PAGE FOUR THX DULY NEWS DON'T BE FOOLED! It is Unnecessary to Pay High Prices For Summer Shoes Men's Tennis or Running Shoes, Boots or Oxfords, all colors. Prices 1.10 10 $1.45 Men's Dress Boots & Oxfords, good range of styles to choose from. Prices 2.45 10 $3.95 Men's Black or Brown Calf and Grain Leather Work Boots, Panco soles or leather. Prices 1.95 10 3.65 Paint Boiled Oil and Turpen tine have advanced about 35c a gallon in the last few weeks. BUY THIS INEXPENSIVE PAINT Now! Gallons ...$2.79 Gallons .$1.59 Quarts 89c Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 Your Boat Needs a Radio Have m install one of our new stt.s in your boat. No D or C Batteries required, operates directly off any six volt lighting or Ignition system. A demonstration at our shop will convince you of the simplicity and economical operation of this 6et, Superior LJ if Radio Service 331 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. IIox 132 A. O. BARTLETT C. H. INSULA NDER Get quick result with a want ad. Visit our store and let us fit you with a pair of fine shoes, beach shoes, sandals, running shoes or work shoes. The money you save by buying from us will help when you buy clothes at the Montreal Importers across the street. Women's or Growing Girls' Tennis or Running Shoes, any color. Prices 95c t0 $1.15 Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Straps or Oxfords, all colors and styles. Prices 59c t0 85c Women's Latest Style in Sandals, color to suit your dress i HE Price t?XiO 'the show plant being one which has had this season over forty' lovely-hued blossoms. Mr. King also has a number'Of different varieties of begonia and cacti and, in the hothouse, he Iras been successful in ripening canteloupes. He also has a few tomatoes already ripe. Mr King also has a good outdoor vegetable garden.. , Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, temperature 60. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 53. Stewart Cloudy, to rain, calm, 53. Hazelton Cloudy calm, 62. Smlthers Raining, calm, 58, Bums Lake Cloudy, calm. 56. Boys' and Youths' Running Shoes, all styles. Prices 89c t0 1.25 . Ladies' Fine Dress or Sports Shoes, any color. Prices 1.95 10 2.95 Misses' and Children's Patent Leather Strap Slippers and Oxfords, black or brown calf. Prices 98c t0 1.65 Cut Rate Shoe Store - !Mn"e Floriculture Is Well Known Yacht Hobby of Harry I Is Purchased Back King of Terrace I By Former Owner , TERRACE, Aug. 2: Horticulture and floriculture are made a realj hobby to Harry King of Terrace, i Ml If InCT hot Krn tnAMlllUInn tn I the raising of the delicate petunia , and in his hot house, residence and gardens he has many Interesting Most old residents of Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands remember the yacht Epaullne whkh was used here at the time of the airplane spruce campaign about the last year of the war. She was built In 1910 by S. L. Howe who sold her to the government. After the war the boat was bought by W. C Shelly who named her the SewkV- Iey. Now she has been purchased back by Hon. S. L. Howe and Is to be once more named the Epaullne after his two daughters Edna and Pauline. The Dally News can be pur- ' chased at 4 Post Office News Bund, 325 Oranvllle 8t Vancouver. i Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorge. B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. Oeneral Store, Anyox. 4 Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- "TILJ.1E THE TOILER" NAJHA.T AtS VOU tooiucr MAC A MO TOOtc x SOCK ' XT MB Of'fiCB ' I Rotary Visitors Entertained While In Prince Rupert Tea Given Yesterday Afternoon for Mrs, Dim mo re of Tacoma at Home of Mrs. W. T. Kergln Mr. and Mrs. William Dlnsmore of Tacoma left this afternoon after spending several days In the city. Mr. Dlnsmore Is district Qov-eror of International Rotary and was making his first official visit to the local club. On Monday evening Governor Dlnsmore met the officers of the local club at dinner in the Com-modore Cafe where Rotary affairs were discussed In an informal manner. At the same time Mrs. Dlnsmore was entertained at dinner by Mrs. Oeorge Woodland, wife of the past president of the club, tnd the evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blackstock. