PAGE TWO THE DAI1.Y NEWS Nova Scotia Beauty Contest Winner DAILY EDITION i " Canada's; Anthem o Canada, our home and native land TMfe patriot 1ot in all thy sons With glowing heaWe see Uprise . The thieorjOi Wfcn.aod m. And sbnd Qn (ard, p.Cairta. We stand-on jjard r tM& ' O (Canada, glqiloUMndiroe ' O dUnada te stahchdn guard for thee. . s O Canada we stand oh guard for ; thee, . - ' ' ' r ' , .... " ) . . THE DAILY NEWS. 1'KINCE KDPEltT UltlTlbll COLUMBIA Publlsned Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince ftup'ert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SL'USCIUFTION HATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance , For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week Ey mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 8y mail to all other countries, per year , . , ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word i , -, - , Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line , - -Local readers, per insertion, per ime .... Contraci rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Burrao of Circulations ..98 .86 5.00 10? 3.0Q 8.00 1.40 .02 .15 2i Tuesday, Pab. U 1933 THAT ELECTION PETITION The first step has been taken to apply to the courts to have the mayor unseated because of alleged irregularities in regard to the payment of taxes We have no brief for Mayor Stephens but we see no good to be gained by unseat-ing.hiih.because the people would undoubtedly re-elect hihi if another election should be called, So far as can be ascertained the mayor is fully qualified under the act. It is stated on good authority that his check for taxes was lodged with the city officials before his no mination papers, which would conform With the old regU-. latibhs. It is also asserted that the new law requires only .that there shall be no registered charge against the pro-i perty arid does not. mention taxes. Under these circumstances it seems unlikely that the seat will be declared vacant or that Mr. Perry will be appointed by any court that ' may consider it. At present it is not formally before the court and that mayor has not been notified of any action being taken. All that has been done is to file a petition with he Itegi&trar of the County Court. RECOGNITION OF RUSSIA The United States, it iB intimated, is likely to recognize Russia pretty soon. Britain recognized heP several yeais ugo. Canada hns refused to do so up to the 'present. No matter what may be our opinion as to the Russian administration under the Soviet regime and the methods used m that country, the government is today about as stable as hiost governments and should be recognized as such. There is nothing to be gained by pretending that there is ho proper government in that country with which this country can do business or discuss matters diploma ticallv. We hope the Canadian government Will soon decide to accord io uusHia.f.nat recognition wmcn one civihkuu whim try accords to another. It seems childish to hold out because we do not like some of the methods employed by Stalin and hiB subjects, they are making a great effort to develoo a nation and most neonle none they will succeed and teaeh us a few Wons. tfiey are losing their youthful enthusiasm, that of trying to, make the world over according to their own system and are finding they have plenty to do to put their own house in order. If we can help the country by recognizing their government by all means let us do so. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Here is Mkes MararA Shaffner of Lawrencctown, Hov.t z -'.la. who won. the "Land Of Bvan&ellne" beauty contest In f iat province. SHe Is waving from the aa. Laoy DrtAo on bar arrival at Boston, recently. RUSSIANS LIVING IN SQUALOR Danny Pellnko Returns to Canada After Disappointing Visit to Native Land HALIFAX. Feb. 14 After a dis appointing visit to his native Ruaila Danny Petinko preaented his for jxiymtnt. He had been pnoijqd he Would receive British ci..