosing OVER t? MltllON JAPS UStD YEAPtV Mrs. Archie Payton. Mn nn a Mvn.mtnth.' trln In " - - NmiNH. I I- Vaneouv.r, returned to the city J B. Miller sailed Friday night the south orj, the Pitaeess on the Princess Adelaide for a trip Adelaide Friday afternoon, to Vancouver He intents to re-1 . cetve medical treatment whe In Anoeraon or Anyox was a pai the south. Oeorae Bvford and Sd. Evtord of city on Thursday rnftts train from the Sseena Rreer and sailed Friday night o.i Use Garden for Vancouver. Robert Irvine, after a two weeks' vi.it st his bosne here, sailed by the Prineea Adelaide last Friday night for Vancouver whore he vtll reioin the errs- of the fist, paeker B. and Y. He expects to spend the winter In the south. Mrs. W. L. Arsastronc. wife of the station agent at Prince George, arrived In the city at the end of the week from the interior, bring ing her MUe daughter to the Prince Rtpet General Hospital where she Is to usssgo an opera- I tkn. Mr and Mrs. H. L Prank of Tor. race were weelcend visitors In the elty. They arrived on "Thursday night's train Jrom the interior and are returning home this afternoon. Mr. Frank is one of the beat known pioneer metiers of the Terrace District. Dr. Joseph T. Mandjr. resident stater aboard the Prince George 11. L. Landry returned to the city on the Cardena Friday night from a brief trip to Ocean Falls. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Ryan sailed last Thursday night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. Mr. Ryan was formerly employed at the local dry dock. General meeting of Northern B. C. Fishermen's Association will be held Thursday. November 18, at Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op. eratlve scow i fishermen's float) at 2 pm. 263 Q. A. Yardley. Inspector of customs, and his assistant, 0. E. Nor-ris. were pasenefs aboard the fja toala last evening going tfereugn from Vleteria to Anyex m offtetal business. Norman L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Oemmkston. sailed this who has morning on the Princess Norah for a brief trip to Ketchikan on official duties. L. S. Davidson of the Stewart Mining Co., which is carrying out operations on the Dun well mine. a passenger aboard the Ca last Thursday evening going jula Ust evenlnc returning north wiwu me wW wwn w after a busineas trip to Vaneouver CaaiUr eannary arrreed sa the;Vcouver whence be will proceed iIe was accompanied by Mrs. Da- saining engineer, sailed on Friday night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to attend the annual 'convention of the Miring Institute i of British Columbia He will also visit departmental headquarters i in, VlctorU on official business Mr Mandv wert, soutl. with him. Lwismrssmt.ga on a trip to Montreal. Dr. W. T Kergrn. who has been videon. Norman Taylor has taken over wr P duties as purser of the steamer medical post-graduate work atRo- princess Norah on the Skagway cheater. Minnesota, Toronto and rout for the winter. For the past elau where In the &t, returned ffw trips Purser P. A. Hole had 'om 00 Sunday night's train. . been In charae of the office on the " ' Princess Norah, He now goes te a T- Hu J ' .,i A .hill iw wsiiinmj a w i, souwiern run at 4:16 yeoterday afternoon to Third Avenue where Dawes' Oeorge Union steamer Cardena Can fumrtufe true had taken fire in Brnest Oeorgeson. arrived in port (U..9e " S.rw a " IrUUy night froa tLe short circuit tn ignition wiring, south, sailing at 12 mldMght on Little, if any. damage was done, her return to Vancouver and way. polnU. On this week's voyage north Miss Ann Ottehrfet. having been the Carder wlU make her month-called home recently on aceeunt of iy call M Kitimaat. we oeain or ner Ner, Mm &iar am 0tK&rsA med