I It Third Avenue PAOB FOUB P Cut Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 315 Second Avenue West For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage ' All at Reasonable Prices W, C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 549 Exchange Block CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord, delivered Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks ToUl capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer for Steel and Wood Tesseli Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding (0-ton Derrick for Heavy Lift Sawmill and MlnlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled ays $6 COAL FOR SALE Furniture and Piano Mortar. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and flulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wi also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oati and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phone 35ft i Rubbers, ,Klnley. t When you get so much for so to Shop at Tennis See them! SHOWER GIVEN POPULAR GIRL Mrs. Frank Glass and Miss E. Rirett ! Hostesses For Miss Mabel Ivarson In honor of Miss Mabel Ivarson, .who is to be married soon to Jack Oarrett, Mrs. Frank Glass and Miss E. Rivett entertained recently at the home of the former. The 'house was tastefully decorated j with sweet peas and gypsophils and other summer flowers, the color scheme being orange and white. I Many friends of the bride to be were present to show their esteem to one who has always been very popular among her friend. Louise Lindseth. After refreshments a daintily decorated basket ln orange and white was brought in loaded with many beautiful gifts and presented to the bride-to-be.! After opening the gifts. Miss Ivarson thanked the friends and expressed her appreciation for the kindness shown her. The guests were Mrs. A. Ivarson, Mrs. H. S. Parker, Mrs. O. A. Johnson. Mrs. A. Bemer, Mrs. II. E. Alton. Misses Netta and Annie Mc-Leod. Molly Lawrence, Edith Coo- nr Oltv Clnrtinn TimIka 1 inAmth J. C. Brady, district engineer tor little Cut Rate Shoe Store Wonderful values are on display, never seen in this city before. Come in and inspect our very complete stock of High Grade Footwear for the whole family at unbelievable prices. and Outing Shoes Buy now! Rate Shoe Store Right Across From the Montreal Importers i Man in the Moon : I The aragun'U get you If you don't watch out. The Dragon, she is British And the Dragon, she Is fast, She represents a nation with A most aggressive past Then here's to yon. oM Dragon, We're glad to see jroa here, And when you go away this week, Some folks will shed a tear. Jake says he's heard about Si. aeorge and the Dragon but he did not know the creature looked lik the one that's floating ln the har- I DOT WXMJT. The affair took the form of a I . h, VlVKB, nilsceUaneous shower. The nmfe Wi like. The next thing ?1 eve" n ,pnt ln Hed Mke to se mid be a mT i playing bridge, Mrs. Ivarson win- flrrt aIU Mlth There teems to have been very I LT T P . -e difference in people to the old i A dainty unh was served Iby dragon day. When there was a very the hostesses assisted by Misses ttwt to , V, ' "' i somebody remarked: "Oh, M Oeorge do it." and he did. STORM IN i ONTARIO Rain and Tempest Reaches Cyclonic j Intensity In East Cornwall j j Suffers Severely ! TORONTO, Aug. 21: (CP)--Sudden and violent, a summer rain- Elsie Flnlay. Helen Walker. Connie thro"hout 0ntrl on ' w ------- . . . W M . . , . uKca k na unumo ana caus ing damage of $600,000. At Cornwall the storm reached I the provincial department of pub-! ,nteny and Howard lie works, sailed last night on the! P1"1 milU 'ere heav- Catala for a trip to the Naas River. m- valley on official duties. He will! ' I be accompanied by J. A. Anderson. I Mrs. James Krlkevskv left at th road superintendent for Atlln dls- end of the woek for Terrace where trlct. who Is meeting him at An-: she will spend a holldAv vtriunv jyox today. with friends. HUPY, MAC vtar , the II I D&TSCTlvB, HAS rTTtiiSS pound ko$ nr - Jm) AMQ HE'S I VfShWk THE DAILY NETTS Mor.1ny i CONCERT IS I VCPV BINE Splendid Entertainment by Talent From II. M. S. Dragon on Saturday Night conjuring act which kept the au dience mystified and at times ln fit of laughter It is to be regretted that the concert cannot be repeated during the Dragon's visit. Outstanding features of the concert tncladed the music of the orchestra under the leadership of BandmasU i Perkins R. M. and the female Impersonations of Able Seaman Cooper , The beamy chorus Able Seamen Challonor leader'. Low son. Klngs-forde, Hamer. Kemp and Corporal Prescott It M. went over big and : gave the audience quite a kick, i Able Seaman Rodger, as a Frenchman who could "No Spik Eengleoeh" and Able Seaman Lil-leywhiia, as his assistant, put on a very interesting and amusing conjuring act. Mr. Bartelott's monologue kept everyone guessing to the last and the sketches put on by Mr. Bell and Mr. Forbes were most amusing. Able Seaman Cooper has a won derful female voice and was very fine in his songs. E. O. Ourr. who was behind the scenes, was a very efficient accompanist. The overt ure "William Tell." rendered by the orcneatra, was moat impressive and reflected great credit on Bandmaster Perkins who. Incidentally has a very good baritone volet which