Phone 77 TAXI (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Thratrc Work Any time, anywhere, 50c U the fare. 7-Passenger Chr ler Car Tomorrow's Tides mm High 2:57 a-m. 18.7 ft 14:31 p.m. 20.8 ft... Low 8:39 am 8.7 ft. ' 21:25 pjn. 3.8 1U NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VO XXIV No. 258. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS TOIME CABINET IS TO RESIGN SOON HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR LIQUOR CARGO SET AFIRE Provincial Administration To Be Taken Over By Pattullo At Middle of Month, lis Decided MAY BE BAN IMPORTATION OF B. C. FISH i TrnUtire Code Adopted at Washington Dealing With Fisheries And Affecting Province WASHINGTON. Nov. 4- Under p tentative cock for the fisheries j.iiti-y as orawn nt pw 1 that importation of nsn mto Imtnl Lulled States wlU be allowed . when the domcsUc supply la .riirjent u meet the demand. This provision originated In the G m' Ukea section but m readily s ited by Pacific Oeut and Al- 111 f W4mler- - Vancouver Stocks Vancouver P ii Missouri J. U I Nickel. J. 0 R Coru . 13. .tiboo OoM Qoarta, c rk 01. CC rgJa Ntw, H iun. JIV t u ky Jim, jN. M'tidian. J. M ruing Mar. .1. N .tlve Hon. .OTH. N.ioml Stiver. JtVfc. S-t.ii. Fire. Mfe. r.mi Oreille, M. r iter Idaho. Mvg. r-"inter. 11. P''Tfi. .11. R'wsrd, M. R'no. ,W. Fver Crest, .. Wavslde. .41. WWtewilaf, Mb. Overly. Oih F 'iyan. li -me. 1 .41 At E . 1.11. c llnc Pacific, M. Freehold. .!, A P Con.. JO. r aimont. .11. Toronto Mrxandrla, M. r "iumarto, .44. r"itral Patricia, JTT. Kirkland Lake O&kl, J, Nuranda, 34.00. flnrritt Gordon, 1.08. , l" Nickel. 19M. Granada, .03. Mucaa. .07. Bisfo, 1.44. 4 4 4444444444 AI'PKAI. FOR BALANCED ntimurr madk by new PREMIER OF" FRANCE PARIS. Nov. 4: (CPi-Pre- i i.u.i in n iiiiiiiim. iflaraUon yesterday. wSirned 4 y aritament tlwt "French Ah, t ilnu I. t i.i . sl "y is av swxc" anci ejtpreasea a paaslonale will" frir a com- 4 Pietely balanced budget to avoid the anxious hours of past." 44 4 4 4 4 4 Indepcndcnt-Non Partizan Not to Contest Vancouver-Centre C. C. F. Course Undecided Only Object in Running Would be to "Spread the Gospel" Further VICTORIA. Nov. 4: (CP) defeat of his government at the polls on Thursday, Pre-: mier S. F. Tolmle yesterday called for the resignation of lit cabinet effective November lo, tne resignations oi me minister to be presented to the Lieutenant Governor on that date. T. D. Pattullo, Liberal leader, will be imme- dlaleiy called upon to form a got-l-tTT . eminent and la expected to an-1 the Liberal tickets both In Vancou nounce his cabinet at that time. Whit no announce men t la made. ,urMnt ha it that Dr. George M Weir. Vancouver-Point Orey; O 8. Pearson. Aleemi-Nan-nslmo. John Hart. Victoria, and Dr W. 11. Sutherland. Revelstokc-Co-htmMa. wtil be chosen as cabinet m blisters A. M. NUmon KjC, Om- WW?V;trM5eWKCVwer. ver-Berrard. and E D. Barrow. Chttllwack. are also prominenUy mentioned while in some quarters the names of W. J Asselsttne. AUIn. and Dr. O Allen Harris. South Oka-naaan. are heard. The Independent Non-Partisans in Vancouver Centre. In view of the weeping victory of the Liberal on Thursday, have decided not to con-teat the deferred election there but the group in Victoria will not make a announcement until Monday Ooi. Lome Rosa, Independent in ( Vtotorta. has withdrawn from thti . of Certificate Backed By contest. White Metal Just before election It had bean stated that William Dick. Oonaer- WASHINGTON. Nov 4: CP-vatlve member of the last leuisla- The United States Treasury may tare for Vancouver, would replace soott issue. It Is Intimated. $11,060.