14 page en: .TUB DAJLT NEWS Saturday, x tmbtr i , H II I I! Gifts for-- Xmas SHOES Snappy Shoes for the Snappy Miss ic Pumps ar.d T-S traps, spite heels, round loes. kid is patent leather QO iff reg. $3 96 special V&d Women's Smart. Attractive Dress Oxfords in black and brown call and kid leathers. reg. J4 9b up from . . . $2.95 Smart Street Oxfords In black and brown, new shawl tongue, re. $4.96 up from ... . $3.49 Women's High Orade Pumps and . Strap Slippers, finest quality kid, smart attractive designs, very dressy in medium spike and Cuban heel. reg. $5.45 t?o nc up from iMtUU CUT RATE SHOE STORE - See Our Windows We Accept City Scrip We Stay Open Until 10 o'Clock TONIGHT The Snow is Almost-Down Gone Town Come to Our Store and Shop If You Spend $10 We will send you home in i taxi. Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop PHONE: 3 S. R. S. lime in lopics HIGH LIGHTS SATURDAY. DF.C. 16 C:00 Baron Manehauson, KOMO. 7:00 Dancing Party, KOMO. 8:00 Aesop's Fables, KPO. 9:00 Carefree Carnival, KOMO. 10:30-j5&renata, KPO. SUNDAY, DEC. 17 6:00 Muajcal Comedy, CFCN. 7:00 Chateau Laurler Musi- cale. CFCN. 8:30 Death Valley Days, KOMO. 9:00-Dance Nocturne. KPO. 9:30J-Tango Orch., KOMO. CIIUISTMAS DAY Special pre-season performance of Humperdintk's Hansel'and Oretel over KOW, K1IQ and KOMO. Metropolitan Opera Route's broadcast starting Dec. 26th. Watch tbty ad. for further , -details. and Remember We offer you a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Si lervice Phone Blue,320; 336 2nu Ave. LOOFoR'TllE TOWER Adertti?fo tne Dally News Don't He Disappointed Buy now! Our large slock bought of Leckic Slippers and Moccasins is selling fast. "Buy at Home." Our prices cannot be beaten. Lockic's Footwear stands the test. Slipper and Moccasin Specials Women's Genuine Hair Seal Moccasins, reg. CJ-f )Q $2.95. up from ?JLo Women's Boudoir In fine kid, all colors, reg. $2.50 QQ up from u Women's Boudoirs, rubber heels, reg. 95c un from ... 69c Misses' & Children's Genuine Indian made Moccasins HEn reg. $1.95. up from lut Misses' and Children's Bou- dolrs. reg 85c 39c up from Leckie's Ski Boots Men s and Women's Oil Tanned Chrome Tons. Solid Lea-ther Double Soles, Double Stitched, Absolutely Waterproof. . AT MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY You Will Find the Best and Most Complete Stock of ni -i -i. Chocolates, Landies j w , Mixed Nuts, Xmas Cakes Xmas Stockings, Xmas-Wrapped Tobaccos, Etc. See Us First Before You Huy Our stock Is absolutely fresh and LOW PRICES are featured Mussallei im s CONFECTIONERY SPECIALS 1 Women's Cloth Zippers Highest Quality Cashmercttc in black Si brown 2 -f Q ff Reg. $2.95 Special Women's Rubber Overshoes In attractive blue color, four dome fasteners Q-f OCT Ileg. $1.93 Special These are real bargains. Snap 'em up. SHOES Men's High Grade Dress Oxfords, reg. $4.95 QO QC up from . QtVO Men's High Orade Calf Dress Boots, reg. $4.95 CO QC tip from Wru Leckie's Solid Leather Work Boots ree $4 95 . . S3.95 Men's Romeo Slippers In kid. Di&cK ana orown Cf-f fr res. $3 50. uo from Men's English Felt Slippers. reg. $1.95 85c ud from Boys' and Youths' Fcl; Slip per, reg. $155 CQn un from UUL We handle Miners' Rubbers Exclusively - 3rd Avenue Compare Our Prices Substantial Amount Is Made For Library Gratlfyinc Sum of 5100.50 Realized From Affair Held Last Week By Toe II As a result of a bridge and whist drive and dance held last week. Toe 11 been aWe to turn ov" the .Library Board for use In purchas- ng books for the juvenile section of the pfi!c !ubtontlal sum of $100.50. Receipt In connec- tlon with the affair Including ticket sales, cash taken at the door and donations amounted to $153.25 while expenses totalled $52.75 Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Snowing, calm; barometer. 