-.fcnc when he was ready to leave Bui )nny was in for a surprise The Soviet officials mad rum ctnpty his pockets and show that nothing was left. Then one man ' k the money, pointed to the door and yeHed: "Oet out!" A Danny pretested, another of leisl levelled a gun at his head with: "Gel oat! You are lucky ic ret amy with your head on yout houldefft." ao Danny got out. "My rubles were no good. I had to work to get my ration of black oread in Russia." he said on arm-1 lng at Halifax. "It'3 all right fox these big men who study poltUrs to1 to to Rttsata aa tounau ana say , they ilka the country. Yea I They vis- it the cities. They are flne- lg buildingsthey bare food and Ov welkin man la happy. But in thi country it is dflferent." Saw War Service Danhv Petinko la a British citl-; sen. He came to Halifax In 1911 went overseas with the Royal Cana ; JUn Regiment In the early days of ihe War. was wounded at the battle ut th Saihimc and returned to this 1 Itv atli- the war In rWemher last. the tea was lite water The men sueked a piece Of brown smar and poured the hot Uqttfcl . tneu teeth. lhcy worked eight hour' a day. both men and woMken. he- .4id. and jat night they atea in nwerable quarters, "they had n none. Thi place they sleft belong i -o anybody. And it was not a( . ' i wtUk about ut night If yoi had 'ii, clothes on. They woulci .'i-.'l she i I hoos off your feet. It i too bad." 1 1 He was sadly disanpo-nted to find ' :iis beautiful country.' where mln had grown In great abundance, now he abode of half -starved people The grain must be shipped to make , lour fnr ihe large .xiUes. he explained. He found no trace of Mi rrfaUives. Churrh records we destroywi; ilon$ with other chutah property j n the country dWtrirta. tfl the lar- Ai.D. casey ixquisiTivn (Continued from Page 1 ind these men could not play fast and loose with it. Alderman Black explained that, the vouchers had been high in Sep-' tember owing to the expanding of money provided by local organisations for relief. That undoubtedly led to questions being asked He thought they should instruct HI Worship to take the nutter up personally with the administration After a little dlscusxlon by Aldi r-mvn Basso-Bert and Ritdderrwrn. Uerman Casey returnnd to the i harge thai someone had informed the 1 government thre had been a wilful waste of money ' and if imimt Information concerning his' ra had been he proposed h mMt. tnr nnui e made public If possible. Whi inin-r.-i j Alderman Wesch thought to let the DanAy took the tn.rn from Lento- nJ ltm d1. tne m" arad th Moscow. There be was matln but th,s rild "T by th? British legation's reprasen-, J wS thought Alderman ar, Wesch Knew taUve and was extended all eour-1 led him ewWrthlng about It , Uie. But hU Journey miles horth of Moscow to hU fornwr waerman nraira home, Kler. While he was with tlf hould thp 3 had been held bdt British repiesentative he could buy the poyment Up when alone he he was satisfied to let the mayor food, he said, but was the formation The answer forced to work in order to exist. lie houW w "black (and white was placed with the workers tearinn dowrTan old buildlnc and for three Alderman Rochester dWnk ri!v tiud Kid hv iit with the l"c a""' - aw w- i Soviet people 1 "Thaw ii'iv lltiltf ThnM There art are many Red ples about. They work myor n P"J WW" very hard und get 60 rubles a fort- ,u Mm w '' .ilttht. I lined up with them and i irrwnted my work ticket, I got a half loaf of black bread a day . . -ci '" and Danny held up a Junk of heivy black bread with the number 10' engraved on its uneven ur face "That 16 was my work number." he explained. I Soup VAs-Thin. Di'Mde the hulf loaf of bread given out every 24 hours, Danny said the meh sat down at meal time, 100 at a tabre and were doled out soup. It was very thin, without much 'nourishment, Danny thought, and formation requested He moved an too ",'r,MJI"c"1' " w t The Dally News can, bCt'4v J "- ' chased hased at-- M ' ' 'i'l f Post Office News Stflnd,.325 r Granville St Vaneouy , f Karl Anderson, Prince J r Oeorge. BC. ) It. W. Rljey. Terrace. JJ.W v deneral Store, Anyox. imlthcre prug Store. Smith- Hra.B6. ; Glasgow Rangers Beat Queen Park By Score of 3 to 1 OLASOOW. Feb. 14 gar centres the , onfRgt chwrclwa toanvrra dftd Ommu pw. a ia ing thv same. In spite of rumors otherwise, it seems that the Y. P. K. A . UUehoi- Iders of Northern British Columbia AT V!lTHt1 KSitaskeUMil championship ate very I- I Uilll I i ILiavU confident of wuinlng the much eot- jeted title again this yoar. aa shown Writ 1'rtre Won by Dshlle of Home . by the fact thai thty are quit WU1- Ton Who Bt Prime Ororre Etptrts of' 8ktTMaM. ft M-Dahlle Bmithers was the wlnttor of the lakl-jwaipkat contest yastarJay af-1 ternoon wttt. two Prince Oeorge men reapectiveljr second and third A feature of the matt was wonderful esHlbttton lump by Dahlte who covered 199 feet in a tremendous leap. In the competition th scores were: D?lleoff. 