Fixit iwo THE DAIILY NEWS. PRINCE RLFEKT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Pnollsned-Svery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H; F. POLLEN - - - Managtag-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly per,lodt ' paid In advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week '. - .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and 'United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By, mall to. all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lneht per Insertion 140 Classified advertising, per w.ordj per insertion r .02 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line 15 Local readers, per insertion,, per line, t-t 25 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone' . 98 i Editor and Reporters' Telephone !. . 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY. EDITION Monday. Aucust It, ltt DISCUSSING CABINET The composition of T. D. Pattullo's cabinet is being seriously discussed even by the Vancouver Province, which . . f '. 1 lt I 1 Y- TV; iti. temperature, 58; light chop Triple Island cloudy, fresh we terly wind; tea choppy. KINRSLHY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL m nNAHI Ri 'I'M' B A n. R.: Mr. and Mrs. A, olsen. Hunwtoaek Bay: 8. Martlnsen. Naas River: D. Moore, Vancouver; J. Read II MS .Dratron- M T.?i ' " " , c' Lanssara Iland-Part cloudv.1!' ,.v Ughf westerly wind; sea moderate. ie,Pgrapn ureelc Haselton Cloudy, calm, 3. Smlthers part cloudy, calm, 50. BurnsLaJcfc-Rart clpuly. windy. .. Tearrape Cloudy, soutrj wind, 5Q. Alyarisht-Cloudyi oalm, 67, Anyox-Heavy rain, calm, 50. Stewart Heavy rain, calm, 48, SOFTBALL I Boarder- .it K:ngsitv School. North Vancouver. B.C will return for the Fall term on Wed-nrvtay. September 6. This day and boarding school for or boys js is a again under "wr the is opposing uie party neaueu Dy rnnce Jtupen s repre-1 tentative. That indicates that most people expect Mr. Pat-1 headmastership of Bernard tullo will be returned with a sufficient sunnort in the' Runo: BJi "L ret!ed to ;. : :al cruuge ai sasver uus year. j. , . . . i , , , t Legislature to enable him to form a cabinet. following the demise of the Liberals did most of their, nominating some time ago! former principal and founder, and-have not been muoh heard fronv while the o$DE,riar. A seitven. b.a. Mr. Round ties have been trying their best to uncover likely candi- !"? KlnJf dates in some cases with little success. This has meant that ; ptr oTtiTfousSr" ine jinnui guinea uave ueeii mure in uie newspapers oi late than the Liberals, . Once campaigning, commences, however, there will be a ' merry jumble of political talking and even if the Liberal talk is not quite as loud as tnat of other groups, doubtless, il will be heard. j GOLD DISTRIBUTION Geortre Clothier- fnrmerlv nf Prince Runort hut nmv Hotel Arrivals Old Empress Mr. ard Mrs. Skmmc, Harold David and Albert Sinclair, city; Charles Brown and Magnus Brown, Skeena River; 8. Marshall, city; P. Hanley. Holland Rock: O. S. Fry. W. H. Brockman. B. Brown. J resident mininir. engineer for the western' mineral survev Cottom. a. Keneh. r. d. Lowson. dfeftScty-in his report to. the government, issues a note of J TdIZr FSd c warning to investors to beware of buying worthless