m 4 PAGE FOTTK .TUJE DAILY NEWS Or Keep Feet Warm and Head Cool Heavy winter shoes are necessary to keep the feet dry and warm at this time of year. Unless the soles arc substantial, rubbers should be worn. HEREWITH Is a brief $ynopk of policy as laid down by the Liberal Tarty of British Columbia, in convention held In October. 1M2. Many matters of interust, not specifically set out, will require consideration. The principles enunciated are Indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and are broad enough to meet every question within provincial Jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an official organization for the purpose of formulating and furthering measures that will make for the well-being of each Individual member of society, and the welfare of society as a whole. Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character, can be properly treated only threuth the agency of government. Government is not an ordinary business, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic conditions, in order that not merely a few, but all f out people may live In reasonable comfort. The Liberal Party pledges immediate action under the beat available advice and closest study. August, 1693. T. D. PATTULLO, lPrafltebfc and permanent Employment Is the most Important question faelng our people. There should be co-operation between the national, provincial and municipal authorities and the Canadian banking system to establish the nmatmrj credit to carry out a broad programme ot constructive and useful wage-distributing public enterprise, and to further the health, education and well-being of all our people. An Etonomlc Council should be established, the membership pf which shall consist of representatives of the various avenues of endeavour, such as health, education, agriculture, labour and tlte industries. Tills council will be appointed by the government on recommendation of the Interests Involved, and will act In an advisory capacity to the govern men t. Amongst other things the council will study Industrial and social effort In the province and inmost means to correlate these efforts. It will familiarise Itself with intra, lnter-provinclal and foreign trade, and will co-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also study such questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours, of work per day and days of work per week, the standard of wages and commodity prices. Titese questions are of national as well as provincial concern, and llritlih Columbia can take the load in urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion as a, whole. National Unemployment Insurance should be eetabllshed upon a contributory basis. 2. Our Financial position mutt be reviewed. Current expenditure must be kept within current revenue. While maintaining the credit of the province, effort must be made to reduce capital barges. We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates of' lntfreet for money. 3, The Taxation Structure must be revised with view to reduction wherever possible, Including" exeinptten in the lower scale of wages and salaries. To insure perfect comfort and health a pair of Leckie's Shoes fill the bill exactly. They are strong, durable and smart. We carry a large stock and it will le no trouble to fit you. Come in and try a pair. CUT RATE SHOE STORE r Third Avenue Prince Kupert Mrs. 8 O Lawrerce arrived in eral Hospital The ambulance was Imperial Tot-ncco Co armed In the city on the Catala this morn- on hand to convey the patient the city on the Princess Norali ing from Stewart bringing her from the boat to the hospital yestercay. belrm on one of his per-daughter who will undergo an op- lodicaJ visits to the local Orotto eration at the Prince Rupert Geii- F W. Crawford, president of the Cigar store business A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy 4. The health of each of us fat Important to the whule community, and a measure-Of State Health Insurance should be made effective, not only to preserve health, but to reduce costs both to the average clttoen and to Industry. 5. A general and effective review must be made of the Educational problem, rejecting any proposed organisation that Involves a caste system. We must facilitate the Intellectual growth of each individual member of society in order to equip him for his dally tasks, and for the enjoyment of such cultural pursuits as may be In keeping with our social customs. ' Triangular disagreements between the school boards, municipal councils and the department of education must be adjusted, and our whole system placed upon a sound financial baste. 6 . The financial position of our Municipalities is of increasing concern. An equitable adjustment must be made as between the province and the municipalities, and the municipalities placed In a sound financial position. 7 An effort should be made to settle our Agricultural Lands in order that more of our citizens may be self-supporting. Agriculture as a, whole must be put upon a sound and profitable basis, and made capable of sustaining and directing Itself, in line with all other national, basic industries. 8. Continuous effort should be put forth to aist Industry in Marketer It products. In timber, agriculture, fishing, mining and. In fact, every operation where it appears that useful service can be rendered. 9. Our highways must be kept in good condition, both for the benellt of settlers and the tourist traffic, and expanded. as circumstances warrant. In this connection a Highway Hoard should be established to make for continuity of policy and to inspire confidence in Impartial treatment. 10. A Public Utilities Commission should be established. 11. A National Central Hank should be established. 12. Social Services, such as Mothers' Tensions. Old Age Pensions, etc.. must' be maintained. Abuses of administration should not be allowed, and injustice through mere technicalities should not be permitted. 13. -The Peace River must bo given. access to the Coast. 