by thePrtn- Miss Alice. PiHsbury, Miss-Fran cees Aoeuwe rnaay niant to re- ces Cross and Bertie Cross spent sume ner nurser irammg ouMes at the week-end at Inverness cannerv norai uoiwnoia iraqaw in ew as the guests of Mr. and Mrs Weetmtneter. Prank R U'tlxw Mrii nn ph. day evening's train for the Seens Mrs. John R. Morgan and Mr. and River arrt returninr home on last Mrs. B. J. Palmer. Mrs. E. J. Palmer nlrhfj delayed train. bemg Mrs, Morgan's elder daughter arrived In the city on tug St. Faith nULim nann Mll tnAM Rt. on Friday morning from Uckeport, art mlntnfn. who ha, on U4T TT ","Q w'- r" a business rlp to Vancouver. dU- bnrottt1here J0, ' embarked here from the steamer the Prince for or Rupert Hospital CataU last cvenlng and w tfeUn,U lUrue to Stewart on the Prince . . , , , I Oeorge Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Douglas Uy. resent mlnlpg en- Derm U In charge of operations nr,I.f0riv,n0Ilm ufyiwhich are being carried out on the district with headquarters at Ha-1 United Empire and Banlew pro-crlton. arrived in the cHy on perties Thursday night's train, from the ! ; terlor and sailed on the as. Prince Oeorge for Vancouver where he will attend the annual convention of the Mining Institute, also visit-lepartmental headquarters in Vlc-orla on official buslress. On a regular voyage to Skagway a d other Alaska points. C.pji. $s. I iPrin.ess Norat. Cap. Wlillarn f3- mer arrived in port at 9 drioek his morning frm Vancouver and ailed an hour later for' the north. Tlie vessel is scheduled to call here southbound on Friday afternoon. I There were 36 passengers aboard the vessel on arrival here, three rilsembarklrg at this port while two went north from here aboard her. Announcements Oddfellows' old time dance. No vember 14. Daughters of Norway Bazaar, Moose Hall, Nov. 15. Anglican W. A. Baaaar, Nov. 10 Philharmonic Society concert, November 51. Presbyterian Church play "Con iequences" Nov. 24," . r Moose Dance November 24. Ragles' Dance December I, W. A, Canadian Legion Uazaar. Eaules Hall, Dec. S. , United Church Baaaar Dec. 7. Hogmanay Danes. Queen Mary 'Clupier, Dtcembtr f. Blood Test Led Run-Down Girl to A Sure Remedy Ssytnc that she lacked pp ad didn't ri like work in a pale young airice-watkar r.-cainljr has brr Mym cti by t rputblr physician. Thte Uv Indlralrd an auaamtc oondlUoa. m h haemoaiobln cqnJrat ol tlx fin's blovd was orlv 00. trvtbma at 99 m wto:ch la norma! fees voovsn. sad her red Mod aaspuacsiea oomM vh only S TO0.O00. UM(d of normal aouni of I.SOO.oao. Trw phyalrran asstlatovd thai the red eorpuaolra cam- throughout the blood atrnHU Um haeinoalobln. which rrnvr b Ulfl-flTint OlMfn from Ut lunss and nutrunrnt from the dlwtlT oniaM to every reil In the body, thereby building Meouea ad cleyrtng the ayatetn ui persona. Hence the ImmIHi ran be normal only If tjie haeowf toout IM red oorpuaeira are. TO larreate he IweuHniobtn and red eeepuwlea, the physician pre-aoribad Dr WttlUfiM' rnk Pie. After a tnertih'a uoatovarK We young woman returned for a aeaond biopd. tet. This test showed a remarkable improvement kn bee blood Mream -die felt full of energy and vlgor Tee) ether rmki eople. blood-tented at tlie aawie tame, had atmUar expeetec. The pryeiclsn'a rronrda of tho-e caf fH"nWn volHe proof that Dr William' rink PUls are remarkably effktlrm in revltaUalfif lm. povertahed bcud atreama. They will d4 iMt for you. Try them. M cema at drug atorce. MHT riltNTK MINT.RAl, CLAIM frrtlflratf of ImprotrmrnU TAKK NOTICE that I. W. IL Muon. free nutter's rerUfieaU No. 4TST. Intend 80 day from the date berauf to apply to the Mining Recorder for a certlfl cte of Improvement for the purpoee of obtaining a crown ru of the aboTC cUmi. AND further tekt