r " v A frln I 1833 koi, daily, lonra SPECIALS For This Week Special at 25c ROLL-UP RULE 6'2 Ft. and Menthol Shaving Cream 63 c Betty Ann Chocolates Home Made lib 60c 2 lbs. $1.10 Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer DrKQff tats tv Itrxitl Store 1'honcs: SI k U tFish which made Prince Rupert Famous 'Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By anadian Fish & Cold Storage Co;, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Host Made M ' per thousand $1-15 -l x per thousand $3.83 (r !inlfs. Air Dried Retaining All the Crdar Oil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I NION STEAIMSHII'S LIMITKI) S''mri Ir.f. Irllw. niinrrt tt V4foiitf ,s rTA! KVI.KY TLlSllAY, 1M IVM. J-S- CAItDtNA KVKItY FRIDAY MlliNinilT. "vr Monday s.m. t to Port BlmpMtv Alice Arm. Anyti. X rtrlln til Miltnt ma tiekoti t ce "uprrt Agency: Second Avenue, CANADIAN PACtFIC fhone 568 l,,rw leave Prince Hupert for Vancouver via Occoh talK-and' L kAN' w,ANlKUi. JUNh'AU and SKAWVAY. I ' I'r rlnrro I . .... -. .... - - wuiw, uil(, ZlM, Sept. ?nil. v i u"vsllon and lliformatlon viirrai agciu i nner uuprri, ' ,ifcausc ' It doesn't nav to nrivrrilse noor nrodilcts, 11 do"' Pay. to. buy thosaaijierUired t! LQCAL NEWS NOJFES For day and night Taxi phone J2. tf Mlar Margaret CoW spent the ek-ead at Terrace. court at the weekvend. a a BaiMM, iwy stuaj. oee, RartC and- Johnny Sodef local PWelwtesv naearbtr. spont tfee jaj and at Tcrraco whore thajf played tor j dance la Ftfciajr night. They returned to the city on this atyetnoon'i trait). XW. D Holli-gworth. pastor, t Presbyterian Qhureh, arrived in the city on Saturday af ternoon's train from Lakelse Lake. ftt He is In rMie tor the isuuiBfer. and spent the week-end ;lr town, oondaetlnt; his retolar isenrlees yesterday. B. H Puller v4w hat been pnv neetini on aonair OrnaK tn the Ralnv HoUm aaeUw of Northern iUrttHh- CohamWa. arrirad In the, ri'r on tre Pttam boatse ant Thursday aftemoan laaV from the north and prooeeded from here on Friday njffct's train to his heme t Kifcnonton. E. C Ted Marda. wail known 8wart mtfri f man. 4m has heart specvdlaf seme time la Van'-eooTtr and elsewhere in the aantti in- onreatian wrtrv the flaanetng of ofettofifnant warky on the So) Bflon River OohJ pfDoert near the B Miaaoarl nine in the Portland Canal dlatrtet. aas a paste ger on board the Catala tost ninht re-kurnlng to Stewart. Major Albert Dabtfel. who ha had an extensive experience as a, HalTaUon Amy leader. wtU be In )tnee Rupert this week. For a number of years he was associated J with the ttainlRf eollete hi London. BnflstL He waa also the principal of the training college In Winnipeg until a yemr ago when he took charge of the Salvation Army ocaraalont to BHUsi: Colum bla He Li an accomplished must J clan, having pUyed In the Inter national man imm ror a rumor-f years He will be In Prince Rupert to take charge of the Arnn Congress which will last for three days, commencing August 26 Announcements Salvation Army Annual Congress Aug. My 37. 26. Presbyterian tea' September 7. Catholic Basaar Oetootr 13. FQU SALE Morello Prescrvinff Cherries, per crate $1.25 v. J. MARTIN. Terrace. II.C. A SCENIC PANORAMA OF B.C. Triangle Toiir . , . mI1 ly telersn tratellerf ! Im the Sneat scente trip In the Northwest. lly rsir emef, wltbl. Jaaprr your luor olnt. Cml ib:''li.ld Pauis" eiplor Ky'ratl the SkWna Rl?ee; Rocky MounUlM, and Frster Hiier Vajlej. Go in. either dlrertl6n, from any point, on the Tlnlsi Katae; rinwlinf rwtf Tr inlnrmwtMll. call 'i will City TiW Olllre, 5 Srrt Afc ri ve Hnperi. i rr. t-ims C A FABIAN . Spaj-meetlnx Trades and La- Dor council lonigro ax. 81JyerldeA Bros, for Wallpaper) Glass, Pajnt and, Murejco. Varte