ft: h 3 rtecnc two THE JDILYJNEWS . 'Tuesday ITS POOR ECOKIOW TO. RISK FAILURES WITH INFERIOR BAKING POWDER. MAGIC NEVER VARIES. THAT S WHY I RECOMMEND IT FOR ALL RECIPES CALLING FOR DAILY EDITION I'ny oRly DiSWn? )llad over two fAra. BAKING POWDER SAYS MISS LILLIAN LOUGIITON, DletltUm ami Cookery Expert of the Canadian Matasln MAGIC costs not quite '4 of a cent more per baking than the' cheapest Inferior baking powders. Why not use this fine-quality baking powder V2J and be sure or satisfactory results? - W (XlSTMNSNOALL'M "Thl.t.trni,ntonrM7 TV tin U your ftuarantr that Maftk Kaklnft Pfmdw Mad. In Canada I. fr from alum or any harmful Imtrnllrnt. THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE KUPEKT . BRITISH COLUMBIA' Pnbllsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCKIPTION RATES City deliveiy, by mall or carrier, yearly perlod paid in advance , ror leaser penoas. paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year , By mall to all other countries, per year $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incht per insertion n. 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion : , M Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line .18 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Tuesday. October 31. 1W5 ATTITUDE TO RELIGION- Four Vancouver C. C. F. candidates, in a letter to the Bishop of Cariboo, reflect the socialist opinion pretty well in regard' k religious matters. A few socialists hold different views, such for Instance as tHe C. C. F. candidate fdr Atlin, btil It Is pretty safe td say tliat a majority of them' hold views antagonistic (6 organized religion. Here is what the" Vancouver C. C. F. candidates say over their own signatures: ."Scientific! discovery and research have produced overwhelming evidence of the falsity of the claims 6t religion that It is based on revelation from a' supernatural source, but rather that it has an earthly ma terial origin, based on ignorance and fear. All recorded history show' that organized religion has always been the servant of the ruling, plundering classes, provoking the terrors of the unknown to keep ignorant staves content in their bondage. -We take the stand1, that religion' is a reactionary force, tlie willih tool Of the ruling, exploiting classes in all countries." t T'hVtJ. C. F. candidate for Prince Rupert, We are told, holds view ve'r" similar to those expressed by the Vancouver candidates. WHY HE FOOLISH? Mr. Ru-lderham seems to have a spite at the Dally News and its pub-lisher. During his recent visit" to Queen Charlotte Islands he. doubtlev found that everyone was reading1 the paper and he did as' mueh'kriKcK-ing as possible. Two residrnls there were so fussed up over it that theV wired night lettergrams prepaid1 to this paper expressing their views These were published yesterday. The Dally News is not an issue in this election and neither is Its editor, and it Is extremely foolish as well as very bad taste for a eandldatr to go out of his way to express his spleen in the unseemly way he ha been doing here and elsewhere. It indicates a pettiness of mind whleh would' disqualify any person from holding an important position sutli as member for the riding. . i ; The Letter Box AM. I'AKTILS INCLUDED Editor, Daily News: i In the report of a sermon In yes-, tcrgia News' t rWtWW that' refe"r-ehce wti maae" tb that' tfoit or my letter of Saturday that spoke of -politic anil rdlgibus belief." I was" rplyihtd i. dfcfhilte statement marte In the Campaign Echoes of ; iSh previous day and referred to rWigiotls Beliefs Irf trie rttfrrower i cavim a flAnAr"ltia DAmanlBm Trn. ! UVIIVlllltj WlaMS.ia, av teeUntistti. Judlasm, Agnosticism and all the other Isms. The larger view of religion was set forth in "Christianity Is not a creed to be defended blit a quality of" lire to be livid.'' AfteY all a marl's life" rather thin his verbal profession