NOW A WEDDING SHOWER JtaWeaV wear Mr thin or cittins jucm a tomv tMOWlK. SOS lucxr me think or CITTIN4 YOO I One Cent Coal Prices -Vs Boat Lump $12.50 'a s Host. KgK U'5.0 u .s RcHt Stove H'JjJ 11.50 .ua F.jrj; ' icknd Mar, licr5 loitrt 5.00 Wood, per cord G'00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 . UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8tamrt leave PrlncV Rupert for Vanooutef TSS. CATAI.A P,Vr!ltV TUESDAY. 1:30 P.M. 1 " ' mi) Falls, due Vancouver. Thursday P.M. TS. CAIlDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOIIT. f Vancouver Monday ain. .auini, to Pon Blmpwn Allc Arm. Anjot lllnre Hupe rt Agency : BerdnrJ Avenue'. "B. O." fatal fo romance! SMILM FADE. Swrfthc irts Wrlmt mere Stqtiaiat- bout B O " fV Take ra i4fcm: - porta are conatatitly nivink m odouccauaVi irU quart d.ily. Bthe resutarlv wflh hrftbuov. You'll node; IriAunJim lather. Notice; rodj bw rW it meUs. Ink pleasant, guicklv-iraiiiahins. hvnrnic area! telle vou LtfeWt il Jifrrrm rVirM onfiftart MlMLid- ..u.........,,. . I. I dMMLpartrinn( Urher purinV isd deodariree. purrs ejfcetivrly fi.iH "B.O." Kciauve (Crn frum Stenart d Him r ifujaiin retarding; all aallin and tirSeta a - rhbnr MIS CANADIAN PACIFIC Slrners leave Prince Rupi for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and 'ay Ports: p r i, Prlnreas i Adelaide, Fridays 10:00 p.m. VANCUUVF.II: direct: l'i Uiee.w Louise. Oct. 16. 35: Princess Nornh. Nov. 3 r- KfiTt illKAV, mtANOriu Jl)NxEArt and SKAOW.W. I'nncrss Louise. Oct. 12. 21; Princess Nornh. Oct. 30 lot Reservations ami" liifdrniaUoii VT. t. COATES, Ocrtfral Arent, Prlnre Hupr rt, B.C. If yur paper docs not arrive, telephone the office For a lovelier complexion F.very rih r mSkfJtrr litKrr intrt ' f rVl7 fti-1 rmtc. Wjh'i djll,jll lin (tin rlt.-, UtM l,j ra.ljnrr. TuII be Smart (1 inl .Irllffctr i. Commencej Wednesday, Novefnb'ef' 1st FOUR DAYS! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Bigger and Better Than Ever Ormes Ltd. ZTii Piontcr Druqtjists I he Keisll Store Phones: 81 ft 82 W J t'MWl.'iii. !. !u been on a Wi''k visit to his home atStew-irt. arrived from there on the Ca- ' :ala this morning and will proceed by tomorrow afternoon's train to jHasdton whence he will drive back to Barkervllle where he now makes his headquarters, being engaged In the transportation bUSl- , ness In the new Cariboo gold fields. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta rhone 331 ntr e.i. au.. on Ia l.n uii J1IC nuv. u iw wan. v o w Laldler. loMl rnanftger it !h" w H Ma! kin Oo.. after rrtaff-i v, the trip to Anyt atfrj Sfwnrt on comosuit business, re"- turned to the city on the CatsA where this moming. j Va eouver ' 1 Miss Lots SUiddy. who has been BRONCHITIS BANISHED AFTER 30 YEARS TORTURE Toe tmutaf cane oPIr. Tbomss GdL HamiHon, Oat., is the talk of evrryoM who knowt him. Ha complete reflef s)mot trom Braocbttii ol tfeuty yean i t rrxardH u not bine, abort o( a by friend and itrightrwrt invnagM UadMf Read wMi Mr. Gull : rom the time I wt a small boy ssatsf ibr age of thirty -two, I ai aevtr (? fr..m a harklns eougk nlckt sad risk U.dnn tnld me I was uffrrtsg ffssf rhrnnic bron hitia tkat tom Was d4 rvrmanrnl relief. Qsc da I saw Sfj' aiMTti emrnl for BCrKI.F.-S MIX-TI'RF. The word brondilti anoteid fif' attrntinn. I rMirrhaard bottle It (ave mr relief 1 hrjuvhl lm mntr mr S J. Jabour returred to the city on the Catala this morning from i -.irek s visit to Ahyox on insur-nre business' The Liberal Cantnuim Commit -e' will welcome S$ sotkkrUMon vowever small to helb meet Kir. j attupo's carhpalgh expenses r1ilch must be raises locally. tf A F Smith, who has been spend -some tim in the Xlle Arm dLtrirt where he has mining in terests, was a pwsser.rer aboard thei Crala this momihf return In t to O E OuII;k. lbeal manaeer of he swift Canadian Co.. returned :o the city cn the Catala thu n-'tni e after rriaVinf the round rn i Atr.