Moore returned tb-the rftv. n. McLeod ratiirned.'La tha cittf od Saturday aftemooa's train on Saiurtfay afterabon,' train froiri jiuju a onri mp w lerrace. - ia. onaijinp to. Terrace. Special meeting- Rebckahs and visiting Rebekab. Tueaday at -8'd. m. Oddlfrtlowt invited- at' 9.30. For drunkmreM, James Slmii was flnc-d-SK with option of. four TIOIJ mw day Imprisonment, by Ma-'eonrmN gstite MrCtymont- in city police dars aftallUr fi& I29e. -- - . Jfc M3 Ha. knight iq PJJ, Rhythm ven- t nrif teie ladies ' dj&tt 35c.; ladfe-s . Wtaee Rupert fiooaball Assoeia-; U.i wOl belt' their annua) Smoker i Ajinette returned to Prince Rl- ia Um ffefltment HesJuariers tierl ' this mamltw with a iar Monttay. August 31. at 9 pm. Praa- entaiion of- iropnles. All football enthusiasts are requested to" at- new stock, of fajl taerchandls. xoa are cordially Invited to come In and Inspect tltypn. R. P. WIlmM' of Victoria, auditor for the li$r;'dohtrbf tipard, wfi ' Is on one of his- pertftdlcal trips Vjortri on otfldal dtrfleai sailed last night on the Ofttala for Stewart: Key. Dc Oetocse IU Raley, principal of Coqualeetoa InsUtate at SartiU, ajTlMslr in the city on the OataM last eveslec and wtt) sail W thg aasM sto? eft tomorrow nlgbi on bis ratatfi aatsih. He will be aoroB)p4'ss1 baafe by native sUiqnU of- the. sena) who have been tpendln the mmwt voca tion at their bossea to rarUms vll- lagea ot this OiaUiet. Retaining, fntn hac. final voyage of the season to Alasr. QXJl. steamer Prtnee Oeosye. Cap. r. Sodden, arrived in pott at 9 4i this nsprning from. 8aMfty. an4 oihr northerr. potato ano will sail at. 4 o'elook this afternoon tor Oeqas Pajls, PoeU Ryar and Vajuon- ver. ine veastj Dnxts&i in ua paa Dters of wbona ton dejabarkad here. Kx-Ald. O. W. Kerr of Prince Rupert, who has been' raHoW 10 Vancouver for the nasi fe year. h beoMM' toUffaatod. to.'a rmning ventata. np the ee&9i.from the southern day which- he has in- fOBSfvj local peopte meeting him to the south recently is proving very profitable. A crew of twenty-six men it etantoyed ori the pro-pert- and Mr. Kerr Is highly en- tntwtaatk aboat the tutor of th etcrpii For Sale FOUR-room house with, bajh and PA" try. fine view on Orahara Avenue Just Painted Easy paytrienU Apply City Hall 19; Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Phone 957 Round Steak. 2 lbs. OCn Carrot l bunch ....... V.fy Hltmbergfe. Steak, a lbs.' Offp Oairota, 1 bunch AOl BanHeat stew Beef- QfjyQ BdtllngHBtef, 3-lb. Carfots, i bunch 5ul Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. " flZn Turnips, a lbs. '" Loin Lamb Chops J Fn 2 lbs. . Loin Pork CJiopsr- Loi Veai Ohops J5c Uveri'llb,- tfJSrt Butty 1' lb AvV Rump Roast1 of Beef i- - CfA per lb. Prime Rib Rolled 4 ff0 per lb. 101 each 65c rrmmmmmmmmmm The Packing Crating -Wrapplngr A Ocneral Furniture Rpalrr I List yqur goods with me GE0 J DAWES Phone Hlsrtr u; Polnti mlfie on Porcher: Island: ari Jived in town last night by com- toany boat from the mine, being on a brief bulrjss vjsitr to the eity. IXSn&f Sarttt wrtl known pffl$M" op- tfigTmtlrigs4 Mill at .VancWlver" aTfd ex-reeve of Burn-aby, and Mrs. Sanderson were here last night aboard the steamer Ca lais on which they are, making the round trip north. Steve Anderson, well known .Queen Charlotte Island logger. who has been spend! 'g the summer fishing on the Skeena River. left by Saturday nights team on Inls return, t'ot Invent earnerv After having been in town for t( JTew dans. LMrg e' hM)0! pr. McLennan. Kt known vac- pouver physician and surgeon, anr. daughter, Miss Jean McLen.