stock Keating, ctty;' Hans Thormondsen! certificates and urges a strict accounting from the offi- North island; Dn ooion. Tommy cials of new companies as to what is being done with the wight, a. Ponce, j. watu, Mr. and money received from stockholders. imts. jpju Mr, smith. Mr. Mr. Clothier also remarks. on the wide distribution qf SSxTiiSSfc" gold which, until the, flast year or two, has' not bean rea-Iprouier and f. koto, 'city: a! jjzed. He says there has been more prospecting this year BuUer, ums. Dragon. of gold properties will be the greatest ever. ; OLD EMPRESS NEW ROYAL , HOTEL HOTEL s Uome of the Fisherman, J "tMar Logger, Miner "A1. HOME-AWAY FROM' ROOMS $10 per month, S3 HOME i. per week, 50e per night Rates $1.00 up SHOWER BATHS ; M Roon,'Hot & Cold WnUr l Third Avenue Phone 946 . nr JLMMIE CICCONE II Phone 281 PX). Bex 196 I HOLIDAY RESORTS : nnen toming 10 lerrace .Make Arrangements With ij Swab's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet Yon. We meet all trains. Freight & passenger service anywhere. LakeJse Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. 8.) 'now In service i-n the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; $l.S ncrhrad additional. No crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conveniences No Flics, No Mosquitoes Home, Coqklng,Par Excellence $I4.0Q, Per Week Children under 12, half rte MADAME KAJAUT Tlell, Q. C. Islands I LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to llellday Finest of fly fishing, hunting, bathing and boating. Arrange for transportation with W. II. Burnett, Terrace, B.C. Rates, from Terrace to the Lodge Including boat service: One adult, $3.00; each additional adult, $1.50. Write or Wire W. H. BURNETT We Look After Your Wants Today's Weather Dead Tree oPinU-Cloudv. lleht N. MeLeod. city: Mr. and Mrs. L. Pa pern v. Calgary; Miss M. Gun-ringham, Edmonton; Win. Leask. Metlakatla; D. A. Btfabrooks and S 8hrtaorg. Vancoem; W. T. Channan. T. Reeds. W. Gasldn and T. Robtoaon. H. M. & Drapaa. F. David and family. W4nripeg; J. II. Comer. Sfcpart; c. casapraan, G. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Flti Olbbon. John Eioivlk, Fred Bltasen and A. March. cHy; W. OasMn. E. A. Freeman, O. K Wilson, Harry Chappy. E Clarke. Peter atper. A. Ham. B'll Sykea and O. B, Prlee. HJ4JB. Dragon; D. V. BUckaller. Vancouver. Prince Rupert Miss Anne Foantaln. Mite L. Fountn and T. Kaye. Vaneoa. ver: Uit C. B. Maxwell, New Westminster W. R. Walker. Miss Murv M-iTWfll i d Miss Elisabeth M Walker. Naas River: Dr. C. w. Haentschel Hal'earbuiy. Ont; W. W McBain Edmonton! a RnU. simd. Vancouver; John Bo wen -Colthurt Terraoe; L. W 8tph-e on. V-torla; H. E. Ooulboum. Victoria D D. Campbell. Premier: Mr. and Mr. Douglas Boenshaw, New Massett: O. 8. Barker. Mm. Unwln and J. V. Smith, Vancouver: Miss Minnie Wilson, Queen Charl3tt Islands; Jack Sewari and M' M. M. Let. Porcher Island; Dr A. E. Perry. Port Slmn- on; C'avton L. 8sott SeatUe; Rev. Dr. O. H. Raley, Sardia; Mr. B, FruaeU Prince Rupert; J. Moules. H.MJ3. Dragon. Savot Oeoree Weldexbottom, Reglna; H. A. Stevens, city; C. B, Letnoa, Port Ewlngton; E. Swanson. CJ. R : Torley Johnson, dty; Mr. atd Mrs H. Valpy. Inverness Oannerv: F Patterson. Surf Point; Mrs. b. L. Jo-e and David Lewla Island, Centra Mr and Mrs. S. W. Smith and MmHv Ralnv Rlvw. Ont 'CharlM southwest wind; barometer. 