-ox and Shewart onriom-):mv biiMliess. Announcements? The Little Clodhopper" Unite.. Church Nov. 3 and X Eagle.s panoe November 3. Presbyterian Baaaar .Vov 9. Nov. 9-10 Cathedral Drama; i gtoeiety presents 4 -Act ComMy "Oh Susan." Cathedral HaU. Moose Baaaar. November 9 and 10. Anglican W. A. Baaaar. Nov 18 Philharmonic November St. Society concert Pretcrftetiah Cftrifth Play "Con wqueneet" Hot. 34. W -A. Canadian Legion Baaaar EaRles Hall. Dec 5. Hogmanay Dance, QtKen Mary Chapter. December 29. bookings to the Old Country Iv Hull Faros to Scalionnl Lvor (linn ever before C RAlnrn I imile "s Unlr. vihim biixnv, w iriwiilliS Soiling Lists on Request For Information, call or write City Ticket Office, 358 3rd Avenue J'rlhce Itupert, B.C. V-hmi (j ii a d i FiM i 011 a I Friday. l&fr hm' if rfdrW 10! dttfe 3: M1r : Ooay wRSOtne. PStSf Adit-&mm saw m- ed this afternoM dtf fH Catalh for a trip to rtfcrW rfH el- in tne soutn. on a visit to her home at Ah-f Arm, returned to the city from the ndrtK on the (iatala this moming . J T. Harvey of the legal firm of WHMams. Mamonl Brown Si I&rvev sailetf this afternoon on the Calala for t trip to Vanenuwfr on prdfft-slonal business. . i Chkiies Chapman; ufirted Front candidate for Prince Rupert in the pnmeial election, is concluding, his campaign today by visiting Oigby Island and Inverness cannery. Mrs i. f . tittekftt. postmistress at Juneau, was a passencer aboard fugh Hi me completely That happenM the PrfMcess forah yesterday re- rrturwd " I turning to the Alaska Capital af- Bt-CKLEVS MIXTtRE wV glre r attle and eaawwhere1 you uie urae laotat rrbel from tke m uie soam rtranrlinf torture of Bronrhiti. and it art like a flsfk M to&. cold, or ik. Wbv not set a bottW May r Biidclry'i told everywhere, RrJme aaUtltvlea. Vnio.: steamer Catala. Capt. A E. Dteksm. returned to ' port at 15 this morning from a regular voyage to atewaft and other rtwth-ern pol -U and sailed this after noon at 1:15 for Vancouver and wiypolnts. Mrs T. Helierthai: whose hui- is a wen known offinai of the Alaska-Juneau mine, was a' passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday returni-g to the Alaska Capital after a trip to Seat tle and elsewhere in the south YOUNG Don't expert mint with Childress coldi... Treat them as your own mdlher did ttunttlly. No dos ingf Joat nib throat and cbttt wish . . lERS'V RELIABLE SERVICE Photic liluc 320 The most efficient service Is the more economical. Our new equipment is the latest ln servicing, assuring you the best work. Why not have a proper aerial. Estimates on antenna Installations chcer- : fully given. Superior Radio Service 33d SCcond Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Bos' 133 A. 6. BARTLETT C. If, INSULA NUER NOW VICTOR RAUIQ PERFORMANCE with TOM-LilE (dnlrol Thr S'(iv High Pbalc 6f Perfection Tpna-llte Control Is the newest Ranlt) de-wfloiH'ut raaBlinf you to visually tune tHb set sn nerfectlv that dUUirtirirf' IW- pHlrities" of ttthe arid interference arr1 automatically ruled out. It permits. thS eye to assist the ear In attaining- flawless operauon of the set at all tlniei Tona-ltt CdrltrtM Is srJ utterjy new dhd1 faWHriatmjf that yotf really" mttst &t It f yourself, Operitt ttii (fo44trol8. SEE anbf HEAR' this rnaryrtlottlf advai Eacterhoflel'tti WtdfCnew lini -f 9A&m atta ItStlio-recc '.nibinatldh is df b-. finer rftjririj . tie auWmr arid 1 net dftflifir Mb model' ycHr.dht surtd of the? ydtir morie. The' 28(1 $19.00 Ea"sy Terms rlHre for sMe'ls" fWiH1 &V lcr ?45.0fc Sdldf dH' rSsf rayVnnf PiarT. oMaSos.Jk Radio IlfacJijuarterj Per tile vdrlh asjisiMsjMsmas Classified Ads FOR SALE FURNITURE for sale. 3eodtJ Avenue. FOR RENT JUSES-F. W. Hart. m FOR RENT four-room bouse close ' ln Ui Ph0Pe 7' -1 NEWLY Renovated rabdem l&t, j wa4M aaww awadAJa) aAVH ws V f FOR RENT 3-rtwm modern apart I rr.ent. furnished'. Phone Red 997. 