m 9 ai ? fAdl TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. rKINCU KUFEKT - URITISH COLUMBIA A'uhlUihed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert .Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeariy period paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mnll to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ...... . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion , Local readers, per insertion, per line ... . , When a traveler shows us his samples the thing we most want to know is how good the articles are, Of course w e want our prices to be as low as anyone else's but we want to sell gifts which will never cause our customers or us any trouble in the future. We would rather lose an odd sale than have people say our goods re not right. People will Always find us glad to do our beat to make right any disappointing article as it is weM known no store can help making "TILLIE THE T0I LER" THAT '3 I auam .nL.c THQ tOOA rM,T I'M EAj3AQr.O TO " EH COT 4 J irjt' sec v a- i sy-is n J a llaat . " M W wmf i . aw ' i W.00 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 21 Saturday, Pec. 1C. 1933 $ A UNITED FRONT The people of Western Canada owe a debt of gratitude to Premier Pattullo of British Columbia for palling the western premiers promptly into conference and putting before them a program for dealing aggressively with the unemployment situation and the related evils which have brought about that situation or resulted therefrom, savs the Edmonton Bulletin. The fact that the four premiers were able to conclude their conference in a single day, and conclude it with unanimous approval of the program, is proof that Mr. Pattullo knows very definitely what he wants to do, and that his method of attacking the problem recommends itself readily to those who have been at close grins with it. That the Liberal premier of British Columbia, the U. F. A. premier of Alberta, the Conservative premier of Saskatchewan and the Coalition premier of Manitoba found themselves in agreement as to the proper line of action vetoes any suggestion of partisan or political trend in the proposals. As a result these four provinces will speak as one to the1 other provinces and to the Dominion government on the' subject that has puzzled and paralyzed every government in Canada for the last three years. Whether they will be able to enlist the support of the eastern provinces and gain the assent of the Dominion government remains to be seen. If not, the fault will not be a lack of known and positive agreement among the western provinces. These will now present a united front, and a common demand for action. The program they have adopted will be widelv discussed in detail. For the moment the important thing is that they have agreed to make common cause and have charted the course. It is due to Premier Pattullo to say that in the few days he has been in office he has done more to inspire and organize a drive for recovery than all the governments in Canada together have done in three years. ikVaVaV ' K-lta'HFHi-JIBtJii b.B B V -( ITS- QUALITY WE'RE AFTER a nine mistake once in a wnne. i People will find our prices on the whole ! very readable this year even if silver has ! gone, up a little for some of our goods were ! purchasrid -before the raise and many of our ! gold articles were in before the advance. ! JOHN BULGER LTD. j i aursi biijii;'b1'.bti:;i '.ymt Sirpr -pjat maiipriia! r ! a 5 9 5! s Cricket Test j Play In India First Official Match on Indian Soil lit Progress at Bombay BOMBAY. India. Dec. 16: 'CP) The first of fid! Anaio-Indlan test cricket match on Indian soil opened yesterday before thirty thousand spectators. By close play India scored 212 for a loss of nine wickeis against (he M. C. C. M. C. C. took a eemmandtng lri ; at the close of the second day's play today, scores being 219 for India I and 294 for M. C. C. for four wickets. Old Country Soccer! ENGLISH LEAGUE Tint Division AraenaJ 2. Chelsea 1. Birmingham-Leicester after 70 niuuts, Leicester 2-1. Blackburn 2. HuddersfteM 2. Derby S. Sheffield Untied 1. Everton 1. Sunderland 0. Leeds 3, Wolverhampton 3. Manchester 2, Liverpool 1. Middleaborough 2. Portsmouth 0. Newcastle 2. Stoke 2. Sheffield Wednesday 2. Tetten-ham 1. West Bromwieh 2, Aston Villa 1. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Ayr 1. Alrerieonieris 1. Celtic-St. Mlmn postponed. Cowdenbeath 0. MotherweM 4. Hamilton-Rangert postponed. Hibernians 2, Dundee 1. Kilmarnock 1. FaHclrk 1. 4oned after 78 minutes. Aberdeen leading 3-1. Queen of South 2. Clyde 2. St Johnston 3. Hearts 1. Borden Street Is Winner in Basket Encounter Today, Borden Street School defeated Annunciation School by a score of fl In R les a tftmt atu) ovAiHno- Kaa. Borden O'Neill 6i. il16.Postttk 2.Feh, Monkley (4; ; Kanaya: total. 24. Annunciation Dominic 14. Mario 2i. Kenny. Blain 7. Roma. Postuk, Antonelli 8; toUl, 26. Five Aldermen In Victoria Elected ;l 1 THE DATIY tfFWS Saturday Dr-emVr 18. jm 1 (Bf Terry Hartunei tt was the spirit of loyalty the Ream of the Rupert that mad the ntsc esty started la the wtWennes at the north grow Into ibe saw of the Prate Rupert we know at today TWtiH that oar city Is paM-inf through times of depression hould awaken that loyalty anew and there is no better way of howmg this than by patronlstns whii .h - w,. dividual scoring was as foHows: J jvnani amongst us. zlrUx a new start in business circles, and putting Into our public faods sufficient means to carry on and to Improve the good work started many yuan an Our excellent fire deparsatent. polite protection, pare wafer attnoty. ranitary regulations, good road and maav isher prtvlleuaa we en- must be kept up by as. On; local schoota. which are edual to any in the province, must keep the Brown, I'eden, Worlblnston. Dewar tfwdard they have obtained. The Ana uawKins cnoen io vny wonderful opportunity of educa Counr tlon has been given us and If we wint to carry on we must do our VICTORIA, Dec. 16: CP-Ald. bet to help the city whiah pays P. R. Brown. Aid. Alex Peden, AW. M teaehers' aaJarles. Oar Morary Joha WortMngpton, R. A. C. Dewar Is another great boon we enloy ana i . w. nawiuns were eiectod to and It demand the support of the me city eounen in inursasys emc proole. elections here. The practice of buying In our k Wife of Victoria Publicity Bureau Manager Is Dead I. Warren, director of the Victoria Publicity Bureau, died here yesterday morning. Daughter of the late CampbeM Malcolm and married here in 1916 to Mr. Warren, she was a native daughter. NO. DtDM'T - V WAMTBD VOU TO IMVfeT IT FOR. M e. RUT Viu (OUJ S6oO UQ IT nC'R JOOOtHOO 52. S Mac 1 est Mnres benefits not only the rity. but the individual, because It ' OTM'Me to examine what Is be ing bought and to obtain whatever I we want To the storekeeper this advantage Is also great, according to the amount of money taken In. They are able to offer foods at a tower price, to buy stock tn areater ,r,. . . i quantities, and to have a better as- "RI Dec 'CP,-Mr..!sortment of merchandise T?ey ar, Eltaabeth Warren, wife of aeorge able to mm. m ,IL I -a- "-- Kim nvirrcTl irt the town to work in these stores. hut overcoming the problem ol unemployment, and at the same time putting more money Into cir- "uhtlon After a few years of this co-op- An Obliging" Friend II OH, MR, II t HAVB I BACK, to lopftce - HOLtDAV. TO ao My t pooctot I i tu auacc r r lllll wM 1JI fUl m in i m M Make no mUtakc unll-your-owntri ' hi know thin or two, are tmuking Turret Fine Cut thtte day. Iirl of all, ihfy wane che ht cijearrttet ihtjr an roll. Ntt, I hey want lt tl "mr taifc fr tbtir mr)' '. An J lauly, thrjr wane Poktr Hand lo oriianie for valuable rr (iAt --m t hey vmike Turret Fine