notice tbst setloa under Bectlon S3 of the Mineral Art must be commenced before the laauance of auch certificate of unprovtmaau. Date Urd ;uly. 1933. first Insertion el lTrtUtiol Au rut t, tin, A Chance to Cash in on Your Purchase of Your Singer Sewing Machine Mrs A. O. Moa of Ketchikan, after spending a few days in the city, sailed by the Princess Norah this morning on her return to the Alaska town. Ar. rrtquly has been received by the city police as to the present whereabouts of Frank Lowery who was last heard from In Prince Tin- oert if) 1927. Relatives are desirous of getting In touch with Low-ery. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, salted by the Primes Norah this morning for Atlt where he will investigate the circumstances of a recent accident la that dls trtct when J. C. Moran. a well known mining operator, was kitted. FOR RENT NEWI.Y Renovated modern flat, Rand Block. Max Hetlbroner. tf M6DBRN HOVSE for Rent, fur nished.. Apply Regal Shop. 246 FOR RENT 5-rom modern house. like new. harbor view. McCiy-moot. tf FOR RENT 2-room modern apart ment, furnished. Phone Red 607. tf FURNISHED Houskeeplng Rooms for rent. Will move you in free. Phone 290. lm LOST LOST Black Cocker Spaniel 2 Puppy, answers to name "Bud- dy." Phone Black 9M. Reward. 264 WANTED WANTED Used stove, restaurant stools and dishes. Apply Hyde Transfer. 263 PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Holler. Phone Red: 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch, cedar, Jackplne. Furniture mov- JUS. tl I HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVIN01 Cluster Curl; Latest Style NELSON'S BEAUTY 8HOPPE Whenever you bought your Singer, It was the best machine of its time. But both the times and the Singer have changed. Now we want to help you to know the ease of modern sewing. To help you have a modern Singer at once while prices are lower than they may be for many years to come. HOW YOU MAY BENEFIT For a limited time to Singer owners only. Your old machine may be 30, 40 even 50 years old. nevertheless we will make you an allowance of 40'v of your purchase price (your machine benu: in tolerable condition to apply on a new modem machine, what other article of merchandise automobile, radio, vacuum cleaner other article of merchandise automobile, radio, vacuum sweeper will make you an allowance of 40 even after one year's use? Singer Sewing Machines are made entirely in Canada and Singer factory must be kept going. The advantage is yours. Will you grasp It? -Build B. C. Payrolls" The Vacuum Idea Spreads BO W fir n Great corporations are spending boge sums to discover ways to pack fruits and vegetables in vaeuwm pans. Beiore Paeifkc Milk learned to use vacuum paekikg It was considered useful only for dry foods! Want Ads Pacific Milk FOR SALE FOR SALE Child's crib, complete. $4.00. Phone Red 787. 262 rX)R SALE good office safe. Can be seen at Pally News. tl FOR BALE 8-p4ece Oak Dining Room Suite, modern, square table; Walnut finished Steel Bed complete: Dresser; Rug; Chairs, etc.. cheap. No. 8, McMordie Apartments. 2& "100 a C. Owned and Controlled' PLANT AT ABBOTS FORD Umbrellas That Are New We have ju&t received our new umbrellas and some of the values are better than usual. Most of them have fancy borders and ell have nice handles with loops or crooks. The covers; are j :tj)a popular art wlfc ohtij moderately . Cf V nriroil nt S2.fl5. It (Jewellers TtlC ST0R5 WITH THE CLOCK Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Tetel cat aelty 26,01 teas Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting gUetrts and Acetylene Welding ll-toa Derrick for Heavy Lift Sawmill and MlnlngMachisery Repaired and Overbsalcd el i gtftA v 5 a 3 '"idll 3 S a) i 3 S 4r