-the late W J. Bowser K.C. as Inde-fieo worth of silver certificates bc-Madent Non-Partisan candidate keel by sliver received from Great for Vancouver Centre in the deferred election Mr Bowser had re-uwtrd Mr. Dirk to loin him as a candfciate in the non-partisan Movement In the general election but Mr Dick declined at that time. It Is not known as yet what the C. C F will do in regard w me oe- ftrred elections but It is believed w be fairly certain that It will not contest Victoria at least. As for Van couver-Centre, -opinion of the exe-1 cuUve of the Federation t under-. akaod to be divided between con tosUng the election merely for the tunmse of continuing to "spread the gospel" or permitting the re- .,.., r th i.iherula unoonosed and, Skill IS i save, for more useful purposes, the 1 expense that would be Involved in the holding of a poll. In view r the political standing as a rriult of Thursday's voting there Is. of course, little doubt of REVENUE STILL UP .!., and Ksrhe Collections Here l or 19M Maintain Healthy Increase Ovef Last Year Aithuiih customs and excise re al the port ol prince unpen thU dollar I trlj jollar MUed only $7.2W.M a. com,ared tjnbtr wvn"n. vv ...uiMin 02 , In .... the Uie same same me month month monin from 9f 99c with $10.302 tost year, the aggregate for the first ten month, of this yr ndi it $142W m compartsen with $1I44)4t'.1 m t" eorrtaiiondlng l.rlod of last year. Within twelve hours of the ver and Victoria being returned en bloc The Liberal candidate In Vancouver Centre are Oordon 8 loan and Oordon Wtamer and in Victoria John Hart. W. H. Klnaman. J B Ctearthue and Byron Johnson There will be no chance hi these tickets, li Is expected, unless Mr Pattullo should desire to use the ffetfe forth purpose of adaMttfne? cabinet material that has not al ruady been elected. Nominations for the deferred el ec lions will be received on Monda: and the polls, if necessary, will be held on November 27. NEW MONEY ON SILVER United States .May lue $11,000,000 Britain last June ss part of war debts payment. Give Rupert Belter Radio Reception Soon D. C. McRae of Mdlae Brothers has received a letter from Thomas St a her vice-chairman otthcCana cikin Radio Commission, trtsnklng him for I letter received recently and adding: "I liav mssed your valuable in- " formation on to Colonel Steele, wHo Is the teffinlenn of this Onmmia. ston. I am asking him to do his utmost In order to bring better reception over Canadian staVtons in Prince Rupert. 444444444 4 CANADIAN DOLLAR IS 4 NEAR PARITY; HIGHEST 4 MARK IN TWO YEARS 4 4 4 4 NEW YORK, Nov. 4: (CP 4 4 The Canadian dollar came to 4 4 within Nc of palrty with the 4 4 American on the local foreign 4 4 exchange market Thursday. 4 4 closing at 99V. This was the 4 4 highest mark the Canadian 4 had reached since Sep- 4 1031 and was a gain 4, on Wednesday which 4 4 In turn was He hed of Tuea- 4i0n Thursday and 40c. on Wednes-4 day. The British pound stcrl- 41,1, rvnner tinned m Ae iw 4 Ing closed at $4.80?,. 4 444444 GEORGETOWN MILL CONTINUES CUTTINO 4 The sawmill and box factory 4 at Georgetown, which was re- 4 cently opened by McAfee and Sunbury, has orders on hand which will require it to eon- tinue cutting steadily until 4 the end of the year by whkh time It is hoped to be able to close down for a while to per- mtt of some of the installation work bela; completed. A car- load of clear spruce to be used 4 4 In sash and door manufacture 4 4 was shrnocd east by the com- 4 4 pany yesterday. 4 PROJECT IS ABANDONED Chamber of Comerre Gives Up Idea Of Landlnc Field Here For Time Belnr at Least wOnreeomBegdatlenofsfeeali commtMee which had been appointed to go Into the matter, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at its regular monthly meeting last night, derided to leave in abeyance for the time being at least further action in regard to the establishment of an airplane landing field here In view of the estimated cost of the project which would appear-to make It prohibitive at the present time. Reporting for the special committee. J W. McKinley Informed the chamber that the prospect of establishing a landing field on railway property In the Morse Creek Valley between Weatvlew and Park Avenue had been further gone into