reveals htk religion as in Matthew" ss: 31-46. Last week I crtUelzed Campaign Echoes for what I felt was not just tirterlrfhttHin. I note- a rhflrie and I' tatfe this odportuhlty to cotrttnend uie spienma spint eviaencea in tne last Issue dr two. What I said about "grot ifllsre presentation mid vilification of character" applies to rhittislinging by any party. May these last days of the campaign Be marked by hard woft if peed be, but by good will at any cost. Polities can be clean. Thank you. Mr. Editor for being so kind In publishing these letters C. D. CLARKB. MISTAKE OF SOCIALISM Bdltor. DUy News: Socialism makes the treat mistake of assuming that the crisis of the social system is due to the fact that property is privately owned. If la. Instead, due to the crisis of the state in Its relations with private! economy and to Its policy of non interference. The tauaffleiency of the ueeral- deniocraey to cope with modern" .iroblems is rapidly being revised by the forces of democracy. (See the action of Roosevelt and bis codes regulating Industry). The sew acfaocraUe femes of 0. C . of which Pattullo Is the major exponent, have provided the first instrument of our economic aalva-Uon In the proposed economic council in order to grapple with the un-mployed problem. Plank 1 of the new Liberal policy has all the ele-nents for working out a charter to egulaie production, distribution ind sonsumpUon m conformity with social needs. Socialism advocates the socialisation of the means of production ind exdianae and proclaims that hat is socially operated must be wclally owned. Such action means he suppression of private lnitur-ive and the confiscation of private roperty. They would be substituted by state planning, state management and state ownership. The present experienced executives now jijA'S4'50 ? mj Unusual Values in ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHERS Xpur choice of three Northern Electric Approved A B C Washers at new low atk; Model fi as shown above and Models C and P, the former with orer-slse tub and the latter, pump-equipped ... trill H the Mt electric washer op-portuntty of the year. Any one of these three sturdi-, handsome machines, ftSlfltt. W Um rT take the narVJ worK out of washday and "c- ml give you extra leisure hours. Each incorporates up-to-the-minute Improvement for guide and easy operation. SPKJCIAL PREMIUM LAUNDllV ll'AO AO e want you td db is SEE these great new A IJ 0 So. as n mctsl In-ducehteht. we offer a strongly made large capacity Laundry Bag worth $1.25 for IS cents te all coming In for a washer demonstration. Electric WASHERS NtftfteW British Columbia Power Company Limited f lie BEST Way to stop CONSTIPATION MtMng Ilk Fruit-a-th4 ajr With ooixtlpa-Man, Mr ttoaucli al oflkU ahd 1 trot lwuif hrl- Oulie IrrqiKailr I b4 arm ifelni In my lolnl. an 4 miMdM, Tli naleitrct w. vwr , . . .. drpmain. IwWJ, I Mt wrHthM thA I about to tic up met k. . Today my Uallh It turilrot and I .twrumlf ttl Hut Fraii- tiMfil,tyrd.sUtriMfi mWinslOf Uiaatwul. Ttijjr lom3 up mr aii . " . t'rult-a-tive$ all drug itore operating industry in Its varlbu branches wottta be substituted by professional J6lHiclans and political idven hirers, T) start wltlj. it would be ?ohtrbllel by equally unfit classes of HUrtahcrats whose sutfl woultt tit Wtfposed of eminent tech mcians Slid ejrttirt mathenutician such as V)Msworth and Irvin' who hare Mad such vast social experience In preachiiiK the gospel, o: the gtttldl Prttchard or Bwrnhby -iloriotts civic admtntstratlbn. The most 'Up-to-date trend ol political thought and action prd :lalms that there is no need to dls turb the pWsni ownership of the neans of production, that the pre sent executives now ope rat in industry are the Mst in trument of totiml welfare, tbcause they are operating It efficiently and at very low cost. The Economic Council pro josed In Plardt 1 of the new Liber. il