1 Tomorrow's Tides IS ORDAINED Sp HERE SUNDAY S it h m of CilMkmla. assisted 1 lert and forward mineral samples ' -n. Verv Rev. James B.I from properties now in operation ... u ' -i- i m.m i t M ha mAtlMA ubM In In Uu Umi A li rue rongretaUon wit- ordination service. anish-American War Veterans Are Having Convention ' " ANUELE8. Aug. 31: Thou-"f Hpanlsh-Amerlcan War ' are gathered In this city annual convention which '"' d ''Hlay There are delegates 1 !! Pru of the country. KITSII.ANO BOYS HANI) of VAScoi!vi:it juihied T f I f . . . . . EST OS CONTINENT ' Hit' AGO. Aug. 31: (CPl e 4 ., uuys 1Mna o, T """uver won first place "'r Ui "D" class at the an- Chicago Musical Festival " R,,lurday and made Ito first 1'iwarane at tne World's Pair erday In a three-day con- ' " Program. 4 She ... . i timr whorotav Lhe emenses for the con-1 ' "I pipr oruig ivwm " " - ...i. h., i t hrk in tear will be kept well within 1 1 v. ws m se 1 i w i. ncr u entirely of a er- :i! nature. Use known revenue. A resolution urging the coining of Cintyitwft stiver dollars in replacement of a part, at least, of the paper dollars now In circulation was forwarded to the Commission on Banking and Currency. According the remarks of several of the sneakers to this motion, the cost to Rf? a Shesrman ol Kltkatla Ad- the country of silver money, as milted to Anillean 'compared with" paper money. Is Priesthood very much smaller, and the move- ment should result in two-fold good, r- nnig service yesterday In 'reduction of overhead expense and r A ': Anglican Cathedral. , benefit to the market price of sll-r 1 shearman of Kltkatla wai ver with all Its attendant advan-i t'i the priesthood of the taxes f ( hurrh by Rt. Roe. O. A. The board will undertake U col ! Portland Canal ore eshlblt now in Vanrouver so that this exhibit may be brought up to date for the Van couver Exhibition. A favorable reply was received from the provincial government to the board s request that the centre line of the Btewart-Hyder road be painted around all the bad curves, Dr O E Kvale of Prtnce Rupert the board's meeting was a viMtor to and spoke briefly. Vancouver Yacht And Flying Boat In Port Today Having on board her owner, W. B. Boeing. Seattle air and marine craft builder, the Vancouver yacht Taconlte. which has been cruising In local waters for several weeks, arrived In iH at 10 oclock this morning for uppH- The Boelnii flying bout piloted by Clayton L Scott, which has been convoying the yacht roriianing, trips and other purposes, arrived at, 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon for, refuelling and was still here today. mil Frank Hawks to Attempt Trans-Canada Flight NBW YORK. Aug. SI: (CPt Ural Commander Prank M. Hawks iH attempt a non-stop trans-Canada flight from Vancouver to Quebec on August 24. he stated at the week-end. Personell of War Vessel in Church Parade Led by the band of the Royal Marine, officers and ratings of H M. 8. Dragon paraded from the ship to St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral for divine service yester day morning and presented a very smart appearance as they swung along through the streets of the city. At the Cathedral the service was conducted by the dean. Very Rev. James B. Olbaon. the sermon being preached by Rt. Rev. O. A. Rlx. Bishop of Caledonia, and the lesson being read by Commander Fltsroy. second-in-command of the CANNERY IS TOTAL LOSS Karneen I'lant of Ubby. McNeill and Llbby in Alaska Destroyed KETCHIKAN. Aug. 31: (CP-The Llbby. McNeill and Llbby cannery ulant at Karneen was burned down Thursday night. It was reported here at the week-end. The plant had not been operated this year. TMIKACK DKAWS MANY Between Friday's way freight and regular trains, no less than seventy local persons took advantage of special low railway fares to spend the week-end at Terrace. Most of them returned this afternoon. and Has William Awelstlne On rutform STEWART. Aug. 31: A weU attended meeting was held at Premier by 11. W. M Roiston. Independent candidate for AUtn. last Wednesday evening. Mr Rolson outlined his platform for the forthcoming election, dealing both with matters of general policy and also with the needs of the Atlln electoral district At