and the conclusion had been reached that the original estimate of the city engineer that, by the time clearing, draining and surfacing had been carried out it would cost about $19,000 appeared to be about correct. There were other things that aoneared to be needed a eoorl : deal more urgently at the present' Japanese residents of Prtnee Rupert, ber. Irene Boulter. Mrs. Anderson couple of hours after 4 p.m . her retime so the committee rfcommen- Port Bsatngton and district met un- Mrs Grlrason. Mrs. Brass. Mrs. gular sailing time, and the Chamber ded that the matter be dropped fa the time betn. The recommend- lion was adopted. Fire Crackers Arc Blamed For Serious I Fire at Vancouver VANCOUVER. Nov. 4: , CP , .A fire believed to have been started k it-ii- v o k th e Ml tio.000 damage In Jack", Upholstery j J Store on Fourth Avenue West. Thel1 A8"!!." machine shop and a quantity of goods were destroyed. wheat nucr. JUMPS IN VANCOUVER MART VANCOUVER. Nov. 4 (Canadian Pressi Wheat was quoted at 61Vc on the local Exchange today hav- characters the words "Peace and ing Jumped .e. from yesterday. -Fellowship " A purse wa, printed which on" thc Mothers C ub at Port Ea-' was ,c. ahead of 61V. Thursday in turn l4c ahead or'dngten and beautiful bouquet of 59e. on Wednesday .chrysanthemums from the Girls' : laub. i SILVER ntlCES DOWN I Thre were speeches by thc chair- NEW YORK. Nov 4 (Canadian Press) Bar silver closed at 40c. today as against 41tfcc. per ounce locai m.ti vir d, navln- advoneed from 40T4e pound the jame as yesterday and Via. down from the two days TWO POLLS 1 TO REPORT I'attullo's Lead Orer Kudderham In Provincial Election Now Stands at 1016 With only twY small polls TleB and North Istend remaining to bo , heard from, following Thursday Three Thousand Cases of Liquor Goes Up in Smoke Oft provincial ejection, the majority for Coast of California Near Laguna Beach Was -t d. pattullo Leader of the Op Intended For Thanksgiving Day J padtton and Premier-elect of Bri- :.- UTS LAGUNA BEACH, Cal., Nov. 4: (CP)-A cargo of li- Rupert ridinK. early this afternoon quor valued at $100,000 from which only thirty-six cases stood at 1046. were salvaged went up in smoke today when rum runners since yesterday, the following beached and set on fire a speedboat after being fired upon potts nave Dcen reporica. chap-Pat-Rudder- ,man tttHo ham Jap inlet . . 5 3 2 Refuge Bay JO 1 2 Humpback Bay 0 1 2 Goose Bay 0 0 I Oceanic 0 3 2 Oona River 2 11 13 Jap Inlet has tite distinction of being the only poll in Ui entire ridtne to accord a malerttr to Mr.' jgk.--. -- - I WHeaMC VOW WJ eaic IS as failowv Chapman. U; Pattullo. 86: Rudderham. 28. The only point to report a iarge absentee vote ror Prtnee Rupert Is Vaneeuw-Bur- Mrs. J. Preece. president of the rard where Chapman received six Women's Auxiliary, the Canadian votes. Pattullo 36. and Rudderham, Legion of the British Empire Ser-three. vice League is holding its annual The official count of the return- Ing officer will take ptaee on No- vembcr 27 when all the boxes will be re-opened and all ballots coun - ted. ! J Presentation Is Made Local Lady Japanese Association ExpreM Appreciation of Labors of Dr. Lenox Among Them - I Denny. Teddy Denny. Margaret of June 18 and will sail that after- An unusual event of marked In-' Smith. Rose Smith, Roste Cox, Babs noon by steamer for Vancouver: It -tereat took place recently in the Beale. Sylvia Crawford. Jessie ' is being endeavored to arrange foe Jananeac Association when the der the chiirmanshlp of H. Va- manaka to Ho honor to Ml4 aeanor Lftfiox Mi)., the lady missionary, ,ho ton years ago was appointed i by the Missionary Society of the, Church of England in Canada. j The Japanese Association preeen- tod Miss Lenox with a beautiful 11- lumlnaled address1 written In Ja- in heh Uy V if)" J" their behalf through the religious they owed her for bringing about a better understanding between mc Japanese and Canadian peoples of Northern British Columbia. As a token of their affection and regard they asked Dr. Lenox to accept and wear a signet ring on which was engraved In Japanese man. thc Bishop of Caledonia, Mr. 