THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published e,very Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Pally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES CUy delivery, by rnajlar carrier, yearly period paid in advance ...... tf.00. For letter periods, paid In advance, per week .'. 10 By ' mall to all parte at Britten Columbia, the British Empire and United StaU. paid In advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, pef year .. -QjOO ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 02 Legal notices, each insertion, pet agate Use 45. Local readers, per Insertion, per line .25 Contract rates on application. Editor and. Reporters' Telephone ... 86 Advertising and, Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION WOKLD GRAIN SHOW Wednesday. July . 1933 Regina, the city named after the Queen of England, is to the fore this year with the world grain show and con-; ference. Every day during the two weeks the fair is open, there are gatherings of some kind. Lectures and papers on subjects pertaining to grain growing or some other phase of agriculture are a great feature of the big event, l'rom-! inent visitors are present from all over the continent and the Saskatchewan capital fs the centre of attraction in j Canada this week and next j While grain is the central feature of the Regina show, there are all sorts of special attractions there such as go j to make up the real fair. j IS IT REALLY BETTER? Are things really better? Absolutely, yes. The general conditions of the country have improved and Prince Ru-j pert is moving in the right direction. The signs are plain j enough. Industries have been starting Up or speeding up. The unemployed list has been reduced, very considerably. ' Business in many lines has improved and prices are stif- i fening. The stock market has been active with prices well ' ahead of those obtaining last spring. Everything indicates a better condition coming. In Prince Rupert there has' been a revival in the fish business and the unemployed list j is cut in half. This is progress. j It must not be expected that we can jump out of a de- What is going on is the usual, contest between the forces of optimism and the forces of pessimism. The former is in the ascendant but when it makes too much progress, it finds iteelf pulled back. Stocks went too high. The price of wheat advanced too rapidly and. the result was a slump in both, but not back to the old point Good advances have been maintained over two months ago. Very soon there another move forward- but whether there will first be a further drop, it is impossible to say. All' that is needed! is a, steady average advance in prices and a steady reemployment of those out of work. In bwiness the period of improvement is sometimes critical. Those who have withstood the slump sometimes cannot stand up under the improvement for thev have not enough energy and capital left to compete against those ! wno nave conserved ounng me nun limes. THE' THE LONG VIEW PAYS Experience prove that it poyi to look ahead, ond make proyiion for unknown future needi when one it able. Regular c!epoiiti In a Savlngi Account toon accumulate. The money U alwayi reody for: - Kei. and. never depreciate! In value. R O Y A L BANK iQ .F C A'N A D A If you lose aliythlinr, try" a rlatisificd ad. globe: circumnavigator RESTS (Continued f rem, page one Was Almost All In "I was almost sul in," admitted. Mattern in an- Interview this mom-ins as he described hu rescue 75 mites up the Anadir RJver In the barren Siberian wilderness nineteen days after he had made his forced landing. He was found by a party of Eskimo bound for Anadir with their winter's take of furs. The natives supplied him with food and took him on to Anadir where he was held for two weeks within three and a half hours' flying time of Nome, being finally taken there by a big Dornler-Wal Russian fifing boat which be was allowed to pilot himself. Inter national regulation pevenid the Alexander reetef expedition from proceeding learn Nome to Anadir to pick Mattern up. "Pickings, were pretty poor as far as food was concerned on the SJ&erUo tundra, stated Maitern. The land dee not yield a vesy good living there. There were a few wUd ducks but he was unable to get any of these although he was equipped