29.46; temperature, 30; sea smooth. Triple Island Cloudy, freah westerly wind; sea choppy. Terrace Snowing, calm, 10 above. Aiya run Snowing, calm, 8 above. Anyox Snowing, northeast wind, 8 above. Haeelton Snowing, north wind, 10. 8mlthersSnowinfj. calm. Bums Lake Cloudy, windy, 8 above Phone: Blue 901 GOOD GIFTS Pyrex Ware Silver Ware Carving Sets Covered Roasters See Our Windows For Suggestions THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS William Richards, Proprietor Repairing and Overhauling of Machinery Installations of Gas and Diesel Engines Substantial Reductions For Cash TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" ! rn. uupf.ut offers gold mink (ConUnued from Page 1) premises and double his warehouse capacity. The one will enable him .to candle and grade eggs thereby securing a higher return, while the pother will permit the storing of vegetables and other produce en-; abllng it to be sold as required and without the necessity of selling it 'Immediately and being forced to I ! accept lowered price. Two other features are necessary In order to properly supply the nrc. ! market. The first, a small f reeling I rr-I room to facilitate the handling of' 'dressed meats, poultry and other perishable produce. This is a neces-. slty If meats are to be handled. I ! The second feature necessary I rests upon an additional concession by the railways in the shape or an ; extra baggage car attached to the regular trains. At present, local freight goes only once a week arriving at Prince Rupert on Saturday rendering it virtually Impossible to maintain a regular supply of produce. The cost of this service would not be very great and the extra volume of business handled would, in a short time, more than (repay the railways. i Merchants stale that they would be only too glad to do business with j the interior farmers since they rea- ' ; lize that their prosperity varies di rectly with conditions In the outly-; ng district. Farmers, however, must (realise the fact that their produce must be attractively prepared and jof saleable quality and. most un-j portent of all. that they will have I to accept the market value for their , produce in line with Vancouver and j Edmonton prices. This earning winter Is a good time for farmers to plan on making a bid for the first $300,600. UNITI.D STATES GOLD WA8HINOTON. DC Dec 16 CP The United States Treasury price of gold remained unchanged at $34.01 per ounce today The London price was $32.25 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Valuq of Fishery Production HigherPrince William Offered For Sale Huntinj; Tapering Off Features of October operating results in Ilritish Columbia were increatfes in salmon and herring catches and landed values and an increase in halibut value in spite of a drop in catch, federal statistics reveal. Pacific Coat salmon landings for the month were some 37,000 hundredweights larger than in October, PJ32, and totalled 188,375 nundredwetghU. Their landed va - lue was about $288,140. a gain of 311 0,000. There was a substantial drop in the quantity of halibut taken, only 13.9M hundredweights being brought ashore as against 31,-340. but higher price lifted the landed value total by more than $23 JOG and put U at $103,M0. Tenders are being called by the Canadian National Railways for the purchase of the steamer Prince William which the company operated for one season three or four years ago on the run out of Prince Rupert to the Queen Charlotte Islands and Skeena and Naas Rivera and which has sroce then been Ued up at the local dry dock. Tenders will close at Winnipeg at noon De eember 30. Hunting activities have been quiet hereabout during the pst week or so. Travelling condition have been none too good owing to the cold northeasterly winds which have stirred up outside