30.04: iDlnefile, Sfnlthers; Roy Lubln c: August 22-Empreaa v; C. N R; A; August 24 Ktleni vs. Navy. Read not book alone, but men; and above all,-read thysejf. THS DAILY NEWS Monday, August 21 ELKS WIN BASEBALL Sons of Canada Defeated by Score Of 6 to It In Sunday After. , noon's Game Elks went oot wtyh.guU) yesterday afternoon to hana,a 6 to 1 defeat on the Sons of Canada s browi In a special baseball game. Ability to connect In pinches with men on, particularly in the final canto, when the winners did some heavy extra bate bitting to bunch three hits and score as many runs after they had tallied three markers In preceding Innings against the Sons one. enabled the Antlered Herd to win. Both huriers were touched for but six b ingle In the nine frame. Chenoskl pitched his usual steady game while Oommons looked good up till the ninth. Stalker. Bong and Htbbard hit for extra base Stalker's drive In the first with HlboartS on the initial sack was made to order for a doable play but Smith eame in too close, the ball going over his head for three bases. In throwing to Douglas on first. Nelson's peg connected with Mor-an's funny-bone when he was trying' to reach there on his third strike after the catcher dropped the ball, necessitating ha someone Jogging the bases far him. The Box Score ELKS ABR H POA E Fong a 5 3 2 2 3 0 'Hibbard rt S 12 10 0 Nelson e. 5 0 1 9 0 1 Stalker el, 4 0 1 2 0 0 Skinner 3b. 4 0 1110 Olllls If. ;2' 0 0 0 0 0 Hunt 1L t O 0 0 0 Kennedy b 4 0 1 0 1 2 Doug4as lb - 3 2 1 11 0 0 Chenoskl p 4 1 l l 8 l Totak 38 8 ft IJ. 13 4 S. O. C ABR H POA E Buy ef. 5 0 0 1 0 0 Smith 3b, 3 0 1 0 2 1 Arseneau 1L 4kQ 1 1 0 OJ Moran lb. 4 0 0 1! 0 oi Johnson as 3 0 1 1 3 0 OurVtoh c 4 0 1 9 0 l Mathejos? 3b 4 0 0 2 1 0 Comadios rt 3 0 0 1 0 0 Commons g. 4 " 12 14 0 Total 34 1 8 27 10 2J Score by Innings Hk 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 38 s, 6. a ooiooooo o i SuBmry2-bae hit. Hibbard: 3-base hits. 8taker.- Fooa; stolen bates, Smith. Johnson. Hibbard Sktaner; struck out by Chenoskl (Q), Commons 8: bases on balls of Chenoskl 3, Commons l: hit by Ditcher. Comadlna: double play Chenoskl to Pone to Douglas; umpire. Red Robertson Baseball Scores SATfJRDAY SCORES American League New York 7, Chicago's. Washington s. St Iuts 3, BrtsUm 5, Cleveland 8. ' Philadelphia 0. Detroit 8. National League Chicago 4, New YorleX8 St. Louis 2, Brooklyn 9. PltUburg 2; Boston 4 Clnelnnatl 2-0, Philadelphia 12-3. SUNDAY SCORES American League Boston (t4r Cleveland-!4i9. Philadelphia 4-1, Detrolt'5-4. Washington 2-4, St. Louis 13; New York. 14-11, Chicago 33, National Lea'gue Chicago 1 New Yotlf 4. PlttsburB 4-1. -Bosterf lB, St. Louis 6-5, Brooklyn 2-0. AQUATIC CONTEST Prince I in pert Defeats IL Ml S. Dragon in Swimming and Dlr Injr KvrnU on Sunday After hustling around for over Prince Rupert swimmers cap-halt an hour- rpgfttiins up ball lured seven first prizes and sejrtn players when it was decided the seconds to four firsts and four se-weathqp was gojn&Jp be fine and- coads taken by II. M S? Dragon; liy a good crowd raid! gathered, the. the swimming gala which wot taged at the Salt Lake jattardav by the Bttace Rupert Swimming .lub as part ol the snort program n connection with the visit to the art of the naval vessel. The pro-train consisted ot swimming and Jiving events In some ot which om petition was quite kefft The rowd ol spectators was quite large Jespite the cool and threatening lftemoon. 