with a 30.30 rifle. He landed hk plane on a tundra, plateau and on-camped himself in a grass hut alongside the river some distance away. Even with iu simple diet of dried meat and such like, the bill- of-jare of the Eskimo and the Anadir folk was a good deal bet ter than nothing at all which was about all he had had for the nine teen day he was lost, said MaU tern. Anadir to a village with about fifty white (Russian) Inhabitants, Bfraui was just aooui to open up thereabouts. In the forced landing, Mattern wrecked his plane but was able to salvage we engine which was dragged over the tundra by dog teams to Anadir where It it now awaiting trahspostation to the United States. The plaae was a Loekheed-Vesja machine, the engine a S96 h p. Wap. From Nome Maitorn. being joined by the Alexander relief expedition, flew the EUts plane to Fair banks, leaving the far western town Saturday evening and land lng at the Central Alaska city Son-day morning at 4 o'clock. The whole party left Fairbanks, at 5 o'clock yesterday attention, landed at Juneau at 10:30 last night, left there at 5 o'clock this rooming, stopped briefly at Ketchikan and arrived here at 8:30 this morning According to present plans, Mat-tern wUl fly the Bills plane from here to Lakeice Lake and BUis will take the Alexander party on to Hazel ton Mattem will take the Alexander Bellanca plane from the Ten&oe hayfMd solo and fly to the landing field at Hazel ton where he will pick up the Alexander party and fly them on to Edmonton. Bob Ellis returning to the coast from Hasslton with his commercial plane. At Edmonton Mattern and the relief party consisting of Wil liam Alexander. Fred Fetterman Thomas Abbey and Harold Person will part company. The world flyer will Hy solo from Edmonton tr New York via Chicago in his new plane and the rescuers will accompany him m their own Betlanca ma chine. As a result of having piloted thr various relief planes. Mattern will at least have accomplished world flight even though part of It was not solo as he had hoped. Entertainment Planned TERRACE, July 26: Excited at report that Jimmy Mattern, world flyer, would soon be an interesting visitor among them, thi townsfolk of Terrace have already laid their plana for the entertainment of the globe circumnavigator and member of the relief expedition headed by WiUlam Alexander of New York. Chief item on the entertainment program for. the visiting flyers will be a strawberry social and dance, all arrangement for which have been made. Everybody In the district 1 planning to attend and mingle In the reception for the alrr men. Meantime, Harold Person, who wai left behind from the Alexander THK DAILY NEWS A. Hanson oi Queen Charlotte City arrived in the city today on the Prince John Mr. and Mm Me Hart were pas-tennere retinites fees Maseru on use Prince John today Bridie Osm and family who have been bosMayma at Tiell resumed today on the Prutce John Mr. WlUtaw Maekoosie. wife oi -tev. Watt. MfKnato, came in thi aitercoon en the Bcsnce John fruu Queen Charlotte Ctty Mr. Harry Thrufsp and child, to have been on vacation trip M p Vancouver and dtetctet. return- iurh irom use aoutn on tne Prince Rupert this morning DEATH WAS ONLY RUMOR Inquiries Indicate That Former Prince Rupert Man. Did Not Die in Victoria or Vancouver Local friends having become per-urbed by taste report that Oeorsje H. Collins, promoter of the Cana-I lan Fish it Cold Storage Co. pro-ect and wen known here in the arty days, had died suddenly In he south, the Daily News on Monday morning Instituted Inquiries through. Ma exclusive Canadiar Press connection and the following essage was reeeiven yesterday: "There has been no death in Van ouver or Victoria of a man named ieorge Collins ' Mr. Collins' many friends will be elieved to learn that the report of 'tis death was merely an idle rumor vblch. unfortunately, gained con-klerable circulation as a result of ictivlties of unreliable news dts-wmlnators. The rumor first reached the Dally News office Monday mornta but was, of course, denied 'Hibllcatlpn because of lack of Mail Schedule For thr Fast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days 8:30 pjn l'rom the East Mondays and Saturday! 2:15 p.m. Thursday ..10tf0 p.rrj. For Vancouver-Mondays 3 p.m. Tuesday .: 12;30 Friday n Saturday 4 p.rn. Saturday ,. ,..6 pjn. Monday. Wedneaday and Friday oy. traini ...8:30 p.m. r"Pt? 