her 18. 1033 fcnas Stationery Aberdeen Bond r, . Ciifr of Distinction 'From Sflc Up PLAYING CARDS at 5c 75c, S5c $1.00, $1.50 and $2,25 MARROWBONE CHEWS , - IlH i;e VANILLA and CHOCOLATE Special at 30c pound Don't Forjjet io Vote on Our Doll Contest Ormes Ltd. 77ft Piontcr Druqeists r.. Krtall SUrt Phones: II A. HI GIFTS FOR LADIES -t IJntrrle lsirry. Untitle, (item, St it ft. f'ArH at mod. rraU trUf. Harcain In OaU ami Hat. Cooir and irt A SUNSHINE SUSIE FREE "DEMERS" Come and rt a Sunhinc Sule Coal Prices i r'ja Rent Lump $12J0 Rent Egg "-ou a Heat Stove H.M ( i ce 11.50 J and Cedar, per loud 5.00 - Vi ood, jor con 0uu HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 pliers! Sportsmen! : -iphlea mounted Hear rugs mow-. If Qame head Ail work guaranty; first class rr'!?S MADE UP W'rilf Tor friers K- IMx, Taxidermist Terrace, Il.C. Central Hotel American and Buropean plan Housekeeping Room We Also Sell Coal That (Jives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED J-VS f ATtf t t-i-nf TKrcmv 110 I'M 1 1 Kaiu and Wpolnt. rrl-liw Vancouver Trmrwiaj v , I i- -I) VS f AIMll V I ri'. nv i iiilltV MIIIN'lttllT. .......I I. I I.Ik I ll',l. ---- Arrlvluf Vancouver M""1 1 Arm. Anyox Stewart and - Port Bunoaon Alice L f w-f p,,mu. Imw miKf Rupert Sunday pm fn"ni HIV-.. i.iti' iki!m riiir. riiiNCF. "iHltTTO VANCOlrAT.lt. $32, (Meals fr,h ,nr,,T"'' " Sale Nov. 10 to Feb, M, return limit March 31. W. '"'Ml: lll l-inr iiii vi-V Thlr.l Ateime 1 l,,,nf CANADIAN PACIFIC Earners Irave Prime lluperl for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way roria; " hr v.rrlnrriw Adelaide, Friday 10:00 pm. UM'OUVKK: direct: " h, v.J!"nrrs Nomh, Dec 1st. 17tli, Jan. IM SKAt.NAV J,8'?1..,. v KITCHIKAN, WltANflKIL. iVSKW and Pnnce.Hs Nornh Dec 13th. 28th. Jun 14th w Winter Excursion larrs to Vancouver aniiri Tickets an iwle Nov 10, 1033 to feb M, 1934. ii'm irvuiii mum iin i V t rtwi,o a . it.n ItiinrL ll.U i.imiw, itrnrrpi mrni, ibm your nupvr .doc not arritc, telephone the office WOOD! WOOD! 1 1-III. Works, delivered per rord Split, iteady for Stove per cord KJmlllnt per rord Half ford Phone Hlue 825 " $6 S8 S10 85 GOLDBLOOM'S FUR SALE All Furs Selling nt 20 Percent Less Than Cost Must be sold because' rash Is needed to buy raw furs. Get some f these real fur THE DAILY NEW LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just arrived a new shipment or fikiis and Harness. Gordon's Hardware, McBrlde 8trtt. Re pairs, supplies and XmM Bi-trical OUU of ail kteds. Phone or cull Parkin OcetrieCe., Snd SU-eci. Black 185. . U The fire department hati a call at noon Thursday to a chimney Hre at the home of A. JefefMen, Frater Street. No damage was done. Mrs Dr Manay wM lecture on the 'Passion Piay", with beautiful plelorial Ulustntloitt, at the Baptist Church on Monday next at 8 pm Collection to aid Tc I work United Church Xmas Concert (Tod Turnout at Yuletlde Affair llrld last Mcht The First United Chweh Sunday School concert was held last evening with a good turnout of parenU and friends present. The various classes of Uie Sunday School contributed Items to the program under the dUcetton af Rev. C D Clarke and Mlas M. A. Mac-OreKor One of the novel Uasna of the program was the Toy stop after which toys, that had bn made by the C O I. T and Trail Rangers, were sold O A. Bdgcumbe waa chairman. Use roRam lor the evening was as follows: "O Canada.'' Chairman's remarka. Exercise by the Kindergarten. Casola bt the Priaaary School. Baby Show by the Juniors. "Street of Hearts" the Primary girts Acrobatics by Mary Davty. "Toy Show" bf the Idtemediata School. I "Too Otwady by Par." cttsdogae by ' ' ' s v tree boys Ood Save the King. Hotel Arrivals Print Kuprrt W V Bowron. Bella Coola COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edsoo, Alberta and Bulk ley Valley CoaU are guaranteed to give satisfaction, Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley W li Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co 51 Phoofj U A dress length makes a practical gift. See the display of sHka in the Dollar Store Annex on Sixth Street. tf Delayed by snow on her way up Use coast, C.P.R. aiearif -Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Omy. is due la port at 7:30 this evening from the south and wtQ safl at IP pjn. on her return to yaneourer and waypolnU, The vessel is running twenty-four hours behind regular ghedule on account of havlne rmoje a special voyage at the first of this week from Vancouver to cjeean Paris to load a oario or 4per for export. Hie marriage took place on De-camber 2 In Vancouver of Kenneth C. McCannel. formerly a mem'oer of the Porest Branch staff here, to Miss Margaret Kllen Shelly, daug-er of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. 