8mlthf.s. 157 feet Mon. of Prince Oeorge. 151 feet Helta, of Prince Oeorge. ! teet. lng to play the beat team In he northern part of the province aaaln Their games have raeelved much advene criticism thla seaaon. but like true sportsmen. It only serves to goad them on to try harder for the title again. Thla gives promise of some very Ufety games at th final play-off this season. BASKETBALL LLIfit'E STANDINGS Senior league W L Orotto s Katens I C.M R. A. I Inttrmtdlale Leatue Tul . 4 Warrtom 4 Merchants .. 1 lad ir lacue Oardinals I j Comets I Amazon . . . a Junior l.uu were keot In food rondtM U show i ywterday after the teams had pre- Scouts places for tourist. I ri0y playfj two uc matches in Jausuieae . : their second round Scottish Cup Rowers Meteors ft a 2 o PU. j 10 Tuesday, February M Cribbage Played Last Evening in League Fixture i . The Mw obtained a big lead In !te C'i:btia( Le.tue aa a result of his iwh! - i!.ii;u-s. The result of ! last niBli' .s fixtures were as follows: j Cuiu'tmn Legion It, Grotto 11. I Sov! owe 15. Empreaf ll I lOOF 10. Swlft't 17. ! M e 18. Elks 9. ' K.i ii io. Musketeer 11. ! League Stand In? W. . L P M tT 65 97! Sc u f-.v- . 7 75 87 OI..M. 77 86 Eai-!e TO 83 T O O F M 80 12 Muakr'wrs 80 St 80 ftnpwss 75 If 75 Canadian Legion Tl H 75, Swift's St 77 59 Elks 58 77 it SKI JUMPING I AUSTRALIAN TEST MATCH Vrry Clove In Miftt Innings Itut AilstnlU Mk l' Stall In Srrtnd , BRISBANE. Australia. Feb. 14 Australia Badminton Games Played In City League Tl. rp-uits o! last night it mlnton names wcif as follnwv Skecna. 5; C N R , 1. m . n . r aa w stalled its se-ond in- ""- ' " nn- ' i.. f th. fm.rtit tt rvttim 1 Hupect CiuD 0. SKeeoa am I . ... . ...... alh .. ' iillrun fl inairn oatuy seating oniy iwd run - ftr the lest of for wieketa , Th first innings waMcr do. the Australian eleven maVnc 140 'aa-'nst England's 34. Don Brad- e . i scored a. SPORT CHAT In the 8cnior Lvugue of the baa-ketbull fiklures toninnt the C. N. R. wUl meet the Ofotto in place of the Kaieru, the Other fUrtUres remain 8kaana. 6: Kkerna ft Aivh SlnndUvc A. Lragur ftupert Club Skeeru CJJJLA Skeona :d Au Mean MtiindHic H. Laafiir Rrtr, Ent i UfHKT Rupert Cl'ib ,r Rupert Club Hillside Untied and r nhdltc An- 4(1 Checker Expert Dies in Vancouver VANCOUVBt. r.b li p Oatrney. W years of .ii: ,i . Oonally known as n draun and former checker -x r Vancouver Proving, u d -. CRIBBAGE IVfcrwary M Canadian Legion vs. Swift 1 O. O. T vs Orotto. Moose vs Kagles Seal Cove vs Elks Empress vs. MUNketrrr r For Colds Sore Throat Etc Tfienihoktum fflclM'of Crean MftOe IN C A MAO A more lloWmanyiliiyo In tlminoiilli Io ) nu feel your lrst? Two or llireei? A ilomi? You ran add Io tin) "Minoliiiie dajs" iy iinply idM')liii niitiirr'sLwii. Avoid common ronMlpu-lion liy rulliifs a delirious rrrrvd. Iilionitory lrl oliow Kello's Al.UlUtAN provides "hulk" Io rxercUe llic. Inlrs-lines, und vilutnin II Io uid n-Biilarily. The "hulk" in Al l-llltAN Is similar Io tlinl In leafy egi-lahles. Hi aildl lion, AI.I..1IHAN conlaliis nv, II on your calendar Iwicv as miirli lilood liulhL log iron a un ritinl Hght of href liver. You find It far more pleaanl to enjoy a crrral lhan taking jialent medlrtnes. Miirli ler loo. Tho IhIiIo spoonfuls of KrlloK's AUy lhlA daily vlll ovrrronio not lyjirs of ronMlpatlon. If no! relieved this way, see )our doctor. In Ihe red-mid' Riren pm-ksge, Al all gro. ers. Mailo li) Kellogg In IaiimIoii, Ontario, ALL-DRAH Ml l.n tVhiii inu'rit lirnlllo, )uii'rr Iikiiii)' Mw v.u f,.l,n.l li.. tmt m .lrn nJ. t.r.l. Ill-'l th IinmI 9mi r.l II, ur.- ..hi I U hl.M.Hl . ll K -.. 111. i. n I 'kulk' Io umutr rrauUmi 7