-an. rjlsembarked from the steamer Prince George this morning after laving made- the round Utp to Al-iska and will spend a few day iere as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. r. C. McLen-an. Borden Street. fore returning aootn. Mrs. BdUh R( JT Tdd of, Vi- iorta. preslde-t of the Rebekah As-aerobly of QrtUsh Colombo, arrived in the eltjr on the Pjtnee Rupert Friday and proceeded to Anyox to visit the lodge there. She Ibvill return here tomorrow mom-ling on the Catala and meet the noeal lodge and wll leave on Wed nesday evenuig s train for the lnr tertor. While in the ettv Fridav Mrs. Todd was entertained by local lodge Bringing north a fair-sited list bf passengers, Urkm steamer Ca tala. Capt A. E. Dickson, arrived In pott at 7:4$ last erening from the south and sailed at 9:30 pjn. for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. The vessel had board 215 Ideal Weather is I JatNiinvl on disembarked- here while tour boarded box here tor the north. Notice Notice is hereby given that Tues day afternoon 22nd Instant is declared-a civic half holiday In connection with Pair Beard Carnival. Merchants and citizens generally are requested to observe same. W J ALDFR, 1W) Commissioner. -liuiid h. c. Payrolls- The herds enjoy it. The weather is not too hot for them. They keep serene and Pacific Milk sweet and pure. Fraser Val)y Is an Ideal spot Besides Pacific owes a big debt to the vacuum can. which permits more vlta-mmes-quality -to be retained. Pacific Milk '100 B. C. Owned and Controlled' PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD MI LADY BEAUTY SII0PPE Sl-KCIAI-S FOR AUGUST Steam Oil Permanent Wave $5.00 and $3.00 Marrelte & Curl with Hair Cut $1.00 Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c niONK m Fresh Milk and! Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phono 657 I o VANCOUVER COLLEGE FOR RESIDENTIAL AND' DAY STUDENTS Csasfiarff hy THE CHRISTIAN' BROTHERS OF IRELAND; TIACX 4 riEtD SKRTS. GYMNASIUM. DEBATES, ELOCUTION. DRAMATICS AND MUSIC Sliittff AjJmitjii to Crxnmar Cnd". H'jh Scfiieoi. J.niOf. Senior NjjtrKBliKeji to6 Commtrcul CoorKi , OJASSEff OPCH SEPTEMBER Jib WFITl KM BOOKLrt ICV. BE. SI. J. LANNON. SUL, Prinf TWf ttnnitX 1410 OSt. Thwt. -..! ) Jftit VA-;rotvf R, B t Having o.i board a large list'ofl tiaiH4ners mnst .if whom were i in all. 150 munA trtn tnnrlat CPU xtMmw , being ronnd-trlws. Pive persons I capt. Arthur Sla-' tet. arrived in port at 7 o'clock FOHSaLE CHRYSLER Sedan, good condition: Walkrrts Mulc Store. FOR SALE House 4 rooms andj bath. In good condition. Apply! 6gl-Fifth Avenue Eat. FOR SALS 160 acres. Lot 587tt Range 5. Kitsumkalum. $10 an acre. Terms. B. hi WHson. 315 Lee" Bids.. Valicouver. 1S! IJOR RENT HQUSES-g. W. llart. t, S"EVLY Renovated modern flat; Rarid Block. Xiax Hellbroner. U BUSINESS girl has room.-to rantod suite to share. Central location. - Phone Oreen: 414 ator 0 port. Write P.O. Boxff,. q66d Location 'forsmaft Dtrtfiv In centre of the new bosinesi dlstrlct, Third Avehue. WtU renovate to suit tenant. Rent only $$6 a month'. McOlyment. tl CLAPP Building Apts, 4 rooms, Monarch range $J7.50 and JJO.00. 9 rooms over Tito's Store $8009; 4 room Apt. over Brackman M Ker Store. $15. IL O. HeJgerson Ltd, agent 198 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furnl1 ture moving, wood, coal, chairs for rent. tf NOTICE CIIIRLES MMITII DECEAHEI) NOTICE 13 11EREDT OIVEN that U peraom IMfnsr rfatma agatnat the Eeitte ot CharteS Smith rbrtneriy of PreotUr in the ProalAc of Brtvuh OoJumbU. whn aied oB' ttke 8th day ot May. 1933, art rmulfrd oa or before the 25 lb day J DI orpitmotT to arnrrr or aim toy prepaid' letter full particular ef their ciaUp dirir verined to THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY. Admlnletratar of tt BAate' of the aUd Charles Smith Oceaaod. at IU oirke VM We Pvnder