Policy contains all the elements fn new deal. pirlcularly where it ipecifieally stales "to study .such questions as production and con nimptkxi, the number of hours of work per day and days of work net week, the standard of watte ntw ommodlty prices." OBSERVER Man in he Moon Section day is Thursday. Be sure ou vote early and often. Pattullo stock la up to around 400. iccordlng to mformation secured at he Federal Block Exchange. The editor asks me to thank Mr Rudder ham fbr advertising the Dally News' evryKere. He says he did not know be was a factor In the present election until Mr. Rudder-ham kept saying so everywhere he went. What a grand sad glorious time we are having! everybody in the district seems to be talking about the elections. Jake says that when anybody Jays anything about Rudderham or a guy in the south called Piitrhard the Seeseeheffs say they are mud-sl toting but when the C. C. F. orators attack the Lib., it's just erttl- rdsra. ' haw a hundred dollars. And I should like to bet, tot not a single taker here Can anybody get. iil C. C. F.'s are fearful, The reddest Red ate broke; I expect the man who meets my cash. Will be sorry that he spoke. - They were worth waiting for . , . You will say the same when you see and hear the New DE FOREST CROSLEY 1 Star RADIO at Kaien Hardware Drop in and see sample? ribvJ. Larger stock due In a few days' (2) 13) Mt () CL Sale Starts Nov. 1 at 9 a.m. November I :s: Theie are sorno exceptional v;i- lues m tntK line, vlvet. swe-dines, satin, felts, etc. Ewry hat in tore Q4 ffl to clear t7Xei7 9 Only Corduroy SUlU. slaes li to 18 QQ Q -reK values $55; dale Special vOJ9 6 Only Skirts, l.gitfabntin black navy and burgundy ; Special .. . . 81.95 Coats 3 only, Chinchilla's Ren valut s $12 95. S.il. Sp. . S8.95 Night School Classes My M r-r Silk Hwr Sal. aiw-cl.il mtuuL"ZlCZ'nmoh'r m'r Claaais rri the suojecu luted below are being arranaed sn uu to be held in Borden itr-t i-Ki i ,1.. : . r " cisjsss any nerson iSHJmr W owr oter. uTli.ZareTS designed for student, at present .funding schod". mH VoT who wish to extend their previous edocatMm: According to the regulations of tMs MaMia d. tixt. .. ; ,U" ,vtrm otstleantdh ttdwTtoii CMSSES: U'' 1SiI,ciNADIA- 'T1e A entree Je lahgSgc to tmproe tnvir knowledte of seiTSZ!Na AN? AcCo cg weekly.) Cour-u lh Elementary and Advanced IkMk-keeing I1U8INB8S BNQLlSIf AND AHITIIMifnO. Tw WMktf,) FHBNCH FOrt UEOINNBlW. fTlce th) APPtlED MECHANICS. (Cme wiMtHr i i i:i:si ,rom IM thJuBln er month wtU M chart! for ItlT.lHTItATION! register at any date previous betvtam tHa iU..dy .M . .a 7; at the dfflce of George L. Rorie. Vm&'SSrtln ' of t.he courses offered muy be obtains paniruiars Sale Starts Wednesday Nov. 1 sa tmiy in Mintiay Afternoon Models rejf. val. to $15.(k orlv HKtru winter weight blark navy etc . Special ia Only Fancy Sale Special st " a m Dresses! M Only in Flat, Kmini Jery, Etc.. rejr. QO Qff vain, to $12.95; Sim-. V.Jtl $4.95 S2.95 ars- 31.00 12 Only Whit Turtle Neck iMhuu with puffed Sleeves: IhseiaJ 35Pr Fabric Okm. V. Muwr fnwa grey, etc . all stm; 8be all colors, all nir $2.95 95c 49c Annettes Ladies Wear Co. Ltd. llOtEf, AURIVAL Central J. Uyeda. K Kawaguch) Pearce, Oceanic Cannery I'rlnre Itupert A . t . ... . - a lu. E F. W. CrtMtoM and P. W. Field.' Vancouver: E. Pearce. Oceanic 111; D, L Vaughan. Port Mo..d nrs Koval J"lihvii. H;i" (ii'iiville Sojr A. Mclver and F Corrai city.. O. Stewart. Lewis island OM Empress O. V Hanirv iui nmui... u. l a pjsseiii'.1'.' '!' mornliiK iir day trip t V COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed ' Uttlkley Valley iced to give av'' ton of No l pti k also sell Tim' v ! Oats an4 lW 1'rlnec ti)crt Feed Ca SI Phones Ml Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operstlm thrt ni, Shipbuilder- for Steel snd VTood 1 CMlW Iron and ineVtrlriandAretyl"' I'rf.torf Derrick fr "Tr Hs'wm Rep Vj ., SI -,..ttW'