8heUy of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. McCannel af at present on a honeymoon trip to Victoria following which tjary will reside in Victoria. A picture of the bridal couple appears oa. the society page of the Victoria Times of Satarday last. Delayed by waiting out a snow at Claxton dining the ngfht. Union as. cardena. Captain Brnest Oeoraeson. arttved in part at C M this morning from the santh and sailed a com pie si hours later oa her return to Vshcoover and waypotnts. Next week the Cardena is expected to arrive here an Mday afternoon from the south sjpd wm sail at 6 p.m. that day isjstead of midnight, her regularly scheduled hour, for Vancouver where she wiM arrive at 2 o'clock gfenday afternoon Instead of mldr njght. the regular time of arrival, tfte change being made to give at. sktra Christmas sailing south froB: kare. Announcements Sans af Norway Xmas Tree Dec. M. Moose Hall. Salvation Amy Christmas program. Dec. 27. Hogmanay Bimee, tyieen Marv Chapter. December New Year's Kve Dance Moos Hull moosi: HAIL ScoUh dance tonight. Mrs. Black's Orchestra. BOXINO MATCH. DSC. 22nd. Main Event Jack McEvoy. "Vancouver's Plash" Welter vs Billy Hagshaw "Rupert's Pride;" also 4 good prelims. 20th- Mooar Lodge meets. 24th--Moose Christmas Tree. 26th 8. O. N Xmas Tree. 29th Uef Erlkson Xmas Tree. Basketball every Monday and Thursday. " l m WHY BAKE XMAS CAKE? It's easier and better to buy it at Van's Bakery Makers of High Class Bread, Cakes and Pastry TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone Gr7 The regular monthly meeting ot the Prince Rupert Shrlrte Cteb was held on ThHfday niglvt in the Masonic Temple. President Peter Lorenzen was In the chatr and business was entirely of a routine nature. Fank Waterhovse freighter Souftiholm, Capt. R. B. BenneU arrtred In port at noon yesterday front the south and. after dia-c ha aging; local cargo inelodmg salt for the Canadian Pfcvh & Gold Storage Co., sailed at 4:20 pjn. on her return to Vancouver via Ocean Palls and other costal points. Want Ads FOR SALE FOR 8ALE good office safe. Can be seen at Daily News. tf FOR SALE One Ourney Brlck- ltned heater in Al condition. Phone Black 667. tf LIVE Xmas present. Hotter Cana ries. Guaranteed singers. Ship assy distance. W. Hutson. Rand Mock. FOR RENT V01MON Apartments housekeeping rooms, newly renovated. 141 2qd Avenue. Pboae Rod 421. FOUND POOIW- A pair of Ught horn rimmed glasses, about two weeks ago. Owner may have same by caMang at Dally News office and paying for this advertisement. PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay We start you. The Canadian Kin deraarten Institute. Winnipeg HELP WANTED I VJ s Kc A UVT iuuci s. p uv Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd. Wnnrpeg. PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanalng Holler, Phone Re6 802 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Dry birch. eedar. Jackplne. Furniture mov-' ing tl HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! J Cluster Curl; Latest Styles j NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TIMIIIII su.i: XIST1W ' UitUotrr of Undi i Victoria. BC. not Ii thB neon on th Klchth ctay oi I.invinr) 1S34. for th purctuup ot !(!, X1S79B. to cut a.iSS.OOO te: of; pr!. Cedw. artfMn MM Hvmlar I t:'iutrd on Lota SM. JIBS 2190 ami I 2101 Kiunralou Inlet. Orrnvlllr Chn-. ii.il Hntr 4. Coast land District I ' To year will be Ulowed (or rrmo-; ml iif timber I Further panlrtitam ot h Ohtet For-! enier. ictorl. BC. or District Former. , rVtnie Rupert. BC .wmov mm: Tlmltrr le XISWMt There will be ofleifd for Mile M Pub lic AuctUou. a noon on the twenty-n-hth day of December. IBR. In the 1 .'Mice of the DUtrlct Forer. Prim RtUjerT. B.C.. the Ucenrf XlSSflS. to i rot I.4S4.000 Fal at Spruce. CeOar ! :uid RMutork on a mm attuld on !Kluiikoi aj Darwia Bound. Quasi! (. h.rlotte blinds Land Dtatrlet Tv yeHin will be allowed for remova! I oC t'mber. "Provided any oM tiaable to aUrrxl Ute lurtton In peraou mar aubnvtt ' uiler to be dawned at the hour of .iir:'.im and reaped a one bid " Pun her particular raajr be obtauted from the Chief Poreater. Victoria. BC or Ue Dlatrlct