1 1 ad weather beert more '.uspkious. the crowd wouldj un- ; louptedly have been much Urger. A It was, taueh interest was taken n the rarloas oompeirUns, The list of winners was as follows: 20 Yards free style swim I, Able 3eaman L. Bishop, II. M, S, Dragon. Ume. 11 seconas; 2, Henry Hell-roner. Prince Rupert. 2 Yard breast stroke I, Telegrapher Rowley. IL M. S, Dragon, time 17 4-5 seconds; 3, Orme Stew-irt, Prtnce Rupert. Qoarter-mlle swim 1. Oeorge 4lnns, Prince Rupert. Ume, 8 mln Jtes. M seconds: 2, Able Seaman Bock, H. M. S. Dragon, time, 7 mtn-'tea. 5 seconds. M Yard back stroke 1, Orme Stewart. Prince Rupert; 2, Stoker J. Downs. H. M. S. Dragon. SO Yard free style 1. Oeorae , Minns. Prince Rupert, time 30 l-sj seconds; 2. Buster MeMeekin. Prince Rupert; 3. Able Seaman Boek. H. M. S. Dragon, Hkgh dive 1. J a Boddle. PrinceJ Ifcspert, 31 poinU: 2. Johnny O'Neal Prtaee Rupert, lfl. poinU; 3, Stoker Ooff. H. M. a Dragon, l&l m yawl dash 1, George Minn. ?rinee Rupert. M second; 2. Able Seaman Bishop, H. M. s. Dragon, 1i aeeonds. Sea swim noveMy 1, Able Seaman Back. H. M. S. Dragon; 2. Hoker Downs, H. M. a, Dragon; 3. Tehnny OTJrtH, Prince RuperKdU-luallf led ) . 100 Yard relay for teams of four 1, H. M. S. Dragon Bowman, owlev. Buck and nfcvhep) ; 2, Prince Kupert (McMcekm. Minns, Hefl ironer ami Stewart). Fancy diving 1. Johnny O'Neill. Prince Rupert, 27 poJrttsi 2. Henry iiciutjww, m poww, uieiii and Hellbroner tied In the first contest Henry Hellbroner and Joe Scott -onatiuited Uie committee in charge. Stewart Quick, H. M 81 Dm ron and Joe Scott were Judges or me diving events. Th stime nf $15 wax received In a collection from the spectators KIRKW00D IS WINNER Chicago Golfer Captures Canadian Open Title at Toronto 1UHONTO. Aug. 21 'CP Joe Klrkwood of Chicago won the Cana aian open golf title on Saturday Outcomcof Lacrosse, Ciime atiGlaxtgrtjis Questioned by Naas A' laeroMe game was played at Claxtbn cannery recently between Naas River and Squamlsh natives there being some dispute1 as to the aetual outcome of the match, Although SquamisH was credited with ! having made three scores, the Nss -. Rivet team contested trie validity Dr. Andrew Henderson, pioneer . , ' u,ree ana cmmt 10 "ve ae-physlclan and surgeon of Powelf fua,,y won the ame thrte noth-Rlver. was a-passenger Aboard the- A tatment to this effect, Princess Louise this morning going J'"!1 byAbe! Derrick, manager of through to AtlJn wher? in hU ca- N? n,vV P?' nd DehnU C. pacliy as provlnplal grand master, , !utlt cH,n Tectd he will pay an ofhciatfvlslt U the M DalJy.tfews.offlce, Masonic Lodge at that point. Dr. llenderson will be here agalti In two One today It worth two tomor-wecks' time, returning, wroth. xows, v 'A ft You get MORE than lust average mileage from mi 39 iv y k L-VTV WorocnV Tennis When Hetty V.. 1. - 1 1 1 i t - . TIRES POljlBrTT HILLS. N Y. Aug. 31 CP Helen WUts Moody defeated Betty Nuthall of England In the senil-fUial of the United States national' women's championship here J , yesterday After being souasUy Plunge (dead man s fleatl. m the opening set by a score wcv.Bi; uiioe. i jukc nupen; i.inf 5-In lrm Um.1. . -V . ' upe; eomevbaeJt and m the next oomr- uowji. it. m o. uragon. two seta 41 to 3 and to 2 Paired with Freda James of Eng land: Miss Nuthall advanced to the Inal round of the doubles, defeat ing Uie defending etamotons. Helen Jacobs and Sarah Bslfrey. 