1 U LOST PIANO Cheap Savoy Hotd: 26 . LOST since Oct. 33, 8 or 9 foot j rJin)r.r-fruilt rbwheamt raainfcMr! Apply 311., grey, built by Turner, Vaaexra- 864 vef Finder pleaae pbone Oreeo t-HOO mdOeni. new bomi, ekoMf' in. cement foundation; furnace1. ! Pay like rent. Red 73d: tt 344. TRANSFERS BADMINTON RackedPorUe CAMERON'S TRANSFER- Furnl-Dalton adding ... Mt nfevlns. voM. eWn- chatrs -. 1 .! V USVatStft. WU. MA.m V4aaUJI . . . aiaiiu, airsrci tuiui v avun t. aksrs i faw 121 nAlRDRESSER PER5IAXEXT WAVING I ' Clditer Curl; Latest Styles .NSfe&N'S BEAUTY SJIOPPE PAINTERS ' ; HEATED Room for rent down totfti take motice tat', i. FOR RENT New bungalow. 2 .b,r? jSJt tsJmproTwn'nU- tt PA'IN'TINO and PaperHangtag LVt ClLtVrK MINERAL ClltlM trt If Irate r ImproirmrnU W. H. Uason. ; section, with of wifcbuf Ttg, Green 3i9. 3ftt UQf uming neccnter tot a ernui- FURNISHBD Hooskeepinf Rooms for rent. Will raofe yon in free. Phone 390. lm m J aw ot ls-arueBx (or aw patrpoa (ft otrtatotzw a crovn graot oi to ooM ctsssa AD ra-ibar sake ooCice Ut aetloa SKtloo H ol UK aODeral Art eommeoe-ti before the laauaJDC rooms, close m, naroor new. Furnace. T. McClymcott. ""J?" atrttaement Au- WANTED HELP WANTED tf r) WANTED Bed ln good condition. Phoi e Red 1ST. 33 HOW to get a Oovernment Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. LtcL., Winnipeg i Central Hotel American and urdpeah pAatf' Housekeeping Rooms VJ Also Sell Coal 'lM (lives Perfect' Satisfaction Phone 51 Fbr Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices w. c. aspiiXll d'.6. (Chiropractor) Green 341 Phones Green Ml itxchsnte Block Auction Sale of Household Furniture On Instructions received from the owner who is leaving Towti, for Mhvenierce sake I have daueed to be moved to Store formerly Occupied by w H. Monbibmery rd Avenue at 1st Street arid wfll sell $ Public Auction on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1 Cdmrrienrlrc at 3:13 pjri. sharp, the following: Upright Piaro and Stool; Walnut Dining Boom Suite; Ivory Bed rodhi' S'tlite complete: Axnilnster Carpets and Runners: 3 Wicker CHalrs: Sewlrtj Machine'; Majestic Range: Kitchen fable and Chain: 3 Beds with Ostermoor Mattresse's; Fireplace Fender: Folding Screens; Medicine Cabl. net: Engllslt' Mangle Sc Washer: lirlOtruni; Hall Stand: Plants: Crdckery; Glassware; Kitchen wart: Todls, arid other articles. TERMS CASH G. J. Dawes THE ACCTIOXElilt Phone Black W ter 31, 1933 .THE DAILY NZWfl itoa rasas V A SHOWER Or1 YlURSf ..and Ho it loi-iJtVcrfftV (VI H r WMT, DASUHS VOU'rfC CTIN1 ITIIHTAtWT SO7 HK..HSmrf;.iumv Hr CrlANBtO. MAlirT ittrf hia wrroK two wtrxt Oetl'HY MC CAST ANY tMt. HIUN? MAVt I OrriNOtD HIM 1 i VOO MAY MAVf MAOt THC SAM1 MIITAKI I 01 0 ONCl. NOV ft M0( CAsirVi, Aiduf '8.0 ifcv Tht OULAl IK? WITH Hrra'nnv i ur 9 ; Shower ru'i6 410 HELEN fta, TOLD Mf AldtT yHf I urtiuor..trrcfiso fEfj a , ClOSIOUlV.CtAV Hfl u Local nEws notes ttovlMldtt' BUS. lor Wallpape?. CHan, Palnf afftf Mujeseo. I Anyone wishing to find dul 'about their rante being on the vd1-jters' list phone 26, Pattallo CdnH mlttee Room. C C Mills returned to the eity or the Catalsi this morning alter making the rootid trip to Anyox and 8twart on busbies. fklT efWUnf ttm. due trorfl the EMt at 10 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. Thefft iMsW and wedding make ttifrjtf MMHjfliMDilK in "Th tf Little rftkflidftSS' TWfiSttfty arid' St am $1 i m 1 1 0