'rrom Vancouver- LMWKiivcu-vrga airpiane, nas tne ship tuned up and ready to hop a,t any time. He has been giving the plane-daily runs around the clover! field on Harry Frank's farm In which It made Its forced landing three weeks ago. Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday (by train i Friday p.m a.m. 11:30 a.m. .10:20 p.m. .11:30 a m Saturday (by train) JUS p.m. H'iwaa Oapt. Alexander's lnten - -r-- - '."i.... J.".1 . tlon, before leaving Nome, to lift other point further along with a the-machine solo and with a mini- more adequate landtag field, tak-mum load of gas out of the-small lngon the-full party Including MaU field and fly it to Smlthers or some Urn there and proceeding east. t Hitting The High Spots The wrung idea. Perhaps Clay Witt, race pilot of Jersey City, thought it was a hurdle race. At any rat new be is caught jumptnc the guard rail of the track at Woodbride N J . during the lng day race. i LOCAL NEWS I'M EST IS FAKEWKLLKI) Omttnueu irom Page I iuu ai OKwau, mm rum wmj . , 8peaklng for the parisMoners Mr Unrahv In a ahorl and minvmtm Women s League. Mr. Mwfpfcy aim :ueeentd Father Leray with a ga-ilo lamp. Both Bishop Bunos and 'at her Leray spoke briefly, Father Leray saying tnat he had bean in-vl'( to Mr. Marnhs's for tea and had not expected to he the guest of honor at such a gathering. He feelingly expressed hie thanks tor tne oarting present and the KOOdsvUl of which they were tokens. Referring to hie transfer from Stewart to Uuwenn, be said he wsta bath glad and sorryglad to be going to a 'tigger post in the church but very sorry to be leasing hi many trlrnits in this locality. Refreshment were served by the ladies of the pariah. Honored fly Veterans On Monday eventa. Just prior to Ms leMdne on the Oataat or Befctee RuBsrt. Kalher Leima - --- a en ted to Father Leray. from the members of the branch, a haod-'.ome desk set in M areas. bad In- Lrtlanware turtabty engraved with the occasion and the date. Following the meeting, the member of he Leejkn. m a bodv went down to the dock to wleh their chap-'am Oodepeed. Whwever Father Lernys dutle -nay take him. he can atwnyc be lamued of the goodwishes and 'oval support interest of the many friends in this district who have come to admire and resoect hfan durirw his period of service here. Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcome oorrcsnondence on live topics of the day or any other, subject of public Interest, but let tera must be brief and to the pplnt. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern Journalism, Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but aa a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondent must avoid personalities and the language houlri be such as would be allowed in. the ordinary rules of debate, Man in the Moon addresa. wi)comel the bWiep to! h"T the dietrtet and eanreeMd the re- tretk of all at the departure of Fatfwr Lra nMtaaittana ttui kitiaw The eoonoswte e an agreement excitement eenrerence came so great was Trelle is displaced as wheat king. Another Alberta man has steiea the ecvwn. The winner sneaM have been a lady when the prise was awarded at Regina It seesns that the nian to the output of sliver la to raise the price to a point where all the mince will be aWe to operate at a profit. Pfesple seem to have lost thelr tesle for baseball this season. We have a notion that Jnpiter Pwvtue baa been largely Jake says that ataee be saw Babe Rath hit two bastes In one gain he deee not care to watch the local champions, good and all as they may be. octal meeting of the StevoUt' A TtoeBt Sninrh nt Ih. PiMrflu 1 tnB T" " SI a OVfhttte vhlch branch he has been the chao-j mprom,t m neaa and hv ':trt for the pact four years. The s ranch prrsstteat 8 a. Lawrence. Tke of the gteat Ion to the branch and to the esunsBiaalta In : ousiry i run i wnave maete me reel so rich lately. I wondered what was doing it the departsire of Father Lsrav.l Jumor hlM "" fod MIW -Hvr-ltna with feelliM noon th Prince Rupert citstens at vartoua reat nermvil Mestdahios thai all Ume and hi various places but It Se members felt tor "The rather." j rem,nPd for VictorJan to get his 'I then called uaon the First VW wnuary puouanea tn rough the Teside-t W