6 to 4. 4 to and 7 to 5 " Mfa Moody will ptay in Uie final of the women's singles on Tuesday wnn we winner of todays seeat-f Inal between Helen Jacobs the de-f enslhic ehampkm. and Bale Round ff' BlillfttMl. Mail Schedule Hor the Rait Mondays. Wednesdays and Frt y 8:30 p.m From the Itt ' Mondays and Saturdays 2:1S pm. Thursdays io: p.m. ror taneouver ...wnuaa 3 run. ' ""way 12:30 tun. May 11 pm Saturday 4 pjn Saturday a pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday (by train) 8:30 pm From Vancouver-Sunday pju Monday aJn Wednesday n:3o ajrt Thursday by train) . .10:20 p.m Friday 11:30 aan. Saturday (by train) 2:18 p.m. Miss Haryburton of Winnipeg, secretary to Robert Creeiman. pas-erger traffic manager for the western region of the Canadian Cpodyears the, PIIIST ( IIOICE tires of all Canada have built their reputation on the kind of quality which gives value in excess of what is expected. KAIEN MOTORS Third Avonuc Prince Rupert, B.C MRS. MOODY INTO FINAL Surprise- Stated in United SUtea LOCAL NEWS Mu. O. Haveland h v ifternoon on Uie Prtr.-.or Vancouver. D C MrRje ' r oon on the a ten-day ) aaJllnK Prince O. Ulp ' couver Jatk-VSVlbdi Ann".. -ol who has been on a buyi ii; Vancouver, returned t. from the south on Uie r 1 Louise this mernwg Corp. 8. 11. CUk R t U this morning o.j the I4:.. Jtae to make the ruum: Skagway. escorting a Mi coeertunenl lkuor deaUtie.: Yukon Territory. T. J Shenton. who Is ru: 4 Saclalist candidate in A Ing in the forthoDming "lection, sailed last n)?'.' Catala to pay a vli: ' Alice Ann. Stewart and P. Mrs. U-wtn. who ha V-'stk a visit st Sxrf Poln- UusjUr, Mrs Robert Fn by the Prince Oeorgr Mion oq her return to '. Mrs Unwlrt axl Mrs T-.'.r rived in the city by r.i t. venlnc from Poreher I Miss M M. Less of P. w Who has been Dsylns a viv Point with her brother .1: In-law. iu and Mrs. R K rived in the city from P-' and by gaaboat last wtU sail by the rrlnce Or sftemoeo on htr return paper town. HaUjh Mj uaisnaw, luditar for the provinin mant. who Is, on a tour north on official duUes, mornlpg on the Print1- 'sJeiraph creek. iin rormerly Miss Cathie Jour hi trip north, It remalnint' 'he dty to visit with loeiu Sir Stephen and Lady Ix VancojiyeT passed throuft!'. National Railways, after having on the Princes Louise tl made the round WD. to Skaawrav l here, today aboard the steemet Prince Oeorge returning south. f Hff Lawn mowers Ground Madfc to Cut Like New Star Welding Phono 313. Ing going through for vUlt to Atlln whence thrv returning south In two w Sir 8tephen 1 engaged in brokerage business In Vm being p;cldnt of the firm f nard Pdlssoil and Waghorn A. McCowan, assistant 'uperlrlefldent' of car -r for the Canadian Nation ways with1 headquarters m 'P. In the course of a v 'nspeetion ttrar, arrived in : III id?- da? It ' ' ,...n' 'irfl . m Saturday's train from ''ic MJ Uie Prince nupert Ut "'Jr Ue is nccompanled by Mi' MJ Co Wan.