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dlnsmore was entertained by wives of members of the Rotary Club at Mrs. W. T. Kergtns beautiful home on Fourth Avenue. Tea was served by the ladles. Today the visitors were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Johnson at lunch and they sailed on the Prince Oeorge at 3 for Ketchikan, a number of Rotarians being down at the boat to see them off. Skunks Will Be Skunks No Matter What Age They Be BURNS LAKE. Aug. 2 Skunks are all right but not in their official capacity. Two boys at Francois Lake tried to break up a skunk home recently by carrying off two skunk kittens. The kittens were young but jiq sooner were they molested than unpleasant things began to happen. The pretty little animals were dropped like hot eakea. Later there was a great burning of clothes and bathing of boys but It was days before friends of the young men were willing to know them again. Fifteen Miles Of Macadamized Roads Repaired The city has fifteen miles of ma- camteed roads and streets and within a couple of days this will all have been repaired, the holes filled with waterproof material and once more the owners of cars will be able to drive with comfort and without danger of breaking springs. Asked in retard to this, the com-mUatoner said it had practically all ben done by relief labor. fcOT MC- PiOSIB bitsKjT Comb mto -mm, NEAT YACHT VISITS PORT Pagan is Owned by Air. and Mrs. II. Lyman of Los Angeles Leisurely Cruise The yacht Pagan, Capt. D. M. Oundcrsen. belonging to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyman, the former a finance broker of Los Angeles, came In from Alaska yesterday afternoon and tied up at the Armour floats. They have been leisurely cruising for the last six weeks, going as far north as Ska g way. The Pagan, built three years ago, carries a crew of three, Is 70 feet long with a beam of 17 feet and is fitted with a 175 h.p. full dleeel engine. The visitors' will take In all the interesting places from here down the B. O. coast and will probably reach home about the first of October. The owners' Intentions are to cruise in Mexican waters for the winter months. I Pete Birnle of Lake Kathlyn re- , turnea to the Interior on Monday's train after spending a few days in I the city. I" " . - . BUY & SAVE Here is your opportunity to save a few nickels. Why not call at our store and compare our prices. SALAD DRE8SINO Best OQp f oods, 16-02. Jar . OVK, SPANI8H PIMENTOS OQ larva tin WV KIPPERED SNACKS Fancy. 4 tins HAPPY VALE PICKLES O O O I p Sweet or sour, quart Jar ASHCROFT KETCHUP OCp READY CUT MACARONI per lb. CANADIAN CHEESE 1 Qf per lb. XUl, DAVIE'S LUNCH TONOUE Oyf 0 Vi's, per tin EDDY'8 OWL MATCHES 97n 3 boxes to pkg. Ul SPRING PINK SALMON-l s Qn SLICED PINEAPPLE 2s per tin 25c 7c 10c 'Advancing, buy now) FRY'S CHOC-O-CREAM- Cfn The favorite drink, per lb.''' Call at our Confectionery and ff try a cup . We carry a full line of Candles and Chocolates We Dellrer Orders of J2.00 or Orer MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store M7-1J Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone II A Changed Disposition. f HuiiRv vt Mac cSst If.-, fli Uryr n 7T 1 laCSiB AS,EMBLEt-JJ , I &OM'T SET . aoT ioMB r-TJz" f MAMLE.V Fumnv -vou A Loose Nut! 1 (i'i v-. I tlltllAJ 1 Hod "m'ahi y f 1 tz!tk J tSCM U fiOSl B 7 y 8 I 7J. WlS qm My 0s I VVIIVH VOU 1 1 HHRS yJ ' .1 . '-h V'tt Hvifc yt 1 1 1 f r ' 1 1 I I v 1 Tica 1 1 1 Wednesday, August i,J Mnnrlnv. Tuesday & IWHtf TU0 snows Wednesday HEMS ' Feature Starts 7:25 & 9:23 n' - ISc 4 1 THE GRANDEST ENTERTAINMENT EVER OI FCItrn 11 Great Stare 50 Featured Players and 200 Beautiful Clrli,! "42ND. STREET" With WARNER BAXTER. nEIIE DANIELS. GEORGE RUENT r.iv, ROGERS, RUBY HEELER, DICK POWELL 1 Heart-Throbbing Melodies Dazfllng Dance Emcmbles. -Com.j A Glittering Spectacle A Warner Bros. Ittlfase MICKEY MOUSE In "Night" -Screen Souvenirs" TrsrtUtl. THURSDAY ONLY "STRICTLY PERSONAL HOLIDAY RESORTS THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conveniences No Flics, No Mosquitoes Home Cooking Tar Excellence $11.00 Per Week Children under 12. half rate MADAME HAJAUT Hell, Q. C. Islands When Coming to Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, IJ.C. To (J reft Yon. We meet all trains. Freight At service anywhere, Gssenger kelae Lake and Lodge, new boat H. A S.) now in kenrlce on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. 13.00; 11.50 per head additional. No crowd too big. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERT SUNDAY North Beach Famous Holiday R? Near Massed Q. C. Islar .; : Furnished Shirk la Rtst Apply Mrs. Dunn Massed, IU LAKELSE HOI Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to llc'ldi, finest of fly fisblnc, hsttijj , bathing and boatlni, Arrange for transpcrtitJ with V. II. Ilurnrtt, Trm HC Rate from Terrsrs U tJ Lodge Including beat u. One adult. UN t; h til tlonal adult, Jl'.l Write or Wirt W.H. IintNETT We Look After Year War I QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Ilest Made i(. 1 ox, per thousand No. 1 3x, per thousand $yS fireen Shingles. Air Dried Retaining All the Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE Do you read the classified advertisements' Ml . By Wastover. PLAY 0 V4ITH f holv smokes : gg..J 30WEMO(t sgn.