Cut became ir' the one cijrare.'te lobarcii ili gic them ill three adwntatev Try a package nf 1 urret I fete Oat today you'll like i'm miM, cnol OatrarHe. It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET F I N li C U T ck;aki:tti: tobacco save the poker hands Imperial Tohacco Camp? J Caaada, Uamtd Advantages of Buying In Prince Rupert ParUck-Thlrd Lanark postponed . t Queens Park-Aberdeen, aban- A nniinr 1H firm aaiiiiuiawmiavit First Priz e rat ion between local merchants and consumers. Rupert would become the great metropolis of the north as had been planned by those dauntless men and women. , who twenty-five years ago laid the fun foundation of the city ot Prince Rupert. Mn late alt hnth Hru.H- mw.Jt !?.f do aM we can to build Home Indui- try and th b- t and oruy way bef in Is to Buy at Home " DEFAULTED CJFPtCK AAJO SET1T, r too yew i an get at our Poker Hand by check S7JOOjM0 8f Premium Snores or by maiL J larjtc pooIUm if "'uut" or "OiSMatre" ci;rr4(e fMper jrt in exhaAic for complete ol Poker HaoJt. $117,400,000 due France. Belgium and Poland, as i hey have done since last year again defaulted outright as did E thonla A ote from HeJtlum suted that no farther war dewts eovM be txpeetsd sroin that saaniry anui Oeaawusf raaasaad repanlion nuy mtate. f Inland was the only aaiion u meet Its Instalment In full yesterday, paring over mi AM Aluio leaj ) uur i LONDOK. Dec. 19 That United latates had no hup of reUerUng jfroat now on any more than a small percentage of "token payments" an I war debts from any of the Kuro-ipean aaiions and that even these would peobsvMy be soon discontinued was the view expressed in of I fk-iaj Quarters here yesterday as ob-i liKuttona of fifteen nations became due all but flrUand drfaultlnii i either partially or entirely ON DEBTS Patrjck O'Farrell IMIionla Oolr Rtirotteaii Nation to Money spent tnus Is circnUtlng i par Full liuUlmrnt i it Vctrrday Token Payments WAuHINOTON. DC, Dec. 1: f tmjmjm due In war debt earner! ta to United SUtea yesterday, nly tt.0W.QM was actttaUy receiv-d. the Department of atate an-aounced last night !' ' 1 Ul.l I Publicist, Is Dead VANCOUVER Dec 1 -rp. Patriek A OTarretl. aed 77. well known Irtsh-Canadtan-Anierlran , . publtelat and world traveller, ts .Made Ity Hrllaln and Italy, rranre dead an BefeUn. aecaeding to ad- And Other Nation Fail vices received here. To Pay N . Tonight's train, due from the east at 1Q o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. J W. McAuley. locotnoUve foreman here for the Canadian Na- ni fc as wnai nnuways. len on last eve- Oreat Briuin. Italy and some of alng's train for Prove Oeorge where he sraailer nations made partial he will spend the next month on token" payments. Britain remitting relief duty CHURCH NOTICES F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MlnUlerltev. W. 1). Grant llolllncworlh. lA, OrcanM: Mrs. K. J. Smith II A.M.. Morning Worship. Quarterly Communion 8m1e 12:30. Sunday School 12 30. Westvlew Sunday School 7:30 P.M.. Evening Worship. Sermon Subject. "SONGS OF TJIK SOUL" All Visitors Welcome s ' ... , By Westover. -VHEfZB IT S A As -J PS J ' Give m, The Best For Less Money 9 Vimi can save your lie re on Christmas Purchases Full range of suitable presents for men G. C. Arseneaus Men's Wear Seeonil .We.. I'lwne Mark Hi REGAL SHOP Christmas Card Special 12 5-rent Cards for Sc 6 10-rent Cards tor Mr Free with each above purrh.iv a sample of our home mul candy. With every $ porchsM we wlM grve free a box of home made candy 1'rlnrr Kuprrt made for the I'rinrc Ituprrt maid fi5c Value Tor Me Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Osrrstlnc three )ry DscM Total raasrlty 2I.IM tssf Nhlpbulldrra and Ship Kralrers fr Sleel and Wood VfI Iron sntf Ursss Caitlnf rjrrtrle and Aretjltne rTldl ll-toa Derrick far Heavy lift Rawmlll snd MlnlngMsrhlnrry Keaslred snd OrtrhanleJ