Mr. Rolston's Invitation, William AsselsUne, liberal candidate had a seat on Use platform and was called upon to address the meeting by Mr. Roiston at the conclusion of his own address. Mr. AsselsUne spoke briefly, complimenting Mr. Roiston upon his speech and point ing out some of the things the Lib eral party had done for labor. Both candidates were attentively listened to and heartily applauded. FAILURE OF OCEAN HOP John (irlcrson. Irhh Aviator. Overturns llli Plane at Rejkavik RBJKAVIK. Iceland. Aug. Sl:-Another attempt to fly the Atlantic Ocean from east to west came to grief on Sunday when John Orlerson. Irish flyer, overturned his plane In taking oil from here. Orlerson was rescued from near drowning by small boats. Today's Weather .. 1:40 am 21.1 ft. 14:10 pjn. 20.3 It. 8:00 am. 2 ft. Prince Rupert Part cloudy, light 20:10 pjn. 45 It. , Southerly wind; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 58; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XJV . No. 1M.. PRINCE RUPERT, Bf ., MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS BIG DA hi PROJECT .... STARTING SOON ALBERTA MAN WINS CANADIAN RIFLE CLASSIC, OTTAWA Grand Coulee Work To Get Under Way Early Next Spring I'nlted States Government to Start $03,00(1,000 Job on Columbia River in Sprint; Surveys to be Carried Out During Winter TTLE, Aug. 21: The federal government hag the SeatUe Chamber of Commerce that the big $08,- (Jrand Coulee dam project for the Upper Civer valley will get actually under construction next Surveys will be carried out during the coming The undertaking is to be carried out under the i at government's national economic recovery pro- HIS TRIAL jMAKE COIN PROCEEDING 0FSILVER DivmI A. Xamton ! Stn Je AI-Hewrt Hoard ol Trade Urge lftd to Have Bealen Wife .Metal Itutrad ol Taper Money to Dtalh 1 STEWART. Ant. Jl: The ttf- uwr. Cal . Aus. II : The ' tor meeting of the Stewart Board of iMvid A Umson. chafed Trade wa held oo Tuesday evening v rnurdir ol his wile here P. 8. Jack was unanimously re- .riy summer, opened Iter elected secreUry. Mr. Jacks aocep-;.-.i u expected to continue , lance being greeted with applause. ceks or a month Lam-1 Tne meeting resoiveo irai iaw t ! ed to have alaln his i meeting of the whole to go Into the .ung her wtth a piece of j matter of the organisations ftn-:i. bathed In their home, ances and produced a budtet England Pays "Token" With English Silver Under a heavy guard, nine thousanc. oars of silver worth five mil lan dollars are shown here on a San Francisco pier Just alter being brought from India. This us the first silver shipment made to the United States by Great Britain under the new war Hebt arra gements. Another shipment of the same slae is due to arrive next week CANDIDATES Government Aid. ARE HEARD, F;AtIin Schools II. W. M. Itokton Heard at Premier! Demg increased VICTORIA. Aug. 31: Tfie pro vinclal government has raised the grant In respect to teachers' salaries In Atlln rural school district from $6M per teacher to WW. IS KILLED BY TRAIN Matthew Fouler, Aged Indian, Dies Here Following Accident At Hsysport Matthew Fowler, 73-ye&r old Klt- wanga Indian, died in the Prince Rupert General Hospital at noon Sunday from Injuries sustained at Itaysport on the Skeena, River late Saturday night when he slipped from a pile of baggage find fell under the wheels of the eastbound passenger train as It was coming to a stop there. Fowler, who was waiting to board the tram, lost a leg and suffered other serious Injuries which, together with shock, caused his death sfter he had been rushed Into hospital here In company with Dr. A. E. Perry of Port Bsslngton. An inquest opened here today and, after the body had been viewed by the jury, the hearing was adjourned until witnesses can be brought to the city. NO I1AL1IIUT SATURDAY No boats being In with catches, there was no sale of halibut on the local fish exchange Saturday. CARNIVAL PROGRAM Tuesday 2 P.M. Grand Street Parade. H. M. S. Dragon Hand and Ship's Company and Boys' Band. 8 P.M. Opening of Carnival Exhibition Buildings. Dolls' Parade, priies will be given for best drossed girl and doll with carriage, also for best dressed girl and doll. Dancing and carnival