waters considerably and made the going rather tough. Preparations for the Yuletide season, too, have had the effect of keeping the would-be nim- rods otherwise engaged. As la usual at this time of year, the number of those engaged in hunting will gradually taper off until they disappear altogether. John Dybhavn, member of the Biological Board of Canada, and Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, will be leaving the city on Chrtstmaa Day for Ottawa to attend the annual meeting of the Biological Board of Canada which will be held in Uie federal capital! the week following. Mr. Dybhavn, I while away, will, as usual, vMtj other eastern cities on fisheries business. Capfe Pral AffTWuV, IiWT of trie Armour SdiCfe.f IcftHhl1nrn-ing with Capt. Pete Thompson on Eleven Children Killed in Crash FreUht Train Crashes Into School Bus In Florida With Fatal i Results CRLSCENT CITY, Fla . Dec. 16: Eleven children were killed and between thirty and forty others in-, Jured when a freight train crashed into a school bus six miles from Enjoy No Christinas is complete without a gift no matter how .small A Our 25c, 50c, 75 c and $1.00 Tables Arc loaded with beautiful and useful articles for those who want a small sensible gift. Open Every Evening Until Christmas WK INVITK YOU TO COME IN AND LOOK AROUND MAX r. board the halibut boat White Hope to conduct another search for trace of a Davis raft containing one roll lion feet of togs which broke adrift from the tug St. Faith during a storm on Hecate Straits early last week. The eoaat on the ouUlde of Pitt and Banks Islands will now be nired In the hope of finding some trace of the timber which went adrift off Honina island The searchers arc espeejed to return to port tomorrow. Armour Salvage Co.'s service boat Salvage Prlnceaa. which has been In Vancouver for several weeks re-1 celvlng repairs for a broken crank- j shaft. Is due home either tomorrow' or Monday from the south. Capt. Joe Desmulles is in command. FOR SALE Fresh FLOUNDERS Aboard 'Unome Cow Hay NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAV FROM HOME" Hates fl.00 up SO Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert. DC. Phone 381 p.o, llox 100 FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 AdmiMloii I5c Si 50c SATURDAY Matinee, 2:30 Admlisioii 15c Si 35c .MODELS, MII)INI.TTF.S AND MAURICE CHEVALll in "THE WAYTOLOV ir Vl! With ANN DVORAK, HOWARD EVERETT IIORTO.V A p,,. Sure lie s NaughtyWho Want, to llehave In r... 'rTrH Comedy L.U'REL Sc HARDY In ".MIDNITK I'ATlfn I "CLANCY OF Till. MOl'NTKD" MiSL ... Your Christmas The largest and most north ol useful as well as ornamental uifls f or aE member of the family at popular prim, It would Ik? impossible nice things we have in this enormous and . assorted stock of JEWELRY - DIAMONDS - YT(J CLOCKS - SILVERWARE 11 M; c IIIN. dinnervare;lassware - .uuu IIRASSWARE FLOOR LA MIS U.MHKKU.AS NOVELTIES - KT( v.... r i if in iiuiiiv mil- in K""ti i'u uu rur, rrr.u and WATERMAN Pens and Pencils SEE OUR HEAUTIFUL DISPLAY l) IIT OUR DOWN-STAIRS STORL HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist Give Him Something to Wear Men's Gift Ties-Roved rnp up from t9j Fine Arrow Shirts Boxed OA QC up from LAMBIE& STONE Uhrre Good Clothe Cwt ls MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Gifts That Will Last Chwtrrflrlil Sullrv-C larpet Mat Solid Walnut did CO Off Tables S2.25 ?t) Phone 77 j - Third The Fish which made "Rupert SMOKED Monday & T(1( MA'A.MSELLES THROW complete assortment inijj for us to mention all the ir ....i.i .... n l- i Fancy Woolen lit:- up from Dressing (iowns W also f a slrt'r $4.95 owrf .ill nvi r r Good iiv-ortnu'i. . ft A Doll ,,tnfr,,a" from CarrUjrs 5W Avenue Pr Prince Rupert Famous Brand" - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.