he proved in his two song. Able Seaman Lowson gave an expert exhibition of cutlass swinging and a novel illuminated clubs Charlie Bainter Is Heard From ' In California James KUlas of the Commodore Cafe has received a letter from C E. Bainter of Long Beach. Cai . and formerly of Prince Rupert, congratulating him on the christening of his son recently, a report of which he had seen In the Daily News Mr Bainter said he saw Mr and Mrs. James McNulty and their son Jun almost every day He also said that John Makris and wife, formerly of the London Cafe, Prince Rupert, were doing well In Long Beach. Mr. Bainter expressed the wish that he was ln Prince Rupert now. Mr. and Mrs Clifford Cameron sailed by the CaUbx last evening jon their return to An vox after having spent a week In the city i visiting with Mr. Cameron's par- .ents. Mr nnd Mrv Fred Cameron. Eighth Av i, ue East MORE USED THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED BIG AUTOMATIC BOOKLET 8 Tale of Egypt On Screen Here Are' Doris Karloff and Zita Johann Stars of "The Mummy" 1 Mystery, intriguing beauty, splen-1 dor nnd inMtanl nf th riava nf thff' The concert put on by Ue DnioD gn rharoahs will come to the concert party Saturday night! to the c,pktol at ,h flrat of thl,l Moose Hall was one of U beat whfn dmm Qf relncar. "ra m rium naUon. "The Mummy. years, ine prusram cvuwu vi snappy sketches, good songs and a feature engagement opens a "The Mummy" deals with an ancient sacrilege committed by a High Priest of Osiris and a Priestess of Isis. A British archeologlcal expedition unearths the mummy of the Priest who bad been embalmed alive as a penalty for bis crime. The mummy comes to life and discovers the reincarnated soul of his unholy love in a beautiful Anglo- Egyptian girl, and his efforts to carry her back through the ages so that their love may be consummated provides the singular and fascinating theme Boris Karloff Is in the starring role of the reincarnated mummy. Zita Job on and David Manners provide the love Interest of today which straggles against the power of the past, exemplified by Karloff. Moose Dance Was Very Happy Affair Jolly Function Staged Friday Night In Connection With Visit Of Warship The Moos Hall was packed to capacity last Friday for the joUlest dance this year, the affair being staged In connection with the visit to port of II. M. 8. Dragon. The sailors were an out for a good Ume ! and. as usual were very with the local people The Strollers provided nmstc and seemed to be tireless j. R. Slaggard was master of ceremonies. Ted Rorvtk was In charge of the door und Mrs. Wlngham and Mrs. Olske were in charge of the kitchen There will be further dances for the sailors tonight and Wednesday Kenny Smith returned to th-city on Saturday afternoon from a brief trip to Terrace RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made Suits We all are tired of cheap clothes, now times are better and depression has come to the end. We take this opportunity to offer to the better-dressed public our finest L'nglish Worsted, Indigo Serge, Blarney, Heatherhlll and Fox-hound Tweeds, Flannels, F.tc. At a bigger saving than ever as experienced in Prince Keg. $10 SUIT 8eclal for Keg. I5 SUIT Special for Keg. IIS SUIT Special for Keg. 50 SUIT Special for $32 $37 $39 $42 Bxtra Trousers. 110) This price good for 30 days only LING Tailor The high class tailor and reliable dry cleaner Second Ave. Near Post Office MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Feature starts 7:40 Si 9:10 Admission SOc Si lie Have us install one of our new sets in your boat. No B or C Batteries required, operates directly off any six volt lighting or Ignition system. A demonstration at our shop will convince you of the simplicity and economical operation of this set. Superior UTILUE THE TOILER" Rosie on a Rampage GREAT SrfTT m.cr ,r ' ' -w mm I VJW I VuL OTi IT MK3-MT """m. - 1 1 e aio nHty VAJttt OUT TO I W 'f Kick m t . I I.V si DEAD 3000 YEARS A Snap "TUP .... 1 "WKKN WAN" ALIVE Tnn.iv Karloff, the Uncanny in "The Mum iiiiii Mm juiiui.i, ! .on.ibiu). a van, Lnivfrt l A Museum Mummy Comes to Life to llaffif. s,... v.i.iiC Comedy PITTS and TODD In "ASLEEP IN Tlir rrr.. "SCREEN SOUVENIRS" Screen Son WiX.'iv" BEDROOM SUITE Bed Walnut Dresser Walnut W y . Chiffonier Walnut Bench I'pi . So $91.50 " Mackenzie's Furniture Phone T THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTcJ cu.iirAiM ur UAftAUA, LIMITED TUWL IIUITIMI roUMHIt Uanufactufwri of .............. T-l T-rf i xtt AMMONIUM HlOSril.m llLILrriilN 1 SULPHATK OF AMMOMi liniHl CIICMII .IL IEKTIUZLK9 Ptodurvn St lUflom ol TADANAC ru:i iHiH. Tir Radio Service 311 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Itox 132 A O. DARTLETT C. H. IN8ULANDER I TRIPLL SlPEKfHOsrWl LEAD ZINC CADMIUM niSMtTH Smelters Gold Mim BOIOIIT SOLD - QIOTLD J. H. H.'rshhorn & Co. LIMITED INVESTMENT RANKERS 302 Hay St. Wa. 3011 Toronto Sills Your Boat a Needs a Radio U l NEW Kitchen Ware MIXING! ' CAKK V i ' APPU. ( r: ; BOWL Sli';rS:.2 With all c lin Jade fir. ii H Pormamnf Priced al25ce Kaien Hardwaf Smith Block PRINTINI 'Office Supplies Rose, Cow'an & ln Phone HI j If your unper (low not arrive, telephone tl -By.Vysstover. fCCTf TMAT JI TMH T h ."1 I i j Iplatw mo it looks k tiSt&mmZ tf Ci W'tAa; xssfSSBStF Too A Mttsr