'O- A. Rlx. Rev. T. Matsumoto. i Mrs. Obata. Sadao Sug-a, T. ! Shlmlsu. Sunaura. Mrs. MochldA and replica to oy ur. L.enox. supper v$ served at long tables and n bevy of picturesque glrU In Japan- ee costumes served. Songs, tableaux and historic sketch followed the program being closed by the bene- diction and "God Save the King." Rum Runners Destroy -Big Booze Cargo When Caught By Coastguard j,y a coastguard cutter. The boat was carrying three thou- sand cases from a "mother"ship anchored off the coast. The liquor was supposedly destined for Los Angeles for the Thanksgiving b b Day j trade. . POPPY DAY OBSERVED kJtling.Belng Conducted Today.ByJ Canadian Lerion Auktcd Br Ladies rjnder the general direction of ! ae day an dsale of Doooiea today. assisted by the Women's Auxiliary. Xhe Prince Rupert Supply Co.'si ffj te headquarters for dlstrtbu- Uon, the Canadian Legion building being In process of reeonstructon. Those distributing popples are Mrs. W. Brass. Mrs. M M. Lamb. Mrs. J. A. lllnton. Mrs. II. Smith. Mrs. W. Mrs. S. V. Cox. selling popples arc Billy1 Scherk, Roy Judge. Clemrjit and aboard the steamer Duchess ef Bed-Albert Philllpson. BUI and Vete ford and the tour will last for seven ! Brass. Terry Fortune. Hugh McKen- weeks. The visitors wlM arrive here ; isle. Georgina Lamb. BUa Bell, John. by train at 2:18 on the afternoon Stewart. Freddy Barber. Betty Bar- Ranee. Louise Bird. Ina Robertson "aura uarson. Today's Weather Terrace Foggy, calm. 34. Alyansh Clear, calm. 17. ; Anyox Clear, calm. 30. Stewart Part cloudy, carm, 38. GOLD PRICES WA8HINOTON DC. Nov. 4 (Oft-gold nadlan Press ' -The price of tn the United States today was $32.67 as compared with $32J7 yea-1 terday and $3239 In Montreal. CHAMPION WINS OUT Maxie lloenbloom Defeats Mickey Walker In Fifteen Round Bout' at New York ' NEW YORK. Nov. 4: CP Maxle Rosen bloom refined his light heavyweight UUe last night by winning a decision in iiueen rounos over Mickey Walker, ' Thc Relief Is In port today with 33,000 pounds of bmek tod for the CoM Storage There bt no halibut In today. TOUR PARTY IS COMING Another BtiUjh InspecUanal Group To Be in Prtnee Rupert Next Summer Another inspeetional tour party . I some fifty persons from various parts of the British Isles Is being organized to visit British Columbia next summer under the auspices of the B. C. Agent General's office 1n London and is expected to be In Prince Rupert on June 18. the Prtnee Rupert Chamber of Oem- merce was advised In a letter last night from W. A. MeAdam. secretary to the Agent General, who w(M again be in personal charge of the party. According to the tentative Itinerary of the tour, departure wHl be made from Liverpool June 1 the stoamer to be held here ferA. of Commerce win co-operate in - deavoring to bring this about. Mr. MeAdam suggested in his le ter that a visit to the plant of that Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Cc? would probably be of extreme In terest to members of the party dtlr Ing their stay here. Business Manager Of New Westminster Newspaper is Dead NEW WBSTMIN8TBR, Nov. 4; (CP C. D. Peel, aged 3. business manager of the Columbian twwa- rPr. Is dead here. 44444444 CANADA DEMANDING 4 u LIBERAL P0LICIES4,-J U ! 4 OTTAWA. Nov. 4: (CP The 4 4 victory for the Liberal party 4 4 in British Columbia coupled .4 4 with other party successes in 4. 4 recent months makes plain the 4 4 nation-wide desire for and be- 4 4 lief In the necessity of a change 4 4 from Tory to Liberal principles, 4. 4 stated RL Hon. W. L. Maeken-4. 4 tie King, Leader of thc Oppo-4 .4 sltkm. in commenting lat, 4 night on the mult of the poll- 4 4 Ing In the Pacific, Ooatt pro- 4 4 vlnee. 4 4 e 44 4 4444444 4 I f 4i 4 A M 4 - Msl s nmOtl