Ulreft, Vaoootivef, DC. ' AND TAKE NOTICE that after the laat menttonerj .date the Adminlat rater proceed to daitrfbute the aasete ef She Ddcrafltd aajasat the peraona ea Utled thereto, havtac retard only to the cUltae of whkh It shall then h had nonce. DATED at Vanoouver. BO. (hit titli day of July" 1833. ROBERTSOK DOnOLAS Al STMTS 040 iVniWr Street Welt. Vanoouver. B.C. Solicitor foe The Royal TUaV Compear Kingsley School Sorth Vancoavrr, B.C. BBasBsaa.k An Ideally Situated Day and Boarding School for Boys. Separate Junior. Intermediate and Senior Houses. Course UC Studies ig Junior Mstrieulatlon. with, IrldrridasI Attention to Backward Boys, CHARACTER' BtflLDlKO SPECIALLY EMPHASIZED All Games Fully. Organized Carefully Selected Diet Boarders Return Wed. Sept. 6 FEES REDUCED FOR BOARDERS: Seniors. $450 per annum. Juniors. $400 per annum'-HEADMASTER. BERNARD ROUND. BA. NORTH1 840 TWTw&i C0L.S.C. COODCINAM. LL.i:.CnaU, Iw)Cmimi iiiiithmmiu. .... Doc..r.R.e.H..r.s.c.o..riiKiru HUUTWILLAN, Mil. D9C.r..C0.. VlccPliKlMt. Re-opens September 1st, 1933 DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION' nt.ir.tir' Ul' U(CTi. tiatlat' trt.tt.ttll. ce(tl (ii tatt lilt aiaciaa acalltllltalTlaalatl Mltattl IttflaaUJ" MIDWINTER a.. MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS ' itti&nct for Yotmg Women Stodcots YZAt tOOt AND SYlLJtUS ON tlQVtST ADDtnsi m'courcr rr, touonto; , this morning from Vancouver and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagway- ard other Alaska points; whence she will return here Sat-c urday afternoon southbound. Classified Ads HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING I "0l? $JAft "RlnrJettei J5J0. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe PAINTERS AINTINO and Paperhangin? Moller. Phone Red 802. a ti ll iNtjer CHATTEL mortqaoe I hereby- oner for aaie by teflder certain ga boas SI feat long. 7 teat als laetaea In araJKh and tMI f4 tit Uiebet la effafi and duly Brewed at Wev WeatRMkatee. BrMlah OonuabU. aa So im. at which u tnatalied one W rlifi gamine enftee IS HA li. 1655,' kvcfe boa la now at the Cat oX Pa-emc Sanaa Ooauiaay UaaKed at the waterrroot, mac impart., uc. aan - aataa by mjr bailttt for aaSMtt. tn paymeM' under my okattej malfflje. taMaaa wall reeetvadiyaie-M MtikftiL lets' or vcssh. MSn, Brotr a? nasi lafnViBii, mas wit ISM fh hlahaM or u txUrr tot mtaauar iti Moeoted. : OATSD at Prince rtuxxvl BC, UU 1Mb day Oi Atlgtaat. 1BS3 1M WILL VIVIAN LAST CHANCE MINERAL CLAIM k Certlfltate of Improvements TAKE KOTIC1 tba I. W IL Muon. free atfner- ceDUtioaSa No. 4 77. bstentt SO days ream the data hereof to to the attniaa waeca-aor lor a eae M I?rmlM for tka ' of obtalntaa; a crown irans ( (ha aoove eiaaa. AND ruMaw take nattee thas 4assn muat be oomnseneed. before the laauaace of auch eminoate of tanprovteaeata. Mate ra juiy. iwei r.m iiuertiaa of tfrrMaBent Au uat 1. 13S. WATER NOTICU ' TAKE KOTICS that J B. Wood worth, sddreae SSST PolaA Orey Road. Vanoou-' t-er, B.C. wUI apply tof a IMetMe totake' and uy aop cu. ft. per anqond. and1 tore 1M.OQO a(re feet out W Sugar', take Into Mrf Inlet. ThW brlns th' reoondruotasni of ooncutlocval water It' eenae 1TS-3 This water will be uaedfot' lower purpoaoj. ThU notice was Dated a the jreuiM on the tbtrteenth day' of June, IBSl. A cony of able no' tare im ah pp!lctiojriirruM thr- and to the "Water AoV win be' Med tn the otttce of the water recorder' at Prince Rape ObVrtttotx to the ap-plloaalon t be fifed with the aakt1 watee rroorSrr or wttn Uw CtenetrsUar' of Water Hiahta. Parliament Buhdtnc. Victoria. BXf. within thirty days after' the nrei appeeeauM of IhU not tea In a 3. a WOODWORTH. Applleantj Advertise-in tncOally Niwi .it At At: ! (