14. --In order that the utmost Freedom of Action by Members of the Legislature may be assured In respect ot questions before the House, It is Liberal policy that a government shall be considered to be defeated only upon a straight want-of-confldenee motion. 15-The Dominion Government will be asked to place the Province of British Columbia upon a basis of equality with the Other provinces, and to this end request wlUbe made for a Royal Commission to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Columbia has not been given Equality of Treatment with the Other Provinces of the Dominion. 10. There "shall be a permanent Voters' List to ensure that all eligible voters are enrolled. 17. The Leader of the Liberal Party Is given a free mandate to choose for his associates In government, men of character, ability and standing, having regard solely to the public Interest. HOOP PLAY IS OPENED C. N. H. A. Defeats Orotto Hut Ladles Furnish Most Excitement of Kveiilnc Senior League: C. N. R. A, 38; Qrotto. 16. Ladles' League: Comets. 14; Cardinals. 16. Intermediate Lmu: Mirh School. 16: Warriors. 33. Junior Leau: Trojana, 14 Flashes. 9. The league basketball season opened last night at the Moose Hall with four nice games, the ladles supplying the most exciting encounter of the evening. The Junior game between Trojans and Flashes was a little one-sided with Trojans having things their own way. 14 to 9. The Intermediate game between Warriors and High School opened cuuuously. the first naif ending 6 1 In the second half the Warriors went warring, the game ending 23-16. The ladies' game started one-sid ed with the Card tuns doubling the Comets score -4 In the second half the Comet started for town but mused the last car the score ending 16-14 for the Cardinals The Senior game was the fastest of the foHf with the Orotto taking an early lead over the HaUwaymen but losing it before half time when the score stood 19-15 In the se-1 cond half the C. N. machine clicked with the game ending M-90 m favor of the railwaymen. Individual scoring was as follows: . Senior League C N. R A Smith (1). Moirlson 3. Larable 3. Santerfaanc. miles lt. Johnson 13i tt. Orotto O tills (gi. oenrlen. Ratchfofd 9. Stalker. Pletee . McNultgr 16 Ladies' League Comets Bteen (3). McLeod. Tlte 3. Johnson u, smith 4, D4efc- ens i3 14 (Ordinals Lowe 4). Hoodie Kach (Si. Morris, Stone (Si. Rtvett -16. Intermediate League High sMtyool Nekamoto 16). Tl-bey. Moat ley 3. Snehiro. Santer-bane (. Davis. Miller. Morgan-16 Warriors Hickey. OUus (10. Burnett. Comadtaa 2, Ugenmbe. Pierce MO). Chrisuson S3. Junior League Trojans Lindsay . Haylor. Campbell. Hlrano . Currte. Hondo 14 Flashes -Palmer 7 McPhee, '3' Hill. Ritchie McMeekin Fulton Cromp 9 REGAL SHOP To make spare for our Xmii Stock now arriving, we will sell for one day only (Wednesday) MONARCH WOOLS S1.00 "TiT"- 90c "TSr" 95c S1.00 95C 4 for "TS 95c Takf tills opportunity prln-s ire urivaiiciiiK Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Deer rugs mounted in any style. Oame heads s specialty. All work guaranteed, first class, puna MADE UI Write For I'rlces E. Dfx, ruxi(!crmi8t Terrace, II.C. 3 PLlf The 19th roll ii fust at satisfying ai the first, if . you vol I with Ogden't Fine Cut. For Ogden's it always mild, cool, frog rant. ..the kind of tobacco that heads you straight down the fairway to real smoking enjoyment. P.S. -Be sure to use "Chanlecler" cigarette papers. There is no finer combination than Ogden's and Chantecler for any man who rolls his own. SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S FINE CUT Your Pip Una Ogdn'$ Cut Ftul Ch.irlr- (iian.im ,!i.ivtor it! mine f'.ur: (! .n. :!. Calal.i 'lu iihi: ', rip 8tew:ir' :. ''. .t it AYLMER WEEK SPECIALS j AYL.MLK ritOIIDCTS Are one of the best on the market and are recommended by us. Visit the Capitol , Theatre this week and see for your- self then call here for your re-1 qislreinents. j For one kbel from any AYLMLIt I'HOIiUCT a ml 6c we wM five you one (arte picture of Till: FAT 1 1 WIS OF .C0NFIUII1IIATI( FEATURING AYUII5R PRODUCTS TOMATOW-aVs s 2 tins TOMATOBO 2 s 3 tins PEAflHo 3 3 tins I'EAS-Ko. 4 2 tins . ... BlMNACH-Jhs 2 tins . WHOLXOHntf H4CANB 2 QQ 2 tins ........ TOMATO JinOt- 3 tins POKK At 1ICA)I-Tall 3 tins - HKD PLUMS 2 tins PBAH8-VS 2 tins 80UPB-Assorted 3 tins 25c 29c 43c 25c 41c Monday & Tuesday j TWO SHOWS 7 ti 0 ! Admslon 15c & 30c 25c I 25c 1 23c 39c 27c See Our Window Free delivery on all orders 32 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 517-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Hot 573 Phone 18 MacKENZIE'S Leather Top CARD TAIH.ES Wl 32.50 T ,v' ('onp)k'iim ami Linoleum Rujrs A . Fumiturt' :'.2T Tliitd A''iiiH' T'lkSDir HlMOf TWO HKILLIANT STARS IN THE GREAT AMEIlln f 1 r l nr .J Lionel Dairy more ana Miriam Hoi in THE STRANGER'S RFTFRV Willi l ANCIIOT TONE, STl'ART ERWIN A t.r .. kJ She Fled From the CHVs Scorn To Find Tr mplatim n 7 J Muucai 'Mouuic i nming oi uoiumnus xritrrv .V ul TOOMBSIJADIOSERVIQ Reliable and econun k .i v. pairing of all make ut ra i "jruarantwd" Phone: Blue The Fish which made Prince RuperlFam "Rupert Brand1 SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Dally lly Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill PRINCE RUI'KRT. H.f OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of tlte FUherman, IAfer, Miner HOOMK-JIS per month. 33 per week, 0c per nlfht SllOWlUt IIATIIK Third Avenue Phone 916 JIMMIK CICCONE NEW ROYAl HOTEL -A IIOMr AWATHO" HOME lUIrs II M .. t. til ' Pi.: I " ' ... o' r ' WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEED! V? charActcr wo tell It s sure to please you vcrv wen REPLENISHING PHONE US for nil ments ;u; !HU' .i PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's Leading Family Hotel Hot Cold Water in all Room A. J. PIUMHIOMMi; Prop. WatJIAL WINTBR RATES $11 Per Month and Up Ihitc filB Developing Printing Bend Ye r: Tl I'HOTO KIN" ' lUpltl Service Early. Ad. Copy is appW