D. Smith, who dm agency of the busy dame. Pleasure Ships Open Schedule Nova Scolla l'rrpari E'or Invasion Of VUltori From United State HALIFAX. July M: iCIM 8hip of the leading steamship line have begun their summer schedule of pleasure cruises end each week-end brings iu complement of tourtots I to thi port. j Indications thu far In the season , point to a satisfactory influx of visitors from United state porto. i Advance recervaUone Justify the Ibeilef that cruise paesengeM wljl .exceed In number these of previous !yeare. j More than 800 passengers were I disembarked at Halifax from the giant Cunarder Aqultania. first of (the nnm to Tt lne Jx)rt tnta unv jmer. Many spent the day in Halifax, while others took advantage :of sightseeing tours through the , province. : The Aqultonla was followed close-jly to Halifax by the liners Deutch-, land and Fort St. Oeorge. Later In the season, the Kungeholm. Orlps-Iholm, Drltonnlc. Aqultania and i other ships will visit Halifax. Ships i me Furness line will call at , (yiuuieUetown. Quebec. Montreal and sl John's. Mid. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Crlppi, who have been spending a month on the Queen Charlotte Islands, returned on the Trtnce John today. Wednesday. July 28, "' -,ll,u' 1-a.i-r LEGION IS VICTORIOUS Defeated Retlment 6 to 1 In Senbr Football (lame Last Night The Canadian Legion scored a decisive win over the Regiment iti -he Mobley Cup, City Footba:i i League game last evening by I uoals to one. i lhe first half was played at a rate with, the plg&kln trav : I .tug from end. to end. The Regimes (cored first whtn Carroll converted from close in. Play continued u.- teresUng and then Dickens- scored he equa liter for the Legion Chrii-Uson had a grand opening but tht weakly and Pierce saved. From a uetble in the goal mouth ti . . . . W 1 1 1 -1 I nail mwuiiom i rum mcxrrra ,n. : leave the Laaion. the lead. Ety u, ped Baptie nicely and Wlngrum -j effective. Vtok failed to dear ..r j eary long shot that hit ha bar u ! jUussanlrh added a third foe ti.e Legion. The second half began at a f.i-pace but the Legion was the ben - r and stronger team and the Rett: meat forwards made little headw.iv Blake ajeared well but Da pile tx Vmk wtth a long fast drive it .: and Wingham tried to rorre tr.. pace but the Legion returned u th attack and Dickens seered a fir goal Deviee crossed a nice rent;'' but SUlea cleared play became ... bH ragged miles scored with a I Qood afternoon, have you noticed Iceses scat. Johnstone went close f 4 parting .lit from the partsn. JtJl 'J? On behalf of the local Catholic' ' - the Legion a couple of times but r farther goals were scored. Regiment Vlok; Blake. DeJonk HUL Wlrutham. Bby. Wicks, t-j that imimdiateryirou. Cbrtstieon. Ferguson. Davi Legion Pierce: Stiles. Curnr Oreer. MaeJDonald. OUker. Jolu atone. Baptie. Dtekras, Dussama Morrison Referee-J 8 Wilson Linesmen M. M. Lamb and 11 Fisher The Legion team were good a (whose piajring positions well, com strung eteverty and with Dkkeri and Eaptte always dangerous shot The Reglmeni defence was souix: exeept that Vmk was not up to on ueul.inrm.' The- forwards were weak and lacked dash. Pharacre Wins 1 Steward s Cup Old Itiley Second and Selrneid Third In Kate at Ooodwood Courte Yesterday OCOOWOOO. Bbg . July 29: tC nadlan Preesi-Capt A. ff Wiir rharaere jaaterday won the Stew art's Cup. Otd Riley a seconds Solenoid third. Baseball Scores National League Cincinnati 1. 8t Louis 3. Chicago 3-1 PUUburg 4-1 American Leacue Cleveland 2. Chicago 1. Washington 5, Philadelphia 1, 8t. Louts 3. Detroit 9. SOFTBALL July 27-Elks vs. C N. R. A. July 30 Kslens vs. Kmpre Hlks vs. Orotto. August 1 Navy vs. Impress. August 3 C. N. R. A. vs. Kalen. August 0 C. N. R. A. vs. Navy Jks vs. Kalens. August 8-Emprm vs. qrotto August 10 Empress vs. Kajen August 13-Blks vs. Emnres Vavy vs. Orotto. August 15-C. N. R. A. Ts. Hit. August 17-Kalens vs. Orotto. August 20-Qrotto vs. C. N. R. A Vavy vs. Hks. August 22 Eruprew vs. Q. N. R A. August 24-Kalens vs. Navy. The standing to date: FOOTBALL July 27 Canadian Legton ti. Canadian Labor Defence League. The following Is the scale of charges made fop reading notlres. Marriage and Engagement annpuncement $2, Birth Notices Mc. Funeral Notices $L Cards of- Thanks, Funeral Flowers iOe; per name.