attractions. Sergeant Jensen of Innisfail Is Winner of Governor's Match Three Men Had to Participate in Shoot-Off on Saturday i To Settle Dominion Shooting Championship Event ! OTTAWA, Aug. 21: (CP) Sergeant T. A. Jensen o'f I Innisfail, Alta., won the classic of the Dominion Rifle Association meet, the Governor General's match, Saturday after a shoot-off with Lieut. Stephen Johnson of Calgary and Sergeant Major R. Kiddie of Toronto in which he made four bullseyes and an inner at 900 yards. The three had finished with 166 points each. ! WELL KNOWN PRICES FOR COUPLE WED HALIBUT UP Miss Elizabeth Ross Becomes Bride Of Cunnar Anderson A quiet but very Interesting wed.- ding was solemnized at the Manse of First Presbyterian Church at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon by Rev. W. D. Grant Holhngworth when Miss Elisabeth Andrew Ross, youn- gest daughter of James Ross and the late Mrs. Ross of this city, be came the bride of Cunnar John Anderson, elder son of Mrs. Peter Solem. also of this city. The bride, whose costume was a navy blue silk ensemble with bat and footwear to match and who carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses, was attended by her sister, Mrs. Victor Menzie. who wore a red and white rough silk crepe dress with hat and footwear to match, carrying a bouquet of pink carnations. Charles Budi Barrie was groomsman. Following the ceremony, a wed ding breakfast was served to Uir bridal party and Immediate rela tives at the home of the contracting couple on Eighth Avenue West after which the bride and groom sailed on the steamer Prince Rupert for a three weeks' honeymoon tour to Vancouver. Seattle and Portland following which they will return here to take up residence. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, both of whom have resided here since childhood and are widely known and popular, will have the hearty con gratulations and best wishes of many friends. The bride has been for some time a member of tne staff of the city telephone ex change. The groom Is line foreman for the Northern British Columbia Power Co. KETCH ON LONG TRIP Five British Naval Officers at Dutch Harbor in Ketch Enroute From llong Kong to England DUTCH HARBOR. Alaska. Aug 31: CP On a trip half way around the world In a small specially built ketch without an auxiliary engine, five British naval officers are here after sailing from Hong Kong. They are Lieutenant Commander Sherwood, Lieutenants Ryder, Salt and Frances and Surgeon Commander Davis. The party, which left Hong Kong on May 31, Intends to continue south along the Alaska. British Columbia and United States coasts enroute to England. Total of 111,000 Pounds Sold Here This morning at Prices Up to 9 .5c and 5c I Hanbut prices showed a decided upward torn on the local fish ex change this morning when a total of 111.000 pounds were sold. Four American vessels, with a total of S2.990 pounds, received up to 9.5c and 5c while a similar number of Canadian boats were paid up to 7.3c and 416e for fare totalling 49.060 pounds. Sales were as fsRowe: American fttjopo pounds, 8.8c and 4c to 9.5c and 5c. Canadian fle and 4 4c to 6ic and 4.4c. American Portlock. 37JD00. CoW Storage. 8.6c smd 4c. ! Alki. lUm, and Viola, 7.060.: Royal, 9c and 5. Thor, 6.060. Atnn. 9.3c and 5c. Canadian IngrW H., 15J960, Attin. 7Jc and 4Jc. J. R. KL500, Ovid Storaee. 6e and 4.35c. Tramp. 19.069, Cold Storage. 6.8c and 4.36c. Aleve. 4.500, AUtn. 6.7c and 4.25c. Police Transfers Are Made Public Serteant Duncan to Pouce Coupe-Local Exchanges With Dawson Creek' The followng transfers of pro vinclal police officers affecting thir division are announced: Sergeant W. 8. Dunsan from Pen-Ucton to Pouce Oeupe (where he was formerly stationed). Constable J. O. Devlin from Prince Rupert district to Dawson Creek, exchanging with Constable A. J. Pomeroy who comes from Pouce Coupe to Prince Rupert. .: MAIIATMA GANDHI IS MOVED TO HOSPITAL FKOM roO.SA PRISON POONA, India. Aug. 21 : 80 weak that he was hardly able to speak. Mahatma K. Oandht. Hindu nationalist leader, who la on another hunger strike. 4 was removed yesterday to hos- pltal from prison where he has been serving a term of 1m- prlsonment lor civil dlsobed- lenee.