Poreter. Prince Rupert. BC Amu M.irlii A Koe. Ieiiel NOTICE 18 HBRSBY OIVKN that all (4amMi bAVlttf ohNa?a aSjaant the aaiate ot Anna Maria La Roae otherwlK known a Anne or Anoar La Roa ww aim et Vancouver. BrIUah Columbia on 7th No-vemrr !. r rjJUred oa or before the Oth day of ftferuary tat, to deliver or Mtul by prepaid letter full part irular oT t&Hr oUMna duly verlfwd to THE HOYfl TRl'8T COMPANY. Bxeiit..r of the Kst ite if r wld Aiuut Mariu l .i Itnae deTird. hi ita office 626 Wt Peitdjrr 8irret. Vunoouvee. BC Atfl TAKK NOTICE UMt aflri tlw I4 OWnllniiril IMe the Kftroutor will proceed to tttntrihute the uaaaS of the Diveaaed arwoaW t he permiM enfUed thereto, hav-Utj (Jgard oiUr to theiqaSBa of which It bairTnen hare bad tvoUre DfKI) at Vaaeouwr, n.C thla Uth mf ag December 1S ROliKHTSON DOUCHES k 8YUES I Dec 9, 14, 33, 901 I (MO WeBjiT'eti'Me' atreet. tfaneouver. B C 1 SxHclsfa fnr Hie It Viil THk' imt.n Gift Suggestion for Everyone Box Cameras $123 to $5.50 Folding Kodaks $5.00 up Cine Kodaks. Home Movie maker $39.54 Photograph Albums 66c. SS.5Q Leather BUI Folds and. Purses $IJ)0 up Fancy Trays $1.00 to $3.50 WATfcttMAN S Pens Pen & Pencil Sets Opposite McCutchrons . mm Pictures, a fine assortment to choose from, excellent values at from 35c to $1.00 Recipe Cabinets $1.09 $1.15 Loose Leaf Recipe Books $3.00 Fine Playing Cards, gilt edge single packs . c, 5c, $1.00 doubles $1.23, $2.00 in fancy cases $1.23 & $2.60 Good Writing Paper is always appreciated. We have a large assortment of attractively boxed papeteries itiehMring Bason. Grane it Pike's paper f distinction 35c to $144 Card Tables, Hourd's na-$2.15 to $16.00 tlonaBy advertised "Maple $3.?? to $15.00 Lear' brand $4.00 to $7J0 VISIT TOYLAND See tlie largest display of toys in the city. Everything pi linly marked at lowest prices. Electric Train SpecialTwo only American Flyer Elect rip Trains Including Uansforar. 'i . all ready to attach to electric light socm Extra siKc-.al pi ic $0 VISIT BOOKLAND Biuger and better than ever. Children's books from 19 to $9-54. Books for grown-ups, latest fiction. Star and Blue Rmbon book. popular reprints, all at publishers' prices. BiMes. Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Technics! Books, Cook Books. Nothing gives more pleasure than a well chosen book. Here you can select juol the tight book to please the most difficult on your Christmas list at jiibt the right price. Otft books for everyone, from 5c to $6jOO LADIES' FUR COATS We received a shipment of Ladies' Fur Coats, in latest styles, at very attractive prices. We guarantee these coats to be as represented. Your inspection is cordially invited. Buy or order your Coat or Neckwear with confidence here. J. CLONES Third and Sixth St Another Test Run The Socony-Vacuum Corporation of New York conducted a test run of many makes of cars on a route through the Peace River Country. Alberta, touching at Bdmonton, Saskatoon. Moose Jaw. Regina, North Portal and down through the United States and on mta Mexico. The leading car was a Ford V-8 Fordor, owned by the Socony-Vacuum and bringing up the rear was a V-8 Cabriolet which was driven by the Secretary of the Expedition. Included in the tour were a Chevrolet. Buick, Oldsmoblle. LaSalle. Cadillac, two Pierce. Arrows. Q. M. C. truck. Studebaker, Pontlac, and other makes, as well as two Fords. Jt is Interesting to note that it was reported on the arrival of the caravan at Edmonton from the Peace River Country that the V-s's ware the only units which made the round dtp through mud without having to be towed. On a close check we find one of the V-'s travelled ten continuous hours in low gear, the temperature never eseeeded 140 degrees and gasoline consumption was one gallon to ten miles while i umiu-g in low gear. All the other can had bapjhsf, radiators unci n qun-pd repeated additions ot water. S.E. PARKER LTD. Phone S3 Ford Dealers Third Ave. Eat For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor! Green 211 Phones Green $19 Eichanrs Block The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS iSSSUI PHONF IK p'W ... . 7 vcrywfuj we nave coals suitable i or all your requirement and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone 6 18 Do you read the classified advertisements? ...i ill .i.lw . -rt tt.t! i IU1 Jit .; T ii'jiij mill . ..Irf a ' a I .IfT! wi:ii I. Is "'.!; r i;ii-- KV. -1 ii!." n 1 a I . tu.. . a a s ' Mia' 9 a m 3 a x I at t . C s Hi in-j ii? t ! 14. I If I